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refactor: review the simps projections of OneHom, Mulhom, `Mono…
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Make `simps` generate `coe_concreteHom` rather than`concreteHom_apply`.

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YaelDillies committed Feb 1, 2025
1 parent fb51fb6 commit a8e1e42
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Showing 8 changed files with 103 additions and 122 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/BigOperators/Group/Multiset/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ theorem prod_map_div : ( fun i => f i / g i).prod = ( f).prod / (
theorem prod_map_zpow {n : ℤ} : ( fun i => f i ^ n).prod = ( f).prod ^ n := by
convert ( f).prod_hom (zpowGroupHom n : α →* α)
simp only [map_map, Function.comp_apply, zpowGroupHom_apply]
simp [map_map, Function.comp_apply]

end DivisionCommMonoid

Expand Down
193 changes: 90 additions & 103 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Group/Hom/Defs.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -489,68 +489,94 @@ section Coes

/-! Bundled morphisms can be down-cast to weaker bundlings -/

attribute [coe] MonoidHom.toOneHom
attribute [coe] AddMonoidHom.toZeroHom
namespace OneHom
variable [One M] [One N]

/-- `MonoidHom` down-cast to a `OneHom`, forgetting the multiplicative property. -/
@[to_additive "`AddMonoidHom` down-cast to a `ZeroHom`, forgetting the additive property"]
instance MonoidHom.coeToOneHom [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
Coe (M →* N) (OneHom M N) := ⟨MonoidHom.toOneHom⟩
/-- See Note [custom simps projection]. We want to generate
`coe_concreteHom : ⇑concreteHom = unbundledFun` rather than
`concreteHom_apply a : ⇑concreteHom a = unbundledFun a`. -/
"/-- See Note [custom simps projection]. We want to generate
`coe_concreteHom : ⇑concreteHom = unbundledFun` rather than
`concreteHom_apply a : ⇑concreteHom a = unbundledFun a`. -/"]
def Simps.coe (f : OneHom M N) : M → N := f

attribute [coe] MonoidHom.toMulHom
attribute [coe] AddMonoidHom.toAddHom
initialize_simps_projections OneHom (toFun → coe, as_prefix coe)
initialize_simps_projections ZeroHom (toFun → coe, as_prefix coe)

/-- `MonoidHom` down-cast to a `MulHom`, forgetting the 1-preserving property. -/
@[to_additive "`AddMonoidHom` down-cast to an `AddHom`, forgetting the 0-preserving property."]
instance MonoidHom.coeToMulHom [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
Coe (M →* N) (M →ₙ* N) := ⟨MonoidHom.toMulHom⟩
@[to_additive (attr := simp)] lemma toFun_eq_coe (f : OneHom M N) : f.toFun = f := rfl
@[to_additive (attr := simp)] lemma coe_mk (f : M → N) (hone) : (mk f hone : M → N) = f := rfl
@[to_additive (attr := simp)] lemma mk_coe (f : OneHom M N) : mk f f.map_one' = f := rfl

-- these must come after the coe_toFun definitions
initialize_simps_projections ZeroHom (toFun → apply)
initialize_simps_projections AddHom (toFun → apply)
initialize_simps_projections AddMonoidHom (toFun → apply)
initialize_simps_projections OneHom (toFun → apply)
initialize_simps_projections MulHom (toFun → apply)
initialize_simps_projections MonoidHom (toFun → apply)
@[to_additive (attr := ext)]
lemma ext ⦃f g : OneHom M N⦄ (h : ∀ x, f x = g x) : f = g := DFunLike.ext _ _ h

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem OneHom.coe_mk [One M] [One N] (f : M → N) (h1) : ( f h1 : M → N) = f := rfl
end OneHom

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem OneHom.toFun_eq_coe [One M] [One N] (f : OneHom M N) : f.toFun = f := rfl
namespace MulHom
variable [Mul M] [Mul N]

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem MulHom.coe_mk [Mul M] [Mul N] (f : M → N) (hmul) : ( f hmul : M → N) = f := rfl
/-- See Note [custom simps projection]. We want to generate
`coe_concreteHom : ⇑concreteHom = unbundledFun` rather than
`concreteHom_apply a : ⇑concreteHom a = unbundledFun a`. -/
"/-- See Note [custom simps projection]. We want to generate
`coe_concreteHom : ⇑concreteHom = unbundledFun` rather than
`concreteHom_apply a : ⇑concreteHom a = unbundledFun a`. -/"]
def Simps.coe (f : M →ₙ* N) : M → N := f

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem MulHom.toFun_eq_coe [Mul M] [Mul N] (f : M →ₙ* N) : f.toFun = f := rfl
initialize_simps_projections MulHom (toFun → coe, as_prefix coe)
initialize_simps_projections AddHom (toFun → coe, as_prefix coe)

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem MonoidHom.coe_mk [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (f hmul) :
( f hmul : M → N) = f := rfl
@[to_additive (attr := simp)] lemma toFun_eq_coe (f : M →ₙ* N) : f.toFun = f := rfl
@[to_additive (attr := simp)] lemma coe_mk (f : M → N) (hmul) : (mk f hmul : M → N) = f := rfl
@[to_additive (attr := simp)] lemma mk_coe (f : M →ₙ* N) : mk f f.map_mul' = f := rfl

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem MonoidHom.toOneHom_coe [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (f : M →* N) :
(f.toOneHom : M → N) = f := rfl
@[to_additive (attr := ext)]
lemma ext ⦃f g : M →ₙ* N⦄ (h : ∀ x, f x = g x) : f = g := DFunLike.ext _ _ h

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem MonoidHom.toMulHom_coe [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (f : M →* N) :
f.toMulHom.toFun = f := rfl
end MulHom

theorem MonoidHom.toFun_eq_coe [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (f : M →* N) : f.toFun = f := rfl
namespace MonoidHom
variable [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N]

@[to_additive (attr := ext)]
theorem OneHom.ext [One M] [One N] ⦃f g : OneHom M N⦄ (h : ∀ x, f x = g x) : f = g :=
DFunLike.ext _ _ h
attribute [coe] MonoidHom.toOneHom
attribute [coe] AddMonoidHom.toZeroHom
attribute [coe] MonoidHom.toMulHom
attribute [coe] AddMonoidHom.toAddHom

@[to_additive (attr := ext)]
theorem MulHom.ext [Mul M] [Mul N] ⦃f g : M →ₙ* N⦄ (h : ∀ x, f x = g x) : f = g :=
DFunLike.ext _ _ h
/-- `MonoidHom` down-cast to a `OneHom`, forgetting the multiplicative property. -/
@[to_additive "`AddMonoidHom` down-cast to a `ZeroHom`, forgetting the additive property"]
instance coeToOneHom : Coe (M →* N) (OneHom M N) := ⟨MonoidHom.toOneHom⟩

/-- `MonoidHom` down-cast to a `MulHom`, forgetting the 1-preserving property. -/
@[to_additive "`AddMonoidHom` down-cast to an `AddHom`, forgetting the 0-preserving property."]
instance coeToMulHom : Coe (M →* N) (M →ₙ* N) := ⟨MonoidHom.toMulHom⟩

/-- See Note [custom simps projection]. We want to generate
`coe_concreteHom : ⇑concreteHom = unbundledFun` rather than
`concreteHom_apply a : ⇑concreteHom a = unbundledFun a`. -/
"/-- See Note [custom simps projection]. We want to generate
`coe_concreteHom : ⇑concreteHom = unbundledFun` rather than
`concreteHom_apply a : ⇑concreteHom a = unbundledFun a`. -/"]
def Simps.coe (f : M →* N) : M → N := f

initialize_simps_projections MonoidHom (toFun → coe, as_prefix coe)
initialize_simps_projections AddMonoidHom (toFun → coe, as_prefix coe)

@[to_additive (attr := simp)] lemma coe_toOneHom (f : M →* N) : f.toOneHom = f := rfl
@[to_additive (attr := simp)] lemma coe_toMulHom (f : M →* N) : f.toMulHom = f := rfl
@[to_additive (attr := simp)] lemma coe_mk (f hmul) : (mk f hmul : M → N) = f := rfl
@[to_additive (attr := simp)] lemma mk_coe (f : M →* N) : mk f f.map_mul' = f := rfl

@[to_additive] lemma toFun_eq_coe (f : M →* N) : f.toFun = f := rfl

@[to_additive (attr := ext)]
theorem MonoidHom.ext [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] ⦃f g : M →* N⦄ (h : ∀ x, f x = g x) : f = g :=
DFunLike.ext _ _ h
lemma ext ⦃f g : M →* N⦄ (h : ∀ x, f x = g x) : f = g := DFunLike.ext _ _ h

end MonoidHom
end Coes

namespace MonoidHom

Expand All @@ -567,78 +593,45 @@ def mk' (f : M → G) (map_mul : ∀ a b : M, f (a * b) = f a * f b) : M →* G

end MonoidHom

section Deprecated

end Deprecated

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem OneHom.mk_coe [One M] [One N] (f : OneHom M N) (h1) : f h1 = f :=
OneHom.ext fun _ => rfl

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem MulHom.mk_coe [Mul M] [Mul N] (f : M →ₙ* N) (hmul) : f hmul = f :=
MulHom.ext fun _ => rfl

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem MonoidHom.mk_coe [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (f : M →* N) (hmul) : f hmul = f := MonoidHom.ext fun _ => rfl

end Coes

/-- Copy of a `OneHom` with a new `toFun` equal to the old one. Useful to fix definitional
equalities. -/
@[to_additive (attr := simps (config := .asFn))
"Copy of a `ZeroHom` with a new `toFun` equal to the old one. Useful to fix
definitional equalities."]
protected def OneHom.copy [One M] [One N] (f : OneHom M N) (f' : M → N) (h : f' = f) :
OneHom M N where
toFun := f'
map_one' := h.symm ▸ f.map_one'

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem OneHom.coe_copy {_ : One M} {_ : One N} (f : OneHom M N) (f' : M → N) (h : f' = f) :
(f.copy f' h) = f' :=

theorem OneHom.coe_copy_eq {_ : One M} {_ : One N} (f : OneHom M N) (f' : M → N) (h : f' = f) :
f.copy f' h = f :=
DFunLike.ext' h

/-- Copy of a `MulHom` with a new `toFun` equal to the old one. Useful to fix definitional
equalities. -/
@[to_additive (attr := simps (config := .asFn))
"Copy of an `AddHom` with a new `toFun` equal to the old one. Useful to fix
definitional equalities."]
protected def MulHom.copy [Mul M] [Mul N] (f : M →ₙ* N) (f' : M → N) (h : f' = f) :
M →ₙ* N where
toFun := f'
map_mul' := h.symm ▸ f.map_mul'

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem MulHom.coe_copy {_ : Mul M} {_ : Mul N} (f : M →ₙ* N) (f' : M → N) (h : f' = f) :
(f.copy f' h) = f' :=

theorem MulHom.coe_copy_eq {_ : Mul M} {_ : Mul N} (f : M →ₙ* N) (f' : M → N) (h : f' = f) :
f.copy f' h = f :=
DFunLike.ext' h

/-- Copy of a `MonoidHom` with a new `toFun` equal to the old one. Useful to fix
definitional equalities. -/
@[to_additive (attr := simps! (config := .asFn))
"Copy of an `AddMonoidHom` with a new `toFun` equal to the old one. Useful to fix
definitional equalities."]
protected def MonoidHom.copy [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (f : M →* N) (f' : M → N)
(h : f' = f) : M →* N :=
{ f.toOneHom.copy f' h, f.toMulHom.copy f' h with }

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem MonoidHom.coe_copy {_ : MulOneClass M} {_ : MulOneClass N} (f : M →* N) (f' : M → N)
(h : f' = f) : (f.copy f' h) = f' :=

theorem MonoidHom.copy_eq {_ : MulOneClass M} {_ : MulOneClass N} (f : M →* N) (f' : M → N)
(h : f' = f) : f.copy f' h = f :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -688,19 +681,22 @@ theorem map_exists_left_inv (f : F) {x : M} (hx : ∃ y, y * x = 1) : ∃ y, y *
end MonoidHom

/-- The identity map from a type with 1 to itself. -/
@[to_additive (attr := simps) "The identity map from a type with zero to itself."]
@[to_additive (attr := simps (config := .asFn))
"The identity map from a type with zero to itself."]
def (M : Type*) [One M] : OneHom M M where
toFun x := x
map_one' := rfl

/-- The identity map from a type with multiplication to itself. -/
@[to_additive (attr := simps) "The identity map from a type with addition to itself."]
@[to_additive (attr := simps (config := .asFn))
"The identity map from a type with addition to itself."]
def (M : Type*) [Mul M] : M →ₙ* M where
toFun x := x
map_mul' _ _ := rfl

/-- The identity map from a monoid to itself. -/
@[to_additive (attr := simps) "The identity map from an additive monoid to itself."]
@[to_additive (attr := simps (config := .asFn))
"The identity map from an additive monoid to itself."]
def (M : Type*) [MulOneClass M] : M →* M where
toFun x := x
map_one' := rfl
Expand All @@ -716,37 +712,28 @@ lemma MulHom.coe_id {M : Type*} [Mul M] : ( M : M → M) = :=
lemma MonoidHom.coe_id {M : Type*} [MulOneClass M] : ( M : M → M) = := rfl

/-- Composition of `OneHom`s as a `OneHom`. -/
@[to_additive "Composition of `ZeroHom`s as a `ZeroHom`."]
@[to_additive (attr := simps (config := .asFn))
"Composition of `ZeroHom`s as a `ZeroHom`."]
def OneHom.comp [One M] [One N] [One P] (hnp : OneHom N P) (hmn : OneHom M N) : OneHom M P where
toFun := hnp ∘ hmn
map_one' := by simp

/-- Composition of `MulHom`s as a `MulHom`. -/
@[to_additive "Composition of `AddHom`s as an `AddHom`."]
@[to_additive (attr := simps (config := .asFn))
"Composition of `AddHom`s as an `AddHom`."]
def MulHom.comp [Mul M] [Mul N] [Mul P] (hnp : N →ₙ* P) (hmn : M →ₙ* N) : M →ₙ* P where
toFun := hnp ∘ hmn
map_mul' x y := by simp

/-- Composition of monoid morphisms as a monoid morphism. -/
@[to_additive "Composition of additive monoid morphisms as an additive monoid morphism."]
@[to_additive (attr := simps (config := .asFn))
"Composition of additive monoid morphisms as an additive monoid morphism."]
def MonoidHom.comp [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [MulOneClass P] (hnp : N →* P) (hmn : M →* N) :
M →* P where
toFun := hnp ∘ hmn
map_one' := by simp
map_mul' := by simp

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem OneHom.coe_comp [One M] [One N] [One P] (g : OneHom N P) (f : OneHom M N) :
↑(g.comp f) = g ∘ f := rfl

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem MulHom.coe_comp [Mul M] [Mul N] [Mul P] (g : N →ₙ* P) (f : M →ₙ* N) :
↑(g.comp f) = g ∘ f := rfl

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem MonoidHom.coe_comp [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [MulOneClass P]
(g : N →* P) (f : M →* N) : ↑(g.comp f) = g ∘ f := rfl

theorem OneHom.comp_apply [One M] [One N] [One P] (g : OneHom N P) (f : OneHom M N) (x : M) :
g.comp f x = g (f x) := rfl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -856,7 +843,7 @@ protected theorem MonoidHom.map_zpow' [DivInvMonoid M] [DivInvMonoid N] (f : M
f (a ^ n) = f a ^ n := map_zpow' f hf a n

/-- Makes a `OneHom` inverse from the bijective inverse of a `OneHom` -/
@[to_additive (attr := simps)
@[to_additive (attr := simps (config := .asFn))
"Make a `ZeroHom` inverse from the bijective inverse of a `ZeroHom`"]
def OneHom.inverse [One M] [One N]
(f : OneHom M N) (g : N → M)
Expand All @@ -866,7 +853,7 @@ def OneHom.inverse [One M] [One N]
map_one' := by rw [← f.map_one, h₁] }

/-- Makes a multiplicative inverse from a bijection which preserves multiplication. -/
@[to_additive (attr := simps)
@[to_additive (attr := simps (config := .asFn))
"Makes an additive inverse from a bijection which preserves addition."]
def MulHom.inverse [Mul M] [Mul N] (f : M →ₙ* N) (g : N → M)
(h₁ : Function.LeftInverse g f)
Expand All @@ -879,7 +866,7 @@ def MulHom.inverse [Mul M] [Mul N] (f : M →ₙ* N) (g : N → M)
_ = g x * g y := h₁ _

/-- The inverse of a bijective `MonoidHom` is a `MonoidHom`. -/
@[to_additive (attr := simps)
@[to_additive (attr := simps (config := .asFn))
"The inverse of a bijective `AddMonoidHom` is an `AddMonoidHom`."]
def MonoidHom.inverse {A B : Type*} [Monoid A] [Monoid B] (f : A →* B) (g : B → A)
(h₁ : Function.LeftInverse g f) (h₂ : Function.RightInverse g f) : B →* A :=
Expand Down
17 changes: 6 additions & 11 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Group/Subgroup/Defs.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -189,14 +189,13 @@ instance (priority := 75) toCommGroup {G : Type*} [CommGroup G] [SetLike S G] [S
(fun _ _ => rfl) fun _ _ => rfl

/-- The natural group hom from a subgroup of group `G` to `G`. -/
@[to_additive (attr := coe)
@[to_additive (attr := simps (config := .asFn))
"The natural group hom from an additive subgroup of `AddGroup` `G` to `G`."]
protected def subtype : H →* G where
toFun := ((↑) : H → G); map_one' := rfl; map_mul' := fun _ _ => rfl

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem coeSubtype : (SubgroupClass.subtype H : H → G) = ((↑) : H → G) := by
@[to_additive (attr := deprecated coe_subtype (since := "2024-12-10"))]
alias coeSubtype := coe_subtype

variable {H}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,15 +233,13 @@ theorem inclusion_inclusion {L : S} (hHK : H ≤ K) (hKL : K ≤ L) (x : H) :

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem coe_inclusion {H K : S} {h : H ≤ K} (a : H) : (inclusion h a : G) = a := by
cases a
simp only [inclusion,'_apply]
theorem coe_inclusion {H K : S} {h : H ≤ K} (a : H) : (inclusion h a : G) = a := rfl

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem subtype_comp_inclusion {H K : S} (hH : H ≤ K) :
(SubgroupClass.subtype K).comp (inclusion hH) = SubgroupClass.subtype H := by
simp only [MonoidHom.comp_apply, coeSubtype, coe_inclusion]
simp only [MonoidHom.comp_apply, coe_subtype, coe_inclusion]

end SubgroupClass

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -534,9 +531,7 @@ def inclusion {H K : Subgroup G} (h : H ≤ K) : H →* K :=' (fun x => ⟨x, h x.2⟩) fun _ _ => rfl

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem coe_inclusion {H K : Subgroup G} {h : H ≤ K} (a : H) : (inclusion h a : G) = a := by
cases a
simp only [inclusion, coe_mk,'_apply]
theorem coe_inclusion {H K : Subgroup G} {h : H ≤ K} (a : H) : (inclusion h a : G) = a := rfl

theorem inclusion_injective {H K : Subgroup G} (h : H ≤ K) : Function.Injective <| inclusion h :=
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Group/Submonoid/Operations.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ theorem restrict_mrange (f : M →* N) : mrange (f.restrict S) = f := by
simp [SetLike.ext_iff]

/-- Restriction of a monoid hom to a submonoid of the codomain. -/
@[to_additive (attr := simps apply)
@[to_additive (attr := simps (config := .asFn))
"Restriction of an `AddMonoid` hom to an `AddSubmonoid` of the codomain."]
def codRestrict {S} [SetLike S N] [SubmonoidClass S N] (f : M →* N) (s : S) (h : ∀ x, f x ∈ s) :
M →* s where
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Group/WithOne/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ section
-- workaround: we make `WithOne`/`WithZero` irreducible for this definition, otherwise `simps`
-- will unfold it in the statement of the lemma it generates.
/-- `WithOne.coe` as a bundled morphism -/
@[to_additive (attr := simps apply) "`WithZero.coe` as a bundled morphism"]
@[to_additive (attr := simps) "`WithZero.coe` as a bundled morphism"]
def coeMulHom [Mul α] : α →ₙ* WithOne α where
toFun := coe
map_mul' _ _ := rfl
Expand Down

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