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feat(inner_product_space/positive): defines square root of a linear map #18779

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chore(inner_product_space/positive): some lemmas
themathqueen committed Jan 19, 2023


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ken-matsui Ken Matsui
commit 4831680ae014e6952e1c5bffcb4614bcf3c00488
199 changes: 198 additions & 1 deletion src/analysis/inner_product_space/positive.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Anatole Dedecker
import analysis.inner_product_space.adjoint
import analysis.inner_product_space.spectrum

# Positive operators
@@ -33,10 +34,11 @@ of requiring self adjointness in the definition.
Positive operator

namespace continuous_linear_map

open inner_product_space is_R_or_C continuous_linear_map
open_locale inner_product complex_conjugate

namespace continuous_linear_map

variables {𝕜 E F : Type*} [is_R_or_C 𝕜] [inner_product_space 𝕜 E] [inner_product_space 𝕜 F]
[complete_space E] [complete_space F]
@@ -124,3 +126,198 @@ end
end complex

end continuous_linear_map

namespace linear_map

open linear_map

variables {V : Type*} [inner_product_space ℂ V]

local notation `e` := is_symmetric.eigenvector_basis
open_locale big_operators

/-- `T` is (semi-definite) positive if `∀ x : V, ⟪x, T x⟫_ℂ ≥ 0` -/
def is_positive (T : V →ₗ[ℂ] V) :
Prop := ∀ x : V, 0 ≤ ⟪x, T x⟫_ℂ.re ∧ (⟪x, T x⟫_ℂ.re : ℂ) = ⟪x, T x⟫_ℂ

lemma is_self_adjoint_iff_real_inner [finite_dimensional ℂ V] (T : V →ₗ[ℂ] V) :
is_self_adjoint T ↔ ∀ x, (⟪x, T x⟫_ℂ.re : ℂ) = ⟪x, T x⟫_ℂ :=
simp_rw [← is_symmetric_iff_is_self_adjoint, is_symmetric_iff_inner_map_self_real,
inner_conj_sym, ← is_R_or_C.re_eq_complex_re, ← is_R_or_C.eq_conj_iff_re,
exact ⟨λ h x, (h x).symm, λ h x, (h x).symm⟩,

/-- if `T.is_positive`, then `T.is_self_adjoint` and all its eigenvalues are non-negative -/
lemma is_positive.self_adjoint_and_nonneg_spectrum [finite_dimensional ℂ V]
(T : V →ₗ[ℂ] V) (h : T.is_positive) :
is_self_adjoint T ∧ ∀ μ : ℂ, μ ∈ spectrum ℂ T → μ = μ.re ∧ 0 ≤ μ.re :=
have frs : is_self_adjoint T,
{ rw linear_map.is_self_adjoint_iff',
rw [← sub_eq_zero, ← inner_map_self_eq_zero],
intro x,
cases h x,
have := complex.re_add_im (inner x (T x)),
rw [← right, complex.of_real_re, complex.of_real_im] at this,
rw [linear_map.sub_apply, inner_sub_left, ← inner_conj_sym, linear_map.adjoint_inner_left,
← right, is_R_or_C.conj_of_real, sub_self], },
refine ⟨frs,_⟩,
intros μ hμ,
rw ← module.End.has_eigenvalue_iff_mem_spectrum at hμ,
have realeigen := (
((linear_map.is_symmetric_iff_is_self_adjoint T).mpr frs) hμ)).symm,
refine ⟨realeigen, _⟩,
have hα : ∃ α : ℝ, α = μ.re := by use μ.re,
cases hα with α hα,
rw ← hα,
rw [realeigen, ← hα] at hμ,
exact eigenvalue_nonneg_of_nonneg hμ (λ x, (h x).1),

variables [finite_dimensional ℂ V] {n : ℕ} (hn : finite_dimensional.finrank ℂ V = n)
variables (T : V →ₗ[ℂ] V)

lemma of_pos_eq_sqrt_sqrt (hT : T.is_symmetric)
(hT1 : ∀ μ : ℂ, μ ∈ spectrum ℂ T → μ = ↑μ.re ∧ 0 ≤ μ.re) (v : V) :
T v = ∑ (i : (fin n)), real.sqrt (hT.eigenvalues hn i) • real.sqrt (hT.eigenvalues hn i)
• ⟪(e hT hn) i, v⟫_ℂ • (e hT hn) i :=
have : ∀ i : fin n, 0 ≤ hT.eigenvalues hn i := λ i,
by { specialize hT1 (hT.eigenvalues hn i),
simp only [complex.of_real_re, eq_self_iff_true, true_and] at hT1,
apply hT1 (module.End.mem_spectrum_of_has_eigenvalue
(is_symmetric.has_eigenvalue_eigenvalues hT hn i)), },
calc T v = ∑ (i : (fin n)), ⟪(e hT hn) i, v⟫_ℂ • T ((e hT hn) i) :
by simp_rw [← orthonormal_basis.repr_apply_apply, ← map_smul_of_tower, ← linear_map.map_sum,
orthonormal_basis.sum_repr (is_symmetric.eigenvector_basis hT hn) v]
... = ∑ (i : (fin n)),
real.sqrt (hT.eigenvalues hn i) • real.sqrt (hT.eigenvalues hn i) •
⟪(e hT hn) i, v⟫_ℂ • (e hT hn) i :
by simp_rw [is_symmetric.apply_eigenvector_basis, smul_smul, ← real.sqrt_mul (this _),
real.sqrt_mul_self (this _), mul_comm, ← smul_smul, complex.coe_smul],

include hn
/-- Let `e = hT.eigenvector_basis hn` so that we have `T (e i) = α i • e i` for each `i`.
Then when `T.is_symmetric` and all its eigenvalues are nonnegative,
we can define `T.sqrt` by `e i ↦ √α i • e i`. -/
noncomputable def sqrt (hT : T.is_symmetric) : V →ₗ[ℂ] V :=
{ to_fun := λ v, ∑ (i : (fin n)),
real.sqrt (hT.eigenvalues hn i) • ⟪(hT.eigenvector_basis hn) i, v⟫_ℂ
• (hT.eigenvector_basis hn) i,
map_add' := λ x y, by simp_rw [inner_add_right, add_smul, smul_add, finset.sum_add_distrib],
map_smul' := λ r x, by simp_rw [inner_smul_right, ← smul_smul, finset.smul_sum,
ring_hom.id_apply, ← complex.coe_smul, smul_smul,
← mul_assoc, mul_comm] }

lemma sqrt_eq (hT : T.is_symmetric) (v : V) : (T.sqrt hn hT) v = ∑ (i : (fin n)),
real.sqrt (hT.eigenvalues hn i) • ⟪(hT.eigenvector_basis hn) i, v⟫_ℂ
• (hT.eigenvector_basis hn) i := rfl

/-- `T.sqrt ^ 2 = T` and `T.sqrt.is_positive` -/
lemma sqrt_sq_eq_linear_map_and_is_positive (hT : T.is_symmetric)
(hT1 : ∀ μ : ℂ, μ ∈ spectrum ℂ T → μ = ↑μ.re ∧ 0 ≤ μ.re) :
(T.sqrt hn hT)^2 = T ∧ (T.sqrt hn hT).is_positive :=
rw [pow_two, mul_eq_comp],
{ ext v,
simp only [comp_apply, linear_map.sqrt_eq, inner_sum, inner_smul_real_right],
simp only [← complex.coe_smul, smul_smul, inner_smul_right],
simp only [← orthonormal_basis.repr_apply_apply, orthonormal_basis.repr_self,
euclidean_space.single_apply, mul_boole, finset.sum_ite_eq,
finset.mem_univ, if_true, ← smul_smul, complex.coe_smul],
simp only [orthonormal_basis.repr_apply_apply],
exact linear_map.of_pos_eq_sqrt_sqrt hn T hT hT1 v, },
{ intro,
{ simp_rw [linear_map.sqrt_eq, inner_sum, ← complex.coe_smul, smul_smul, inner_smul_right,
complex.re_sum, mul_assoc, mul_comm, ← complex.real_smul, ← inner_conj_sym x,
← complex.norm_sq_eq_conj_mul_self, complex.smul_re, complex.of_real_re,
apply finset.sum_nonneg',
intros i,
specialize hT1 (hT.eigenvalues hn i),
simp only [complex.of_real_re, eq_self_iff_true, true_and] at hT1,
simp_rw [mul_nonneg_iff, real.sqrt_nonneg, complex.norm_sq_nonneg, and_self, true_or], },
{ suffices : ∀ x, (star_ring_end ℂ) ⟪x, (T.sqrt hn hT) x⟫_ℂ = ⟪x, (T.sqrt hn hT) x⟫_ℂ,
{ rw [← is_R_or_C.re_eq_complex_re, ← is_R_or_C.eq_conj_iff_re],
exact this x, },
intro x,
simp_rw [inner_conj_sym, linear_map.sqrt_eq, sum_inner, inner_sum, ← complex.coe_smul,
smul_smul, inner_smul_left, inner_smul_right, map_mul, is_R_or_C.conj_of_real,
inner_conj_sym, mul_assoc, mul_comm ⟪_, x⟫_ℂ], }, },

/-- `T.is_positive` if and only if `T.is_self_adjoint` and all its eigenvalues are nonnegative. -/
theorem is_positive_iff_self_adjoint_and_nonneg_eigenvalues :
T.is_positive ↔ is_self_adjoint T ∧ (∀ μ : ℂ, μ ∈ spectrum ℂ T → μ = ↑μ.re ∧ 0 ≤ μ.re) :=
{ intro h, exact linear_map.is_positive.self_adjoint_and_nonneg_spectrum T h, },
{ intro h,
have hT : T.is_symmetric := (is_symmetric_iff_is_self_adjoint T).mpr h.1,
rw [← (linear_map.sqrt_sq_eq_linear_map_and_is_positive hn T hT h.2).1, pow_two],
have : (T.sqrt hn hT) * (T.sqrt hn hT) = (T.sqrt hn hT).adjoint * (T.sqrt hn hT) :=
by rw is_self_adjoint_iff'.mp (linear_map.is_positive.self_adjoint_and_nonneg_spectrum _
(linear_map.sqrt_sq_eq_linear_map_and_is_positive hn T hT h.2).2).1,
rw this, clear this,
simp_rw [mul_apply, adjoint_inner_right, inner_self_eq_norm_sq_to_K],
norm_cast, refine ⟨sq_nonneg ‖(linear_map.sqrt hn T hT) x‖, rfl⟩, },

/-- every positive linear map can be written as `S.adjoint * S` for some linear map `S` -/
lemma is_positive_iff_exists_linear_map_mul_adjoint :
T.is_positive ↔ ∃ S : V →ₗ[ℂ] V, T = S.adjoint * S :=
{ rw [linear_map.is_positive_iff_self_adjoint_and_nonneg_eigenvalues hn,
← is_symmetric_iff_is_self_adjoint],
rintro ⟨hT, hT1⟩,
use T.sqrt hn hT,
rw [is_self_adjoint_iff'.mp (linear_map.is_positive.self_adjoint_and_nonneg_spectrum _
(linear_map.sqrt_sq_eq_linear_map_and_is_positive hn T hT hT1).2).1,
← pow_two, (linear_map.sqrt_sq_eq_linear_map_and_is_positive hn T hT hT1).1], },
{ intros h x,
cases h with S hS,
simp_rw [hS, mul_apply, adjoint_inner_right, inner_self_eq_norm_sq_to_K],
refine ⟨sq_nonneg _, rfl⟩, },

end linear_map

section finite_dimensional

variables (V : Type*) [inner_product_space ℂ V] [finite_dimensional ℂ V] (T : V →L[ℂ] V)

open linear_map
lemma self_adjoint_clm_iff_self_adjoint_lm :
is_self_adjoint T ↔ is_self_adjoint T.to_linear_map :=
simp_rw [continuous_linear_map.to_linear_map_eq_coe, is_self_adjoint_iff',
continuous_linear_map.is_self_adjoint_iff', continuous_linear_map.ext_iff,
linear_map.ext_iff, continuous_linear_map.coe_coe, adjoint_eq_to_clm_adjoint],
{ intros h x, rw ← h x, refl, },
{ intros h x, rw ← h x, refl, },

lemma is_positive_clm_iff_is_positive_lm :
T.is_positive ↔ linear_map.is_positive T.to_linear_map :=
simp_rw [linear_map.is_positive, continuous_linear_map.is_positive,
self_adjoint_clm_iff_self_adjoint_lm, linear_map.is_self_adjoint_iff_real_inner,
continuous_linear_map.re_apply_inner_self_apply, inner_re_symm,
is_R_or_C.re_eq_complex_re, continuous_linear_map.to_linear_map_eq_coe,
continuous_linear_map.coe_coe, and.comm],
refine ⟨λ h x, ⟨h.1 x, h.2 x⟩, λ h, ⟨λ x, (h x).1, λ x, (h x).2⟩⟩,

end finite_dimensional