This is a simple dropwizard-auth module using Basic-Auth + LDAP for authentication. This is the module internal tools at Yammer used to authenticate users.
Note: This module has only been subjected to the traffic of our engineering team. We have not used this to authenticate high-traffic or tuned the JNDI connection pool as such.
0.0.x releases will contain bug/security updates. 0.1.x and beyond will support 0.7+ dropwizard
LdapConfiguration configuration = new LdapConfiguration();
LdapAuthenticator authenticator = new LdapAuthenticator(configuration);
authenticator.authenticate(new BasicCredentials("user", "password"));
I assume you are already familiar with dropwizard's authentication module. You can find more information about dropwizard authentication at
Here is an example how to add LdapAuthenticator
using a CachingAuthenticator
to your service:
public void run(Configuration configuration, Environment environment) throws Exception {
LdapConfiguration ldapConfiguration = configuration.getLdapConfiguration();
Authenticator<BasicCredentials, BasicCredentials> ldapAuthenticator = new CachingAuthenticator<>(
new ResourceAuthenticator(new LdapAuthenticator(ldapConfiguration)),
environment.jersey().register(new BasicAuthProvider<>(ldapAuthenticator, "realm"));
new LdapHealthCheck<>(new ResourceAuthenticator(new LdapCanAuthenticate(ldapConfiguration))));
Make sure to register your resources. Example:
environment.jersey().register(new YourResource());
uri: ldaps://
cachePolicy: maximumSize=10000, expireAfterWrite=10m
userFilter: ou=people,dc=yourcompany,dc=com
groupFilter: ou=groups,dc=yourcompany,dc=com
userNameAttribute: cn
groupNameAttribute: cn
groupMembershipAttribute: memberUid
groupClassName: posixGroup
- user
- admin
- bots
connectTimeout: 500ms
readTimeout: 500ms
Check the Changelog for detailed updates.
For bugs, questions, and discussions please use the Github Issues