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Franky Van Liedekerke committed Dec 23, 2022
1 parent 1c01218 commit 7899089
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Showing 1,886 changed files with 389,859 additions and 0 deletions.
3,351 changes: 3,351 additions & 0 deletions changelog.txt

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1,281 changes: 1,281 additions & 0 deletions class-expressivedate.php

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1,819 changes: 1,819 additions & 0 deletions class-qrcode.php

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236 changes: 236 additions & 0 deletions cli_mail.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
if ( php_sapi_name() != 'cli' ) {
echo "This script needs to be run in in command-line mode only !!!! \n";

//In cli-mode
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
/** Set up WordPress environment */
if ( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/../../../wp-load.php' ) ) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../wp-load.php';
} else {
echo "This script needs to be run in wp-content/plugins/events-made-easy !!!! \n";
if ( ! function_exists( 'mailparse_msg_create' ) ) {
echo "This script requires the mailparse php PECL extension\n";

function help( $progname ) {
echo "Usage: $progname -d <email>\n";
echo "Or : $progname --groupid=<groupid>\n";
echo "-d <email>\tCauses the email to be forwarded to the EME group with the specified email address";
echo "-groupid=<groupid>\tCauses the email to be forwarded to the EME group with the specified ID";
echo "Optional provide --allowed_senders, to indicate specific email addresses that can send to the group (comma-separated) (by default everyone in that group can send to the group)\n";
echo "Optional provide --extra_allowed_senders, to allow extra email addresses to send to this group (comma-separated list)\n";
echo "Optional provide -f, to indicate the sender email. Normally this is extracted from the email, but programs like postfix can provide this already too and are more suited for email parsing\n";
echo "Optional provide --fast: by default the mails are queued inside EME and follow the general queueing rules, if you want these mails to be sent as quickly as possible add --fast\n";
echo "Examples:\n";
echo "$progname -d mygroup@email\n";
echo "==> will forward emails to group with matching email mygroup@email\n\n";
echo "$progname --groupid=3\n";
echo "==> will forward emails to group id 3\n\n";
echo "$progname -d mygroup@email [email protected]\n";
echo "==> will forward emails to group with matching email mygroup@email and allow only [email protected] as sender\n\n";
echo "$progname --groupid=3 [email protected],another@email \n";
echo "==> will forward emails to group id 3 and allow all people in that group to email to this group and also accepts [email protected] and another@email as senders\n\n";

function mailRead( $iKlimit = '' ) {
// Purpose:
// Reads piped mail from STDIN
// Arguements:
// $iKlimit (integer, optional): specifies after how many kilobytes reading of mail should stop
// Defaults to 1024k if no value is specified
// A value of -1 will cause reading to continue until the entire message has been read
// Return value:
// A string containing the entire email, headers, body and all.

// Variable perparation
// Set default limit of 1024k if no limit has been specified
if ( $iKlimit == '' ) {
$iKlimit = 1024;

// Error strings
$sErrorSTDINFail = 'Error - failed to read mail from STDIN!';

// Attempt to connect to STDIN
$fp = fopen( 'php://stdin', 'r' );

// Failed to connect to STDIN? (shouldn't really happen)
if ( ! $fp ) {
echo $sErrorSTDINFail;

// Create empty string for storing message
$sEmail = '';

// Read message up until limit (if any)
if ( $iKlimit == -1 ) {
while ( ! feof( $fp ) ) {
$sEmail .= fread( $fp, 1024 );
} else {
$i_limit = 0;
while ( ! feof( $fp ) && $i_limit < $iKlimit ) {
$sEmail .= fread( $fp, 1024 );

// Close connection to STDIN
fclose( $fp );

// Return message
return $sEmail;

$arguments = getopt( 'hd:f:', array( 'fast', 'allowed_senders:', 'extra_allowed_senders:', 'groupid:' ) );
if ( ( ! isset( $arguments['groupid'] ) && ! isset( $arguments['d'] ) ) || isset( $arguments['h'] ) ) {
help( $argv[0] );

if ( isset( $arguments['groupid'] ) ) {
$groupid = intval( $arguments['groupid'] );
$group = eme_get_group( $groupid );
} else {
$group = eme_get_group_by_email( sanitize_email( $arguments['d'] ) );
if ( empty( $group ) ) {
echo "Group doesn't exist\n";

$email_raw = mailRead();

$mime_resource = mailparse_msg_create();
mailparse_msg_parse( $mime_resource, $email_raw );
$structure = mailparse_msg_get_structure( $mime_resource ); // Ex. ["1", "1.1", "1.2"]
if ( isset( $arguments['f'] ) ) {
$from_email = sanitize_email( $arguments['f'] );
} else {
$from_email = '';
$subject = '';
$plain_contents = '';
$html_contents = '';
$on_behalf_of = '';
foreach ( $structure as $part_label ) { // Search among each e-mail part
$part = mailparse_msg_get_part( $mime_resource, $part_label ); // Parse a specified part
$part_data = mailparse_msg_get_part_data( $part ); // Get parsed part data, header and meta values
// the from/subject is in the first part
if ( $part_label == 1 ) {
if ( isset( $part_data['headers']['to'] ) ) {
$replyto = $part_data['headers']['to'];
$replyto_email = strpos( $replyto, '<' ) ? substr( $replyto, strpos( $replyto, '<' ) + 1, -1 ) : $replyto;
if ( empty( $from_email ) && isset( $part_data['headers']['from'] ) ) {
$from = $part_data['headers']['from'];
$from_email = strpos( $from, '<' ) ? substr( $from, strpos( $from, '<' ) + 1, -1 ) : $from;
$on_behalf_of = strpos( $from, '<' ) ? substr( $from, 0, strpos( $from, '<' ) ) : $from;
$on_behalf_of = trim( eme_sanitize_request( $on_behalf_of ) );
if ( ! empty( $on_behalf_of ) ) {
$on_behalf_of = '(' . sprintf(
/* translators: %s: original email sender name */
__( 'on behalf of %s', 'events-made-easy' ),
) . ')';
if ( isset( $part_data['headers']['subject'] ) ) {
$subject = eme_sanitize_request( $part_data['headers']['subject'] );
if ( empty( $plain_contents ) && $part_data['content-type'] == 'text/plain' ) {
$plain_contents = mailparse_msg_extract_part( $part, $email_raw, null ); // null for returning content
if ( empty( $html_contents ) && $part_data['content-type'] == 'text/html' ) {
$html_contents = mailparse_msg_extract_part( $part, $email_raw, null ); // null for returning content
if ( ! empty( $plain_contents ) && ! empty( $html_contents ) ) {
// we now have the needed info, so quit the loop
mailparse_msg_free( $mime_resource );
if ( ! eme_is_email( $from_email ) || ! eme_is_email( $replyto_email ) || empty( $subject ) || ( empty( $plain_contents ) && empty( $html_contents ) ) ) {

$names_emails = eme_get_groups_person_massemails( $group['group_id'] );
// empty list of emails? Then do nothing
if ( empty( $names_emails ) ) {

$emails = array();
foreach ( $names_emails as $entry ) {
$emails[] = $entry['email'];

// if only a specific sender is allowed, check it
if ( isset( $arguments['allowed_senders'] ) ) {
$senders = explode( ',', $arguments['allowed_senders'] );
if ( ! in_array( $from_email, $senders ) ) {
} elseif ( isset( $arguments['extra_allowed_senders'] ) ) {
$extra_senders = explode( ',', $arguments['extra_allowed_senders'] );
if ( ! in_array( $from_email, $emails ) && ! in_array( $from_email, $extra_senders ) ) {
} elseif ( ! in_array( $from_email, $emails ) ) {

// ok, conditions met, send it
$eme_rsvp_send_html = get_option( 'eme_rsvp_send_html' );
if ( $eme_rsvp_send_html ) {
$body = ( ! empty( $html_contents ) ) ? $html_contents : $plain_contents;
$mail_text_html = 'html';
} else {
$body = ( ! empty( $plain_contents ) ) ? $plain_contents : $html_contents;
$mail_text_html = 'text';

// empty subject/body? Then exit
if ( empty( $subject ) || empty( $body ) ) {

// now create the mailing
$mailing_name = "Forwarding mail from $from_email to $replyto_email to group " . $group['name'];
$conditions = array(
'eme_genericmail_send_peoplegroups' => $group['group_id'],
'action' => 'genericmail',

if ( get_option( 'eme_mail_force_from' ) ) {
// by setting the from address to the forced address, we avoid the sender name from being changed in eme_queue_mail later on (which is needed in this case, to keep the "on behalf of"
$from_email = get_option( 'eme_mail_sender_address' );
} else {
$from_email = $replyto_email;

$mailing_id = eme_db_insert_ongoing_mailing( $mailing_name, $subject, $body, $from_email, $group['name'] . $on_behalf_of, $replyto_email, $group['name'], $mail_text_html, $conditions );
// even if we fail to create a mailing, we'll continue
if ( ! $mailing_id ) {
$mailing_id = 0;
foreach ( $names_emails as $entry ) {
$person_name = eme_format_full_name( $entry['firstname'], $entry['lastname'] );
if ( isset( $arguments['fast'] ) ) {
eme_queue_fastmail( $subject, $body, $from_email, $group['name'] . $on_behalf_of, $entry['email'], $person_name, $replyto_email, $group['name'], $mailing_id );
} else {
eme_queue_mail( $subject, $body, $from_email, $group['name'] . $on_behalf_of, $entry['email'], $person_name, $replyto_email, $group['name'], $mailing_id );

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions credits.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
For the icon and banner, I gladly give credit to Jan-Thijs Tempelman

The icon is based on work from:

Fondy code has been provided by Alexander Mankuta <[email protected]>

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