A package to help interface with the Federal
There are two kinds of reports returned by this library.
One is a "full report", which includes all the possible queries from the API for a given carrier.
The other is a "partial report", which will include only some basic information.
returns partial reports, you should call the getFullReport
with the DOT number to obtain the full version.
You can check if a report is full or not by the full-report
property on the returned objects.
You will need to obtain a key from the FMCSA, you can do that here
use LoadPartner\FmcsaSaferApi\FmcsaSafer;
$apiKey = "xxxxx"; //your fmcsa safer API key
$svc = new FmcsaSafer($apiKey);
$svc->searchCarrierName('Trucks'); //returns a list of partial reports for matching carriers
// or search by exact DOT
$svc->getFullReport('1'); // returns the full report for a carrier based on DOT