Haplotype-based Bulked segregant analysis
- Introduction
- Requirements
- Usage of hapBSA
- Quick start
- Format of input file
- Format of output file
- Step by step tutorial (docker)
- Plot hapBSA result
- Citation
hapBSA, a haplotype-based bulked segregant analysis tool for QTL mapping in half-sib populations/F1 population of outcross species. HapBSA uses maternal haplotype information to phase the short reads of the two sample pools and focuses on calculating the frequency bias of maternal haplotypes between two sample pools.
SAMtools v1.16.1 or higher
BWA v0.7.17-r1188 or higher
Hisat2 v2.2.1 or higher
Whatshap v1.7 or higher
Perl module Parallel::ForkManager v2.03
Perl module List::Util
scripts/hapBSA_V4.pl -OPTIONS VALUES
--input options
-1 FILE bam file of pool1
-2 FILE bam file of pool2
-p FILE hap file
-r REFGENOME reference genome for mapping
--sub progrem
-e SCRIPT path of separating_reads_by_haplotype.binarySearch.hapBSA.block.pl
-m SCRIPT path of snpMapper_sub.pl
--output options
-o PREFIX prefix of output file
--criteria options
-w INT window length (bp) [default: 1000000]
-s INT window step (bp) [default: 600000]
-d INT minimum depth for calculating SNP-index [default: 10]
-D INT minimum phased read numbers of a window [default: 50]
-N INT minimum read numbers of hap block [default: 12]
-n INT minimum numbers of phased snps for a read [default: 3]
--perfromanat options
-a INT cpus cores used for the analysis [default: 10]
perl scripts/hapBSA_V4.pl \
-1 pool1.bam \
-2 pool2.bam \
-p haplotype.txt \
-r reference.fa \
-e scripts/separating_reads_by_haplotype.binarySearch.hapBSA.block.pl \
-m scripts/snpMapper_sub.pl \
-o output_prefix
Before starting, please ensure that the required tools are correctly installed and added to the $PATH to run this tool.
Example of 'haplotype.txt' file:
chr1 36142 A C 36142
chr1 36243 T C 36142
chr1 36315 A G 36142
chr1 36316 A T 36142
chr1 36333 C A 36142
chr1 36335 C G 36142
chr1 78839 A G 78839
chr1 78884 C T 78839
chr1 126320 G T 126320
chr1 126404 T C 126320
chr1 126432 C A 126320
chr1 139327 C T 139327
chr1 139365 T C 139327
chr1 255193 G A 255193
chr1 255936 C T 255936
chr1 256020 T A 255936
The columns indicate:
- chromosome ID
- SNP position
- haplotype A
- haplotype B
- haplotype block
Notice: The haplotype block (column 5) is optional if your haplotype information is obtained using PollenSeq or other chromosome-level phasing methods.
'haplotype.txt' can be transfered by 'get_phased_SNP_from_whatshap.pl' from phased VCF file generated from whatshap
perl scripts/get_phased_SNP_from_whatshap.pl whatshap.vcf haplotype.txt
The output file of hapBSA will be named as ${output_prefix}.hapBSA.sliding_window.txt
chr1 4100000 0.65752997002997 0.1223 0.0909 0.4772 0.3689 0.2366 0.1418
chr1 4700000 0.65752997002997 0.0537 0.0712 0.4620 0.3531 0.2199 0.1288
chr1 5300000 NA 0.0283 0.0641 0.4985 0.3847 0.2555 0.1524
chr1 5900000 NA 0.0743 0.0591 0.4998 0.3828 0.2574 0.1509
chr1 6500000 NA 0.0695 0.0740 0.4817 0.3709 0.2389 0.1417
chr1 7100000 NA 0.0433 0.0826 0.4650 0.3566 0.2229 0.1312
chr1 7700000 NA -0.0028 0.0643 0.4654 0.3572 0.2228 0.1312
The columns are:
- chromosome ID
- sliding window position
- hap-index
- SNP-index
- ED4
- 0.01 threshold for hap-index/SNP-index
- 0.05 threshold for hap-index/SNP-index
- 0.01 threshold for ED4
- 0.05 threshold for ED4
Notice: Hap-index < 0 indicates the frequency of hap A in pool1 < frequency of hap A in pool2. This is only meaningful if the haplotypes are chromosome-level phasing.
# set the working directory to 'hapBSA_Dir'
mkdir -p hapBSA_Dir/{00parent_bam,01pool_bam,02parent_SNP,parent_tmpdir}
export HAPBSA_DIR=`realpath hapBSA_Dir`
# download test data
wget https://figshare.com/ndownloader/files/51266927 -O ->> hapBSA_test_data.gz
tar zxf hapBSA_test_data.gz
mv maternal_fq pool_fq test_genome $HAPBSA_DIR
Three directories, 'maternal_fq', 'pool_fq' and 'test_genome', will be generated after this step, and containing fastq files of meternal accession, fastq files of the two sample pools and a fasta file of test genome, respectively.
# you can find a Dockerfile in https://github.com/zwycooky/hapBSA, and use it to build a docker container
docker build -t hapbsa-container .
If your network connection is unstable, some errors may occur. Please retry the command 'docker build -t hapbsa-container .' until the Docker container is successfully built.
## rename the seq id of test.genome.fa.
sed -i 's/lg1:1-30000000/chr1/' ${HAPBSA_DIR}/test_genome/test.genome.fa
## build index for reference genome
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/test_genome/:/input hapbsa-container bwa index /input/test.genome.fa
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/test_genome/:/input hapbsa-container samtools faidx /input/test.genome.fa
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/test_genome/:/input hapbsa-container samtools dict -o /input/test.genome.dict /input/test.genome.fa
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/test_genome/:/input hapbsa-container hisat2-build /input/test.genome.fa /input/test.genome.fa
## mapping parent reads to reference genome
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/test_genome/:/genome \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/maternal_fq/:/input \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/00parent_bam/:/output hapbsa-container \
02_mapit.pl \
-1 /input/mat.pair1.fq.gz \
-2 /input/mat.pair2.fq.gz \
-f /genome/test.genome.fa \
-b /genome/test.genome.fa \
-p 10 \
-o /output/parent
## mapping pool1 and pool2 reads to reference genome (RNA-seq)
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/test_genome/:/genome \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/pool_fq/:/input \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/01pool_bam/:/output hapbsa-container \
hisat2.pl \
/genome/test.genome.fa \
/input/ \
10 \
## SNP calling of parent using GATK
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/00parent_bam:/input/ \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/parent_tmpdir:/tmpdir/ \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/02parent_SNP:/output/ \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/test_genome/:/genome/ \
hapbsa-container SNP_caller.pl /input/ /tmpdir/ /output/ /genome/test.genome.fa 10
## merge SNP calling results
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/parent_tmpdir:/tmpdir/ \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/02parent_SNP:/output/ \
hapbsa-container merge_split_vcf.pl /tmpdir/PASS.vcf.list /output/Parent_merged.vcf
## phasing SNPs using whatshap
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/02parent_SNP:/input/ \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/test_genome:/genome/ \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/00parent_bam:/bam/ \
hapbsa-container whatshap phase --ignore-read-groups \
-o /input/parent.whatshap.ngs.phased.vcf \
--reference=/genome/test.genome.fa \
/input/Parent_merged.vcf \
## format phased SNPs from whatshap
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/02parent_SNP:/input/ \
hapbsa-container get_phased_SNP_from_whatshap.pl \
/input/parent.whatshap.ngs.phased.vcf \
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/01pool_bam:/pool_bam/ \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/02parent_SNP:/snp/ \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}/test_genome:/genome/ \
-v ${HAPBSA_DIR}:/output/ \
hapbsa-container hapBSA_V4.pl \
-1 /pool_bam/A.sorted.bam \
-2 /pool_bam/B.sorted.bam \
-p /snp/parent.whatshap.ngs.phased.txt \
-e separating_reads_by_haplotype.binarySearch.hapBSA.block.pl \
-m snpMapper_sub.pl \
-o /output/test.hapBSA
Rscript scripts\hapBSA_plot_cmdArg.R example_file\11_87864065_ngs_block.hapBSA.sliding_window.txt example_plot.pdf
'11_87864065_ngs_block.hapBSA.sliding_window.txt' is an example file of output of hapBSA.
Notice: Before you run this Rscript you need to transfer the chromosome id into numbers (e.g. chr12 -> 12) and remove unanchored contig/scafford in the output of hapBSA.