yii2 editor froala
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
composer require --prefer-dist lengnuan-v/yii2-editor "dev-master"
or add
"lengnuan-v/yii2-editor": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by :
<?= lengnuan\editor\EditorWidget::widget([
'name' => 'content',
'options' => [
// html attributes
'clientOptions' => [
'toolbarInline'=> false,
'theme' =>'royal', //optional: dark, red, gray, royal
'language'=>'en_gb' // optional: ar, bs, cs, da, de, en_ca, en_gb, en_us ...
]); ?>
or use with a model:
<?= lengnuan\editor\EditorWidget::widget([
'model' => $model,
'attribute' => 'content',
'options' => [
// html attributes
'clientOptions' => [
'toolbarInline' => false,
'theme' => 'royal', //optional: dark, red, gray, royal
'language' => 'en_gb' // optional: ar, bs, cs, da, de, en_ca, en_gb, en_us ...
]); ?>