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feat(group_theory/marking): Group markings #18256

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12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion src/group_theory/free_group.lean
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rwa inv_rev_inv_rev at this

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma to_word_inv {x : free_group α} : (x⁻¹).to_word = inv_rev x.to_word :=
rcases x with ⟨L⟩,
rw [quot_mk_eq_mk, inv_mk, to_word_mk, to_word_mk, reduce_inv_rev]

lemma to_word_mul_sublist (x y : free_group α) : (x * y).to_word <+ x.to_word ++ y.to_word :=
refine red.sublist _,
have : x * y = (x.to_word ++ y.to_word),
{ rw [←free_group.mul_mk, free_group.mk_to_word, free_group.mk_to_word] },
rw this,

/-- Constructive Church-Rosser theorem (compare `church_rosser`). -/
@[to_additive "Constructive Church-Rosser theorem (compare `church_rosser`)."]
def reduce.church_rosser (H12 : red L₁ L₂) (H13 : red L₁ L₃) :
Expand Down
142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/marking.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Yaël Dillies. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yaël Dillies
import group_theory.free_group

# Marked groups

This file defines group markings and induces a norm on marked groups.

## Main declarations

* `group_marking G S`: Marking of the group `G` by a type `S`, namely a surjective monoid
homomorphism `free_group S →* G`.
* `marked_group`: If `m : group_marking G S`, then `marked_group m` is a type synonym for `G`
endowed with the metric coming from `m`.
* `marked_group.normed_group`: A marked group is normed by its marking.

set_option old_structure_cmd true

open function list nat

variables {G S : Type*} [group G]

/-- A marking of an additive group is a generating family of elements. -/
structure add_group_marking (G S : Type*) [add_group G] extends free_add_group S →+ G :=
(to_fun_surjective : surjective to_fun)

/-- A marking of a group is a generating family of elements. -/
structure group_marking (G S : Type*) [group G] extends free_group S →* G :=
(to_fun_surjective : surjective to_fun)

/-- Reinterpret a marking of `G` by `S` as an additive monoid homomorphism `free_add_group S →+ G`.
add_decl_doc add_group_marking.to_add_monoid_hom

/-- Reinterpret a marking of `G` by `S` as a monoid homomorphism `free_group S →+ G`. -/
add_decl_doc group_marking.to_monoid_hom

namespace group_marking

instance : monoid_hom_class (group_marking G S) (free_group S) G :=
{ coe := λ f, f.to_fun,
coe_injective' := λ f g h, by cases f; cases g; congr',
map_mul := λ f, f.map_mul',
map_one := λ f, f.map_one' }

lemma map_surjective (m : group_marking G S) : surjective m := m.to_fun_surjective

end group_marking

/-- The trivial group marking. -/
@[to_additive "The trivial additive group marking."]
def group_marking.refl : group_marking G G :=
{ to_fun_surjective := λ x, ⟨free_group.of x, free_group.lift.of⟩,
..free_group.lift id }

instance : inhabited (group_marking G G) := ⟨group_marking.refl⟩

variables {G S} {m : group_marking G S}

/-- A type synonym of `G`, tagged with a group marking. -/
@[derive group, nolint unused_arguments,
to_additive "A type synonym of `G`, tagged with an additive group marking."]
def marked_group (m : group_marking G S) : Type* := G

attribute [to_additive]

/-- "Identity" isomorphism between `G` and a group marking of it. -/
@[to_additive "\"Identity\" isomorphism between `G` and an additive group marking of it."]
def to_marked_group : G ≃* marked_group m := mul_equiv.refl _

/-- "Identity" isomorphism between a group marking of `G` and itself. -/
@[to_additive "\"Identity\" isomorphism between an additive group marking of `G` and itself."]
def of_marked_group : marked_group m ≃* G := mul_equiv.refl _

@[simp, to_additive] lemma to_marked_group_symm_eq :
(to_marked_group : G ≃* marked_group m).symm = of_marked_group := rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma of_marked_group_symm_eq :
(of_marked_group : marked_group m ≃* G).symm = to_marked_group := rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma to_marked_group_of_marked_group (a) :
to_marked_group (of_marked_group (a : marked_group m)) = a := rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma of_marked_group_to_marked_group (a) :
of_marked_group (to_marked_group a : marked_group m) = a := rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma to_marked_group_inj {a b} :
(to_marked_group a : marked_group m) = to_marked_group b ↔ a = b := iff.rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma of_marked_group_inj {a b : marked_group m} :
of_marked_group a = of_marked_group b ↔ a = b := iff.rfl

variables (α : Type*)

@[to_additive] instance [inhabited G] : inhabited (marked_group m) := ‹inhabited G›
@[to_additive] instance marked_group.has_smul [has_smul G α] : has_smul (marked_group m) α :=
‹has_smul G α›
@[to_additive] instance marked_group.mul_action [mul_action G α] : mul_action (marked_group m) α :=
‹mul_action G α›

@[simp, to_additive] lemma to_marked_group_smul (g : G) (x : α) [has_smul G α] :
(to_marked_group g : marked_group m) • x = g • x := rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma of_marked_group_smul (g : marked_group m) (x : α) [has_smul G α] :
of_marked_group g • x = g • x := rfl

private lemma mul_aux [decidable_eq S] (x : marked_group m) :
YaelDillies marked this conversation as resolved.
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∃ n (l : free_group S), m l = x ∧ l.to_word.length ≤ n :=
by { classical, obtain ⟨l, rfl⟩ := m.map_surjective x, exact ⟨_, _, rfl, le_rfl⟩ }

noncomputable instance : normed_group (marked_group m) :=
YaelDillies marked this conversation as resolved.
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{ to_fun := λ x, by classical; exact nat.find (mul_aux x),
map_one' := cast_eq_zero.2 $ (find_eq_zero $ mul_aux _).2 ⟨1, map_one _, le_rfl⟩,
mul_le' := λ x y, begin
obtain ⟨a, rfl, ha⟩ := nat.find_spec (mul_aux x),
obtain ⟨b, rfl, hb⟩ := nat.find_spec (mul_aux y),
refine find_le ⟨a * b, map_mul _ _ _, (a.to_word_mul_sublist _).length_le.trans _⟩,
rw length_append,
exact add_le_add ha hb,
inv' := begin
suffices : ∀ {x : marked_group m}, nat.find (mul_aux x⁻¹) ≤ nat.find (mul_aux x),
{ refine λ _, congr_arg coe (this.antisymm _),
convert this,
simp_rw inv_inv },
refine λ x, find_mono (λ nI, _),
rintro ⟨l, hl, h⟩,
exact ⟨l⁻¹, by simp [hl], h.trans_eq' $ by simp⟩,
eq_one_of_map_eq_zero' := λ x hx, begin
obtain ⟨l, rfl, hl⟩ := (find_eq_zero $ mul_aux _).1 (cast_eq_zero.1 hx),
rw [le_zero_iff, length_eq_zero, ←free_group.to_word_one] at hl,
rw [free_group.to_word_injective hl, map_one],
end }