Comply to the european cookie law. Inspired by AmauriC/tarteaucitron.js
The european cookie law regulates the management of cookies and you should ask your visitors their consent before exposing them to third party services.
Clearly this script will:
- Disable all services by default,
- Display a banner on the first page view and a small one on other pages,
- Display a panel to allow or deny each services one by one,
- Activate services on the second page view if not denied,
- Store the consent in a cookie for 365 days.
The prebuilt CSS/JS files can be found in the build folder.
To add the GDPR banner you need to add these lines at the end of the <head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="gdpr-consent.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="gdpr-consent.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
hashtag: "#tarteaucitron" /* Open the panel with this hashtag */,
cookieName: "tarteaucitron" /* Cookie name */,
timeExpire: 31536000000 /* Cookie expiration time */,
acceptAllCta: true /* Show the accept all button*/,
moreInfoLink: true /* Show more info link */,
mandatory: false /* Don't show a message about mandatory cookies */,
preferLocalStorage: true /* Use the localStorage to save responses if it's available */,
websiteName: "Les Jours" /* The name of the Website */,
siteDisclaimerTitle: "« Le site qui raconte l’actualité en séries »" /* A title for the disclaimer message */,
siteDisclaimerMessage: '<i>Les Jours</i> sont un média <a href="/les-jours-c-quoi/">indépendant et sans pub</a>.', /* The content of the disclaimer message */,
You can then configure your services by adding these lines at the end of the <body>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Initialize gdprconsent.js job array */
GDPRConsent.job = GDPRConsent.job || [];
/* Add Google Tag Manager */
GDPRConsent.user.googletagmanagerId = "GTM-P5GRMRT";
/* Add Google Analytics (gtag.js) */
GDPRConsent.user.googleanalyticsUa = "UA-59581990-1";
GDPRConsent.user.googleanalyticsInitOptions = {
send_page_view: false,
optimize_id: "GTM-W4WVC25",
/* Add Socials Sharing Services : Twitter & Facebook */
window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
FB.init({ appId: "1716167151957741", status: true, version: "v3.0" });
/* Add Ads Services : Facebook Pixel */
GDPRConsent.user.fbPixelId = "1415993661766511";
/* Add Vidéos : Vimeo & YT */
/* Add Sign-in with */
/* Add Subscribe with Google */
You can also use this module with you own bundler.
You can change the style of the banner with these variables.
$gdprcst-font-family-title: "Archer SSm A", "Archer SSm B", "Helvetica Neue",
Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
$gdprcst-font-family-text: "proxima-nova", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial,
$gdprcst-color-light: #fff;
$gdprcst-color-dark: #414141;
$gdprcst-color-mid: #c83e2c;
$gdprcst-shadow-color: rgba(87, 87, 87, 0.25);
@import "node_modules/gdpr-consent/src/css/main";
You can use the GDPRConsent.withLanguages
& GDPRConsent.withServices
to change the available set of languages & services.
These methods allow you to create custom builds of this module with more or less elements.
import { GDPRConsent, languages, services } from "gdpr-consent";
// Load languages
const { getLanguages } = languages;
// Load services
const { twitter, facebook, youtube, vimeo } = services;
GDPRConsent.withServices((gdprConsentUser) => {
return {
twitter: twitter(gdprConsentUser),
facebook: facebook(gdprConsentUser),
youtube: youtube(gdprConsentUser),
vimeo: vimeo(gdprConsentUser),