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leodemoura committed Jan 31, 2025
1 parent 58111ea commit 80fc92a
Showing 1 changed file with 16 additions and 44 deletions.
60 changes: 16 additions & 44 deletions tests/lean/run/grind_constProp.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -323,62 +323,34 @@ theorem State.erase_le_of_le_cons (h : σ' ≼ (x, v) :: σ) : σ'.erase x ≼
@[grind] theorem State.update_le_update (h : σ' ≼ σ) : σ'.update x v ≼ σ.update x v := by

grind_pattern State.update_le_update => σ' ≼ σ, σ'.update x v

@[grind] theorem Expr.eval_constProp_of_sub (e : Expr) (h : σ' ≼ σ) : (e.constProp σ').eval σ = e.eval σ := by
induction e <;> grind

theorem Expr.eval_constProp_of_eq_of_sub {e : Expr} (h₁ : e.eval σ = v) (h₂ : σ' ≼ σ) : (e.constProp σ').eval σ = v := by
-- TODO: better pattern selection heuristic. We want to avoid the following step.
grind_pattern Expr.eval_constProp_of_sub => σ' ≼ σ, e.constProp σ'

theorem Expr.eval_constProp_of_eq_of_sub {e : Expr} (h₂ : σ' ≼ σ) : (e.constProp σ').eval σ = e.eval σ := by

grind_pattern Expr.eval_constProp_of_eq_of_sub => σ' ≼ σ, e.constProp σ'

theorem Stmt.constProp_sub (h₁ : (σ₁, s) ⇓ σ₂) (h₂ : σ₁' ≼ σ₁) : (s.constProp σ₁').2 ≼ σ₂ := by
induction h₁ generalizing σ₁' with try grind
| assign heq =>
split <;> simp
next h =>
have heq' := Expr.eval_constProp_of_eq_of_sub heq h₂
rw [← Expr.eval_simplify, h] at heq'
next => grind
| ifTrue heq h ih =>
have ih := ih h₂
apply State.join_le_left_of ih
| ifFalse heq h ih =>
have ih := ih h₂
apply State.join_le_right_of ih
| seq h₃ h₄ ih₃ ih₄ =>
exact ih₄ (ih₃ h₂)
induction h₁ generalizing σ₁' with grind [=_ Expr.eval_simplify]

grind_pattern Stmt.constProp_sub => (σ₁, s) ⇓ σ₂, s.constProp σ₁'


theorem Stmt.constProp_correct (h₁ : (σ₁, s) ⇓ σ₂) (h₂ : σ₁' ≼ σ₁) : (σ₁, (s.constProp σ₁').1) ⇓ σ₂ := by
induction h₁ generalizing σ₁' with simp_all
| skip => grind [Bigstep]
| assign heq =>
split <;> simp
next h =>
have heq' := Expr.eval_constProp_of_eq_of_sub heq h₂
rw [← Expr.eval_simplify, h] at heq'
simp at heq'
apply Bigstep.assign; simp only [Expr.eval, heq']
next =>
have heq' := Expr.eval_constProp_of_eq_of_sub heq h₂
rw [← Expr.eval_simplify] at heq'
apply Bigstep.assign heq'
| seq h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂ =>
apply Bigstep.seq (ih₁ h₂) (ih₂ (constProp_sub h₁ h₂))
| whileTrue heq h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂ =>
induction h₁ generalizing σ₁' <;> try grind [=_ Expr.eval_simplify, intro Bigstep]
next heq h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂ =>
-- TODO: we need better heuristics for selecting patterns for local quantifiers.
-- both `ih₁` and `ih₂` are local, and the current pattern selection picks reall bad patterns.
have ih₁ := ih₁ (State.bot_le _)
have ih₂ := ih₂ (State.bot_le _)
exact Bigstep.whileTrue heq ih₁ ih₂
| whileFalse heq =>
grind [Bigstep]
| ifTrue heq h ih =>
-- TODO: `grind` did not manage to find pattern or `Expr.eval_constProp_of_eq_of_sub`
have := Expr.eval_constProp_of_eq_of_sub heq h₂
grind [Bigstep]
| ifFalse heq h ih =>
have := Expr.eval_constProp_of_eq_of_sub heq h₂
grind [Bigstep]
grind [intro Bigstep, constProp]

def Stmt.constPropagation (s : Stmt) : Stmt :=
(s.constProp ⊥).1
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