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feat: add Int.Linear normalization support (#7000)
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This PR adds helper theorems for justifying the linear integer
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leodemoura authored Feb 8, 2025
1 parent dd293d1 commit f6c5aed
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Showing 3 changed files with 295 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/Int.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ import Init.Data.Int.LemmasAux
import Init.Data.Int.Order
import Init.Data.Int.Pow
import Init.Data.Int.Cooper
import Init.Data.Int.Linear
212 changes: 212 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/Int/Linear.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
Copyright (c) 2025, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura
import Init.ByCases
import Init.Data.Prod
import Init.Data.Int.Lemmas
import Init.Data.Int.LemmasAux
import Init.Data.RArray

namespace Int.Linear

/-! Helper definitions and theorems for constructing linear arithmetic proofs. -/

abbrev Var := Nat
abbrev Context := Lean.RArray Int

def Var.denote (ctx : Context) (v : Var) : Int :=
ctx.get v

inductive Expr where
| num (v : Int)
| var (i : Var)
| add (a b : Expr)
| sub (a b : Expr)
| mulL (k : Int) (a : Expr)
| mulR (a : Expr) (k : Int)
deriving Inhabited

def Expr.denote (ctx : Context) : Expr → Int
| .add a b => Int.add (denote ctx a) (denote ctx b)
| .sub a b => Int.sub (denote ctx a) (denote ctx b)
| .num k => k
| .var v => v.denote ctx
| .mulL k e => Int.mul k (denote ctx e)
| .mulR e k => Int.mul (denote ctx e) k

inductive Poly where
| num (k : Int)
| add (k : Int) (v : Var) (p : Poly)
deriving BEq, Repr

def Poly.denote (ctx : Context) (p : Poly) : Int :=
match p with
| .num k => k
| .add k v p => Int.add (Int.mul k (v.denote ctx)) (denote ctx p)

def Poly.addConst (p : Poly) (k : Int) : Poly :=
match p with
| .num k' => .num (k+k')
| .add k' v' p => .add k' v' (addConst p k)

def Poly.insert (k : Int) (v : Var) (p : Poly) : Poly :=
match p with
| .num k' => .add k v (.num k')
| .add k' v' p =>
bif Nat.blt v v' then
.add k v <| .add k' v' p
else bif Nat.beq v v' then
if Int.add k k' == 0 then
.add (Int.add k k') v' p
.add k' v' (insert k v p)

def Poly.norm (p : Poly) : Poly :=
match p with
| .num k => .num k
| .add k v p => (norm p).insert k v

def Expr.toPoly' (e : Expr) :=
go 1 e (.num 0)
go (coeff : Int) : Expr → (Poly → Poly)
| .num k => bif k == 0 then id else (Poly.addConst · (Int.mul coeff k))
| .var v => (.add coeff v ·)
| .add a b => go coeff a ∘ go coeff b
| .sub a b => go coeff a ∘ go (-coeff) b
| .mulL k a
| .mulR a k => bif k == 0 then id else go (Int.mul coeff k) a

def Expr.toPoly (e : Expr) : Poly :=

inductive PolyCnstr where
| eq (p : Poly)
| le (p : Poly)
deriving BEq, Repr

def PolyCnstr.denote (ctx : Context) : PolyCnstr → Prop
| .eq p => p.denote ctx = 0
| .le p => p.denote ctx ≤ 0

def PolyCnstr.norm : PolyCnstr → PolyCnstr
| .eq p => .eq p.norm
| .le p => .le p.norm

inductive ExprCnstr where
| eq (p₁ p₂ : Expr)
| le (p₁ p₂ : Expr)
deriving Inhabited

def ExprCnstr.denote (ctx : Context) : ExprCnstr → Prop
| .eq e₁ e₂ => e₁.denote ctx = e₂.denote ctx
| .le e₁ e₂ => e₁.denote ctx ≤ e₂.denote ctx

def ExprCnstr.toPoly : ExprCnstr → PolyCnstr
| .eq e₁ e₂ => .eq (e₁.sub e₂).toPoly.norm
| .le e₁ e₂ => .le (e₁.sub e₂).toPoly.norm

attribute [local simp] Int.add_comm Int.add_assoc Int.add_left_comm Int.add_mul Int.mul_add
attribute [local simp] Poly.insert Poly.denote Poly.norm Poly.addConst

theorem Poly.denote_addConst (ctx : Context) (p : Poly) (k : Int) : (p.addConst k).denote ctx = p.denote ctx + k := by
induction p <;> simp [*]

attribute [local simp] Poly.denote_addConst

theorem Poly.denote_insert (ctx : Context) (k : Int) (v : Var) (p : Poly) :
(p.insert k v).denote ctx = p.denote ctx + k * v.denote ctx := by
induction p <;> simp [*]
next k' v' p' ih =>
by_cases h₁ : Nat.blt v v' <;> simp [*]
by_cases h₂ : Nat.beq v v' <;> simp [*]
by_cases h₃ : k + k' = 0 <;> simp [*, Nat.eq_of_beq_eq_true h₂]
rw [← Int.add_mul]
simp [*]

attribute [local simp] Poly.denote_insert

theorem Poly.denote_norm (ctx : Context) (p : Poly) : p.norm.denote ctx = p.denote ctx := by
induction p <;> simp [*]

attribute [local simp] Poly.denote_norm

private theorem sub_fold (a b : Int) : a.sub b = a - b := rfl

attribute [local simp] sub_fold
attribute [local simp] ExprCnstr.denote ExprCnstr.toPoly PolyCnstr.denote Expr.denote

theorem Expr.denote_toPoly'_go (ctx : Context) (e : Expr) :
(toPoly'.go k e p).denote ctx = k * e.denote ctx + p.denote ctx := by
induction k, e using Expr.toPoly'.go.induct generalizing p with
| case1 k k' =>
simp only [toPoly'.go]
by_cases h : k' == 0
· simp [h, eq_of_beq h]
· simp [h, Var.denote]
| case2 k i => simp [toPoly'.go]
| case3 k a b iha ihb => simp [toPoly'.go, iha, ihb]
| case4 k a b iha ihb =>
simp [toPoly'.go, iha, ihb, Int.mul_sub]
rw [Int.sub_eq_add_neg, ←Int.neg_mul, Int.add_assoc]
| case5 k k' a ih
| case6 k a k' ih =>
simp only [toPoly'.go]
by_cases h : k' == 0
· simp [h, eq_of_beq h]
· simp [h, cond_false, Int.mul_assoc]
simp at ih
rw [ih]
rw [Int.mul_assoc, Int.mul_comm k']

theorem Expr.denote_toPoly (ctx : Context) (e : Expr) : e.toPoly.denote ctx = e.denote ctx := by
simp [toPoly, toPoly', Expr.denote_toPoly'_go]

attribute [local simp] Expr.denote_toPoly

theorem ExprCnstr.denote_toPoly (ctx : Context) (c : ExprCnstr) : c.toPoly.denote ctx = c.denote ctx := by
cases c <;> simp
· rw [Int.sub_eq_zero]
· constructor
· exact Int.le_of_sub_nonpos
· exact Int.sub_nonpos_of_le

instance : LawfulBEq Poly where
eq_of_beq {a} := by
induction a <;> intro b <;> cases b <;> simp_all! [BEq.beq]
· rename_i k₁ v₁ p₁ k₂ v₂ p₂ ih
intro _ _ h
exact ih h
rfl := by
intro a
induction a <;> simp! [BEq.beq]
· rename_i k v p ih
exact ih

instance : LawfulBEq PolyCnstr where
eq_of_beq {a b} := by
cases a <;> cases b <;> rename_i p₁ p₂ <;> simp_all! [BEq.beq]
· show (p₁ == p₂) = true → _
· show (p₁ == p₂) = true → _
rfl {a} := by
cases a <;> rename_i p <;> show (p == p) = true
<;> simp

theorem Expr.eq_of_toPoly_eq (ctx : Context) (e e' : Expr) (h : e.toPoly == e'.toPoly) : e.denote ctx = e'.denote ctx := by
have h := congrArg (Poly.denote ctx) (eq_of_beq h)
simp [Poly.norm] at h

theorem ExprCnstr.eq_of_toPoly_eq (ctx : Context) (c c' : ExprCnstr) (h : c.toPoly == c'.toPoly) : c.denote ctx = c'.denote ctx := by
have h := congrArg (PolyCnstr.denote ctx) (eq_of_beq h)
rw [denote_toPoly, denote_toPoly] at h

end Int.Linear
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions tests/lean/run/liaByRefl.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import Lean

open Int.Linear

-- Convenient RArray literals
elab tk:"#R[" ts:term,* "]" : term => do
let ts : Array Lean.Syntax := ts
let es ← ts.mapM fun stx => Lean.Elab.Term.elabTerm stx none
if h : 0 < es.size then
return (Lean.RArray.toExpr (← Lean.Meta.inferType es[0]!) id (Lean.RArray.ofArray es h))
throwErrorAt tk "RArray cannot be empty"

example (x₁ x₂ : Int) :
Expr.denote #R[x₁, x₂] (.add (.add (.var 0) (.var 1)) (.num 3))
x₁ + x₂ + 3 :=

example (x₁ x₂ : Int) :
Expr.denote #R[x₁, x₂] (.sub (.add (.mulR (.var 0) 4) (.mulL 2 (.var 1))) (.num 3))
(x₁*4) + 2*x₂ - 3 :=

example :
Expr.toPoly (.add (.add (.var 1) (.var 1)) (.num 3))
Expr.toPoly (.add (.num 3) (.mulL 2 (.var 1))) :=

example :
Expr.toPoly (.add (.add (.add (.var 1) (.var 1)) (.num 3)) (.var 2))
Expr.toPoly (.add (.add (.num 3) (.var 2)) (.mulL 2 (.var 1))) :=

example (x₁ x₂ x₃ : Int) :
ExprCnstr.denote #R[x₁, x₂, x₃] (.eq (.sub (.add (.mulR (.var 0) 4) (.mulL 2 (.var 1))) (.num 3)) (.sub (.var 1) (.var 2)))
((x₁*4) + 2*x₂ - 3 = x₂ - x₃) :=

example :
ExprCnstr.toPoly (.eq (.sub (.add (.mulR (.var 0) 4) (.mulL 2 (.var 1))) (.num 3)) (.sub (.var 1) (.var 2)))
ExprCnstr.toPoly (.eq (.add (.var 2) (.add (.var 1) (.add (.mulL 4 (.var 0)) (.num (-3))))) (.num 0)) :=

example (x₁ x₂ x₃ : Int) : (x₁ + x₂) + (x₂ + x₃) = x₃ + 2*x₂ + x₁ :=
Expr.eq_of_toPoly_eq #R[x₁, x₂, x₃]
(Expr.add (Expr.add (Expr.var 0) (Expr.var 1)) (Expr.add (Expr.var 1) (Expr.var 2)))
(Expr.add (Expr.add (Expr.var 2) (Expr.mulL 2 (Expr.var 1))) (Expr.var 0))

example :
(.eq (Expr.add (Expr.add (Expr.var 0) (Expr.var 1)) (Expr.add (Expr.var 1) (Expr.var 2)))
(Expr.add (Expr.var 2) (Expr.var 1)))
(.eq (Expr.add (Expr.var 0) (Expr.var 1))
(Expr.num 0))

example (x₁ x₂ x₃ : Int) : ((x₁ + x₂) + (x₂ + x₃) = x₃ + x₂) = (x₁ + x₂ = 0) :=
ExprCnstr.eq_of_toPoly_eq #R[x₁, x₂, x₃]
(.eq (Expr.add (Expr.add (Expr.var 0) (Expr.var 1)) (Expr.add (Expr.var 1) (Expr.var 2)))
(Expr.add (Expr.var 2) (Expr.var 1)))
(.eq (Expr.add (Expr.var 0) (Expr.var 1))
(Expr.num 0))

example (x₁ x₂ x₃ : Int) : ((x₁ + x₂) + (x₂ + x₃) ≤ x₃ + x₂) = (x₁ + x₂ ≤ 0) :=
ExprCnstr.eq_of_toPoly_eq #R[x₁, x₂, x₃]
(.le (Expr.add (Expr.add (Expr.var 0) (Expr.var 1)) (Expr.add (Expr.var 1) (Expr.var 2)))
(Expr.add (Expr.var 2) (Expr.var 1)))
(.le (Expr.add (Expr.var 0) (Expr.var 1))
(Expr.num 0))

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