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[Merged by Bors] - feat(analysis/locally_convex): locally convex hausdorff spaces #17937

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71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/locally_convex/with_seminorms.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -283,12 +283,83 @@ lemma with_seminorms.with_seminorms_eq {p : seminorm_family 𝕜 E ι} [t : topo
variables [topological_space E]
variables {p : seminorm_family 𝕜 E ι}

lemma with_seminorms.topological_add_group (hp : with_seminorms p) : topological_add_group E :=
rw hp.with_seminorms_eq,
exact add_group_filter_basis.is_topological_add_group _

lemma with_seminorms.has_basis (hp : with_seminorms p) : (𝓝 (0 : E)).has_basis
(λ (s : set E), s ∈ p.basis_sets) id :=
rw (congr_fun (congr_arg (@nhds E) hp.1) 0),
exact add_group_filter_basis.nhds_zero_has_basis _,

lemma with_seminorms.has_basis_zero_ball (hp : with_seminorms p) : (𝓝 (0 : E)).has_basis
(λ sr : finset ι × ℝ, 0 < sr.2) (λ sr, (sr.1.sup p).ball 0 sr.2) :=
refine ⟨λ V, _⟩,
simp only [hp.has_basis.mem_iff, seminorm_family.basis_sets_iff, prod.exists],
{ rintros ⟨-, ⟨s, r, hr, rfl⟩, hV⟩,
exact ⟨s, r, hr, hV⟩ },
{ rintros ⟨s, r, hr, hV⟩,
exact ⟨_, ⟨s, r, hr, rfl⟩, hV⟩ }

lemma with_seminorms.has_basis_ball (hp : with_seminorms p) {x : E} : (𝓝 (x : E)).has_basis
(λ sr : finset ι × ℝ, 0 < sr.2) (λ sr, (sr.1.sup p).ball x sr.2) :=
haveI : topological_add_group E := hp.topological_add_group,
rw [← map_add_left_nhds_zero],
convert ( ((+) x)),
ext sr : 1,
have : (sr.fst.sup p).ball (x +ᵥ 0) sr.snd = x +ᵥ (sr.fst.sup p).ball 0 sr.snd
:= eq.symm (seminorm.vadd_ball (sr.fst.sup p)),
rwa [vadd_eq_add, add_zero] at this,

/-- The `x`-neighbourhoods of a space whose topology is induced by a family of seminorms
are exactly the sets which contain seminorm balls around `x`.-/
lemma with_seminorms.mem_nhds_iff (hp : with_seminorms p) (x : E) (U : set E) :
U ∈ nhds x ↔ ∃ (s : finset ι) (r > 0), (s.sup p).ball x r ⊆ U :=
by rw [hp.has_basis_ball.mem_iff, prod.exists]

/-- The open sets of a space whose topology is induced by a family of seminorms
are exactly the sets which contain seminorm balls around all of their points.-/
lemma with_seminorms.is_open_iff_mem_balls (hp : with_seminorms p) (U : set E) :
is_open U ↔ ∀ x ∈ U, ∃ (s : finset ι) (r > 0), (s.sup p).ball x r ⊆ U :=
by simp_rw [←with_seminorms.mem_nhds_iff hp _ U, is_open_iff_mem_nhds]

/-- A separating family of seminorms induces a T₂ topology. -/
lemma with_seminorms.t2_of_separating (hp : with_seminorms p) (h : ∀ x ≠ 0, ∃ i, p i x ≠ 0) :
t2_space E :=
haveI : topological_add_group E := hp.topological_add_group,
suffices : t1_space E,
{ haveI := this,
exact topological_add_group.t2_space E },
refine topological_add_group.t1_space _ _,
rw [← is_open_compl_iff, hp.is_open_iff_mem_balls],
rintros x (hx : x ≠ 0),
cases h x hx with i pi_nonzero,
refine ⟨{i}, p i x, by positivity, subset_compl_singleton_iff.mpr _⟩,
rw [finset.sup_singleton, mem_ball, zero_sub, map_neg_eq_map, not_lt]

/-- A family of seminorms inducing a T₂ topology is separating. -/
lemma with_seminorms.separating_of_t2 [t2_space E] (hp : with_seminorms p) (x : E) (hx : x ≠ 0) :
∃ i, p i x ≠ 0 :=
have := ((t1_space_tfae E).out 0 9).mp infer_instance,
by_contra' h,
refine hx (this _),
rw hp.has_basis_zero_ball.specializes_iff,
rintros ⟨s, r⟩ (hr : 0 < r),
simp only [ball_finset_sup_eq_Inter _ _ _ hr, mem_Inter₂, mem_ball_zero, h, hr, forall_true_iff],

end topology

section topological_add_group
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/seminorm.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Authors: Jean Lo, Yaël Dillies, Moritz Doll
import data.real.pointwise
import analysis.convex.function
import analysis.locally_convex.basic

# Seminorms
@@ -609,6 +610,26 @@ begin
exact (map_add_le_add p _ _).trans (add_le_add hy₁ hy₂)

lemma sub_mem_ball (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) (x₁ x₂ y : E) (r : ℝ) :
x₁ - x₂ ∈ p.ball y r ↔ x₁ ∈ p.ball (x₂ + y) r :=
by simp_rw [mem_ball, sub_sub]

/-- The image of a ball under addition with a singleton is another ball. -/
lemma vadd_ball (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) :
x +ᵥ p.ball y r = p.ball (x +ᵥ y) r :=
letI := add_group_seminorm.to_seminormed_add_comm_group p.to_add_group_seminorm,
exact vadd_ball x y r,

/-- The image of a closed ball under addition with a singleton is another closed ball. -/
lemma vadd_closed_ball (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) :
x +ᵥ p.closed_ball y r = p.closed_ball (x +ᵥ y) r :=
letI := add_group_seminorm.to_seminormed_add_comm_group p.to_add_group_seminorm,
exact vadd_closed_ball x y r,

end has_smul

section module