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feat(LinearAlgebra/Finsupp/linearCombination): add bilinearCombination (
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Add `Finsupp.bilinearCombination` and `Fintype.bilinearCombination` as bilinear maps.

Previously, `Fintype.linearCombination` was a bilinear map, but `Finsupp.linearCombination` was only linear in the second variable.
That made `Fintype.linearCombination` unusable in the noncommutative case.
By consistency, `Fintype.linearCombination` is downgraded to a linear map.
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AntoineChambert-Loir committed Mar 8, 2025
1 parent 1a7567c commit d2a9987
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Showing 6 changed files with 92 additions and 53 deletions.
118 changes: 80 additions & 38 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Finsupp/LinearCombination.lean
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Expand Up @@ -11,10 +11,18 @@ import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Finsupp.Supported
## Main definitions
* `Finsupp.linearCombination R (v : ι → M)`: sends `l : ι → R` to the linear combination of
* `Finsupp.linearCombination R (v : ι → M)`: sends `l : ι → R` to the linear combination of
`v i` with coefficients `l i`;
* `Finsupp.linearCombinationOn`: a restricted version of `Finsupp.linearCombination` with domain
* `Fintype.linearCombination R (v : ι → M)`: sends `l : ι → R` to the linear combination of
`v i` with coefficients `l i` (for a finite type `ι`)
* `Finsupp.bilinearCombination R S`, `Fintype.bilinearCombination R S`:
a bilinear version of `Finsupp.linearCombination` and `Fintype.linearCombination`.
It requires that `M` is both an `R`-module and an `S`-module, with `SMulCommClass R S M`;
the case `S = R` typically requires that `R` is commutative.
## Tags
function with finite support, module, linear algebra
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,21 +67,6 @@ theorem linearCombination_single (c : R) (a : α) :
theorem linearCombination_zero_apply (x : α →₀ R) : (linearCombination R (0 : α → M)) x = 0 := by
simp [linearCombination_apply]

variable (α M)

theorem linearCombination_zero : linearCombination R (0 : α → M) = 0 :=
LinearMap.ext (linearCombination_zero_apply R)

theorem linearCombination_single_index (c : M) (a : α) (f : α →₀ R) [DecidableEq α] :
linearCombination R (Pi.single a c) f = f a • c := by
rw [linearCombination_apply, sum_eq_single a, Pi.single_eq_same]
· exact fun i _ hi ↦ by rw [Pi.single_eq_of_ne hi, smul_zero]
· exact fun _ ↦ by simp only [single_eq_same, zero_smul]

variable {α M}

theorem linearCombination_linear_comp (f : M →ₗ[R] M') :
linearCombination R (f ∘ v) = f ∘ₗ linearCombination R v := by
Expand All @@ -95,7 +88,7 @@ theorem linearCombination_surjective (h : Function.Surjective v) :
Function.Surjective (linearCombination R v) := by
intro x
obtain ⟨y, hy⟩ := h x
exact ⟨Finsupp.single y 1, by simp [hy]⟩
exact ⟨single y 1, by simp [hy]⟩

theorem linearCombination_range (h : Function.Surjective v) :
LinearMap.range (linearCombination R v) = ⊤ :=
Expand All @@ -120,7 +113,7 @@ theorem range_linearCombination : LinearMap.range (linearCombination R v) = span
intro x hx
rcases hx with ⟨i, hi⟩
rw [SetLike.mem_coe, LinearMap.mem_range]
use Finsupp.single i 1
use single i 1
simp [hi]

theorem lmapDomain_linearCombination (f : α → α') (g : M →ₗ[R] M') (h : ∀ i, g (v i) = v' (f i)) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,6 +251,40 @@ theorem linearCombination_onFinset {s : Finset α} {f : α → R} (g : α → M)
contrapose! h
simp [h]

variable (α M)

theorem linearCombination_zero : linearCombination R (0 : α → M) = 0 :=
LinearMap.ext (linearCombination_zero_apply R)

theorem linearCombination_single_index (c : M) (a : α) (f : α →₀ R) [DecidableEq α] :
linearCombination R (Pi.single a c) f = f a • c := by
rw [linearCombination_apply, sum_eq_single a, Pi.single_eq_same]
· exact fun i _ hi ↦ by rw [Pi.single_eq_of_ne hi, smul_zero]
· exact fun _ ↦ by simp only [single_eq_same, zero_smul]

variable {α M}

variable [Module S M] [SMulCommClass R S M]

variable (S) in
/-- `Finsupp.bilinearCombination R S v f` is the linear combination of vectors in `v` with weights
in `f`, as a bilinear map of `v` and `f`.
In the absence of `SMulCommClass R S M`, use `Finsupp.linearCombination`.
See note [bundled maps over different rings] for why separate `R` and `S` semirings are used.
def bilinearCombination : (α → M) →ₗ[S] (α →₀ R) →ₗ[R] M where
toFun v := linearCombination R v
map_add' u v := by ext; simp [Finset.sum_add_distrib, Pi.add_apply, smul_add]
map_smul' r v := by ext; simp [Finset.smul_sum, smul_comm]

theorem bilinearCombination_apply :
bilinearCombination R S v = linearCombination R v :=

end LinearCombination

end Finsupp
Expand All @@ -268,36 +295,29 @@ variable {α M : Type*} (R : Type*) [Fintype α] [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M]
variable (S : Type*) [Semiring S] [Module S M] [SMulCommClass R S M]
variable (v : α → M)

/-- `Fintype.linearCombination R S v f` is the linear combination of vectors in `v` with weights
/-- `Fintype.linearCombination R v f` is the linear combination of vectors in `v` with weights
in `f`. This variant of `Finsupp.linearCombination` is defined on fintype indexed vectors.
This map is linear in `v` if `R` is commutative, and always linear in `f`.
See note [bundled maps over different rings] for why separate `R` and `S` semirings are used.
protected def Fintype.linearCombination : (α → M) →ₗ[S] (α → R) →ₗ[R] M where
toFun v :=
{ toFun := fun f => ∑ i, f i • v i
map_add' := fun f g => by simp_rw [← Finset.sum_add_distrib, ← add_smul]; rfl
map_smul' := fun r f => by simp_rw [Finset.smul_sum, smul_smul]; rfl }
map_add' u v := by ext; simp [Finset.sum_add_distrib, Pi.add_apply, smul_add]
map_smul' r v := by ext; simp [Finset.smul_sum, smul_comm]

variable {S}
protected def Fintype.linearCombination : (α → R) →ₗ[R] M where
toFun f := ∑ i, f i • v i
map_add' f g := by simp_rw [← Finset.sum_add_distrib, ← add_smul]; rfl
map_smul' r f := by simp_rw [Finset.smul_sum, smul_smul]; rfl

theorem Fintype.linearCombination_apply (f) : Fintype.linearCombination R S v f = ∑ i, f i • v i :=
theorem Fintype.linearCombination_apply (f) : Fintype.linearCombination R v f = ∑ i, f i • v i :=

theorem Fintype.linearCombination_apply_single [DecidableEq α] (i : α) (r : R) :
Fintype.linearCombination R S v (Pi.single i r) = r • v i := by
Fintype.linearCombination R v (Pi.single i r) = r • v i := by
simp_rw [Fintype.linearCombination_apply, Pi.single_apply, ite_smul, zero_smul]
rw [Finset.sum_ite_eq', if_pos (Finset.mem_univ _)]

variable (S)

theorem Finsupp.linearCombination_eq_fintype_linearCombination_apply (x : α → R) :
linearCombination R v ((Finsupp.linearEquivFunOnFinite R R α).symm x) =
Fintype.linearCombination R S v x := by
Fintype.linearCombination R v x := by
apply Finset.sum_subset
· exact Finset.subset_univ _
· intro x _ hx
Expand All @@ -306,16 +326,38 @@ theorem Finsupp.linearCombination_eq_fintype_linearCombination_apply (x : α →

theorem Finsupp.linearCombination_eq_fintype_linearCombination :
(linearCombination R v).comp (Finsupp.linearEquivFunOnFinite R R α).symm.toLinearMap =
Fintype.linearCombination R S v :=
LinearMap.ext <| linearCombination_eq_fintype_linearCombination_apply R S v

variable {S}
Fintype.linearCombination R v :=
LinearMap.ext <| linearCombination_eq_fintype_linearCombination_apply R v

theorem Fintype.range_linearCombination :
LinearMap.range (Fintype.linearCombination R S v) = Submodule.span R (Set.range v) := by
LinearMap.range (Fintype.linearCombination R v) = Submodule.span R (Set.range v) := by
rw [← Finsupp.linearCombination_eq_fintype_linearCombination, LinearMap.range_comp,
LinearEquiv.range, Submodule.map_top, Finsupp.range_linearCombination]

/-- `Fintype.bilinearCombination R S v f` is the linear combination of vectors in `v` with weights
in `f`. This variant of `Finsupp.linearCombination` is defined on fintype indexed vectors.
This map is linear in `v` if `R` is commutative, and always linear in `f`.
See note [bundled maps over different rings] for why separate `R` and `S` semirings are used.
protected def Fintype.bilinearCombination : (α → M) →ₗ[S] (α → R) →ₗ[R] M where
toFun v := Fintype.linearCombination R v
map_add' u v := by ext; simp [Fintype.linearCombination,
Finset.sum_add_distrib, Pi.add_apply, smul_add]
map_smul' r v := by ext; simp [Fintype.linearCombination, Finset.smul_sum, smul_comm]

variable {S}

theorem Fintype.bilinearCombination_apply :
Fintype.bilinearCombination R S v = Fintype.linearCombination R v :=

theorem Fintype.bilinearCombination_apply_single [DecidableEq α] (i : α) (r : R) :
Fintype.bilinearCombination R S v (Pi.single i r) = r • v i := by
simp [Fintype.bilinearCombination]-- Fintype.linearCombination_apply_single]

section SpanRange

variable {v} {x : M}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/LinearIndependent/Defs.lean
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Expand Up @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ alias ⟨LinearIndependent.injective_linearCombination, _⟩ :=

theorem Fintype.linearIndependent_iff_injective [Fintype ι] :
LinearIndependent R v ↔ Injective (Fintype.linearCombination R v) := by
LinearIndependent R v ↔ Injective (Fintype.linearCombination R v) := by
simp [← Finsupp.linearCombination_eq_fintype_linearCombination, LinearIndependent]

theorem LinearIndependent.injective [Nontrivial R] (hv : LinearIndependent R v) : Injective v := by
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19 changes: 8 additions & 11 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Matrix/Charpoly/LinearMap.lean
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Expand Up @@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ open Polynomial Matrix
/-- The composition of a matrix (as an endomorphism of `ι → R`) with the projection
`(ι → R) →ₗ[R] M`. -/
def PiToModule.fromMatrix [DecidableEq ι] : Matrix ι ι R →ₗ[R] (ι → R) →ₗ[R] M :=
(LinearMap.llcomp R _ _ _ (Fintype.linearCombination R R b)).comp algEquivMatrix'.symm.toLinearMap
(LinearMap.llcomp R _ _ _ (Fintype.linearCombination R b)).comp algEquivMatrix'.symm.toLinearMap

theorem PiToModule.fromMatrix_apply [DecidableEq ι] (A : Matrix ι ι R) (w : ι → R) :
PiToModule.fromMatrix R b A w = Fintype.linearCombination R R b (A *ᵥ w) :=
PiToModule.fromMatrix R b A w = Fintype.linearCombination R b (A *ᵥ w) :=

theorem PiToModule.fromMatrix_apply_single_one [DecidableEq ι] (A : Matrix ι ι R) (j : ι) :
Expand All @@ -44,24 +44,21 @@ theorem PiToModule.fromMatrix_apply_single_one [DecidableEq ι] (A : Matrix ι
/-- The endomorphisms of `M` acts on `(ι → R) →ₗ[R] M`, and takes the projection
to a `(ι → R) →ₗ[R] M`. -/
def PiToModule.fromEnd : Module.End R M →ₗ[R] (ι → R) →ₗ[R] M :=
LinearMap.lcomp _ _ (Fintype.linearCombination R R b)
LinearMap.lcomp _ _ (Fintype.linearCombination R b)

theorem PiToModule.fromEnd_apply (f : Module.End R M) (w : ι → R) :
PiToModule.fromEnd R b f w = f (Fintype.linearCombination R R b w) :=
PiToModule.fromEnd R b f w = f (Fintype.linearCombination R b w) :=

theorem PiToModule.fromEnd_apply_single_one [DecidableEq ι] (f : Module.End R M) (i : ι) :
PiToModule.fromEnd R b f (Pi.single i 1) = f (b i) := by
rw [PiToModule.fromEnd_apply]
convert Fintype.linearCombination_apply_single (S := R) R b i (1 : R)
rw [one_smul]
rw [PiToModule.fromEnd_apply, Fintype.linearCombination_apply_single, one_smul]

theorem PiToModule.fromEnd_injective (hb : Submodule.span R (Set.range b) = ⊤) :
Function.Injective (PiToModule.fromEnd R b) := by
intro x y e
ext m
obtain ⟨m, rfl⟩ : m ∈ LinearMap.range (Fintype.linearCombination R R b) := by
obtain ⟨m, rfl⟩ : m ∈ LinearMap.range (Fintype.linearCombination R b) := by
rw [(Fintype.range_linearCombination R b).trans hb]
exact Submodule.mem_top
exact (LinearMap.congr_fun e m :)
Expand All @@ -78,12 +75,12 @@ def Matrix.Represents (A : Matrix ι ι R) (f : Module.End R M) : Prop :=
variable {b}

theorem Matrix.Represents.congr_fun {A : Matrix ι ι R} {f : Module.End R M} (h : A.Represents b f)
(x) : Fintype.linearCombination R R b (A *ᵥ x) = f (Fintype.linearCombination R R b x) :=
(x) : Fintype.linearCombination R b (A *ᵥ x) = f (Fintype.linearCombination R b x) :=
LinearMap.congr_fun h x

theorem Matrix.represents_iff {A : Matrix ι ι R} {f : Module.End R M} :
A.Represents b f ↔
∀ x, Fintype.linearCombination R R b (A *ᵥ x) = f (Fintype.linearCombination R R b x) :=
∀ x, Fintype.linearCombination R b (A *ᵥ x) = f (Fintype.linearCombination R b x) :=
fun e x => e.congr_fun x, fun H => LinearMap.ext fun x => H x⟩

theorem Matrix.represents_iff' {A : Matrix ι ι R} {f : Module.End R M} :
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/RootSystem/Base.lean
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Expand Up @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ lemma eq_one_or_neg_one_of_mem_support_of_smul_mem_aux [Finite ι]
use f ⟨i, h⟩
replace hf : P.coroot i = linearCombination R (fun k : ↦ P.coroot k)
(t • (linearEquivFunOnFinite R _ _).symm (fun x ↦ (f x : R))) := by
rw [map_smul, linearCombination_eq_fintype_linearCombination_apply R R,
rw [map_smul, linearCombination_eq_fintype_linearCombination_apply,
Fintype.linearCombination_apply, hf]
simp_rw [mul_smul, ← Finset.smul_sum]
let g : →₀ R := single ⟨i, h⟩ 1
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/RingTheory/LocalRing/Quotient.lean
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Expand Up @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ lemma basisQuotient_repr {ι} [Fintype ι] (b : Basis ι R S) (x) (i) :
apply (basisQuotient b).repr.symm.injective
simp only [Finsupp.linearEquivFunOnFinite_symm_coe, LinearEquiv.symm_apply_apply,
rw [Finsupp.linearCombination_eq_fintype_linearCombination_apply _ (R ⧸ p),
rw [Finsupp.linearCombination_eq_fintype_linearCombination_apply (R ⧸ p),
simp only [Function.comp_apply, basisQuotient_apply,
Ideal.Quotient.mk_smul_mk_quotient_map_quotient, ← Algebra.smul_def]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Topology/Algebra/Module/Compact.lean
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Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ variable [TopologicalSpace M] [ContinuousAdd M] [ContinuousSMul R M]
lemma Submodule.isCompact_of_fg [CompactSpace R] {N : Submodule R M} (hN : N.FG) :
IsCompact (X := M) N := by
obtain ⟨s, hs⟩ := hN
have : LinearMap.range (Fintype.linearCombination R R (α := s) Subtype.val) = N := by
have : LinearMap.range (Fintype.linearCombination R (α := s) Subtype.val) = N := by
simp [Finsupp.range_linearCombination, hs]
rw [← this]
refine isCompact_range ?_
Expand Down

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