BLOGIT is a blog where individuals, organizations or groups can post editorials and articles about any and every thing for other interested people to read and give their feedback.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Clone the repository into your local machine. Ensure that you have an IDE with support for ASP.NETCORE 3.1 and X-unit Test e.g Visual Studio 2019
From your terminal enter
git clone
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Open the project on your integrated development environment
Build the solution
ctrl + shift + B on Visual Studio
And then run the project
ctrl + f5 on Visual Studio
you should see this page when you view.
Attach image
This project is congfigured with github actions for continuous integration and delivery, so tests run automatically when a pull request is created. However, if you have the project on your local machine you can run the test using your IDE's test explorer. The tests are meant to ensure that all codes integrated into the project are working correctly and without bugs.
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system This project has already been deployed on the Heroku server. However to deploy it from your local machine, go through the following steps;
- Dropwizard - Download and install docker
- Steps-Dockerize the image,
- Heroku - Sign-up to heroku and create an app
- Steps - Host on heroku
Find the well detailed documentation of this project here.
Contributions are not allowed for this project for the time being. Thank you for your intrest.
- Akpaka Chibuikem Rowland
- Adebimpe Peter
- Okereke Chukwuemeka John
- Mr Francis .Net developer and Decagon C# stack lead
- Decagon C# stack associates Squad006