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feat(NumberTheory.NumberField.CanonicalEmbedding): add exists_ne_zero…
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…_mem_ringOfIntegers_lt (#5650)

This PR proves the following result: 
theorem exists_ne_zero_mem_ringOfIntegers_lt (h : minkowski_bound K < volume (convex_body_lt K f)) :
     ∃ (a : 𝓞 K), a ≠ 0 ∧ ∀ w : InfinitePlace K, w a < f w 
where `f : InfinitePlace K → ℝ≥0` and `convex_body_lt K f` is the set of points `x` such that `‖x w‖ < f w` for all infinite places `w`. This is a key result in the proof of Dirichlet's unit theorem #5960
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xroblot committed Sep 20, 2023
1 parent f2ec396 commit 14b1439
Showing 1 changed file with 285 additions and 0 deletions.
285 changes: 285 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/NumberTheory/NumberField/CanonicalEmbedding.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2022 Xavier Roblot. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Xavier Roblot
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Zlattice
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Group.GeometryOfNumbers
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Measure.Haar.NormedSpace
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Embeddings
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Discriminant

Expand All @@ -25,6 +28,16 @@ the vector `(φ x)` indexed by `φ : K →+* ℂ`.
image of the ring of integers by the canonical embedding and any ball centered at `0` of finite
radius is finite.
* `mixedEmbedding`: the ring homomorphism from `K →+* ({ w // IsReal w } → ℝ) ×
({ w // IsComplex w } → ℂ)` that sends `x ∈ K` to `(φ_w x)_w` where `φ_w` is the embedding
associated to the infinite place `w`. In particular, if `w` is real then `φ_w : K →+* ℝ` and, if
`w` is complex, `φ_w` is an arbitrary choice between the two complex embeddings defining the place
* `exists_ne_zero_mem_ringOfIntegers_lt`: let `f : InfinitePlace K → ℝ≥0`, if the product
`∏ w, f w` is large enough, then there exists a nonzero algebraic integer `a` in `K` such that
`w a < f w` for all infinite places `w`.
## Tags
number field, infinite places
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,3 +158,275 @@ theorem mem_span_latticeBasis [NumberField K] (x : (K →+* ℂ) → ℂ) :

end NumberField.canonicalEmbedding

namespace NumberField.mixedEmbedding

open NumberField NumberField.InfinitePlace NumberField.ComplexEmbedding FiniteDimensional

/-- The space `ℝ^r₁ × ℂ^r₂` with `(r₁, r₂)` the signature of `K`. -/
local notation "E" K =>
({w : InfinitePlace K // IsReal w} → ℝ) × ({w : InfinitePlace K // IsComplex w} → ℂ)

/-- The mixed embedding of a number field `K` of signature `(r₁, r₂)` into `ℝ^r₁ × ℂ^r₂`. -/
noncomputable def _root_.NumberField.mixedEmbedding : K →+* (E K) := (Pi.ringHom fun w => embedding_of_isReal w.prop)
(Pi.ringHom fun w => w.val.embedding)

instance [NumberField K] : Nontrivial (E K) := by
obtain ⟨w⟩ := (inferInstance : Nonempty (InfinitePlace K))
obtain hw | hw := w.isReal_or_isComplex
· have : Nonempty {w : InfinitePlace K // IsReal w} := ⟨⟨w, hw⟩⟩
exact nontrivial_prod_left
· have : Nonempty {w : InfinitePlace K // IsComplex w} := ⟨⟨w, hw⟩⟩
exact nontrivial_prod_right

protected theorem finrank [NumberField K] : finrank ℝ (E K) = finrank ℚ K := by
rw [finrank_prod, finrank_pi, finrank_pi_fintype, Complex.finrank_real_complex, Finset.sum_const,
Finset.card_univ, ← card_real_embeddings,, mul_comm,
← card_complex_embeddings, ← NumberField.Embeddings.card K ℂ, Fintype.card_subtype_compl,
Nat.add_sub_of_le (Fintype.card_subtype_le _)]

theorem _root_.NumberField.mixedEmbedding_injective [NumberField K] :
Function.Injective (NumberField.mixedEmbedding K) := by
exact RingHom.injective _

section commMap

/-- The linear map that makes `canonicalEmbedding` and `mixedEmbedding` commute, see
`commMap_canonical_eq_mixed`. -/
noncomputable def commMap : ((K →+* ℂ) → ℂ) →ₗ[ℝ] (E K) :=
{ toFun := fun x => ⟨fun w => (x w.val.embedding).re, fun w => x w.val.embedding⟩
map_add' := by
simp only [Pi.add_apply, Complex.add_re, Prod.mk_add_mk,]
exact fun _ _ => ⟨rfl, rfl⟩
map_smul' := by
simp only [Pi.smul_apply, Complex.real_smul, Complex.mul_re, Complex.ofReal_re,
Complex.ofReal_im, zero_mul, sub_zero, RingHom.id_apply, Prod.smul_mk,]
exact fun _ _ => ⟨rfl, rfl⟩ }

theorem commMap_apply_of_isReal (x : (K →+* ℂ) → ℂ) {w : InfinitePlace K} (hw : IsReal w) :
(commMap K x).1 ⟨w, hw⟩ = (x w.embedding).re := rfl

theorem commMap_apply_of_isComplex (x : (K →+* ℂ) → ℂ) {w : InfinitePlace K} (hw : IsComplex w) :
(commMap K x).2 ⟨w, hw⟩ = x w.embedding := rfl

theorem commMap_canonical_eq_mixed (x : K) :
commMap K (canonicalEmbedding K x) = mixedEmbedding K x := by
simp only [canonicalEmbedding, commMap, LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk, Pi.ringHom_apply,
mixedEmbedding, RingHom.prod_apply,]
exact ⟨rfl, rfl⟩

/-- This is a technical result to ensure that the image of the `ℂ`-basis of `ℂ^n` defined in
`canonicalEmbedding.latticeBasis` is a `ℝ`-basis of `ℝ^r₁ × ℂ^r₂`,
see `mixedEmbedding.latticeBasis`. -/
theorem disjoint_span_commMap_ker [NumberField K]:
Disjoint (Submodule.span ℝ (Set.range (canonicalEmbedding.latticeBasis K)))
(LinearMap.ker (commMap K)) := by
refine LinearMap.disjoint_ker.mpr (fun x h_mem h_zero => ?_)
replace h_mem : x ∈ Submodule.span ℝ (Set.range (canonicalEmbedding K)) := by
refine (Submodule.span_mono ?_) h_mem
rintro _ ⟨i, rfl⟩
exact ⟨integralBasis K i, (canonicalEmbedding.latticeBasis_apply K i).symm⟩
ext1 φ
rw [Pi.zero_apply]
by_cases hφ : IsReal φ
· rw [show x φ = (x φ).re by
rw [eq_comm, ← Complex.conj_eq_iff_re, canonicalEmbedding.conj_apply _ h_mem, hφ], ← Complex.ofReal_zero]
rw [← embedding_mk_eq_of_isReal hφ, ← commMap_apply_of_isReal K x ⟨φ, hφ, rfl⟩]
exact congrFun (congrArg (fun x => x.1) h_zero) ⟨ φ, _⟩
· have := congrFun (congrArg (fun x => x.2) h_zero) ⟨ φ, ⟨φ, hφ, rfl⟩⟩
cases embedding_mk_eq φ with
| inl h => rwa [← h, ← commMap_apply_of_isComplex K x ⟨φ, hφ, rfl⟩]
| inr h =>
apply RingHom.injective (starRingEnd ℂ)
rwa [canonicalEmbedding.conj_apply _ h_mem, ← h, map_zero,
← commMap_apply_of_isComplex K x ⟨φ, hφ, rfl⟩]

end commMap

section integerLattice

open Module FiniteDimensional

/-- A `ℝ`-basis of `ℝ^r₁ × ℂ^r₂` that is also a `ℤ`-basis of the image of `𝓞 K`. -/
noncomputable def latticeBasis [NumberField K] :
Basis (Free.ChooseBasisIndex ℤ (𝓞 K)) ℝ (E K) := by
-- We construct an `ℝ`-linear independent family from the image of
-- `canonicalEmbedding.lattice_basis` by `comm_map`
have := (LinearIndependent.restrict_scalars
(by { simpa only [Complex.real_smul, mul_one] using Complex.ofReal_injective })
(canonicalEmbedding.latticeBasis K).linearIndependent)
(disjoint_span_commMap_ker K)
-- and it's a basis since it has the right cardinality
refine basisOfLinearIndependentOfCardEqFinrank this ?_
rw [← finrank_eq_card_chooseBasisIndex, RingOfIntegers.rank, finrank_prod, finrank_pi,
finrank_pi_fintype, Complex.finrank_real_complex, Finset.sum_const, Finset.card_univ,
← card_real_embeddings,, mul_comm, ← card_complex_embeddings,
← NumberField.Embeddings.card K ℂ, Fintype.card_subtype_compl,
Nat.add_sub_of_le (Fintype.card_subtype_le _)]

theorem latticeBasis_apply [NumberField K] (i : Free.ChooseBasisIndex ℤ (𝓞 K)) :
latticeBasis K i = (mixedEmbedding K) (integralBasis K i) := by
simp only [latticeBasis, coe_basisOfLinearIndependentOfCardEqFinrank, Function.comp_apply,
canonicalEmbedding.latticeBasis_apply, integralBasis_apply, commMap_canonical_eq_mixed]

theorem mem_span_latticeBasis [NumberField K] (x : (E K)) :
x ∈ Submodule.span ℤ (Set.range (latticeBasis K)) ↔ x ∈ mixedEmbedding K '' (𝓞 K) := by
rw [show Set.range (latticeBasis K) =
(mixedEmbedding K).toIntAlgHom.toLinearMap '' (Set.range (integralBasis K)) by
rw [← Set.range_comp]; exact congrArg Set.range (funext (fun i => latticeBasis_apply K i))]
rw [← Submodule.map_span, ← SetLike.mem_coe, Submodule.map_coe]
rw [show (Submodule.span ℤ (Set.range (integralBasis K)) : Set K) = 𝓞 K by
ext; exact mem_span_integralBasis K]

end integerLattice

section convexBodyLt

open Metric ENNReal NNReal

variable (f : InfinitePlace K → ℝ≥0)

/-- The convex body defined by `f`: the set of points `x : E` such that `‖x w‖ < f w` for all
infinite places `w`. -/
abbrev convexBodyLt : Set (E K) :=
(Set.univ.pi (fun w : { w : InfinitePlace K // IsReal w } => ball 0 (f w))) ×ˢ
(Set.univ.pi (fun w : { w : InfinitePlace K // IsComplex w } => ball 0 (f w)))

theorem convexBodyLt_mem {x : K} :
mixedEmbedding K x ∈ (convexBodyLt K f) ↔ ∀ w : InfinitePlace K, w x < f w := by
simp_rw [mixedEmbedding, RingHom.prod_apply, Set.mem_prod, Set.mem_pi, Set.mem_univ,
forall_true_left, mem_ball_zero_iff, Pi.ringHom_apply, ← Complex.norm_real,
embedding_of_isReal_apply, Subtype.forall, ← ball_or_left, ← not_isReal_iff_isComplex, em,
forall_true_left, norm_embedding_eq]

theorem convexBodyLt_symmetric (x : E K) (hx : x ∈ (convexBodyLt K f)) :
-x ∈ (convexBodyLt K f) := by
simp only [Set.mem_prod, Prod.fst_neg, Set.mem_pi, Set.mem_univ, Pi.neg_apply,
mem_ball_zero_iff, norm_neg, Real.norm_eq_abs, forall_true_left, Subtype.forall,
Prod.snd_neg, Complex.norm_eq_abs, hx] at hx ⊢
exact hx

theorem convexBodyLt_convex : Convex ℝ (convexBodyLt K f) := (convex_pi (fun _ _ => convex_ball _ _)) (convex_pi (fun _ _ => convex_ball _ _))

open Classical Fintype MeasureTheory MeasureTheory.Measure BigOperators

-- See:
local macro_rules | `($x ^ $y) => `(HPow.hPow $x $y)

variable [NumberField K]

/-- The fudge factor that appears in the formula for the volume of `convexBodyLt`. -/
noncomputable abbrev convexBodyLtFactor : ℝ≥0∞ :=
(2 : ℝ≥0∞) ^ card {w : InfinitePlace K // IsReal w} *
volume (ball (0 : ℂ) 1) ^ card {w : InfinitePlace K // IsComplex w}

theorem convexBodyLtFactor_lt_pos : 0 < (convexBodyLtFactor K) := by
refine mul_pos ( _) ?_
exact ENNReal.pow_ne_zero (ne_of_gt (measure_ball_pos _ _ (by norm_num))) _

theorem convexBodyLtFactor_lt_top : (convexBodyLtFactor K) < ⊤ := by
refine mul_lt_top ?_ ?_
· exact ne_of_lt (pow_lt_top (lt_top_iff_ne_top.mpr two_ne_top) _)
· exact ne_of_lt (pow_lt_top measure_ball_lt_top _)

/-- The volume of `(ConvexBodyLt K f)` where `convexBodyLt K f` is the set of points `x`
such that `‖x w‖ < f w` for all infinite places `w`. -/
theorem convexBodyLt_volume :
volume (convexBodyLt K f) = (convexBodyLtFactor K) * ∏ w, (f w) ^ (mult w) := by
_ = (∏ x : {w // InfinitePlace.IsReal w}, ENNReal.ofReal (2 * (f x.val))) *
∏ x : {w // InfinitePlace.IsComplex w}, volume (ball (0 : ℂ) 1) *
ENNReal.ofReal (f x.val) ^ 2 := by
simp_rw [volume_eq_prod, prod_prod, volume_pi, pi_pi, Real.volume_ball]
conv_lhs =>
congr; next => skip
congr; next => skip
ext i; rw [addHaar_ball _ _ (by exact (f i).prop), Complex.finrank_real_complex, mul_comm,
ENNReal.ofReal_pow (by exact (f i).prop)]
_ = (↑2 ^ card {w : InfinitePlace K // InfinitePlace.IsReal w} *
(∏ x : {w // InfinitePlace.IsReal w}, ENNReal.ofReal (f x.val))) *
(volume (ball (0 : ℂ) 1) ^ card {w : InfinitePlace K // IsComplex w} *
(∏ x : {w // IsComplex w}, ENNReal.ofReal (f x.val) ^ 2)) := by
simp_rw [ofReal_mul (by norm_num : 0 ≤ (2 : ℝ)), Finset.prod_mul_distrib, Finset.prod_const,
Finset.card_univ, ofReal_ofNat]
_ = (convexBodyLtFactor K) * ((∏ x : {w // InfinitePlace.IsReal w}, ENNReal.ofReal (f x.val)) *
(∏ x : {w // IsComplex w}, ENNReal.ofReal (f x.val) ^ 2)) := by ring
_ = (convexBodyLtFactor K) * ∏ w, (f w) ^ (mult w) := by
simp_rw [mult, pow_ite, pow_one, Finset.prod_ite, ofReal_coe_nnreal, not_isReal_iff_isComplex,
coe_mul, coe_finset_prod, ENNReal.coe_pow]
congr 2
· refine (Finset.prod_subtype (Finset.univ.filter _) ?_ (fun w => (f w : ℝ≥0∞))).symm
exact fun _ => by simp only [Finset.mem_univ, forall_true_left, Finset.mem_filter, true_and]
· refine (Finset.prod_subtype (Finset.univ.filter _) ?_ (fun w => (f w : ℝ≥0∞) ^ 2)).symm
exact fun _ => by simp only [Finset.mem_univ, forall_true_left, Finset.mem_filter, true_and]

variable {f}

/-- This is a technical result: quite often, we want to impose conditions at all infinite places
but one and choose the value at the remaining place so that we can apply
`exists_ne_zero_mem_ringOfIntegers_lt`. -/
theorem adjust_f {w₁ : InfinitePlace K} (B : ℝ≥0) (hf : ∀ w, w ≠ w₁→ f w ≠ 0) :
∃ g : InfinitePlace K → ℝ≥0, (∀ w, w ≠ w₁ → g w = f w) ∧ ∏ w, (g w) ^ mult w = B := by
let S := ∏ w in Finset.univ.erase w₁, (f w) ^ mult w
refine ⟨Function.update f w₁ ((B * S⁻¹) ^ (mult w₁ : ℝ)⁻¹), ?_, ?_⟩
· exact fun w hw => Function.update_noteq hw _ f
· rw [← Finset.mul_prod_erase Finset.univ _ (Finset.mem_univ w₁), Function.update_same,
Finset.prod_congr rfl fun w hw => by rw [Function.update_noteq (Finset.ne_of_mem_erase hw)],
← NNReal.rpow_nat_cast, ← NNReal.rpow_mul, inv_mul_cancel, NNReal.rpow_one, mul_assoc,
inv_mul_cancel, mul_one]
· rw [Finset.prod_ne_zero_iff]
exact fun w hw => pow_ne_zero _ (hf w (Finset.ne_of_mem_erase hw))
· rw [mult]; split_ifs <;> norm_num

end convexBodyLt

section minkowski

open MeasureTheory MeasureTheory.Measure Classical NNReal ENNReal FiniteDimensional Zspan

variable [NumberField K]

/-- The bound that appears in Minkowski Convex Body theorem, see
`MeasureTheory.exists_ne_zero_mem_lattice_of_measure_mul_two_pow_lt_measure`. -/
noncomputable def minkowskiBound : ℝ≥0∞ :=
volume (fundamentalDomain (latticeBasis K)) * 2 ^ (finrank ℝ (E K))

theorem minkowskiBound_lt_top : minkowskiBound K < ⊤ := by
refine mul_lt_top ?_ ?_
· exact ne_of_lt (fundamentalDomain_isBounded (latticeBasis K)).measure_lt_top
· exact ne_of_lt (pow_lt_top (lt_top_iff_ne_top.mpr two_ne_top) _)

variable {f : InfinitePlace K → ℝ≥0}

/-- Assume that `f : InfinitePlace K → ℝ≥0` is such that
`minkowskiBound K < volume (convexBodyLt K f)` where `convexBodyLt K f` is the set of
points `x` such that `‖x w‖ < f w` for all infinite places `w` (see `convexBodyLt_volume` for
the computation of this volume), then there exists a nonzero algebraic integer `a` in `𝓞 K` such
that `w a < f w` for all infinite places `w`. -/
theorem exists_ne_zero_mem_ringOfIntegers_lt (h : minkowskiBound K < volume (convexBodyLt K f)) :
∃ (a : 𝓞 K), a ≠ 0 ∧ ∀ w : InfinitePlace K, w a < f w := by
have : @IsAddHaarMeasure (E K) _ _ _ volume := prod.instIsAddHaarMeasure volume volume
have h_fund := Zspan.isAddFundamentalDomain (latticeBasis K) volume
have : Countable (Submodule.span ℤ (Set.range (latticeBasis K))).toAddSubgroup := by
change Countable (Submodule.span ℤ (Set.range (latticeBasis K)): Set (E K))
obtain ⟨⟨x, hx⟩, h_nzr, h_mem⟩ := exists_ne_zero_mem_lattice_of_measure_mul_two_pow_lt_measure
h_fund h (convexBodyLt_symmetric K f) (convexBodyLt_convex K f)
rw [Submodule.mem_toAddSubgroup, mem_span_latticeBasis] at hx
obtain ⟨a, ha, rfl⟩ := hx
refine ⟨⟨a, ha⟩, ?_, (convexBodyLt_mem K f).mp h_mem⟩
rw [ne_eq, AddSubgroup.mk_eq_zero_iff, map_eq_zero, ← ne_eq] at h_nzr
exact Subtype.ne_of_val_ne h_nzr

end minkowski

end NumberField.mixedEmbedding

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