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fix: look at resolutions when translating names (closes #97)
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dselsam committed Feb 1, 2022
1 parent 4e5c582 commit 61b4659
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Showing 5 changed files with 113 additions and 79 deletions.
22 changes: 18 additions & 4 deletions Mathport/Bridge/Rename.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,12 +46,26 @@ namespace Rename
variable (env : Environment)

-- For both binport and synport
def resolveIdent? (n3 : Name) : Option Name :=
getRenameMap env |>.find? n3
def resolveIdent? (n3 : Name) (choices : Array Name := #[]) : Option Name :=
if choices.isEmpty then
getRenameMap env |>.find? n3
match getRenameMap env |>.find? choices[0] with
| none => none
| some target => clipLike target n3
clipLike target n3 :=
some <| componentsToName <| target.components.drop (target.getNumParts - n3.getNumParts)

| [] => Name.anonymous
| (c::cs) => c ++ componentsToName cs

#check resolveIdent?

-- For both binport and synport
def resolveIdent! (n3 : Name) : Name :=
resolveIdent? env n3 |>.getD n3
def resolveIdent! (n3 : Name) (choices : Array Name := #[]) : Name :=
resolveIdent? env n3 choices |>.getD n3

-- For synport only
-- TODO: better heuristic/binport index?
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathport/Syntax/AST3.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ mutual
| «()» : Expr
| «{}» : Expr
| ident : Name → Expr
| const (ambiguous : Bool) : #Name → Levels → Expr
| const : #Name → Levels → Array Name → Expr
| nat : Nat → Expr
| decimal : Nat → Nat → Expr
| string : String → Expr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ mutual
| Expr.«()», _ => "()"
| Expr.«{}», _ => "{}"
| Expr.ident n, _ => n.toString
| Expr.const _ n l, _ => n.kind.toString ++ repr l
| Expr.const n l _, _ => n.kind.toString ++ repr l
| Expr.nat n, _ => repr n
| Expr.decimal n d, _ => repr n ++ "/" ++ repr d
| Expr.string s, _ => repr s
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148 changes: 84 additions & 64 deletions Mathport/Syntax/Parse.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -106,6 +106,10 @@ def withNode (f : String → Name → Array AstId → M α) (i : AstId) : M (Spa
let r ← getRaw i
pure { meta := ⟨i, r.start, r.end'⟩, kind := ← f r.kind r.value r.children' }

def withNodeP (f : String → Name → Array AstId → Option ExprId → M α) (i : AstId) : M (Spanned α) := do
let r ← getRaw i
pure { meta := ⟨i, r.start, r.end'⟩, kind := ← f r.kind r.value r.children' r.pexpr }

def withNodeR (f : RawNode3 → M α) (i : AstId) : M (Spanned α) := do
let r ← getRaw i
pure { meta := ⟨i, r.start, r.end'⟩, kind := ← f r }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,79 +299,95 @@ mutual
| "binders", _, args => Arg.binders <$> args.mapM getBinder
| k, v, args => if k.startsWith "binder"
then Arg.binder <$> getBinder_aux k v args
else Arg.expr <$> getExpr_aux k v args
else Arg.expr <$> getExpr_aux k v args none

partial def getExpr_aux : String → Name → Array AstId → M Expr
| "notation", v, args => match v with
partial def getExpr_aux : String → Name → Array AstId → Option ExprId → M Expr
| "notation", v, args, _ => match v with
| `«->» => do Expr.«» (← getExpr args[0]) (← getExpr args[1])
| `Pi => do Expr.«Pi» (← getBinders args[0]) (← getExpr args[1])
| _ => if wrapperNotations.contains v
then Spanned.kind <$> getExpr args[0]
else Expr.notation ( v) <$> args.mapM getArg
| "sorry", _, _ => Expr.«sorry»
| "_", _, _ => Expr.«_»
| "()", _, _ => Expr.«()»
| "{}", _, _ => Expr.«{}»
| "ident", v, _ => Expr.ident v
| "const", _, #[n, us] => do Expr.const false (← getName n) (← opt (arr getLevel) us)
| "choice_const", _, #[n, us] => do Expr.const true (← getName n) (← opt (arr getLevel) us)
| "nat", v, _ => Expr.nat $ decodeNat! v
| "decimal", v, _ => let (n, d) := decodeDecimal! v; Expr.decimal n d
| "string", v, _ => Expr.string v.getString!
| "char", v, _ => Expr.char v.getString!.front
| "(", _, #[e] => Expr.paren <$> getExpr e
| "Sort*", _, _ => Expr.sort false true none
| "Type*", _, _ => Expr.sort true true none
| "Sort", _, #[l] => Expr.sort false false <$> opt getLevel l
| "Type", _, #[l] => Expr.sort true false <$> opt getLevel l
| "app", _, #[f, x] => do (← getExpr f) (← getExpr x)
| "fun", _, #[bis, e] => do false (← arr getLambdaBinder bis) (← getExpr e)
| "assume", _, #[bis, e] => do true (← arr getLambdaBinder bis) (← getExpr e)
| "show", _, #[ty, e] => do (← getExpr ty) (← getProof e)
| "have", _, args => getHave false args
| "suffices", _, args => getHave true args
| "field", _, #[e, pr] => do Expr.«.» true (← getExpr e) (← getProj pr)
| "^.", _, #[e, pr] => do Expr.«.» false (← getExpr e) (← getProj pr)
| "if", _, #[h, c, t, e] => do
| "sorry", _, _, _ => Expr.«sorry»
| "_", _, _, _ => Expr.«_»
| "()", _, _, _ => Expr.«()»
| "{}", _, _, _ => Expr.«{}»
| "ident", v, _, _ => Expr.ident v
| "const", _, #[n, us], none => do Expr.const (← getName n) (← opt (arr getLevel) us) #[]
| "const", _, #[n, us], some pexprId => do
match (← read).expr[pexprId] with
| Lean3.Expr.const resolved _ => Expr.const (← getName n) (← opt (arr getLevel) us) #[resolved]
| pexpr => throw s!"[const.pexpr] not a const: {repr pexpr}"

| "choice_const", _, #[n, us], none => do
dbg_trace "[getExpr_aux.warn] choice_const {(← getName n).kind} has no choices"
Expr.const (← getName n) (← opt (arr getLevel) us) #[]
| "choice_const", _, #[n, us], some pexprId => do
match (← read).expr[pexprId] with
| Lean3.Expr.choice args =>
let choices ← args.mapM fun
| Lean3.Expr.const n _ => n
| choice => do throw s!"[getExpr_aux.error] choice_const {(← getName n).kind} expecting constants, found {repr choice}"
Expr.const (← getName n) (← opt (arr getLevel) us) choices
| _ => throw s!"choice_const: expecting choice"

| "nat", v, _, _ => Expr.nat $ decodeNat! v
| "decimal", v, _, _ => let (n, d) := decodeDecimal! v; Expr.decimal n d
| "string", v, _, _ => Expr.string v.getString!
| "char", v, _, _ => Expr.char v.getString!.front
| "(", _, #[e], _ => Expr.paren <$> getExpr e
| "Sort*", _, _, _ => Expr.sort false true none
| "Type*", _, _, _ => Expr.sort true true none
| "Sort", _, #[l], _ => Expr.sort false false <$> opt getLevel l
| "Type", _, #[l], _ => Expr.sort true false <$> opt getLevel l
| "app", _, #[f, x], _ => do (← getExpr f) (← getExpr x)
| "fun", _, #[bis, e], _ => do false (← arr getLambdaBinder bis) (← getExpr e)
| "assume", _, #[bis, e], _ => do true (← arr getLambdaBinder bis) (← getExpr e)
| "show", _, #[ty, e], _ => do (← getExpr ty) (← getProof e)
| "have", _, args, _ => getHave false args
| "suffices", _, args, _ => getHave true args
| "field", _, #[e, pr], _ => do Expr.«.» true (← getExpr e) (← getProj pr)
| "^.", _, #[e, pr], _ => do Expr.«.» false (← getExpr e) (← getProj pr)
| "if", _, #[h, c, t, e], _ => do
Expr.if (← opt getName h) (← getExpr c) (← getExpr t) (← getExpr e)
| "calc", _, args => Expr.calc <$> args.mapM getStep
| "@", _, #[e] => Expr.«@» false <$> getExpr e
| "@@", _, #[e] => Expr.«@» true <$> getExpr e
| "(:", _, #[e] => Expr.pattern <$> getExpr e
| "```()", _, #[e] => Expr.«`()» true false <$> getExpr e
| "``()", _, #[e] => Expr.«`()» false false <$> getExpr e
| "`()", _, #[e] => Expr.«`()» false true <$> getExpr e
| "%%", _, #[e] => Expr.«%%» <$> getExpr e
| "`[", _, args => Expr.«`[]» <$> args.mapM getTactic
| "`", v, _ => Expr.«`» false v
| "``", v, _ => Expr.«`» true v
| "⟨", _, args => Expr.«⟨⟩» <$> args.mapM getExpr
| "infix_fn", _, #[f, e] => do Expr.infix_fn (← getChoice f) (← opt getExpr e)
| "tuple", _, args => Expr.«(,)» <$> args.mapM getExpr
| ":", _, #[e, ty] => do Expr.«:» (← getExpr e) (← getExpr ty)
| "{!", _, args => Expr.hole <$> args.mapM getExpr
| "#[", _, args => Expr.«#[]» <$> args.mapM getExpr
| "by", _, #[tac] => <$> getTactic tac
| "begin", _, args => Expr.begin <$> getBlock false args
| "let", _, #[decls, e] => do Expr.let (← arr getLetDecl decls) (← getExpr e)
| "match", _, #[e, ty, arms] => do
| "calc", _, args, _ => Expr.calc <$> args.mapM getStep
| "@", _, #[e], _ => Expr.«@» false <$> getExpr e
| "@@", _, #[e], _ => Expr.«@» true <$> getExpr e
| "(:", _, #[e], _ => Expr.pattern <$> getExpr e
| "```()", _, #[e], _ => Expr.«`()» true false <$> getExpr e
| "``()", _, #[e], _ => Expr.«`()» false false <$> getExpr e
| "`()", _, #[e], _ => Expr.«`()» false true <$> getExpr e
| "%%", _, #[e], _ => Expr.«%%» <$> getExpr e
| "`[", _, args, _ => Expr.«`[]» <$> args.mapM getTactic
| "`", v, _, _ => Expr.«`» false v
| "``", v, _, _ => Expr.«`» true v
| "⟨", _, args, _ => Expr.«⟨⟩» <$> args.mapM getExpr
| "infix_fn", _, #[f, e], _ => do Expr.infix_fn (← getChoice f) (← opt getExpr e)
| "tuple", _, args, _ => Expr.«(,)» <$> args.mapM getExpr
| ":", _, #[e, ty], _ => do Expr.«:» (← getExpr e) (← getExpr ty)
| "{!", _, args, _ => Expr.hole <$> args.mapM getExpr
| "#[", _, args, _ => Expr.«#[]» <$> args.mapM getExpr
| "by", _, #[tac], _ => <$> getTactic tac
| "begin", _, args, _ => Expr.begin <$> getBlock false args
| "let", _, #[decls, e], _ => do Expr.let (← arr getLetDecl decls) (← getExpr e)
| "match", _, #[e, ty, arms], _ => do
Expr.match (← arr getExpr e) (← opt getExpr ty) (← arr getArm arms)
| "do", v, args => (!v.isAnonymous) <$> args.mapM getDoElem
| "fin_set", _, args => Expr.«{,}» <$> args.mapM getExpr
| "subtype", _, args => getSubtype false args
| "set_of", _, args => getSubtype true args
| "sep", _, #[x, S, p] => do Expr.sep (← getName x) (← getExpr S) (← getExpr p)
| "set_replacement", _, #[e, bis] => do Expr.setReplacement (← getExpr e) (← getBinders bis)
| "structinst", _, #[S, src, flds, srcs, catchall] => do
| "do", v, args, _ => (!v.isAnonymous) <$> args.mapM getDoElem
| "fin_set", _, args, _ => Expr.«{,}» <$> args.mapM getExpr
| "subtype", _, args, _ => getSubtype false args
| "set_of", _, args, _ => getSubtype true args
| "sep", _, #[x, S, p], _ => do Expr.sep (← getName x) (← getExpr S) (← getExpr p)
| "set_replacement", _, #[e, bis], _ => do Expr.setReplacement (← getExpr e) (← getBinders bis)
| "structinst", _, #[S, src, flds, srcs, catchall], _ => do
Expr.structInst (← opt getName S) (← opt getExpr src)
(← arr getField flds) (← arr getExpr srcs) (catchall ≠ 0)
| "at_pat", _, #[n, pat] => do Expr.atPat (← getName n) (← getExpr pat)
| ".(", _, #[e] => Expr.«.()» <$> getExpr e
| "...", _, _ => Expr.«...»
| "choice", _, args => do
| "at_pat", _, #[n, pat], _ => do Expr.atPat (← getName n) (← getExpr pat)
| ".(", _, #[e], _ => Expr.«.()» <$> getExpr e
| "...", _, _, _ => Expr.«...»
| "choice", _, args, _ => do
Expr.notation (Choice.many (← arr getNameK args[0])) (← args[1:].toArray.mapM getArg)
| "user_notation", v, args => Expr.userNotation v <$> args.mapM getParam
| k, v, args => do
| "user_notation", v, args, _ => Expr.userNotation v <$> args.mapM getParam
| k, v, args, _ => do
throw s!"getExpr parse error, unknown kind {k}" -- at\n {repr (← Expr.other <$> mkNodeK k v args)}"
getHave (suff : Bool) (args) : M _ := do
Expand All @@ -378,7 +398,7 @@ mutual
getSubtype (setOf : Bool) (args) : M _ := do
Expr.subtype setOf (← getName args[0]) (← opt getExpr args[1]) (← getExpr args[2])

partial def getExpr : AstId → M (Spanned Expr) := withNode getExpr_aux
partial def getExpr : AstId → M (Spanned Expr) := withNodeP getExpr_aux

partial def getArm : AstId → M Arm := withNodeK fun _ _ args => do
pure ⟨← arr getExpr args[0], ← getExpr args[1]⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -528,7 +548,7 @@ open DeclVal in
def getDeclVal : AstId → M (Spanned DeclVal) :=
withNode fun
| "eqns", _, args => eqns <$> args.mapM getArm
| k, v, args => expr <$> getExpr_aux k v args
| k, v, args => expr <$> getExpr_aux k v args none

open Modifier in
def getModifier : AstId → M (Spanned Modifier) := withNode fun
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions Mathport/Syntax/Translate/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -160,15 +160,15 @@ elab:max "warn!" interpStr:interpolatedStr(term) or:(checkColGt "|" term)? : ter
def trExpr (e : Expr) : M Syntax := do (← read).trExpr e
def trCommand (e : Command) : M Unit := do (← read).trCommand e

def renameIdent (n : Name) : M Name := do Rename.resolveIdent! (← getEnv) n
def renameIdent (n : Name) (choices : Array Name := #[]) : M Name := do Rename.resolveIdent! (← getEnv) n choices
def renameNamespace (n : Name) : M Name := do Rename.renameNamespace (← getEnv) n
def renameAttr (n : Name) : M Name := do Rename.renameAttr n
def renameModule (n : Name) : M Name := do Rename.renameModule (← read).pcfg n
def renameField (n : Name) : M Name := do Rename.renameField? (← getEnv) n |>.getD n
def renameOption : Name → M Name
| n => warn! "warning: unsupported option {n}" | n

def mkIdentI (n : Name) : M Syntax := do mkIdent (← renameIdent n)
def mkIdentI (n : Name) (choices : Array Name := #[]) : M Syntax := do mkIdent (← renameIdent n choices)
def mkIdentA (n : Name) : M Syntax := do mkIdent (← renameAttr n)
def mkIdentN (n : Name) : M Syntax := do mkIdent (← renameNamespace n)
def mkIdentF (n : Name) : M Syntax := do mkIdent (← renameField n)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -727,10 +727,10 @@ def trExpr' : Expr → M Syntax
| Expr.«()» => `(())
| Expr.«{}» => `({})
| Expr.ident n => mkIdentI n
| Expr.const _ n none => mkIdentI n.kind
| Expr.const _ n (some #[]) => mkIdentI n.kind
| Expr.const _ n (some l) => do
mkNode ``Parser.Term.explicitUniv #[← mkIdentI n.kind,
| Expr.const n none choices => mkIdentI n.kind choices
| Expr.const n (some #[]) choices => mkIdentI n.kind choices
| Expr.const n (some l) choices => do
mkNode ``Parser.Term.explicitUniv #[← mkIdentI n.kind choices,
mkAtom ".{", (mkAtom ",").mkSep $ ← l.mapM fun e => trLevel e.kind, mkAtom "}"]
| Expr.nat n => Quote.quote n
| Expr.decimal n d => (scientificLitOfDecimal n d).get!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ def mkSimpleAttr (n : Name) (args : Array Syntax := #[]) :=
def trDerive (e : AST3.Expr) : M Name :=
match e.unparen with
| Expr.ident n => renameIdent n
| Expr.const _ ⟨_, n⟩ _ => renameIdent n
| Expr.const ⟨_, n⟩ _ choices => renameIdent n choices
| e => warn! "unsupported derive handler {repr e}"

inductive TrAttr
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathport/Syntax/Translate/Tactic/Lean3.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ def parseSimpConfig : Option AST3.Expr → M (Option Meta.Simp.Config × Syntax)
| some _ => warn! "warning: unsupported simp config syntax" | (none, mkNullNode)
asBool {α} : AST3.Expr → α → (α → Bool → α) → α
| AST3.Expr.const _ ⟨_, `tt⟩ _, a, f => f a true
| AST3.Expr.const _ ⟨_, `ff⟩ _, a, f => f a false
| AST3.Expr.const ⟨_, `tt⟩ _ _, a, f => f a true
| AST3.Expr.const ⟨_, `ff⟩ _ _, a, f => f a false
| _, a, _ => a

def quoteSimpConfig (cfg : Meta.Simp.Config) : Option Syntax := do
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1 comment on commit 61b4659

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@dselsam dselsam commented on 61b4659 Feb 1, 2022

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Note: this commit works with the existing AST exporter.

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