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feat(GroupTheory/SpecificGroups/Alternating/Centralizer): compute the…
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… centralizer of a permutation in the alternating group (#17047)

Let α : Type with Fintype α (and DecidableEq α).
The main goal of this file is to compute the cardinality of
conjugacy classes in `alternatingGroup α`.
Every g : Equiv.Perm α has a cycleType α : Multiset ℕ.
By Equiv.Perm.isConj_iff_cycleType_eq,
two permutations are conjugate in Equiv.Perm α iff
their cycle types are equal.
To compute the cardinality of the conjugacy classes, we could use
a purely combinatorial approach and compute the number of permutations
with given cycle type but we resorted to a more algebraic approach.

This PR builds on the case of the full permutation group which is treated in #17522

Co-authored-by: leanprover-community-mathlib4-bot <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
1 parent 7fd64f5 commit 8236a8b
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Showing 6 changed files with 406 additions and 37 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3545,6 +3545,7 @@ import Mathlib.GroupTheory.SchurZassenhaus
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.SemidirectProduct
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Solvable
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.SpecificGroups.Alternating
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.SpecificGroups.Alternating.Centralizer
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.SpecificGroups.Cyclic
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.SpecificGroups.Dihedral
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.SpecificGroups.KleinFour
Expand Down
27 changes: 25 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/NoncommPiCoprod.lean
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Expand Up @@ -129,8 +129,17 @@ theorem noncommPiCoprod_mulSingle [DecidableEq ι] (i : ι) (y : N i) :
simp only [Finset.mem_erase] at hj
simp [hj]

/-- The universal property of `MonoidHom.noncommPiCoprod` -/
@[to_additive "The universal property of `AddMonoidHom.noncommPiCoprod`"]
The universal property of `MonoidHom.noncommPiCoprod`
Given monoid morphisms `φᵢ : Nᵢ → M` whose images pairwise commute,
there exists a unique monoid morphism `φ : Πᵢ Nᵢ → M` that induces the `φᵢ`,
and it is given by `MonoidHom.noncommPiCoprod`. -/
@[to_additive "The universal property of `MonoidHom.noncommPiCoprod`
Given monoid morphisms `φᵢ : Nᵢ → M` whose images pairwise commute,
there exists a unique monoid morphism `φ : Πᵢ Nᵢ → M` that induces the `φᵢ`,
and it is given by `AddMonoidHom.noncommPiCoprod`."]
def noncommPiCoprodEquiv [DecidableEq ι] :
{ ϕ : ∀ i, N i →* M // Pairwise fun i j => ∀ x y, Commute (ϕ i x) (ϕ j y) } ≃
((∀ i, N i) →* M) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,6 +183,20 @@ lemma noncommPiCoprod_apply (h : (i : ι) → N i) :
(Pairwise.set_pairwise (fun ⦃i j⦄ a ↦ hcomm a (h i) (h j)) _) := by
dsimp only [MonoidHom.noncommPiCoprod, MonoidHom.coe_mk, OneHom.coe_mk]

Given monoid morphisms `φᵢ : Nᵢ → M` and `f : M → P`, if we have sufficient commutativity, then
`f ∘ (∐ᵢ φᵢ) = ∐ᵢ (f ∘ φᵢ)` -/
theorem comp_noncommPiCoprod {P : Type*} [Monoid P] {f : M →* P}
(hcomm' : Pairwise fun i j => ∀ x y, Commute (f.comp (ϕ i) x) (f.comp (ϕ j) y) :=
Pairwise.mono hcomm (fun i j ↦ forall_imp (fun x h y ↦ by
simp only [MonoidHom.coe_comp, Function.comp_apply, (h y) f]))) :
f.comp (MonoidHom.noncommPiCoprod ϕ hcomm) =
MonoidHom.noncommPiCoprod (fun i ↦ f.comp (ϕ i)) hcomm' :=
MonoidHom.ext fun _ ↦ by
simp only [MonoidHom.noncommPiCoprod, MonoidHom.coe_comp, MonoidHom.coe_mk, OneHom.coe_mk,
Function.comp_apply, Finset.map_noncommProd]

end MonoidHom

end FamilyOfMonoids
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153 changes: 118 additions & 35 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/Perm/Centralizer.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.DomMulAct
Let `α : Type` with `Fintype α` (and `DecidableEq α`).
The main goal of this file is to compute the cardinality of
conjugacy classes in `Equiv.Perm α`.
Every `g : Equiv.Perm α` has a `cycleType α : Multiset ℕ`.
Every `g : Equiv.Perm α` has a `g.cycleType : Multiset ℕ`.
By `Equiv.Perm.isConj_iff_cycleType_eq`,
two permutations are conjugate in `Equiv.Perm α` iff
their cycle types are equal.
Expand All @@ -33,16 +33,14 @@ orbit-stabilizer theorem
the computation to the computation of the centralizer of `g`, the
subgroup of `Equiv.Perm α` consisting of all permutations which
commute with `g`. It is accessed here as `MulAction.stabilizer
(ConjAct (Equiv.Perm α)) g` and
(ConjAct (Equiv.Perm α)) g` and `Subgroup.centralizer_eq_comap_stabilizer`.
We compute this subgroup as follows.
* If `h : Subgroup.centralizer {g}`, then the action of `ConjAct.toConjAct h`
by conjugation on `Equiv.Perm α` stabilizes `g.cycleFactorsFinset`.
That induces an action of `Subgroup.centralizer {g}` on
`g.cycleFactorsFinset` which is defined via
`g.cycleFactorsFinset` which is defined as an instance.
* This action defines a group morphism `Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.toPermHom g`
from `Subgroup.centralizer {g}` to `Equiv.Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset`.
Expand All @@ -51,9 +49,10 @@ We compute this subgroup as follows.
`Equiv.Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset` consisting of permutations that
preserve the cardinality of the support.
* `Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.range_toPermHom_eq_range_toPermHom' shows that
* `Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.range_toPermHom_eq_range_toPermHom'` shows that
the range of `Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.toPermHom g`
is the subgroup `toPermHom_range' g` of `Equiv.Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset`.
is the subgroup `Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.toPermHom_range' g`
of `Equiv.Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset`.
This is shown by constructing a right inverse
`Equiv.Perm.Basis.toCentralizer`, as established by
Expand All @@ -73,10 +72,13 @@ This is shown by constructing a right inverse
This allows to give a description of the kernel of
`Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.toPermHom g` as the product of a
symmetric group and of a product of cyclic groups. This analysis
starts with the morphism `Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.θ`, its
injectivity `Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.θ_injective`, its range
`Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.θ_range_eq`, and its cardinality
starts with the morphism `Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.kerParam`, its
injectivity `Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.kerParam_injective`, its range
`Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.kerParam_range_eq`, and its cardinality
* `Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.sign_kerParam_apply_apply` computes the signature
of the permutation induced given by `Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.kerParam`.
* `Equiv.Perm.nat_card_centralizer g` computes the cardinality
of the centralizer of `g`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,16 +126,16 @@ lemma Subgroup.Centralizer.toConjAct_smul_mem_cycleFactorsFinset {k c : Perm α}
on the cycles of a given permutation -/
def Subgroup.Centralizer.cycleFactorsFinset_mulAction :
MulAction (centralizer {g}) g.cycleFactorsFinset where
smul k c := ⟨ConjAct.toConjAct (k : Perm α) • (c : Perm α),
smul k c := ⟨ConjAct.toConjAct (k : Perm α) • c.val,
Subgroup.Centralizer.toConjAct_smul_mem_cycleFactorsFinset k.prop c.prop⟩
one_smul c := by
rw [← Subtype.coe_inj]
change ConjAct.toConjAct (1 : Perm α) • (c : Perm α) = c
change ConjAct.toConjAct (1 : Perm α) • c.val = c
simp only [map_one, one_smul]
mul_smul k l c := by
simp only [← Subtype.coe_inj]
change ConjAct.toConjAct (k * l : Perm α) • (c : Perm α) =
ConjAct.toConjAct (k : Perm α) • (ConjAct.toConjAct (l : Perm α)) • (c : Perm α)
change ConjAct.toConjAct (k * l : Perm α) • c.val =
ConjAct.toConjAct (k : Perm α) • (ConjAct.toConjAct (l : Perm α)) • c.val
simp only [map_mul, mul_smul]

/-- The conjugation action of `Subgroup.centralizer {g}` on `g.cycleFactorsFinset` -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ theorem coe_toPermHom (k : centralizer {g}) (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) :
The equality is proved by `Equiv.Perm.OnCycleFactors.range_toPermHom_eq_range_toPermHom'`. -/
def range_toPermHom' : Subgroup (Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset) where
carrier := {τ | ∀ c, (τ c : Perm α).support.card = (c : Perm α).support.card}
carrier := {τ | ∀ c, (τ c) =}
one_mem' := by
simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq, coe_one, id_eq, eq_self_iff_true, imp_true_iff]
mul_mem' hσ hτ := by
Expand All @@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ def range_toPermHom' : Subgroup (Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset) where
variable {g} in
theorem mem_range_toPermHom'_iff {τ : Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset} :
τ ∈ range_toPermHom' g ↔
∀ c, (τ c : Perm α).support.card = (c : Perm α).support.card :=
∀ c, (τ c) = :=

variable (k : centralizer {g})
Expand All @@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ structure Basis (g : Equiv.Perm α) where
/-- A choice of elements in each cycle -/
(toFun : g.cycleFactorsFinset → α)
/-- For each cycle, the chosen element belongs to the cycle -/
(mem_support_self' : ∀ (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset), toFun c ∈ (c : Perm α).support)
(mem_support_self' : ∀ (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset), toFun c ∈

instance (g : Perm α) :
DFunLike (Basis g) (g.cycleFactorsFinset) (fun _ => α) where
Expand All @@ -214,14 +216,14 @@ instance (g : Perm α) :
namespace Basis

theorem nonempty (g : Perm α) : Nonempty (Basis g) := by
have (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) : (c : Perm α).support.Nonempty :=
have (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) : :=
IsCycle.nonempty_support ( c.prop).1
exact ⟨fun c ↦ (this c).choose, fun c ↦ (this c).choose_spec⟩

variable (a : Basis g) (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset)

theorem mem_support_self :
a c ∈ (c : Perm α).support := a.mem_support_self' c
a c ∈ := a.mem_support_self' c

theorem injective : Function.Injective a := by
intro c d h
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,7 +253,7 @@ def ofPermHomFun (x : α) : α :=

theorem mem_fixedPoints_or_exists_zpow_eq (x : α) :
x ∈ Function.fixedPoints g ∨
∃ (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) (_ : x ∈ (c : Perm α).support) (m : ℤ), (g ^ m) (a c) = x := by
∃ (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) (_ : x ∈ (m : ℤ), (g ^ m) (a c) = x := by
rw [Classical.or_iff_not_imp_left]
intro hx
rw [Function.mem_fixedPoints_iff, ← ne_eq, ← mem_support,
Expand All @@ -261,7 +263,7 @@ theorem mem_fixedPoints_or_exists_zpow_eq (x : α) :
simp [SameCycle.rfl, hx, and_self]

theorem ofPermHomFun_apply_of_cycleOf_mem {x : α} {c : g.cycleFactorsFinset}
(hx : x ∈ (c : Perm α).support) {m : ℤ} (hm : (g ^ m) (a c) = x) :
(hx : x ∈ {m : ℤ} (hm : (g ^ m) (a c) = x) :
ofPermHomFun a τ x = (g ^ m) (a ((τ : Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset) c)) := by
have hx' : c = g.cycleOf x := cycle_is_cycleOf hx (Subtype.prop c)
have hx'' : g.cycleOf x ∈ g.cycleFactorsFinset := hx' ▸ c.prop
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ theorem ofPermHomFun_apply_of_mem_fixedPoints {x : α} (hx : x ∈ Function.fixe

theorem ofPermHomFun_apply_mem_support_cycle_iff {x : α} {c : g.cycleFactorsFinset} :
ofPermHomFun a τ x ∈ ((τ : Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset) c : Perm α).support ↔
x ∈ (c : Perm α).support := by
x ∈ := by
rcases mem_fixedPoints_or_exists_zpow_eq a x with (hx | ⟨d, hd, m, hm⟩)
· simp only [ofPermHomFun_apply_of_mem_fixedPoints a τ hx]
suffices ∀ (d : g.cycleFactorsFinset), x ∉ (d : Perm α).support by
Expand All @@ -303,7 +305,7 @@ theorem ofPermHomFun_apply_mem_support_cycle_iff {x : α} {c : g.cycleFactorsFin
rw [zpow_apply_mem_support_of_mem_cycleFactorsFinset_iff]
by_cases h : c = d
· simp only [h, hd, iff_true, mem_support_self]
· have H : Disjoint (c : Perm α) (d : Perm α) :=
· have H : Disjoint c.val d.val :=
cycleFactorsFinset_pairwise_disjoint g c.prop d.prop (Subtype.coe_ne_coe.mpr h)
have H' : Disjoint ((τ : Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset) c : Perm α)
((τ : Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset) d : Perm α) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,6 +356,40 @@ noncomputable def ofPermHom : range_toPermHom' g →* Perm α where
map_one' := ext fun x ↦ ofPermHomFun_one a x
map_mul' := fun σ τ ↦ ext fun x ↦ by simp [mul_apply, ofPermHomFun_mul a σ τ x]

theorem ofPermHom_apply (τ) (x) : a.ofPermHom τ x = a.ofPermHomFun τ x := rfl

theorem ofPermHom_support :
(ofPermHom a τ).support =
(τ : Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset).support.biUnion (fun c ↦ := by
ext x
simp only [mem_support, Finset.mem_biUnion, ofPermHom_apply]
rcases mem_fixedPoints_or_exists_zpow_eq a x with (hx | ⟨c, hc, m, hm⟩)
· simp only [ofPermHomFun_apply_of_mem_fixedPoints a τ hx, ne_eq, not_true_eq_false, false_iff,
← mem_support]
rintro ⟨c, -, hc⟩
rw [Function.mem_fixedPoints_iff] at hx
exact ((mem_cycleFactorsFinset_support_le c.prop) hc) hx
· rw [ofPermHomFun_apply_of_cycleOf_mem a τ hc hm]
conv_lhs => rw [← hm]
rw [(g ^ m).injective.ne_iff, a.injective.ne_iff, not_iff_comm]
by_cases H : (τ : Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset) c = c
· simp only [H, iff_true]
intro d hd
rw [← not_mem_support]
have := g.cycleFactorsFinset_pairwise_disjoint c.prop d.prop
rw [disjoint_iff_disjoint_support, Finset.disjoint_left] at this
exact this (by aesop) hc
· simpa only [H, iff_false, not_not] using ⟨c, H, hc⟩

theorem card_ofPermHom_support :
(ofPermHom a τ).support.card =
∑ c ∈ (τ : Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset).support, := by
rw [ofPermHom_support, Finset.card_biUnion]
intro c _ d _ h
apply Equiv.Perm.Disjoint.disjoint_support
apply g.cycleFactorsFinset_pairwise_disjoint c.prop d.prop (Subtype.coe_ne_coe.mpr h)

theorem ofPermHom_mem_centralizer :
a.ofPermHom τ ∈ centralizer {g} := by
rw [mem_centralizer_singleton_iff]
Expand All @@ -377,7 +413,7 @@ theorem toCentralizer_equivariant :
simp only [← Subtype.coe_inj, val_centralizer_smul, InvMemClass.coe_inv, mul_inv_eq_iff_eq_mul]
ext x
simp only [mul_apply, toCentralizer_apply]
by_cases hx : x ∈ (c : Perm α).support
by_cases hx : x ∈
· rw [( c.prop).2 x hx]
have := ofPermHomFun_commute_zpow_apply a τ x 1
simp only [zpow_one] at this
Expand All @@ -401,7 +437,7 @@ namespace OnCycleFactors
open Basis BigOperators Nat Equiv.Perm Equiv Subgroup

theorem mem_range_toPermHom_iff {τ} : τ ∈ (toPermHom g).range ↔
∀ c, (τ c : Perm α).support.card = (c : Perm α).support.card := by
∀ c, (τ c) = := by
· rintro ⟨k, rfl⟩ c
rw [coe_toPermHom, Equiv.Perm.support_conj]
Expand All @@ -411,8 +447,8 @@ theorem mem_range_toPermHom_iff {τ} : τ ∈ (toPermHom g).range ↔

/-- Unapplied variant of `Equiv.Perm.mem_range_toPermHom_iff` -/
theorem mem_range_toPermHom_iff' {τ} : τ ∈ (toPermHom g).range ↔
(fun (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) ↦ (c : Perm α).support.card) ∘ τ =
fun (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) ↦ (c : Perm α).support.card := by
(fun (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) ↦ ∘ τ =
fun (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) ↦ := by
rw [mem_range_toPermHom_iff, funext_iff]
simp only [Finset.coe_sort_coe, Subtype.forall, Function.comp_apply]

Expand All @@ -426,7 +462,7 @@ theorem nat_card_range_toPermHom :
Nat.card (toPermHom g).range =
∏ n ∈ g.cycleType.toFinset, (g.cycleType.count n)! := by
set sc : (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) → ℕ := fun c ↦ (c : Perm α).support.card with hsc
set sc := fun (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) ↦ with hsc
suffices Fintype.card (toPermHom g).range =
Fintype.card { k : Perm g.cycleFactorsFinset | sc ∘ k = sc } by
simp only [Nat.card_eq_fintype_card, this, Set.coe_setOf, DomMulAct.stabilizer_card', hsc,
Expand All @@ -450,13 +486,12 @@ open BigOperators Nat OnCycleFactors Subgroup
variable (g) in
/-- The parametrization of the kernel of `toPermHom` -/
def kerParam : (Perm (Function.fixedPoints g)) ×
((c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) → Subgroup.zpowers (c : Perm α)) →* Perm α :=
((c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) → Subgroup.zpowers c.val) →* Perm α :=
MonoidHom.noncommCoprod ofSubtype (Subgroup.noncommPiCoprod g.pairwise_commute_of_mem_zpowers)

theorem kerParam_apply {u : Perm (Function.fixedPoints g)}
{v : (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) → Subgroup.zpowers (c : Perm α)} {x : α} :
{v : (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) → Subgroup.zpowers c.val} {x : α} :
kerParam g (u,v) x =
if hx : g.cycleOf x ∈ g.cycleFactorsFinset
then (v ⟨g.cycleOf x, hx⟩ : Perm α) x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -525,7 +560,7 @@ theorem kerParam_range_eq :
set u : Perm (Function.fixedPoints g) :=
subtypePerm p (fun x ↦ mem_fixedPoints_iff_apply_mem_of_mem_centralizer p.2)
simp only [SetLike.mem_coe, mem_ker_toPermHom_iff, IsCycle.forall_commute_iff] at hp
set v : (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) → (Subgroup.zpowers (c : Perm α)) :=
set v : (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) → (Subgroup.zpowers c.val) :=
fun c => ⟨ofSubtype
(p.1.subtypePerm (Classical.choose (hp c.val c.prop))),
Classical.choose_spec (hp c.val c.prop)⟩
Expand All @@ -539,6 +574,11 @@ theorem kerParam_range_eq :
· rw [cycleOf_mem_cycleFactorsFinset_iff, not_mem_support] at hx
rwa [ofSubtype_apply_of_mem, subtypePerm_apply]

theorem kerParam_range_le_centralizer :
(kerParam g).range ≤ Subgroup.centralizer {g} := by
rw [kerParam_range_eq]
exact map_subtype_le (toPermHom g).ker

theorem kerParam_range_card (g : Equiv.Perm α) :
Fintype.card (kerParam g).range = (Fintype.card α - g.cycleType.sum)! * := by
rw [Fintype.card_coeSort_range (kerParam_injective g)]
Expand All @@ -551,6 +591,38 @@ theorem kerParam_range_card (g : Equiv.Perm α) :

end Kernel

section Sign

open Equiv Function MulAction Finset

variable {a : Type*} (g : Perm α) (k : Perm (fixedPoints g))
(v : (c : g.cycleFactorsFinset) → Subgroup.zpowers (c : Perm α))

theorem sign_kerParam_apply_apply :
sign (kerParam g ⟨k, v⟩) = sign k * ∏ c, sign (v c).val := by
rw [kerParam, MonoidHom.noncommCoprod_apply, ← Prod.fst_mul_snd ⟨k, v⟩, Prod.mk_mul_mk, mul_one,
one_mul, map_mul, sign_ofSubtype, Finset.univ_eq_attach, mul_right_inj, ← MonoidHom.comp_apply,
Subgroup.noncommPiCoprod, MonoidHom.comp_noncommPiCoprod _, MonoidHom.noncommPiCoprod_apply,
Finset.univ_eq_attach, Finset.noncommProd_eq_prod]

theorem cycleType_kerParam_apply_apply :
cycleType (kerParam g ⟨k, v⟩) = cycleType k + ∑ c, (v c).val.cycleType := by
let U := (Finset.univ : Finset { x // x ∈ g.cycleFactorsFinset }).toSet
have hU : U.Pairwise fun i j ↦ (v i).val.Disjoint (v j).val := fun c _ d _ h ↦ by
obtain ⟨m, hm⟩ := (v c).prop
obtain ⟨n, hn⟩ := (v d).prop
simp only [← hm, ← hn]
apply Disjoint.zpow_disjoint_zpow
apply cycleFactorsFinset_pairwise_disjoint g c.prop d.prop
exact Subtype.coe_ne_coe.mpr h
rw [kerParam, MonoidHom.noncommCoprod_apply, ← Prod.fst_mul_snd ⟨k, v⟩, Prod.mk_mul_mk, mul_one,
one_mul, Finset.univ_eq_attach, Disjoint.cycleType (disjoint_ofSubtype_noncommPiCoprod g k v),
Subgroup.noncommPiCoprod_apply, Disjoint.cycleType_noncommProd hU, Finset.univ_eq_attach]
exact congr_arg₂ _ cycleType_ofSubtype rfl

end Sign

end OnCycleFactors

open Nat
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -604,8 +676,7 @@ theorem card_of_cycleType_eq_zero_iff {m : Multiset ℕ} :

theorem card_of_cycleType_mul_eq (m : Multiset ℕ) :
({g | g.cycleType = m} : Finset (Perm α)).card *
((Fintype.card α - m.sum)! * *
(∏ n ∈ m.toFinset, (m.count n)!)) =
((Fintype.card α - m.sum)! * * (∏ n ∈ m.toFinset, (m.count n)!)) =
if (m.sum ≤ Fintype.card α ∧ ∀ a ∈ m, 2 ≤ a) then (Fintype.card α)! else 0 := by
split_ifs with hm
· -- nonempty case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -635,4 +706,16 @@ theorem card_of_cycleType (m : Multiset ℕ) :
· -- empty case
exact (card_of_cycleType_eq_zero_iff α).mpr hm

open Fintype in
variable {α} in
/-- The number of cycles of given length -/
lemma card_of_cycleType_singleton {n : ℕ} (hn' : 2 ≤ n) (hα : n ≤ card α) :
({g | g.cycleType = {n}} : Finset (Perm α)).card = (n - 1)! * (choose (card α) n) := by
have hn₀ : n ≠ 0 := by omega
have aux : n ! = (n - 1)! * n := by rw [mul_comm, mul_factorial_pred (by omega)]
rw [mul_comm, ← Nat.mul_left_inj hn₀, mul_assoc, ← aux, ← Nat.mul_left_inj (factorial_ne_zero _),
Nat.choose_mul_factorial_mul_factorial hα, mul_assoc]
simpa [ite_and, if_pos hα, if_pos hn', mul_comm _ n, mul_assoc]
using card_of_cycleType_mul_eq α {n}

end Equiv.Perm

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