This is an authtication system project. User can sign up, log in the account and update the username and password.
Please make sure your node.js version is up-to-date(20.X.X):
If there is no 'next' in local device, open terminal and run: npm install next
Clone the repository
git clone
Run the application:
- Open the terminal and run:
cd authapp
npm run dev - Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000
Sign up
Click Sign Up to the resgister page.
Fill in username/email/password and checkbox(user is at least 18 years old) and click Sign Up
Log in
After signing up, the account'data was post to mongoDB.
User can fill in the email and password, click Login to log in.
User can see the homepage after login.
Update profile and change password
Click Profile Page button to the profile page
User can change username by filling in new username.
User can change password by filling in password and comfirm password.
(User must fill in the same email as they log in)
Click update to put the new username and password to mongoDB. (User must fill in all blanks)
Click Home Page to back to home page and click Sign out to back to login page.
User can log in with the new password. -
Validate input
All data enter by user will be validated.
For example, the system will warn user if they enter wrong email and password in login page.
Here is another example, the system will warn user if they keep the blank empty or they enter different password and comfirm password.
For any inquiries, please contact [email protected].