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chore(algebra/ring_quot): link ring_quot.rel with ring_con_gen (#17892)
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It's not clear to me whether it's worth keeping `ring_quot.rel r` around, or if it would be better to replace it entirely with `ring_con_gen`.
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eric-wieser committed Apr 2, 2023
1 parent 500ccb1 commit e5820f6
Showing 1 changed file with 74 additions and 0 deletions.
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/ring_quot.lean
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Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,19 @@ variables {R : Type u₁} [semiring R]
variables {S : Type u₂} [comm_semiring S]
variables {A : Type u₃} [semiring A] [algebra S A]

namespace ring_con

instance (c : ring_con A) : algebra S c.quotient :=
{ smul := (•),
to_ring_hom :='.comp (algebra_map S A),
commutes' := λ r, quotient.ind' $ by exact λ a, congr_arg' $ algebra.commutes _ _,
smul_def' := λ r, quotient.ind' $ by exact λ a, congr_arg' $ algebra.smul_def _ _ }

@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_algebra_map (c : ring_con A) (s : S) :
(↑(algebra_map S A s) : c.quotient) = algebra_map S _ s := rfl

end ring_con

namespace ring_quot

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,6 +71,67 @@ by simp only [sub_eq_add_neg, h.neg.add_right]
theorem rel.smul {r : A → A → Prop} (k : S) ⦃a b : A⦄ (h : rel r a b) : rel r (k • a) (k • b) :=
by simp only [algebra.smul_def, rel.mul_right h]

/-- `eqv_gen (ring_quot.rel r)` is a ring congruence. -/
def ring_con (r : R → R → Prop) : ring_con R :=
{ r := eqv_gen (rel r),
iseqv := eqv_gen.is_equivalence _,
add' := λ a b c d hab hcd, begin
induction hab with a' b' hab e a' b' hab' _ c' d' e hcd' hde' ihcd' ihde' generalizing c d,
{ refine (eqv_gen.rel _ _ hab.add_left).trans _ _ _ _,
induction hcd with c' d' hcd f c' d' hcd' habcd' c' d' f' hcd' hdf' hbcd' hbcf',
{ exact (eqv_gen.rel _ _ hcd.add_right), },
{ exact (eqv_gen.refl _), },
{ exact (habcd'.symm _ _), },
{ exact hbcd'.trans _ _ _ hbcf', }, },
{ induction hcd with c' d' hcd f c' d' hcd' habcd' c' d' f' hcd' hdf' hbcd' hbcf',
{ exact (eqv_gen.rel _ _ hcd.add_right), },
{ exact (eqv_gen.refl _), },
{ exact (eqv_gen.symm _ _ habcd'), },
{ exact hbcd'.trans _ _ _ hbcf' }, },
{ exact (hab_ih _ _ $ hcd.symm _ _).symm _ _, },
{ exact (ihcd' _ _ hcd).trans _ _ _ (ihde' _ _ $ eqv_gen.refl _), },
mul' := λ a b c d hab hcd, begin
induction hab with a' b' hab e a' b' hab' _ c' d' e hcd' hde' ihcd' ihde' generalizing c d,
{ refine (eqv_gen.rel _ _ hab.mul_left).trans _ _ _ _,
induction hcd with c' d' hcd f c' d' hcd' habcd' c' d' f' hcd' hdf' hbcd' hbcf',
{ exact (eqv_gen.rel _ _ hcd.mul_right), },
{ exact (eqv_gen.refl _), },
{ exact (habcd'.symm _ _), },
{ exact hbcd'.trans _ _ _ hbcf', }, },
{ induction hcd with c' d' hcd f c' d' hcd' habcd' c' d' f' hcd' hdf' hbcd' hbcf',
{ exact (eqv_gen.rel _ _ hcd.mul_right), },
{ exact (eqv_gen.refl _), },
{ exact (eqv_gen.symm _ _ habcd'), },
{ exact hbcd'.trans _ _ _ hbcf' }, },
{ exact (hab_ih _ _ $ hcd.symm _ _).symm _ _, },
{ exact (ihcd' _ _ hcd).trans _ _ _ (ihde' _ _ $ eqv_gen.refl _), },
end }

lemma eqv_gen_rel_eq (r : R → R → Prop) : eqv_gen (rel r) = ring_con_gen.rel r :=
ext x₁ x₂,
{ intro h,
induction h with x₃ x₄ h₃₄,
{ induction h₃₄ with _ dfg h₃₄ x₃ x₄ x₅ h₃₄',
{ exact ring_con_gen.rel.of _ _ ‹_› },
{ exact h₃₄_ih.add (ring_con_gen.rel.refl _) },
{ exact h₃₄_ih.mul (ring_con_gen.rel.refl _) },
{ exact (ring_con_gen.rel.refl _).mul h₃₄_ih} },
{ exact ring_con_gen.rel.refl _ },
{ exact ring_con_gen.rel.symm ‹_› },
{ exact ring_con_gen.rel.trans ‹_› ‹_› } },
{ intro h,
induction h,
{ exact eqv_gen.rel _ _ (rel.of ‹_›), },
{ exact (ring_quot.ring_con r).refl _, },
{ exact (ring_quot.ring_con r).symm ‹_›, },
{ exact (ring_quot.ring_con r).trans ‹_› ‹_›, },
{ exact (ring_quot.ring_con r).add ‹_› ‹_›, },
{ exact (ring_quot.ring_con r).mul ‹_› ‹_›, } }

end ring_quot

/-- The quotient of a ring by an arbitrary relation. -/
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