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[Merged by Bors] - feat(analysis/special_functions/exponential): derivative of u ↦ exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x) #19062

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193 changes: 190 additions & 3 deletions src/analysis/special_functions/exponential.lean
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Anatole Dedecker. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Anatole Dedecker
Authors: Anatole Dedecker, Eric Wieser
import analysis.normed_space.exponential
import analysis.calculus.fderiv_analytic
Expand All @@ -24,17 +24,24 @@ We prove most result for an arbitrary field `𝕂`, and then specialize to `𝕂
`1 : 𝔸 β†’L[𝕂] 𝔸` at zero, as long as it converges on a neighborhood of zero
(see also `has_strict_deriv_at_exp_zero_of_radius_pos` for the case `𝔸 = 𝕂`)
- `has_strict_fderiv_at_exp_of_lt_radius` : if `𝕂` has characteristic zero and `𝔸` is commutative,
then given a point `x` in the disk of convergence, `exp 𝕂` as strict FrΓ©chet-derivative
then given a point `x` in the disk of convergence, `exp 𝕂` has strict FrΓ©chet-derivative
`exp 𝕂 x β€’ 1 : 𝔸 β†’L[𝕂] 𝔸` at x (see also `has_strict_deriv_at_exp_of_lt_radius` for the case
`𝔸 = 𝕂`)
- `has_strict_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball`: even when `𝔸` is non-commutative, if we have
an intermediate algebra `π•Š` which is commutative, then the function `(u : π•Š) ↦ exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x)`,
still has strict FrΓ©chet-derivative `exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x) β€’ (1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x` at `t` if
`t β€’ x` is in the radius of convergence.

### `𝕂 = ℝ` or `𝕂 = β„‚`

- `has_strict_fderiv_at_exp_zero` : `exp 𝕂` has strict FrΓ©chet-derivative `1 : 𝔸 β†’L[𝕂] 𝔸` at zero
(see also `has_strict_deriv_at_exp_zero` for the case `𝔸 = 𝕂`)
- `has_strict_fderiv_at_exp` : if `𝔸` is commutative, then given any point `x`, `exp 𝕂` as strict
- `has_strict_fderiv_at_exp` : if `𝔸` is commutative, then given any point `x`, `exp 𝕂` has strict
FrΓ©chet-derivative `exp 𝕂 x β€’ 1 : 𝔸 β†’L[𝕂] 𝔸` at x (see also `has_strict_deriv_at_exp` for the
case `𝔸 = 𝕂`)
- `has_strict_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const`: `u ↦ exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x)`, where `x` belongs to a
ring that may not be commutative, has strict FrΓ©chet-derivative
`exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x) β€’ (1 : 𝔸 β†’L[𝕂] 𝔸).smul_right x` at `t`.
eric-wieser marked this conversation as resolved.
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### Compatibilty with `real.exp` and `complex.exp`

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,3 +218,183 @@ end

lemma real.exp_eq_exp_ℝ : real.exp = exp ℝ :=
by { ext x, exact_mod_cast congr_fun complex.exp_eq_exp_β„‚ x }

/-! ### Derivative of $\exp (ux)$ by $u$

Note that since for `x : 𝔸` we have `normed_ring 𝔸` not `normed_comm_ring 𝔸`, we cannot deduce
these results from `has_fderiv_at_exp_of_mem_ball`.

We could deduce them from the more general non-commutive case,
$$\frac{d}{dt}e^{x(t)} = \int_0^1 e^{sx(t)} \left(\frac{d}{dt}e^{x(t)}\right) e^{(1-s)x(t)} ds$$
but this is harder to prove, and typically is shown by going via these results first.
eric-wieser marked this conversation as resolved.
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TODO: prove this result too!

section exp_smul
variables {𝕂 π•Š 𝔸 : Type*}
variables (𝕂)

open_locale topology
open asymptotics filter

section mem_ball
variables [nontrivially_normed_field 𝕂] [char_zero 𝕂]
variables [normed_comm_ring π•Š] [normed_ring 𝔸]
variables [normed_space 𝕂 π•Š] [normed_algebra 𝕂 𝔸] [algebra π•Š 𝔸] [has_continuous_smul π•Š 𝔸]
variables [is_scalar_tower 𝕂 π•Š 𝔸]
variables [complete_space 𝔸]

lemma has_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball
(x : 𝔸) (t : π•Š) (htx : t β€’ x ∈ emetric.ball (0 : 𝔸) (exp_series 𝕂 𝔸).radius) :
has_fderiv_at (Ξ» u : π•Š, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x))
(exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x) β€’ (1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x) t :=
-- TODO: prove this via `has_fderiv_at_exp_of_mem_ball` using the commutative ring
-- `algebra.elemental_algebra π•Š x`. See leanprover-community/mathlib#19062 for discussion.
have hpos : 0 < (exp_series 𝕂 𝔸).radius := (zero_le _).trans_lt htx,
rw has_fderiv_at_iff_is_o_nhds_zero,
suffices :
(Ξ» h, exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x) * (exp 𝕂 ((0 + h) β€’ x) - exp 𝕂 ((0 : π•Š) β€’ x)
- ((1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x) h))
=αΆ [𝓝 0] (Ξ» h, exp 𝕂 ((t + h) β€’ x) - exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x)
- (exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x) β€’ (1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x) h),
{ refine (is_o.const_mul_left _ _).congr' this (eventually_eq.refl _ _),
rw ← @has_fderiv_at_iff_is_o_nhds_zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Ξ» u, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x)) ((1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x) 0,
have : has_fderiv_at (exp 𝕂) (1 : 𝔸 β†’L[𝕂] 𝔸) ((1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x 0),
{ rw [continuous_linear_map.smul_right_apply, continuous_linear_map.one_apply, zero_smul],
exact has_fderiv_at_exp_zero_of_radius_pos hpos },
exact this.comp 0 ((1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x).has_fderiv_at },
have : tendsto (Ξ» h : π•Š, h β€’ x) (𝓝 0) (𝓝 0),
{ rw ← zero_smul π•Š x,
exact tendsto_id.smul_const x },
have : βˆ€αΆ  h in 𝓝 (0 : π•Š), h β€’ x ∈ emetric.ball (0 : 𝔸) (exp_series 𝕂 𝔸).radius :=
this.eventually (emetric.ball_mem_nhds _ hpos),
filter_upwards [this],
intros h hh,
have : commute (t β€’ x) (h β€’ x) := ((commute.refl x).smul_left t).smul_right h,
rw [add_smul t h, exp_add_of_commute_of_mem_ball this htx hh, zero_add, zero_smul, exp_zero,
continuous_linear_map.smul_right_apply, continuous_linear_map.one_apply,
continuous_linear_map.smul_apply, continuous_linear_map.smul_right_apply,
continuous_linear_map.one_apply, smul_eq_mul, mul_sub_left_distrib, mul_sub_left_distrib,

lemma has_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball'
(x : 𝔸) (t : π•Š) (htx : t β€’ x ∈ emetric.ball (0 : 𝔸) (exp_series 𝕂 𝔸).radius) :
has_fderiv_at (Ξ» u : π•Š, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x))
(((1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x).smul_right (exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x))) t :=
convert has_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball 𝕂 _ _ htx using 1,
ext t',
show commute (t' β€’ x) (exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x)),
exact (((commute.refl x).smul_left t').smul_right t).exp_right 𝕂,

lemma has_strict_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball (x : 𝔸) (t : π•Š)
(htx : t β€’ x ∈ emetric.ball (0 : 𝔸) (exp_series 𝕂 𝔸).radius) :
has_strict_fderiv_at (Ξ» u : π•Š, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x))
(exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x) β€’ (1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x) t :=
let ⟨p, hp⟩ := analytic_at_exp_of_mem_ball (t β€’ x) htx in
have deriv₁ : has_strict_fderiv_at (Ξ» u : π•Š, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x)) _ t,
from hp.has_strict_fderiv_at.comp t
(( 𝕂 π•Š).smul_right x).has_strict_fderiv_at,
have derivβ‚‚ : has_fderiv_at (Ξ» u : π•Š, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x)) _ t,
from has_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball 𝕂 x t htx,
(deriv₁.has_fderiv_at.unique derivβ‚‚) β–Έ deriv₁

lemma has_strict_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball' (x : 𝔸) (t : π•Š)
(htx : t β€’ x ∈ emetric.ball (0 : 𝔸) (exp_series 𝕂 𝔸).radius) :
has_strict_fderiv_at (Ξ» u : π•Š, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x))
(((1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x).smul_right (exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x))) t :=
let ⟨p, hp⟩ := analytic_at_exp_of_mem_ball (t β€’ x) htx in
convert has_strict_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball 𝕂 _ _ htx using 1,
ext t',
show commute (t' β€’ x) (exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x)),
exact (((commute.refl x).smul_left t').smul_right t).exp_right 𝕂,

variables {𝕂}

lemma has_strict_deriv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball (x : 𝔸) (t : 𝕂)
(htx : t β€’ x ∈ emetric.ball (0 : 𝔸) (exp_series 𝕂 𝔸).radius) :
has_strict_deriv_at (Ξ» u : 𝕂, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x)) (exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x) * x) t :=
by simpa using (has_strict_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball 𝕂 x t htx).has_strict_deriv_at

lemma has_strict_deriv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball' (x : 𝔸) (t : 𝕂)
(htx : t β€’ x ∈ emetric.ball (0 : 𝔸) (exp_series 𝕂 𝔸).radius) :
has_strict_deriv_at (Ξ» u : 𝕂, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x)) (x * exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x)) t :=
by simpa using (has_strict_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball' 𝕂 x t htx).has_strict_deriv_at

lemma has_deriv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball (x : 𝔸) (t : 𝕂)
(htx : t β€’ x ∈ emetric.ball (0 : 𝔸) (exp_series 𝕂 𝔸).radius) :
has_deriv_at (Ξ» u : 𝕂, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x)) (exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x) * x) t :=
(has_strict_deriv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball x t htx).has_deriv_at

lemma has_deriv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball' (x : 𝔸) (t : 𝕂)
(htx : t β€’ x ∈ emetric.ball (0 : 𝔸) (exp_series 𝕂 𝔸).radius) :
has_deriv_at (Ξ» u : 𝕂, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x)) (x * exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x)) t :=
(has_strict_deriv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball' x t htx).has_deriv_at

end mem_ball

section is_R_or_C
variables [is_R_or_C 𝕂]
variables [normed_comm_ring π•Š] [normed_ring 𝔸]
variables [normed_algebra 𝕂 π•Š] [normed_algebra 𝕂 𝔸] [algebra π•Š 𝔸] [has_continuous_smul π•Š 𝔸]
variables [is_scalar_tower 𝕂 π•Š 𝔸]
variables [complete_space 𝔸]

variables (𝕂)

lemma has_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const (x : 𝔸) (t : π•Š) :
has_fderiv_at (Ξ» u : π•Š, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x))
(exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x) β€’ (1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x) t :=
has_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball 𝕂 _ _ $
(exp_series_radius_eq_top 𝕂 𝔸).symm β–Έ edist_lt_top _ _

lemma has_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const' (x : 𝔸) (t : π•Š) :
has_fderiv_at (Ξ» u : π•Š, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x))
(((1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x).smul_right (exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x))) t :=
has_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball' 𝕂 _ _ $
(exp_series_radius_eq_top 𝕂 𝔸).symm β–Έ edist_lt_top _ _

lemma has_strict_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const (x : 𝔸) (t : π•Š) :
has_strict_fderiv_at (Ξ» u : π•Š, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x))
(exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x) β€’ (1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x) t :=
has_strict_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball 𝕂 _ _ $
(exp_series_radius_eq_top 𝕂 𝔸).symm β–Έ edist_lt_top _ _

lemma has_strict_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const' (x : 𝔸) (t : π•Š) :
has_strict_fderiv_at (Ξ» u : π•Š, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x))
(((1 : π•Š β†’L[𝕂] π•Š).smul_right x).smul_right (exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x))) t :=
has_strict_fderiv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball' 𝕂 _ _ $
(exp_series_radius_eq_top 𝕂 𝔸).symm β–Έ edist_lt_top _ _

variables {𝕂}

lemma has_strict_deriv_at_exp_smul_const (x : 𝔸) (t : 𝕂) :
has_strict_deriv_at (Ξ» u : 𝕂, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x)) (exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x) * x) t :=
has_strict_deriv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball _ _ $
(exp_series_radius_eq_top 𝕂 𝔸).symm β–Έ edist_lt_top _ _

lemma has_strict_deriv_at_exp_smul_const' (x : 𝔸) (t : 𝕂) :
has_strict_deriv_at (Ξ» u : 𝕂, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x)) (x * exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x)) t :=
has_strict_deriv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball' _ _ $
(exp_series_radius_eq_top 𝕂 𝔸).symm β–Έ edist_lt_top _ _

lemma has_deriv_at_exp_smul_const (x : 𝔸) (t : 𝕂) :
has_deriv_at (Ξ» u : 𝕂, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x)) (exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x) * x) t :=
has_deriv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball _ _ $
(exp_series_radius_eq_top 𝕂 𝔸).symm β–Έ edist_lt_top _ _

lemma has_deriv_at_exp_smul_const' (x : 𝔸) (t : 𝕂) :
has_deriv_at (Ξ» u : 𝕂, exp 𝕂 (u β€’ x)) (x * exp 𝕂 (t β€’ x)) t :=
has_deriv_at_exp_smul_const_of_mem_ball' _ _ $
(exp_series_radius_eq_top 𝕂 𝔸).symm β–Έ edist_lt_top _ _

end is_R_or_C

end exp_smul