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[Merged by Bors] - feat(analysis/locally_convex): locally convex hausdorff spaces #17937

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88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/locally_convex/with_seminorms.lean
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Expand Up @@ -289,6 +289,94 @@ begin
rw (congr_fun (congr_arg (@nhds E) hp.1) 0),
exact add_group_filter_basis.nhds_zero_has_basis _,

/-- The `x`-neighbourhoods of a space whose topology is induced by a family of seminorms
are exactly the sets which contain seminorm balls around `x`.-/
lemma with_seminorms.mem_nhds_iff [t : topological_space E] {p : seminorm_family 𝕜 E ι}
(hp : with_seminorms p) (x : E) (U : set E):
U ∈ nhds x ↔ ∃ (i : finset ι) (ε > 0), (i.sup p).ball x ε ⊆ U :=
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rw [hp.with_seminorms_eq, (p.add_group_filter_basis.nhds_has_basis x).mem_iff' U],
{ rintros ⟨ V, V_in_basis, V_sub_U⟩,
rcases V_in_basis with ⟨ i_set, ε , ε_pos, hr ⟩,
simp_rw [hr, singleton_add_ball _ ε_pos, add_zero] at V_sub_U,
exact ⟨ i_set, ε, ε_pos, V_sub_U ⟩ },
{ rintros ⟨ i_set, ε, ε_pos, V_sub_U ⟩ ,
refine ⟨ (i_set.sup p).ball 0 ε , p.basis_sets_iff.mpr ⟨ i_set, ε, ε_pos , rfl ⟩, _ ⟩,
simp_rw [singleton_add_ball ε ε_pos, add_zero],
exact V_sub_U }

/-- The open sets of a space whose topology is induced by a family of seminorms
are exactly the sets which contain seminorm balls around all of their points.-/
lemma with_seminorms.is_open_iff_mem_balls [t : topological_space E]
{p : seminorm_family 𝕜 E ι} (hp : with_seminorms p) (U : set E):
is_open U ↔ ∀ (x ∈ U), ∃ (i : finset ι) (ε > 0), (i.sup p).ball x ε ⊆ U :=
by simp_rw [←with_seminorms.mem_nhds_iff hp _ U, is_open_iff_mem_nhds]

/-- A space whose topology is induced by a family of seminorms is Hausdorff iff
the family of seminorms is separating. -/
theorem with_seminorms.t2_iff_separating [t : topological_space E]
{p : seminorm_family 𝕜 E ι} (hp : with_seminorms p) :
t2_space E ↔ ∀ x, (x ≠ 0) → ∃ i, p i x ≠ 0 :=
{ intros E_t2 x x_ne_zero,
rcases @t2_separation E t E_t2 x 0 x_ne_zero
with ⟨u, v, u_open, v_open, x_in_u, zero_in_v, u_v_disj⟩,
rcases (with_seminorms.is_open_iff_mem_balls hp v).mp v_open 0 zero_in_v
with ⟨i_set, ε, ε_pos, ball_in_v ⟩,
have sup_p_x_ne_zero : (i_set.sup p) x ≠ 0,
{ intro assump,
refine (set.singleton_nonempty x).not_subset_empty (u_v_disj _ _);
rw [set.le_eq_subset, set.singleton_subset_iff],
{ exact (x_in_u) },
{ refine (ball_in_v _),
rwa [seminorm.mem_ball, sub_zero, assump] } },
rw seminorm.finset_sup_apply at sup_p_x_ne_zero,
simp_rw this at sup_p_x_ne_zero,
apply sup_p_x_ne_zero,
simp_rw nnreal.coe_eq_zero,
by_cases i_set.nonempty,
{ simp_rw [←real.to_nnreal_of_nonneg (le_refl 0), finset.sup_const h _ , real.to_nnreal_zero] },
{ rw finset.not_nonempty_iff_eq_empty at h,
rw [h, finset.sup_empty],
exact bot_eq_zero } },
{ rw t2_iff_nhds,
intros h x y x_y_nhds_ne_bot,
rw filter.inf_ne_bot_iff at x_y_nhds_ne_bot,
by_contra x_neq_y,
cases h (x - y) (sub_ne_zero.mpr x_neq_y) with i p_i_x_sub_y_ne_zero,
let ε := (p i) (x - y),
let sx := (p i).ball x (ε/2),
let sy := (p i).ball y (ε/2),
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have ε_div_2_pos : ε/2 > 0 := by norm_num [div_pos, (ne.symm p_i_x_sub_y_ne_zero).lt_of_le],
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have sx_nhds_x : sx ∈ nhds x :=
(with_seminorms.mem_nhds_iff hp x sx).mpr
⟨ {i}, ε/2, ε_div_2_pos, by rw finset.sup_singleton ⟩,
have sy_nhds_y : sy ∈ nhds y :=
(with_seminorms.mem_nhds_iff hp y sy).mpr
⟨ {i}, ε/2, ε_div_2_pos, by rw finset.sup_singleton ⟩,
cases (x_y_nhds_ne_bot sx_nhds_x sy_nhds_y) with z z_in_inter,
have seminorm_symm := seminorm.neg' (p i) (x - z),
obtain ⟨ lt1, lt2 ⟩ := (set.mem_inter_iff _ _ _).mp z_in_inter,
rw seminorm.mem_ball at lt1 lt2,
have : (p i).to_fun = (p i) := rfl,
rw this at seminorm_symm,
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have : ε < ε,
{ calc
ε = p i (x - y) : rfl
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... = p i ((x - z) + (z - y)) : by rw ← sub_add_sub_cancel
... ≤ p i (x - z) + p i (z - y) : by apply seminorm.add_le'
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... = p i (z - x) + p i (z - y) : by rw [←seminorm_symm, neg_sub]
... < ε / 2 + ε / 2 : by apply add_lt_add lt1 lt2
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... = ε : by rw add_halves },
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rwa lt_self_iff_false ε at this }

end topology

section topological_add_group
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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/seminorm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -609,6 +609,22 @@ begin
exact (map_add_le_add p _ _).trans (add_le_add hy₁ hy₂)

/- Can this be done more neatly with `seminorm.ball_comp`?
Alternatively, can this be done using/imitating the ball-addition-lemmas
in normed_space/pointwise? -/
/-- The image of a ball under addition with a singleton is another ball. -/
lemma singleton_add_ball {p : seminorm 𝕜 E} {x y : E} (ε : ℝ) (ε_pos : ε > 0):
(λ (z : E), x + z) '' p.ball y ε = p.ball (x + y) ε :=
apply le_antisymm,
{ rintros w ⟨w', w'_in_ball, w'h⟩,
rwa [seminorm.mem_ball, ← w'h, add_sub_add_left_eq_sub] },
{ intros w w_in_ball,
refine set.mem_image_iff_bex.mpr ⟨ w - x , _ ⟩,
rw [seminorm.mem_ball, sub_sub, add_sub, add_sub_cancel'],
exact ⟨ w_in_ball , rfl ⟩ }

end has_smul

section module
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