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suprememiners edited this page Nov 11, 2015 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the HQM wiki!

Let's see if the users and fans of this mod can populate a wiki to explain all the functions to newcomers and try and provide best practices for people that might know how to work it already.


So to start off with, Hardcore Questing Mode Mod (HQM) is a quest mod that facilitates the creation and play Minecraft with quest objectives.

Use of shortened down words will be used but should be explained before using them, hence the use of (HQM) earlier.

I hope this wiki is a help to people and I also hope that people will contribute their knowledge to it as well.


Creating with HQM (Creators)

  • Quest Book - The Basics
  • Quest Book - Creating Sets
  • Quest Book - Set Configuration
  • Quest Book - Creating Quests
  • Quest Book - Quest Configuration
  • Lives - The Basics
  • Reward Bags - The Basics

Using HQM (Players)

  • Quest Book - Navigation
  • Quest Book - Partys/ Multiplayer
  • Quest Book - Completing Quests
  • Lives - The Basics
  • Reward Bags - The Basics