Release v2.1.0
Changed in v2.1.0:
- Updated black + isort + flake8 to ruff in #1256
- Exported version for Python in #1254
- Added pinocchio 3 preliminary support in #1253
- Updated CMake packaging in #1249
- Fixed ruff reported error in #1248
- Fixed yapf reported errors in #1238
- Tested Python stubs in Conda CI in #1228
- Fixed Rviz display in #1227
- Improved CI, updated cmake and fixed launch file in #1220
- Introduced a Rviz display in #1216
- Enabled display of thrust and simplied displayers code in #1215
- Introduced floating base thruster actuation model in #1213
- Fixed quadruped and biped examples in #1208
- Fixed terminal computation in Python models in #1204
- Fixed handling of unbounded values for
in #1191