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linesd committed Aug 23, 2019
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(C) Copyright 1999 - 2006, Carl Edward Rasmussen

Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, or modify these
programs and accompanying documents for purposes of research or
education, provided this copyright notice is retained, and note is
made of any changes that have been made.

These programs and documents are distributed without any warranty,
express or implied. As the programs were written for research
purposes only, they have not been tested to the degree that would be
advisable in any important application. All use of these programs is
entirely at the user's own risk.
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# Minimize [![Python 3.6+](](

This repository is a Python implementation of C.E. Rasmussen's [minimize]( function which finds a (local) minimum of a (nonlinear) multivariate function. The function uses conjugate gradients and approximate linesearches based on polynomial interpolation with Wolfe-Powel conditions. The user supplies a function which returns the function value as well as the partial derivatives with respect to the variables to be minimized.

- Tested for python >= 3.6

## Usage

Here the two-dimensional [rosenbrock]( function is used to show how minimize works. The function returns the function value and the partial derivatives with respect to the variables to be minimized.

Starting from initial conditions X0 = np.array([[-1],[0]]) and length = 100 "linesearches":

>> X, convergence, i = minimize(rosenbrock, X0, length=100)
X = array([[1.],

convergence = array([[ 1.04000000e+02, -1.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
[ 2.37965977e+00, -5.16910495e-01, 2.39153220e-01],
[ 2.32706339e+00, -5.24606889e-01, 2.70076996e-01],
[ 2.29625954e+00, -5.10173722e-01, 2.72781176e-01],
[ 1.81191347e+00, -3.05092426e-01, 6.01197093e-02],
[ 1.71447070e+00, -2.19978689e-01, 8.38263203e-04],
[ 6.91491002e-01, 1.87118858e-01, 1.74877000e-02],
[ 6.76960265e-01, 1.78542297e-01, 2.72217021e-02],
[ 4.89960939e-01, 3.46292785e-01, 9.48931429e-02],
[ 3.51192555e-01, 4.84116914e-01, 2.05204619e-01],
[ 2.54267052e-01, 4.96129750e-01, 2.48098759e-01],
[ 1.69404850e-01, 6.14217154e-01, 3.62918220e-01],
[ 1.16369088e-01, 7.14147306e-01, 4.91389897e-01],
[ 6.91860437e-02, 7.37951393e-01, 5.46845078e-01],
[ 4.18391999e-02, 8.13230887e-01, 6.53003913e-01],
[ 3.04624305e-02, 8.66986583e-01, 7.40365353e-01],
[ 1.13408338e-02, 8.96263305e-01, 8.05695260e-01],
[ 3.87028837e-03, 9.46723116e-01, 8.93072397e-01],
[ 9.20534056e-04, 9.86675590e-01, 9.70802928e-01],
[ 2.32598777e-04, 9.84776380e-01, 9.69692858e-01],
[ 2.17647876e-06, 9.99792629e-01, 9.99439237e-01],
[ 2.39305242e-08, 9.99883820e-01, 9.99777867e-01],
[ 2.08976920e-08, 9.99932591e-01, 9.99877974e-01],
[ 3.49850571e-09, 9.99940971e-01, 9.99881570e-01],
[ 1.46880712e-15, 1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00],
[ 3.28531626e-18, 1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00],
[ 1.09458505e-20, 1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00],
[ 3.45589993e-21, 1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00],
[ 3.44606626e-21, 1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00],
[ 3.38668373e-21, 1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00],
[ 2.51712978e-24, 1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00],
[ 4.43734259e-31, 1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00]])

i = 33

The minimum of the function occurs at X = [1., 1.] with a function value of 0 and is determined after 33 iterations. The convergence returned by minimize has the function values in the first column, and the parameters being minimised in the following D columns. If the length parameter is set to a negative value then the algorithm is limited by function evaluations rather than linesearches. The figure shows the result of the above minimization.

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import numpy as np
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) # suppress np.sqrt Runtime warnings

def minimize(f, X, length, args=(), reduction=None, verbose=True):
Minimize a differentiable multivariate function.
f : function to minimize. The function must return the value
of the function (float) and a numpy array of partial
derivatives of shape (D,) with respect to X, where D is
the dimensionality of the function.
X : numpy array - Shape : (D, 1)
initial guess.
length : int
The length of the run. If positive, length gives the maximum
number of line searches, if negative its absolute value gives
the maximum number of function evaluations.
args : tuple
Tuple of parameters to be passed to the function f.
reduction : float
The expected reduction in the function value in the first
linesearch (if None, defaults to 1.0)
verbose : bool
If True - prints the progress of minimize. (default is True)
Xs : numpy array - Shape : (D, 1)
The found solution.
convergence : numpy array - Shape : (i, D+1)
Convergence information. The first column is the function values
returned by the function being minimized. The next D columns are
the guesses of X during the minimization process.
i : int
Number of line searches or function evaluations depending on which
was selected.
The function returns when either its length is up, or if no further progress
can be made (ie, we are at a (local) minimum, or so close that due to
numerical problems, we cannot get any closer)
Copyright (C) 2001 - 2006 by Carl Edward Rasmussen (2006-09-08).
Coverted to python by David Lines (2019-23-08)
INT = 0.1 # don't reevaluate within 0.1 of the limit of the current bracket
EXT = 3.0 # extrapolate maximum 3 times the current step size
MAX = 20 # max 20 function evaluations per line search
RATIO = 10 # maximum allowed slope ratio
SIG = 0.1
RHO = SIG / 2
# SIG and RHO control the Wolfe-Powell conditions
# SIG is the maximum allowed absolute ratio between
# previous and new slopes (derivatives in the search direction), thus setting
# SIG to low (positive) values forces higher precision in the line-searches.
# RHO is the minimum allowed fraction of the expected (from the slope at the
# initial point in the linesearch). Constants must satisfy 0 < RHO < SIG < 1.
# Tuning of SIG (depending on the nature of the function to be optimized) may
# speed up the minimization; it is probably not worth playing much with RHO.

print("Minimizing %s ..." % f)

if reduction is None:
red = 1.0
red = reduction

S = 'Linesearch' if length > 0 else 'Function evaluation'

i = 0 # run length counter
is_failed = 0 # no previous line search has failed
f0, df0 = eval('f')(X, *list(args)) # get initial function value and gradient
df0 = df0.reshape(-1, 1)
fX=[]; fX.append(f0)
Xd=[]; Xd.append(X)
i += (length < 0) # count epochs
s = -df0 # get column vec
d0 = -s.T @ s # initial search direction (steepest) and slope
x3 = red / (1 - d0) # initial step is red/(|s|+1)

while i < abs(length): # while not finished
i += (length > 0) # count iterations

X0 = X; F0 = f0; dF0 = df0 # copy current vals
M = MAX if length > 0 else min(MAX, -length-i)

while 1: # extrapolate as long as necessary
x2 = 0; f2 = f0; d2 = d0; f3 = f0; df3 = df0
success = False

while not success and M > 0:
M -= 1; i += (length < 0) # count epochs
f3, df3 = eval('f')(X + x3 * s, *list(args))
df3 = df3.reshape(-1, 1)
if np.isnan(f3) or np.isinf(f3) or any(np.isnan(df3)+np.isinf(df3)):
raise Exception('Either nan or inf in function eval or gradients')
success = True
except: # catch any error occuring in f
x3 = (x2 + x3) / 2 # bisect and try again

if f3 < F0:
X0 = X + x3 * s; F0 = f3; dF0 = df3 # keep best values

d3 = df3.T @ s # new slope
if d3 > SIG*d0 or f3 > f0+x3*RHO*d0 or M ==0:
break # finished extrapolating

x1 = x2; f1 = f2; d1 = d2 # move point 2 to point 1
x2 = x3; f2 = f3; d2 = d3 # move point 3 to point 2
A = 6*(f1-f2)+3*(d2+d1)*(x2-x1) # make cubic extrapolation
B = 3*(f2-f1)-(2*d1+d2)*(x2-x1)
x3 = x1-d1*(x2-x1)**2/(B+np.sqrt(B*B-A*d1*(x2-x1))) # num. error possible, ok!

if np.iscomplex(x3) or np.isnan(x3) or np.isinf(x3) or x3 < 0: # num prob | wrong sign
x3 = x2*EXT
elif x3 > x2*EXT:
x3 = x2*EXT
elif x3 < x2+INT*(x2-x1):
x3 = x2+INT*(x2-x1)

while (abs(d3) > -SIG*d0 or f3 > f0+x3*RHO*d0) and M > 0: # keep interpolating

if d3 > 0 or f3 > f0+x3*RHO*d0: # choose subinterval
x4 = x3; f4 = f3; d4 = d3 # move point 3 to point 4
x2 = x3; f2 = f3; d2 = d3 # move point 3 to point 2

if f4 > f0:
x3 = x2-(0.5*d2*(x4-x2)**2)/(f4-f2-d2*(x4-x2)) # quadratic interpolation
A = 6*(f2-f4)/(x4-x2)+3*(d4+d2) # cubic interpolation
B = 3*(f4-f2)-(2*d2+d4)*(x4-x2)
x3 = x2+(np.sqrt(B*B-A*d2*(x4-x2)**2)-B)/A # num. error possible, ok!

if np.isnan(x3) or np.isinf(x3):
x3 = (x2+x4)/2 # if we had a numerical problem then bisect

x3 = max(min(x3, x4-INT*(x4-x2)), x2+INT*(x4-x2)) # don't accept too close
f3, df3 = eval('f')(X + x3 * s, *list(args))
df3 = df3.reshape(-1,1)
if f3 < F0:
X0 = X+x3*s; F0 = f3; dF0 = df3 # keep best values

M -= 1; i += (length<0) # count epochs?!
d3 = df3.T @ s # new slope

if abs(d3) < -SIG*d0 and f3 < f0+x3*RHO*d0: # if line search succeeded
X = X+x3*s; f0 = f3; fX.append(f0); Xd.append(X) # update variables
if verbose:
print('%s %6i; Value %4.6e\r' % (S, i, f0))
s = (df3.T@df3-df0.T@df3)/(df0.T@df0)*s - df3 # Polack-Ribiere CG direction
df0 = df3 # swap derivatives
d3 = d0; d0 = df0.T@s
if d0 > 0: # new slope must be negative
s = -df0.reshape(-1,1); d0 = -s.T@s # otherwise use steepest direction
x3 = x3 * min(RATIO, d3/(d0-np.finfo(np.double).tiny))# slope ratio but max RATIO
ls_failed = False # this line search did not fail
X = X0; f0 = F0; df0 = dF0 # restore best point so far
if ls_failed or i > abs(length): # line search failed twice in a row
break # or we ran out of time, so we give up
s = -df0.reshape(-1,1); d0 = -s.T@s # try steepest
x3 = 1/(1-d0)
ls_failed = True # this line search failed

convergence = np.hstack((np.array(fX).reshape(-1,1), np.array(Xd)[:,:,0])) # bundle convergence info
Xs = X # solution

return Xs, convergence, i
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from minimize import minimize
from rosenbrock import rosenbrock
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

# minimize rosenbrock
length = 100
X = np.array([-1, 0]).reshape(-1,1)
x, con, i = minimize(rosenbrock, X, length)

# Get rosenbrock data
X = np.arange(-1.1, 1.2, 0.05)
Y = np.arange(-0.5, 1.2, 0.05)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
XY = np.hstack((X.reshape(-1, 1), Y.reshape(-1, 1)))
N = XY.shape[0]; n,m = X.shape
Z = np.zeros((N,))
for i, xy in enumerate(XY):
Z[i], _ = rosenbrock(xy)
Z = Z.reshape(n, m)

# plot data
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')

ax.view_init(elev=45., azim=45)
ax.plot(con[:,1], con[:,2], con[:,0], '-r*', markersize=12)
ax.scatter(1, 1, 0, s=100)
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='viridis',
edgecolor='none', alpha=0.3, antialiased=False)
ax.set_xlabel('$X_{1}$', fontsize=20)
ax.set_ylabel('$X_{2}$', fontsize=20)
ax.set_zlabel('$f(\mathbf{X})$', fontsize=20)
plt.savefig('../img/convergence.png', dpi=200)
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from minimize import minimize
from rosenbrock import rosenbrock
import numpy as np

length = 1000
X = np.array([0,0,0]).reshape(-1,1)
x, con, i = minimize(rosenbrock, X, length, verbose=True)

print("Minimum at [%f %f %f] after %i linesearches" % (x[0],x[1],x[2],i))
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from minimize import minimize
from test.rosenbrock import rosenbrock
import numpy as np

length = -1000
X = np.array([0,0,0]).reshape(-1,1)
x, con, i = minimize(rosenbrock, X, length, verbose=True)

print("Minimum at [%f %f %f] after %i function evaluations" % (x[0],x[1],x[2],i))
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from minimize import minimize
from test.rosenbrock import rosenbrock
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# minimize rosenbrock
length = 1000
for j in range(2, 25):
for k in range(10):
min = np.ones((j, 1))
X = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=5.0, size=(j,1)) # random intialisation
x, con, i = minimize(rosenbrock, X, length, verbose=False)

if np.all(np.round(x, 7) == min):
print("SUCCESS for %i-D trial number %i after %i linesearches" % (j,k,i))
print("FAILED to find min for %i-D trial number %i after %i linesearches" % (j,k,i))
print("x: ", x.T)
y = np.arange(con.shape[0])
plt.plot(y, con[:,0])

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from minimize import minimize
from test.rosenbrock_with_args import rosenbrock_with_args
import numpy as np

length = 1000
X = np.array([0,0,0]).reshape(-1,1)
x, con, i = minimize(rosenbrock_with_args, X, length, args=(100,400), reduction=None, verbose=True)

print("Minimum at [%f %f %f] after %i linesearches" % (x[0],x[1],x[2],i))
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import numpy as np

def rosenbrock(x):
This function function returns the function value and partial
derivatives of the general dimension rosenbrock function, given by:
f(x) = sum_{i=1:D-1} 100*(x(i+1) - x(i)^2)^2 + (1-x(i))^2
where D is the dimension of x.
The true minimum of the function is 0 at x = (1 1 ... 1)
x : parameter of the function
f : function value
df : partial derivatives wrt x_i
D = len(x)
# function
f = np.sum( 100 * (x[1:D] - x[:D-1] ** 2) ** 2 + (1 - x[:D-1]) ** 2 )
# partial derivatives
df = np.zeros((D,1))
df[:D-1] = -400 * x[:D-1] * (x[1:D] - x[:D-1] ** 2) - 2 * (1 - x[:D-1])
df[1:D] += 200 * (x[1:D] - x[:D-1] ** 2)

return f, df

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