An air hockey 2D game made in Unity, where each player controls a striker with their mobile devices. There's also the possiblity to save at any time the game information to a CSV file, which exports to CSV's one for each player in the session.
Based on Thomas Fredericks - UnityOSC.
Code-object association:
2 Emptys (OSC Receivers) - OSC.cs, with a port for each player
2 Images (Players) - oscTeste.cs
2 Box Colliders (Goals) - baliza.cs
1 Image (Puck) - bola.cs
This are the minimum requirements for the project to work.
In the DataAnalysis folder, there's data captured from several games and a Jupyter Notebook with most of the data.
Time.time PlayerName
accelerometerRawX accelerometerRawY
playerPosX playerPosY playerVelocity
puckPosX puckPosY puckVelocity
scoreBlue scoreRed
Troubleshooting: If using W10 and neither of the players is moving try turning off the 'Public Network' firewall.