This repository contains an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Python project that focuses on analyzing and visualizing the Netflix dataset. The dataset consists of various attributes related to movies and TV shows available on the Netflix platform.
The main goal of this project is to gain insights into the content distribution, explore trends, and understand the characteristics of the content on Netflix. The dataset used in this project is also available in the file netflix_titles.csv.
- show_id: Unique identifier for each title
- type: Type of content (Movie or TV Show)
- title: Title of the content
- director: Director(s) of the content (may contain multiple directors)
- cast: Cast members (may contain multiple cast names)
- country: Country of origin
- date_added: Date when the content was added to Netflix
- release_year: Year of release
- rating: Content rating
- duration: Duration of the content (for movies: in minutes, for TV shows: in seasons)
- listed_in: Genre(s) of the content (may contain multiple genres)
- description: Brief description of the content