Get simple and effective product reviews for your Reaction Commerce shop.
Product reviews are a core component of most e-commerce websites. Participating in building trust between merchants and visitors, they make for much higher conversion rates. When designed with compatibility in mind, product review plugins also allow for better SEO. In fact, when Google's crawler bot detects a page containing an AggregateRating
schema, it displays the rating value with stars under search results. Not only does this increase the website's PageRank, but it also simply convinces more visitors to choose your website over your competitors.
This plugin brings the power of product reviews to Reaction Commerce, with compatibility built-in.
Installing this plugin is easy!
- Clone it from the root of your project:
git clone imports/plugins/custom/loanlaux-product-reviews
- Reset Reaction Commerce:
reaction reset -n
- Run Reaction Commerce again:
Need help integrating this plugin into your Reaction Commerce project? Simply looking for a Reaction Commerce consultant? Want someone to train your team to use Reaction at its fullest?
Whether it is just a one-hour consultation to get you set up or carrying a whole project from start to finish, you can't go wrong by reaching out to me:
- (646) 968-0818 (United States)
- (647) 243-7378 (Canada)
- [email protected]
Pull Requests, Issues and Feature Requests are welcome!