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leanprover-community-mathlib4-bot committed Feb 3, 2025
2 parents 4267f31 + 96a5ba5 commit e6cc50e
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Showing 60 changed files with 891 additions and 907 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2268,7 +2268,6 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.Iteration.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.Iteration.ExtendToSucc
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.Iteration.FunctorOfCocone
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.Iteration.Nonempty
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.Iteration.UniqueHom
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.TransfiniteCompositionLifting
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.WellOrderInductionData
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Square
Expand Down
19 changes: 4 additions & 15 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Free.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,9 +61,6 @@ instance [Inhabited α] : Inhabited (FreeMagma α) := ⟨of default⟩
instance : Mul (FreeMagma α) := ⟨FreeMagma.mul⟩

-- Porting note: invalid attribute 'match_pattern', declaration is in an imported module
-- attribute [match_pattern] Mul.mul

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem mul_eq (x y : FreeMagma α) : mul x y = x * y := rfl

Expand All @@ -80,12 +77,10 @@ theorem hom_ext {β : Type v} [Mul β] {f g : FreeMagma α →ₙ* β} (h : f

end FreeMagma

#adaptation_note /-- nightly-2024-02-25
we need to write `mul x y` in the second pattern, instead of `x * y`. --/
/-- Lifts a function `α → β` to a magma homomorphism `FreeMagma α → β` given a magma `β`. -/
def FreeMagma.liftAux {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [Mul β] (f : α → β) : FreeMagma α → β
| FreeMagma.of x => f x
| mul x y => liftAux f x * liftAux f y
| x * y => liftAux f x * liftAux f y

/-- Lifts a function `α → β` to an additive magma homomorphism `FreeAddMagma α → β` given
an additive magma `β`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,13 +180,11 @@ end Category

end FreeMagma

#adaptation_note /-- nightly-2024-02-25
we need to write `mul x y` in the second pattern, instead of `x * y`. -/
/-- `FreeMagma` is traversable. -/
protected def FreeMagma.traverse {m : Type u → Type u} [Applicative m] {α β : Type u}
(F : α → m β) : FreeMagma α → m (FreeMagma β)
| FreeMagma.of x => FreeMagma.of <$> F x
| mul x y => (· * ·) <$> x.traverse F <*> y.traverse F
| x * y => (· * ·) <$> x.traverse F <*> y.traverse F

/-- `FreeAddMagma` is traversable. -/
protected def FreeAddMagma.traverse {m : Type u → Type u} [Applicative m] {α β : Type u}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,12 +255,10 @@ end Category

end FreeMagma

#adaptation_note /-- nightly-2024-02-25
we need to write `mul x y` in the second pattern, instead of `x * y`. -/
/-- Representation of an element of a free magma. -/
protected def FreeMagma.repr {α : Type u} [Repr α] : FreeMagma α → Lean.Format
| FreeMagma.of x => repr x
| mul x y => "( " ++ x.repr ++ " * " ++ y.repr ++ " )"
| x * y => "( " ++ x.repr ++ " * " ++ y.repr ++ " )"

/-- Representation of an element of a free additive magma. -/
protected def FreeAddMagma.repr {α : Type u} [Repr α] : FreeAddMagma α → Lean.Format
Expand All @@ -279,12 +270,10 @@ attribute [to_additive existing] FreeMagma.repr
instance {α : Type u} [Repr α] : Repr (FreeMagma α) := ⟨fun o _ => FreeMagma.repr o⟩

#adaptation_note /-- nightly-2024-02-25
we need to write `mul x y` in the second pattern, instead of `x * y`. -/
/-- Length of an element of a free magma. -/
def FreeMagma.length {α : Type u} : FreeMagma α → ℕ
| FreeMagma.of _x => 1
| mul x y => x.length + y.length
| x * y => x.length + y.length

/-- Length of an element of a free additive magma. -/
def FreeAddMagma.length {α : Type u} : FreeAddMagma α → ℕ
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/LinearRecurrence.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ theorem eq_mk_of_is_sol_of_eq_init {u : ℕ → α} {init : Fin E.order → α}
rw [mkSol]
split_ifs with h'
· exact mod_cast heq ⟨n, h'⟩
· rw [← tsub_add_cancel_of_le (le_of_not_lt h'), h (n - E.order)]
· dsimp only
rw [← tsub_add_cancel_of_le (le_of_not_lt h'), h (n - E.order)]
congr with k
have : n - E.order + k < n := by omega
rw [eq_mk_of_is_sol_of_eq_init h heq (n - E.order + k)]
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/TrivSqZeroExt.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -640,12 +640,12 @@ $r_0\cdots r_{i-1}m_ir_{i+1}\cdots r_n$. -/
theorem snd_list_prod [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [Module Rᵐᵒᵖ M]
[SMulCommClass R Rᵐᵒᵖ M] (l : List (tsze R M)) : =
( fun x : ℕ × tsze R M =>
(( fst).take x.1).prod •> x.snd.snd <• (( fst).drop x.1.succ).prod).sum := by
( fun x : tsze R M × ℕ =>
(( fst).take x.2).prod •> x.fst.snd <• (( fst).drop x.2.succ).prod).sum := by
induction l with
| nil => simp
| cons x xs ih =>
rw [List.enum_cons, ← List.map_fst_add_enum_eq_enumFrom]
rw [List.zipIdx_cons']
simp_rw [List.map_cons, List.map_map, Function.comp_def, Prod.map_snd, Prod.map_fst, id,
List.take_zero, List.take_succ_cons, List.prod_nil, List.prod_cons, snd_mul, one_smul,
List.drop, mul_smul, List.sum_cons, fst_list_prod, ih, List.smul_sum, List.map_map,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Analysis/Analytic/Composition.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ def compChangeOfVariables (m M N : ℕ) (i : Σ n, Fin n → ℕ) (hi : i ∈ co
rw [mem_compPartialSumSource_iff] at hi
refine ⟨∑ j, f j, ofFn fun a => f a, fun hi' => ?_, by simp [sum_ofFn]⟩
rename_i i
obtain ⟨j, rfl⟩ : ∃ j : Fin n, f j = i := by rwa [mem_ofFn, Set.mem_range] at hi'
obtain ⟨j, rfl⟩ : ∃ j : Fin n, f j = i := by rwa [mem_ofFn', Set.mem_range] at hi'
exact (hi.2 j).1

Expand Down
149 changes: 84 additions & 65 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/SmallObject/Construction.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,18 +9,18 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Pullback.HasPullback
# Construction for the small object argument
Given a family of morphisms `f i : A i ⟶ B i` in a category `C`
and an object `S : C`, we define a functor
`SmallObject.functor f S : Over S ⥤ Over S` which sends
an object given by `πX : X ⟶ S` to the pushout `functorObj f πX`:
Given a family of morphisms `f i : A i ⟶ B i` in a category `C`,
we define a functor
`SmallObject.functor f : Arrow S ⥤ Arrow S` which sends
an object given by arrow `πX : X ⟶ S` to the pushout `functorObj f πX`:
∐ functorObjSrcFamily f πX ⟶ X
| |
| |
v v
∐ functorObjTgtFamily f πX ⟶ functorObj f S πX
∐ functorObjTgtFamily f πX ⟶ functorObj f πX
where the morphism on the left is a coproduct (of copies of maps `f i`)
indexed by a type `FunctorObjIndex f πX` which parametrizes the
Expand All @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ A i ⟶ X
B i ⟶ S
The morphism `ιFunctorObj f S πX : X ⟶ functorObj f πX` is part of
a natural transformation `SmallObject.ε f S : 𝟭 (Over S) ⟶ functor f S`.
The morphism `ιFunctorObj f πX : X ⟶ functorObj f πX` is part of
a natural transformation `SmallObject.ε f : 𝟭 (Arrow C) ⟶ functor f S`.
The main idea in this construction is that for any commutative square
as above, there may not exist a lifting `B i ⟶ X`, but the construction
provides a tautological morphism `B i ⟶ functorObj f πX`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C] {I : Type w} {A B : I → C} (f : ∀ i,


variable {S : C} {X Y : C} (πX : X ⟶ S) (πY : Y ⟶ S) (φ : X ⟶ Y)
variable {S X : C} (πX : X ⟶ S)

/-- Given a family of morphisms `f i : A i ⟶ B i` and a morphism `πX : X ⟶ S`,
this type parametrizes the commutative squares with a morphism `f i` on the left
Expand All @@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ structure FunctorObjIndex where
attribute [reassoc (attr := simp)] FunctorObjIndex.w

variable [HasColimitsOfShape (Discrete (FunctorObjIndex f πX)) C]
[HasColimitsOfShape (Discrete (FunctorObjIndex f πY)) C]

/-- The family of objects `A x.i` parametrized by `x : FunctorObjIndex f πX`. -/
abbrev functorObjSrcFamily (x : FunctorObjIndex f πX) : C := A x.i
Expand All @@ -101,10 +100,9 @@ noncomputable abbrev functorObjLeft :
∐ functorObjSrcFamily f πX ⟶ ∐ functorObjTgtFamily f πX := (functorObjLeftFamily f πX)

variable [HasPushout (functorObjTop f πX) (functorObjLeft f πX)]

/-- The functor `SmallObject.functor f S : Over SOver S` that is part of
/-- The functor `SmallObject.functor f : Arrow CArrow C` that is part of
the small object argument for a family of morphisms `f`, on an object given
as a morphism `πX : X ⟶ S`. -/
noncomputable abbrev functorObj : C :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,79 +139,92 @@ lemma ρFunctorObj_π : ρFunctorObj f πX ≫ πFunctorObj f πX = π'FunctorOb
lemma ιFunctorObj_πFunctorObj : ιFunctorObj f πX ≫ πFunctorObj f πX = πX := by
simp [ιFunctorObj, πFunctorObj]

/-- The canonical morphism `∐ (functorObjSrcFamily f πX) ⟶ ∐ (functorObjSrcFamily f πY)`
induced by a morphism in `φ : X ⟶ Y` such that `φ ≫ πX = πY`. -/
noncomputable def functorMapSrc (hφ : φ ≫ πY = πX) :
∐ (functorObjSrcFamily f πX) ⟶ ∐ functorObjSrcFamily f πY :=' (fun x => x.i (x.t ≫ φ) x.b (by simp [hφ])) (fun _ => 𝟙 _)

variable {S T X Y : C} {πX : X ⟶ S} {πY : Y ⟶ T} (τ : πX ⟶ πY)
[HasColimitsOfShape (Discrete (FunctorObjIndex f πX)) C]
[HasColimitsOfShape (Discrete (FunctorObjIndex f πY)) C]

variable (hφ : φ ≫ πY = πX)
/-- The canonical morphism `∐ (functorObjSrcFamily f πX) ⟶ ∐ (functorObjSrcFamily f πY)`
induced by a morphism ` πX ⟶ πY`. -/
noncomputable def functorMapSrc :
∐ (functorObjSrcFamily f πX) ⟶ ∐ functorObjSrcFamily f πY :=' (fun x => x.i (x.t ≫ τ.left) (x.b ≫ τ.right) (by simp))
(fun _ => 𝟙 _)

lemma ι_functorMapSrc (i : I) (t : A i ⟶ X) (b : B i ⟶ S) (w : t ≫ πX = f i ≫ b)
(t' : A i ⟶ Y) (fac : t ≫ φ = t') :
Sigma.ι _ ( i t b w) ≫ functorMapSrc f πX πY φ hφ =
(b' : B i ⟶ T) (hb' : b ≫ τ.right = b')
(t' : A i ⟶ Y) (ht' : t ≫ τ.left = t') :
Sigma.ι _ ( i t b w) ≫ functorMapSrc f τ =
Sigma.ι (functorObjSrcFamily f πY)
( i t' b (by rw [← w, ← fac, assoc, hφ])) := by
subst fac
( i t' b' (by
have := τ.w
dsimp at this
rw [← hb', ← reassoc_of% w, ← ht', assoc, this])) := by
subst hb' ht'
simp [functorMapSrc]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma functorMapSrc_functorObjTop :
functorMapSrc f πX πY φ hφ ≫ functorObjTop f πY = functorObjTop f πX ≫ φ := by
functorMapSrc f τ ≫ functorObjTop f πY = functorObjTop f πX ≫ τ.left := by
ext ⟨i, t, b, w⟩
simp [ι_functorMapSrc_assoc f πX πY φ hφ i t b w _ rfl]
simp [ι_functorMapSrc_assoc f τ i t b w _ rfl]

/-- The canonical morphism `∐ functorObjTgtFamily f πX ⟶ ∐ functorObjTgtFamily f πY`
induced by a morphism in `φ : X ⟶ Y` such that `φ ≫ πX = πY`. -/
noncomputable def functorMapTgt (hφ : φ ≫ πY = πX) :
induced by a morphism ` πX ⟶ πY`. -/
noncomputable def functorMapTgt :
∐ functorObjTgtFamily f πX ⟶ ∐ functorObjTgtFamily f πY :=' (fun x => x.i (x.t ≫ φ) x.b (by simp [hφ])) (fun _ => 𝟙 _)' (fun x => x.i (x.t ≫ τ.left) (x.b ≫ τ.right) (by simp))
(fun _ => 𝟙 _)

lemma ι_functorMapTgt (i : I) (t : A i ⟶ X) (b : B i ⟶ S) (w : t ≫ πX = f i ≫ b)
(t' : A i ⟶ Y) (fac : t ≫ φ = t') :
Sigma.ι _ ( i t b w) ≫ functorMapTgt f πX πY φ hφ =
(b' : B i ⟶ T) (hb' : b ≫ τ.right = b')
(t' : A i ⟶ Y) (ht' : t ≫ τ.left = t') :
Sigma.ι _ ( i t b w) ≫ functorMapTgt f τ =
Sigma.ι (functorObjTgtFamily f πY)
( i t' b (by rw [← w, ← fac, assoc, hφ])) := by
subst fac
( i t' b' (by
have := τ.w
dsimp at this
rw [← hb', ← reassoc_of% w, ← ht', assoc, this])) := by
subst hb' ht'
simp [functorMapTgt]

lemma functorMap_comm :
functorObjLeft f πX ≫ functorMapTgt f πX πY φ hφ =
functorMapSrc f πX πY φ hφ ≫ functorObjLeft f πY := by
functorObjLeft f πX ≫ functorMapTgt f τ =
functorMapSrc f τ ≫ functorObjLeft f πY := by
ext ⟨i, t, b, w⟩
simp only [ι_colimMap_assoc, Discrete.natTrans_app, ι_colimMap,
ι_functorMapTgt f πX πY φ hφ i t b w _ rfl,
ι_functorMapSrc_assoc f πX πY φ hφ i t b w _ rfl]
ι_functorMapTgt f τ i t b w _ rfl,
ι_functorMapSrc_assoc f τ i t b w _ rfl]

variable [HasPushout (functorObjTop f πX) (functorObjLeft f πX)]
[HasPushout (functorObjTop f πY) (functorObjLeft f πY)]

/-- The functor `SmallObject.functor f S : Over S ⥤ Over S` that is part of
/-- The functor `SmallObject.functor f S : Arrow S ⥤ Arrow S` that is part of
the small object argument for a family of morphisms `f`, on morphisms. -/
noncomputable def functorMap : functorObj f πX ⟶ functorObj f πY := _ _ _ _ φ (functorMapTgt f πX πY φ hφ) (functorMapSrc f πX πY φ hφ) (by simp)
(functorMap_comm f πX πY φ hφ) _ _ _ _ τ.left (functorMapTgt f τ) (functorMapSrc f τ) (by simp)
(functorMap_comm f τ)

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma functorMap_π : functorMap f πX πY φ hφ ≫ πFunctorObj f πY = πFunctorObj f πX := by
lemma functorMap_π : functorMap f τ ≫ πFunctorObj f πY = πFunctorObj f πX ≫ τ.right := by
ext ⟨i, t, b, w⟩
· simp [functorMap, hφ]
· simp [functorMap, ι_functorMapTgt_assoc f πX πY φ hφ i t b w _ rfl]
· simp [functorMap]
· simp [functorMap, ι_functorMapTgt_assoc f τ i t b w _ rfl]

variable (X) in
lemma functorMap_id : functorMap f πX πX (𝟙 X) (by simp) = 𝟙 _ := by
lemma functorMap_id : functorMap f (𝟙 ( πX)) = 𝟙 _ := by
ext ⟨i, t, b, w⟩
· simp [functorMap]
· simp [functorMap, ι_functorMapTgt_assoc f πX πX (𝟙 X) (by simp) i t b w t (by simp)]
· simp [functorMap,
ι_functorMapTgt_assoc f (𝟙 ( πX)) i t b w b (by simp) t (by simp)]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma ιFunctorObj_naturality :
ιFunctorObj f πX ≫ functorMap f πX πY φ hφ = φ ≫ ιFunctorObj f πY := by
ιFunctorObj f πX ≫ functorMap f τ = τ.left ≫ ιFunctorObj f πY := by
simp [ιFunctorObj, functorMap]

lemma ιFunctorObj_extension {i : I} (t : A i ⟶ X) (b : B i ⟶ S)
Expand All @@ -225,31 +236,39 @@ lemma ιFunctorObj_extension {i : I} (t : A i ⟶ X) (b : B i ⟶ S)


variable (S : C) [HasPushouts C]
[∀ {X : C} (πX : X ⟶ S), HasColimitsOfShape (Discrete (FunctorObjIndex f πX)) C]
variable [HasPushouts C]
[∀ {X S : C} (πX : X ⟶ S), HasColimitsOfShape (Discrete (FunctorObjIndex f πX)) C]

/-- The functor `Over SOver S` that is constructed in order to apply the small
/-- The functor `Arrow CArrow C` that is constructed in order to apply the small
object argument to a family of morphisms `f i : A i ⟶ B i`, see the introduction
of the file `Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.Construction` -/
@[simps! obj map]
noncomputable def functor : Over S ⥤ Over S where
obj π := (πFunctorObj f π.hom)
map {π₁ π₂} φ := Over.homMk (functorMap f π₁.hom π₂.hom φ.left (Over.w φ))
map_id _ := by ext; dsimp; simp
map_comp {π₁ π₂ π₃} φ φ' := by
ext ⟨i, t, b, w⟩
· simp
· simp [functorMap, ι_functorMapTgt_assoc f π₁.hom π₂.hom φ.left (Over.w φ) i t b w _ rfl,
ι_functorMapTgt_assoc f π₁.hom π₃.hom (φ.left ≫ φ'.left) (Over.w (φ ≫ φ')) i t b w _ rfl,
ι_functorMapTgt_assoc f π₂.hom π₃.hom (φ'.left) (Over.w φ') i (t ≫ φ.left) b
(by simp [w]) (t ≫ φ.left ≫ φ'.left) (by simp)]

/-- The canonical natural transformation `𝟭 (Over S) ⟶ functor f S`. -/
@[simps! app]
noncomputable def ε : 𝟭 (Over S) ⟶ functor f S where
app w := Over.homMk (ιFunctorObj f w.hom)
noncomputable def functor : Arrow C ⥤ Arrow C where
obj π := (πFunctorObj f π.hom)
map {π₁ π₂} τ := Arrow.homMk (functorMap f τ) τ.right
map_id g := by
· apply functorMap_id
· dsimp
map_comp {π₁ π₂ π₃} τ τ' := by
· dsimp
simp [functorMap]
ext ⟨i, t, b, w⟩
· simp
· simp [ι_functorMapTgt_assoc f τ i t b w _ rfl _ rfl,
ι_functorMapTgt_assoc f (τ ≫ τ') i t b w _ rfl _ rfl,
ι_functorMapTgt_assoc f τ' i (t ≫ τ.left) (b ≫ τ.right)
(by simp [reassoc_of% w]) (b ≫ τ.right ≫ τ'.right) (by simp)
(t ≫ (τ ≫ τ').left) (by simp)]
· dsimp

/-- The canonical natural transformation `𝟭 (Arrow C) ⟶ functor f`. -/
@[simps app]
noncomputable def ε : 𝟭 (Arrow C) ⟶ functor f where
app π := Arrow.homMk (ιFunctorObj f π.hom) (𝟙 _)


end SmallObject

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