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grunweg committed Mar 11, 2024
1 parent 1db7f5a commit b678165
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Showing 3 changed files with 104 additions and 54 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions SphereEversion.lean
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Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import SphereEversion.Notations
import SphereEversion.ToMathlib.Analysis.Calculus
import SphereEversion.ToMathlib.Analysis.Calculus.AffineMap
import SphereEversion.ToMathlib.Analysis.ContDiff
import SphereEversion.ToMathlib.Analysis.Convex.AmpleSet
import SphereEversion.ToMathlib.Analysis.Convex.Basic
import SphereEversion.ToMathlib.Analysis.CutOff
import SphereEversion.ToMathlib.Analysis.InnerProductSpace.CrossProduct
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57 changes: 3 additions & 54 deletions SphereEversion/Local/AmpleSet.lean
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@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Normed
import SphereEversion.ToMathlib.LinearAlgebra.AffineSpace.ContinuousAffineEquiv
import SphereEversion.ToMathlib.Analysis.Convex.AmpleSet

# Ample subsets of real vector spaces
Expand All @@ -22,63 +21,13 @@ without any link between those structures, but we will only be using these for f
vector spaces with their natural topology.

/-! ## Definition and invariance -/

/-! ## Subspaces of codimension at least 2 have ample complement -/

open Set AffineMap

open scoped Convex Matrix

variable {E F : Type*} [AddCommGroup F] [Module ℝ F] [TopologicalSpace F]

variable [AddCommGroup E] [Module ℝ E] [TopologicalSpace E]

/-- A subset of a topological real vector space is ample if the convex hull of each of its
connected components is the full space. -/
def AmpleSet (s : Set F) : Prop :=
∀ x ∈ s, convexHull ℝ (connectedComponentIn s x) = univ

/-- Images of ample sets under continuous affine equivalences are ample. -/
theorem AmpleSet.image {s : Set E} (h : AmpleSet s) (L : E ≃ᵃL[ℝ] F) :
AmpleSet (L '' s) := by
intro x hx
rw [L.image_eq_preimage] at hx
have : L '' connectedComponentIn s (L.symm x) = connectedComponentIn (L '' s) x := by
conv_rhs => rw [← L.apply_symm_apply x]
exact (L.toHomeomorph).image_connectedComponentIn hx
rw [← this]
-- if/when #11298 lands, switch order of this lemma
refine (AffineMap.image_convexHull _ L.toAffineMap).symm.trans ?_
rw [h (L.symm x) hx, image_univ]
exact L.surjective.range_eq

/-- Preimages of ample sets under continuous affine equivalences are ample. -/
theorem AmpleSet.preimage {s : Set F} (h : AmpleSet s) (L : E ≃ᵃL[ℝ] F) : AmpleSet (L ⁻¹' s) := by
rw [← L.image_symm_eq_preimage]; exact h.image L.symm

open scoped Pointwise

/-- Translating an ample set is ample. -/
theorem AmpleSet.vadd [ContinuousAdd E] {s : Set E} (h : AmpleSet s) {y : E} :
AmpleSet (y +ᵥ s) := by
show AmpleSet ((ContinuousAffineEquiv.constVAdd ℝ E y) '' s)
exact AmpleSet.image h _

/-! ## Trivial examples -/

/-- A whole vector space is ample. -/
theorem ampleSet_univ {F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace ℝ F] :
AmpleSet (univ : Set F) := by
intro x _
rw [connectedComponentIn_univ, PreconnectedSpace.connectedComponent_eq_univ, convexHull_univ]

-- unused
/-- The empty set in a vector space is ample. -/
theorem ampleSet_empty : AmpleSet (∅ : Set F) := fun _ h ↦ False.elim h

/-! ## Subspaces of codimension at least 2 have ample complement -/
[AddCommGroup E] [Module ℝ E] [TopologicalSpace E]

section Lemma213

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100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions SphereEversion/ToMathlib/Analysis/Convex/AmpleSet.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Anatole Dedecker. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Anatole Dedecker, Michael Rothgang, Floris van Doorn
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Normed
import SphereEversion.ToMathlib.LinearAlgebra.AffineSpace.ContinuousAffineEquiv

# Ample subsets of real vector spaces
In this file we study ample set in real vector spaces. A set is ample if all its connected
component have full convex hull.
## Main results
- `ampleSet_empty` and `ampleSet_univ`: the empty set and `univ` are ample
- `AmpleSet.union`: the union of two ample sets is ample
- `AmpleSet.{pre}image`: being ample is invariant under continuous affine equivalences
- `AmpleSet.vadd`: in particular, ampleness is invariant under affine translations
TODO: migrate proof to this file...
- ``: a linear subspace with codimension at least two has an ample complement.
This is the crucial geometric ingredient which allows to apply convex integration
to the theory of immersions in positive codimension.
## Implementation notes
A priori, the definition of ample subset asks for a vector space structure and a topology on the
ambient type without any link between those structures. In practice, we care most about using these
for finite dimensional vector spaces with their natural topology.
All vector spaces in the file are real vector spaces. While the definition generalises to other
connected fields, that is not useful in practice.
## Tags
ample set

/-! ## Definition and invariance -/

open Set

variable {F : Type*} [AddCommGroup F] [Module ℝ F] [TopologicalSpace F]

/-- A subset of a topological real vector space is ample
if the convex hull of each of its connected components is the full space. -/
def AmpleSet (s : Set F) : Prop :=
∀ x ∈ s, convexHull ℝ (connectedComponentIn s x) = univ

/-- A whole vector space is ample. -/
theorem ampleSet_univ {F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace ℝ F] :
AmpleSet (univ : Set F) := by
intro x _
rw [connectedComponentIn_univ, PreconnectedSpace.connectedComponent_eq_univ, convexHull_univ]

/-- The empty set in a vector space is ample. -/
theorem ampleSet_empty : AmpleSet (∅ : Set F) := fun _ h ↦ False.elim h -- or `by intro _ _; trivial`

/-- The union of two ample sets is ample. -/
theorem AmpleSet.union {s t : Set F} (hs : AmpleSet s) (ht : AmpleSet t) : AmpleSet (s ∪ t) := by
intro x hx
rcases hx with (h | h)
-- The connected component of x ∈ s in s ∪ t contains the connected component of x in s,
-- similarly for `t`.
· rw [← Set.univ_subset_iff, ← hs x h]
apply convexHull_mono
apply connectedComponentIn_mono
apply subset_union_left
· rw [← Set.univ_subset_iff, ← ht x h]
apply convexHull_mono
apply connectedComponentIn_mono
apply subset_union_right

variable {E : Type*} [AddCommGroup E] [Module ℝ E] [TopologicalSpace E]

/-- Images of ample sets under continuous affine equivalences are ample. -/
theorem AmpleSet.image {s : Set E} (h : AmpleSet s) (L : E ≃ᵃL[ℝ] F) :
AmpleSet (L '' s) := fun x hx ↦ by
rw [L.image_eq_preimage] at hx
have : L '' connectedComponentIn s (L.symm x) = connectedComponentIn (L '' s) x := by
conv_rhs => rw [← L.apply_symm_apply x]
exact (L.toHomeomorph).image_connectedComponentIn hx
rw [← this]
-- if/when #11298 lands, switch order of this lemma
refine (AffineMap.image_convexHull _ L.toAffineMap).symm.trans ?_
rw [h (L.symm x) hx, image_univ]
exact L.surjective.range_eq

/-- Preimages of ample sets under continuous affine equivalences are ample. -/
theorem AmpleSet.preimage {s : Set F} (h : AmpleSet s) (L : E ≃ᵃL[ℝ] F) : AmpleSet (L ⁻¹' s) := by
rw [← L.image_symm_eq_preimage]; exact h.image L.symm

open scoped Pointwise
/-- Affine translations of ample sets are ample. -/
theorem AmpleSet.vadd [ContinuousAdd E] {s : Set E} (h : AmpleSet s) {y : E} :
AmpleSet (y +ᵥ s) := by
show AmpleSet ((ContinuousAffineEquiv.constVAdd ℝ E y) '' s)
exact AmpleSet.image h _

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