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[Merged by Bors] - feat(linear_algebra/basis): add basis.restrict_scalars #18814

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57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/basis.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1424,3 +1424,60 @@ let ⟨q, hq⟩ := p.exists_is_compl in nonempty.intro $
(prod_equiv_of_is_compl q p hq.symm)

end division_ring

section restrict_scalars

variables [comm_ring R] [ring K] [nontrivial K] [add_comm_group V]
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variables [algebra R K] [module K V] [module R V]
variables [is_scalar_tower R K V] [no_zero_smul_divisors R K] (b : basis ι K V)
variable (R)
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open submodule

/-- Let `b` be a `K`-basis of `V`. Let `R` be a comm_ring such that `algebra R K` with no zero
smul divisors, then the submodule of `V` spanned by `b` over `R` admits `b` as a `R`-basis. -/
noncomputable def basis.restrict_scalars : basis ι R (span R (set.range b)) :=
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basis.span (b.linear_independent.restrict_scalars (smul_left_injective R one_ne_zero))

lemma basis.restrict_scalars_apply (i : ι) : (b.restrict_scalars R i : V) = b i :=
by simp only [basis.restrict_scalars, basis.span_apply]

lemma basis.restrict_scalars_repr_apply (m : span R (set.range b)) (i : ι) :
algebra_map R K ((b.restrict_scalars R).repr m i) = b.repr m i :=
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let s := (b.repr m).support ∪ ((b.restrict_scalars R).repr m).support,
by_cases hi : i ∈ s,
{ have h := (congr_arg (coe : _ → V) ((b.restrict_scalars R).total_repr m)).trans
(b.total_repr m).symm,
rw @finsupp.total_apply_of_mem_supported _ _ K _ _ _ _ _ s (finset.subset_union_left _ _) at h,
rw @finsupp.total_apply_of_mem_supported _ _ R _ _ _ _ _ s (finset.subset_union_right _ _) at h,
rw ← sub_eq_zero at h ⊢,
revert i,
have : ∀ i x, x • b i = (algebra_map R K) x • b i := by
{ intros _ _, rw [algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, smul_assoc, one_smul], },
simpa only [this, coe_sum, coe_smul_of_tower, basis.restrict_scalars_apply, ← sub_smul,
← finset.sum_sub_distrib, ← basis.forall_coord_eq_zero_iff b, basis.coord_apply,
linear_equiv.map_sum, b.repr.map_smul, basis.repr_self, finsupp.smul_single, smul_eq_mul,
mul_one, finset.sum_apply', finsupp.single_apply, finset.sum_ite_eq', ite_eq_right_iff]
using h, },
{ rw [ ( hi).left, ( hi).right, _root_.map_zero], },

lemma basis.restrict_scalars_mem_span_iff (m : V) :
m ∈ span R (set.range b) ↔ ∀ i, b.repr m i ∈ set.range (algebra_map R K) :=
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refine ⟨λ hm i, ⟨(b.restrict_scalars R).repr ⟨m, hm⟩ i,
(b.restrict_scalars_repr_apply R ⟨m, hm⟩ i)⟩, λ h, _⟩,
rw [← b.total_repr m, finsupp.total_apply K _],
refine sum_mem (λ i _, _),
dsimp only,
rw [← (h i).some_spec, algebra_map_smul],
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exact smul_mem _ _ (subset_span (set.mem_range_self i)),

end restrict_scalars