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feat: rename List.enum(From) to List.zipIdx, and `Array/Vector.zi…
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…pWithIndex` to `zipIdx` (#6800)

This PR uniformizes the naming of `enum`/`enumFrom` (on `List`) and
`zipWithIndex` (on `Array` on `Vector`), replacing all with `zipIdx`. At
the same time, we generalize to add an optional `Nat` parameter for the
initial value of the index (which previously existed, only for `List`,
as the separate function `enumFrom`).
  • Loading branch information
kim-em authored Jan 28, 2025
1 parent f10d0d0 commit 7e8af0f
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Showing 21 changed files with 580 additions and 181 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/Init/Data/Array/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -605,8 +605,10 @@ def mapIdx {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (f : Nat → α → β) (as : Array α) : <| as.mapIdxM f

/-- Turns `#[a, b]` into `#[(a, 0), (b, 1)]`. -/
def zipWithIndex (arr : Array α) : Array (α × Nat) :=
arr.mapIdx fun i a => (a, i)
def zipIdx (arr : Array α) (start := 0) : Array (α × Nat) :=
arr.mapIdx fun i a => (a, i + start)

@[deprecated zipIdx (since := "2025-01-21")] abbrev zipWithIndex := @zipIdx

def find? {α : Type u} (p : α → Bool) (as : Array α) : Option α :=
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84 changes: 58 additions & 26 deletions src/Init/Data/Array/MapIdx.lean
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Expand Up @@ -48,9 +48,11 @@ theorem mapFinIdx_spec (as : Array α) (f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < as.siz
(a.mapFinIdx f).size = a.size :=
(mapFinIdx_spec (p := fun _ _ _ => True) (hs := fun _ _ => trivial)).1

@[simp] theorem size_zipWithIndex (as : Array α) : as.zipWithIndex.size = as.size :=
@[simp] theorem size_zipIdx (as : Array α) (k : Nat) : (as.zipIdx k).size = as.size :=
Array.size_mapFinIdx _ _

@[deprecated size_zipIdx (since := "2025-01-21")] abbrev size_zipWithIndex := @size_zipIdx

@[simp] theorem getElem_mapFinIdx (a : Array α) (f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < a.size) → β) (i : Nat)
(h : i < (mapFinIdx a f).size) :
(a.mapFinIdx f)[i] = f i (a[i]'(by simp_all)) (by simp_all) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,34 +117,58 @@ end List

namespace Array

/-! ### zipWithIndex -/
/-! ### zipIdx -/

@[simp] theorem getElem_zipIdx (a : Array α) (k : Nat) (i : Nat) (h : i < (a.zipIdx k).size) :
(a.zipIdx k)[i] = (a[i]'(by simp_all), i + k) := by
simp [zipIdx]

@[simp] theorem getElem_zipWithIndex (a : Array α) (i : Nat) (h : i < a.zipWithIndex.size) :
(a.zipWithIndex)[i] = (a[i]'(by simp_all), i) := by
simp [zipWithIndex]
@[deprecated getElem_zipIdx (since := "2025-01-21")]
abbrev getElem_zipWithIndex := @getElem_zipIdx

@[simp] theorem zipWithIndex_toArray {l : List α} :
l.toArray.zipWithIndex = ( fun (i, x) => (x, i)).toArray := by
ext i hi₁ hi₂ <;> simp
@[simp] theorem zipIdx_toArray {l : List α} {k : Nat} :
l.toArray.zipIdx k = (l.zipIdx k).toArray := by
ext i hi₁ hi₂ <;> simp [Nat.add_comm]

@[simp] theorem toList_zipWithIndex (a : Array α) :
a.zipWithIndex.toList = (fun (i, a) => (a, i)) := by
@[deprecated zipIdx_toArray (since := "2025-01-21")]
abbrev zipWithIndex_toArray := @zipIdx_toArray

@[simp] theorem toList_zipIdx (a : Array α) (k : Nat) :
(a.zipIdx k).toList = a.toList.zipIdx k := by
rcases a with ⟨a⟩

theorem mk_mem_zipWithIndex_iff_getElem? {x : α} {i : Nat} {l : Array α} :
(x, i) ∈ l.zipWithIndex ↔ l[i]? = x := by
@[deprecated toList_zipIdx (since := "2025-01-21")]
abbrev toList_zipWithIndex := @toList_zipIdx

theorem mk_mem_zipIdx_iff_le_and_getElem?_sub {k i : Nat} {x : α} {l : Array α} :
(x, i) ∈ zipIdx l k ↔ k ≤ i ∧ l[i - k]? = some x := by
rcases l with ⟨l⟩
simp only [zipWithIndex_toArray, mem_toArray, List.mem_map,, Prod.exists,
List.mk_mem_enum_iff_getElem?, List.getElem?_toArray]
· rintro ⟨a, b, h, rfl, rfl⟩
exact h
· intro h
exact ⟨i, x, by simp [h]⟩
simp [List.mk_mem_zipIdx_iff_le_and_getElem?_sub]

theorem mem_enum_iff_getElem? {x : α × Nat} {l : Array α} : x ∈ l.zipWithIndex ↔ l[x.2]? = some x.1 :=
/-- Variant of `mk_mem_zipIdx_iff_le_and_getElem?_sub` specialized at `k = 0`,
to avoid the inequality and the subtraction. -/
theorem mk_mem_zipIdx_iff_getElem? {x : α} {i : Nat} {l : Array α} :
(x, i) ∈ l.zipIdx ↔ l[i]? = x := by
rw [mk_mem_zipIdx_iff_le_and_getElem?_sub]

theorem mem_zipIdx_iff_le_and_getElem?_sub {x : α × Nat} {l : Array α} {k : Nat} :
x ∈ zipIdx l k ↔ k ≤ x.2 ∧ l[x.2 - k]? = some x.1 := by
cases x
simp [mk_mem_zipIdx_iff_le_and_getElem?_sub]

/-- Variant of `mem_zipIdx_iff_le_and_getElem?_sub` specialized at `k = 0`,
to avoid the inequality and the subtraction. -/
theorem mem_zipIdx_iff_getElem? {x : α × Nat} {l : Array α} :
x ∈ l.zipIdx ↔ l[x.2]? = some x.1 := by
rw [mk_mem_zipIdx_iff_getElem?]

@[deprecated mk_mem_zipIdx_iff_getElem? (since := "2025-01-21")]
abbrev mk_mem_zipWithIndex_iff_getElem? := @mk_mem_zipIdx_iff_getElem?

@[deprecated mem_zipIdx_iff_getElem? (since := "2025-01-21")]
abbrev mem_zipWithIndex_iff_getElem? := @mem_zipIdx_iff_getElem?

/-! ### mapFinIdx -/

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,12 +205,15 @@ theorem mapFinIdx_singleton {a : α} {f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < 1) →
#[a].mapFinIdx f = #[f 0 a (by simp)] := by

theorem mapFinIdx_eq_zipWithIndex_map {l : Array α} {f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < l.size) → β} :
l.mapFinIdx f =
theorem mapFinIdx_eq_zipIdx_map {l : Array α} {f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < l.size) → β} :
l.mapFinIdx f =
fun ⟨⟨x, i⟩, m⟩ =>
f i x (by simp [mk_mem_zipWithIndex_iff_getElem?, getElem?_eq_some_iff] at m; exact m.1) := by
f i x (by simp [mk_mem_zipIdx_iff_getElem?, getElem?_eq_some_iff] at m; exact m.1) := by
ext <;> simp

@[deprecated mapFinIdx_eq_zipIdx_map (since := "2025-01-21")]
abbrev mapFinIdx_eq_zipWithIndex_map := @mapFinIdx_eq_zipIdx_map

theorem mapFinIdx_eq_empty_iff {l : Array α} {f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < l.size) → β} :
l.mapFinIdx f = #[] ↔ l = #[] := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,10 +314,13 @@ theorem mapIdx_eq_mapFinIdx {l : Array α} {f : Nat → α → β} :
l.mapIdx f = l.mapFinIdx (fun i a _ => f i a) := by
simp [mapFinIdx_eq_mapIdx]

theorem mapIdx_eq_zipWithIndex_map {l : Array α} {f : Nat → α → β} :
l.mapIdx f = fun ⟨a, i⟩ => f i a := by
theorem mapIdx_eq_zipIdx_map {l : Array α} {f : Nat → α → β} :
l.mapIdx f = fun ⟨a, i⟩ => f i a := by
ext <;> simp

@[deprecated mapIdx_eq_zipIdx_map (since := "2025-01-21")]
abbrev mapIdx_eq_zipWithIndex_map := @mapIdx_eq_zipIdx_map

theorem mapIdx_append {K L : Array α} :
(K ++ L).mapIdx f = K.mapIdx f ++ L.mapIdx fun i => f (i + K.size) := by
rcases K with ⟨K⟩
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31 changes: 27 additions & 4 deletions src/Init/Data/List/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ The operations are organized as follow:
`countP`, `count`, and `lookup`.
* Logic: `any`, `all`, `or`, and `and`.
* Zippers: `zipWith`, `zip`, `zipWithAll`, and `unzip`.
* Ranges and enumeration: `range`, `iota`, `enumFrom`, and `enum`.
* Ranges and enumeration: `range`, `zipIdx`.
* Minima and maxima: `min?` and `max?`.
* Other functions: `intersperse`, `intercalate`, `eraseDups`, `eraseReps`, `span`, `splitBy`,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1530,28 +1530,51 @@ set_option linter.deprecated false in
set_option linter.deprecated false in
@[simp] theorem iota_succ : iota (i+1) = (i+1) :: iota i := rfl

/-! ### zipIdx -/

`O(|l|)`. `zipIdx l` zips a list with its indices, optionally starting from a given index.
* `zipIdx [a, b, c] = [(a, 0), (b, 1), (c, 2)]`
* `zipIdx [a, b, c] 5 = [(a, 5), (b, 6), (c, 7)]`
def zipIdx : List α → (n : Nat := 0) → List (α × Nat)
| [], _ => nil
| x :: xs, n => (x, n) :: zipIdx xs (n + 1)

@[simp] theorem zipIdx_nil : ([] : List α).zipIdx i = [] := rfl
@[simp] theorem zipIdx_cons : (a::as).zipIdx i = (a, i) :: as.zipIdx (i+1) := rfl

/-! ### enumFrom -/

`O(|l|)`. `enumFrom n l` is like `enum` but it allows you to specify the initial index.
* `enumFrom 5 [a, b, c] = [(5, a), (6, b), (7, c)]`
@[deprecated "Use `zipIdx` instead; note the signature change." (since := "2025-01-21")]
def enumFrom : Nat → List α → List (Nat × α)
| _, [] => nil
| n, x :: xs => (n, x) :: enumFrom (n + 1) xs

@[simp] theorem enumFrom_nil : ([] : List α).enumFrom i = [] := rfl
@[simp] theorem enumFrom_cons : (a::as).enumFrom i = (i, a) :: as.enumFrom (i+1) := rfl
set_option linter.deprecated false in
@[deprecated zipIdx_nil (since := "2025-01-21"), simp]
theorem enumFrom_nil : ([] : List α).enumFrom i = [] := rfl
set_option linter.deprecated false in
@[deprecated zipIdx_cons (since := "2025-01-21"), simp]
theorem enumFrom_cons : (a::as).enumFrom i = (i, a) :: as.enumFrom (i+1) := rfl

/-! ### enum -/

set_option linter.deprecated false in
`O(|l|)`. `enum l` pairs up each element with its index in the list.
* `enum [a, b, c] = [(0, a), (1, b), (2, c)]`
@[deprecated "Use `zipIdx` instead; note the signature change." (since := "2025-01-21")]
def enum : List α → List (Nat × α) := enumFrom 0

@[simp] theorem enum_nil : ([] : List α).enum = [] := rfl
set_option linter.deprecated false in
@[deprecated zipIdx_nil (since := "2025-01-21"), simp]
theorem enum_nil : ([] : List α).enum = [] := rfl

/-! ## Minima and maxima -/

Expand Down
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions src/Init/Data/List/Find.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -822,28 +822,28 @@ theorem findIdx?_flatten {l : List (List α)} {p : α → Bool} :
simp only [replicate, findIdx?_cons, Nat.zero_add, findIdx?_succ, zero_lt_succ, true_and]
split <;> simp_all

theorem findIdx?_eq_findSome?_enum {xs : List α} {p : α → Bool} :
xs.findIdx? p = xs.enum.findSome? funi, a⟩ => if p a then some i else none := by
theorem findIdx?_eq_findSome?_zipIdx {xs : List α} {p : α → Bool} :
xs.findIdx? p = xs.zipIdx.findSome? funa, i⟩ => if p a then some i else none := by
induction xs with
| nil => simp
| cons x xs ih =>
simp only [findIdx?_cons, Nat.zero_add, findIdx?_succ, enum]
simp only [findIdx?_cons, Nat.zero_add, findIdx?_succ, zipIdx]
· simp_all
· simp_all only [enumFrom_cons, ite_false, Option.isNone_none, findSome?_cons_of_isNone, reduceCtorEq]
simp [Function.comp_def, ← map_fst_add_enum_eq_enumFrom, findSome?_map]
· simp_all only [zipIdx_cons, ite_false, Option.isNone_none, findSome?_cons_of_isNone, reduceCtorEq]
rw [← map_snd_add_zipIdx_eq_zipIdx (n := 1) (k := 0)]
simp [Function.comp_def, findSome?_map]

theorem findIdx?_eq_fst_find?_enum {xs : List α} {p : α → Bool} :
xs.findIdx? p = (xs.enum.find? fun_, x⟩ => p x).map (·.1) := by
theorem findIdx?_eq_fst_find?_zipIdx {xs : List α} {p : α → Bool} :
xs.findIdx? p = (xs.zipIdx.find? funx, _⟩ => p x).map (·.2) := by
induction xs with
| nil => simp
| cons x xs ih =>
simp only [findIdx?_cons, Nat.zero_add, findIdx?_start_succ, enum_cons]
simp only [findIdx?_cons, Nat.zero_add, findIdx?_start_succ, zipIdx_cons]
· simp_all
· simp only [Option.map_map, enumFrom_eq_map_enum, Bool.false_eq_true, not_false_eq_true,
find?_cons_of_neg, find?_map, *]
· rw [ih, ← map_snd_add_zipIdx_eq_zipIdx (n := 1) (k := 0)]
simp [Function.comp_def, *]

-- See also `findIdx_le_findIdx`.
theorem findIdx?_eq_none_of_findIdx?_eq_none {xs : List α} {p q : α → Bool} (w : ∀ x ∈ xs, p x → q x) :
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23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion src/Init/Data/List/Impl.lean
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Expand Up @@ -316,14 +316,35 @@ theorem insertIdxTR_go_eq : ∀ n l, insertIdxTR.go a n l acc = acc.toList ++ in

/-! ## Ranges and enumeration -/

/-! ### zipIdx -/

/-- Tail recursive version of `List.zipIdx`. -/
def zipIdxTR (l : List α) (n : Nat := 0) : List (α × Nat) :=
let arr := l.toArray
(arr.foldr (fun a (n, acc) => (n-1, (a, n-1) :: acc)) (n + arr.size, [])).2

@[csimp] theorem zipIdx_eq_zipIdxTR : @zipIdx = @zipIdxTR := by
funext α l n; simp [zipIdxTR, -Array.size_toArray]
let f := fun (a : α) (n, acc) => (n-1, (a, n-1) :: acc)
let rec go : ∀ l n, l.foldr f (n + l.length, []) = (n, zipIdx l n)
| [], n => rfl
| a::as, n => by
rw [← show _ + as.length = n + (a::as).length from Nat.succ_add .., foldr, go as]
simp [zipIdx, f]
rw [← Array.foldr_toList]
simp +zetaDelta [go]

/-! ### enumFrom -/

/-- Tail recursive version of `List.enumFrom`. -/
@[deprecated zipIdxTR (since := "2025-01-21")]
def enumFromTR (n : Nat) (l : List α) : List (Nat × α) :=
let arr := l.toArray
(arr.foldr (fun a (n, acc) => (n-1, (n-1, a) :: acc)) (n + arr.size, [])).2

@[csimp] theorem enumFrom_eq_enumFromTR : @enumFrom = @enumFromTR := by
set_option linter.deprecated false in
@[deprecated zipIdx_eq_zipIdxTR (since := "2025-01-21"), csimp]
theorem enumFrom_eq_enumFromTR : @enumFrom = @enumFromTR := by
funext α n l; simp [enumFromTR, -Array.size_toArray]
let f := fun (a : α) (n, acc) => (n-1, (n-1, a) :: acc)
let rec go : ∀ l n, l.foldr f (n + l.length, []) = (n, enumFrom n l)
Expand Down
33 changes: 19 additions & 14 deletions src/Init/Data/List/MapIdx.lean
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Expand Up @@ -132,27 +132,30 @@ theorem mapFinIdx_singleton {a : α} {f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < 1) →
[a].mapFinIdx f = [f 0 a (by simp)] := by

theorem mapFinIdx_eq_enum_map {l : List α} {f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < l.length) → β} :
l.mapFinIdx f =
fun ⟨⟨i, x⟩, m⟩ =>
f i x (by rw [mk_mem_enum_iff_getElem?, getElem?_eq_some_iff] at m; exact m.1) := by
theorem mapFinIdx_eq_zipIdx_map {l : List α} {f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < l.length) → β} :
l.mapFinIdx f =
fun ⟨⟨x, i⟩, m⟩ =>
f i x (by rw [mk_mem_zipIdx_iff_getElem?, getElem?_eq_some_iff] at m; exact m.1) := by
apply ext_getElem <;> simp

@[deprecated mapFinIdx_eq_zipIdx_map (since := "2025-01-21")]
abbrev mapFinIdx_eq_zipWithIndex_map := @mapFinIdx_eq_zipIdx_map

theorem mapFinIdx_eq_nil_iff {l : List α} {f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < l.length) → β} :
l.mapFinIdx f = [] ↔ l = [] := by
rw [mapFinIdx_eq_enum_map, map_eq_nil_iff, attach_eq_nil_iff, enum_eq_nil_iff]
rw [mapFinIdx_eq_zipIdx_map, map_eq_nil_iff, attach_eq_nil_iff, zipIdx_eq_nil_iff]

theorem mapFinIdx_ne_nil_iff {l : List α} {f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < l.length) → β} :
l.mapFinIdx f ≠ [] ↔ l ≠ [] := by

theorem exists_of_mem_mapFinIdx {b : β} {l : List α} {f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < l.length) → β}
(h : b ∈ l.mapFinIdx f) : ∃ (i : Nat) (h : i < l.length), f i l[i] h = b := by
rw [mapFinIdx_eq_enum_map] at h
rw [mapFinIdx_eq_zipIdx_map] at h
replace h := exists_of_mem_map h
simp only [mem_attach, true_and, Subtype.exists, Prod.exists, mk_mem_enum_iff_getElem?] at h
obtain ⟨i, b, h, rfl⟩ := h
simp only [mem_attach, true_and, Subtype.exists, Prod.exists, mk_mem_zipIdx_iff_getElem?] at h
obtain ⟨b, i, h, rfl⟩ := h
rw [getElem?_eq_some_iff] at h
obtain ⟨h', rfl⟩ := h
exact ⟨i, h', rfl⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,17 +334,19 @@ theorem mapIdx_eq_mapFinIdx {l : List α} {f : Nat → α → β} :
l.mapIdx f = l.mapFinIdx (fun i a _ => f i a) := by
simp [mapFinIdx_eq_mapIdx]

theorem mapIdx_eq_enum_map {l : List α} :
l.mapIdx f = (Function.uncurry f) := by
theorem mapIdx_eq_zipIdx_map {l : List α} {f : Nat → α → β} :
l.mapIdx f = (fun ⟨a, i⟩ => f i a) := by
ext1 i
simp only [getElem?_mapIdx,, getElem?_map, getElem?_enum]
simp only [getElem?_mapIdx,, getElem?_map, getElem?_zipIdx]
split <;> simp

@[deprecated mapIdx_eq_zipIdx_map (since := "2025-01-21")]
abbrev mapIdx_eq_enum_map := @mapIdx_eq_zipIdx_map

theorem mapIdx_cons {l : List α} {a : α} :
mapIdx f (a :: l) = f 0 a :: mapIdx (fun i => f (i + 1)) l := by
simp [mapIdx_eq_enum_map, enum_eq_zip_range, map_uncurry_zip_eq_zipWith,
range_succ_eq_map, zipWith_map_left]
simp [mapIdx_eq_zipIdx_map, List.zipIdx_succ]

theorem mapIdx_append {K L : List α} :
(K ++ L).mapIdx f = K.mapIdx f ++ L.mapIdx fun i => f (i + K.length) := by
Expand All @@ -358,7 +363,7 @@ theorem mapIdx_singleton {a : α} : mapIdx f [a] = [f 0 a] := by

theorem mapIdx_eq_nil_iff {l : List α} : List.mapIdx f l = [] ↔ l = [] := by
rw [List.mapIdx_eq_enum_map, List.map_eq_nil_iff, List.enum_eq_nil_iff]
rw [List.mapIdx_eq_zipIdx_map, List.map_eq_nil_iff, List.zipIdx_eq_nil_iff]

theorem mapIdx_ne_nil_iff {l : List α} :
List.mapIdx f l ≠ [] ↔ l ≠ [] := by
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Init/Data/List/Nat/Find.lean
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Expand Up @@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ theorem find?_eq_some_iff_getElem {xs : List α} {p : α → Bool} {b : α} :

theorem findIdx?_eq_some_le_of_findIdx?_eq_some {xs : List α} {p q : α → Bool} (w : ∀ x ∈ xs, p x → q x) {i : Nat}
(h : xs.findIdx? p = some i) : ∃ j, j ≤ i ∧ xs.findIdx? q = some j := by
simp only [findIdx?_eq_findSome?_enum] at h
simp only [findIdx?_eq_findSome?_zipIdx] at h
rw [findSome?_eq_some_iff] at h
simp only [Option.ite_none_right_eq_some, Option.some.injEq, ite_eq_right_iff, reduceCtorEq,
imp_false, Bool.not_eq_true, Prod.forall, exists_and_right, Prod.exists] at h
obtain ⟨h, h₁, b, ⟨es, h₂⟩, ⟨hb, rfl⟩, h₃⟩ := h
rw [enum_eq_enumFrom, enumFrom_eq_append_iff] at h₂
rw [zipIdx_eq_append_iff] at h₂
obtain ⟨l₁', l₂', rfl, rfl, h₂⟩ := h₂
rw [eq_comm, enumFrom_eq_cons_iff] at h₂
rw [eq_comm, zipIdx_eq_cons_iff] at h₂
obtain ⟨a, as, rfl, h₂, rfl⟩ := h₂
simp only [Nat.zero_add,] at h₂
obtain ⟨rfl, rfl⟩ := h₂
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