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implement proper power computation
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robertylewis committed Aug 2, 2022
1 parent 1f1a93e commit cd8620d
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Showing 3 changed files with 70 additions and 11 deletions.
22 changes: 21 additions & 1 deletion scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,26 @@ def create_query(type: str, n_vars: int, eq_list, goal_type):
return query

def create_query_radical(type: str, n_vars: int, eq_list, goal_type):
""" Create a query to invoke Sage's `MPolynomial_libsingular.lift`. See
for a description of this method. """
var_list = [f"var{i}" for i in range(n_vars)] + ['aux']
query = f'''
import json
P = {type_str(type)}{var_list}
[{", ".join(var_list)}] = P.gens()
p = P({goal_type})
gens = {eq_list} + [1 - p*aux]
I = ideal(gens)
coeffs = P(1).lift(I)
power = max( for cf in coeffs)
coeffs = [P(cf.subs(aux = 1/p)*p^power) for cf in coeffs[:int(-1)]]
js = {{'power': power, 'coeffs': [polynomial_to_string(c) for c in coeffs]}}
return query

class EvaluationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, ename, evalue, message='Error in Sage communication'):
self.ename = ename
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,7 +88,7 @@ def main():
error_value: Optional[str] }
command = create_query(sys.argv[2], int(sys.argv[3]), sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5])
command = create_query_radical(sys.argv[2], int(sys.argv[3]), sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5])
final_query = polynomial_formatting_functions + "\n" + command
if sys.argv[1] == 'tt': # trace dry run enabled
output = dict(success=True, trace=command)
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21 changes: 14 additions & 7 deletions src/tactic/polyrith.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -300,12 +300,18 @@ meta instance : non_null_json_serializable poly :=
| sum.inr p := pure p

/-- A schema for the data reported by the Sage calculation -/
@[derive [non_null_json_serializable, inhabited]]
structure sage_json_coeffs_and_power :=
(coeffs : list poly)
(power : ℕ)

/-- A schema for success messages from the python script -/
@[derive [non_null_json_serializable, inhabited]]
structure sage_json_success :=
(success : {b : bool // b = tt})
(trace : option string := none)
(data : option (list poly) := none)
(data : option sage_json_coeffs_and_power := none)

/-- A schema for failure messages from the python script -/
@[derive [non_null_json_serializable, inhabited]]
Expand All @@ -316,7 +322,7 @@ structure sage_json_failure :=

/-- Parse the json output from `scripts/` into either an error message, a list of `poly`
objects, or `none` if only trace output was requested. -/
meta def convert_sage_output (j : json) : tactic (option (list poly)) :=
meta def convert_sage_output (j : json) : tactic (option (ℕ × list poly)) :=
r : sage_json_success ⊕ sage_json_failure ← decorate_ex "internal json error: "
-- try the error format first, so that if both fail we get the message from the success parser
Expand All @@ -326,7 +332,7 @@ do
fail!"polyrith failed to retrieve a solution from Sage! {f.error_name}: {f.error_value}"
| sum.inl s := do
s.trace.mmap trace,
pure $ $ λ sd, (sd.power, sd.coeffs)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -484,18 +490,19 @@ a call to `linear_combination`.
meta def process_output (eq_names : list expr) (m : list expr) (R : expr) (sage_out : json) :
tactic format := focus1 $ do
some coeffs_as_poly ← convert_sage_output sage_out | fail!"internal error: No output available",
some (power, coeffs_as_poly) ← convert_sage_output sage_out | fail!"internal error: No output available",
coeffs_as_pexpr ← coeffs_as_poly.mmap (poly.to_pexpr m),
let eq_names_pexpr := to_pexpr,
coeffs_as_expr ← coeffs_as_pexpr.mmap $ λ e, to_expr ``(%%e : %%R),
linear_combo.linear_combination eq_names_pexpr coeffs_as_pexpr,
linear_combo.linear_combination eq_names_pexpr coeffs_as_pexpr (some power),
let components := ( coeffs_as_expr).filter
$ λ pr, bnot $ pr.2.is_app_of `,
expr_string ← components_to_lc_format components,
let lc_fmt : format := "linear_combination " ++ format.nest 2 ( expr_string),
let lc_exp : format := if power = 1 then "" else format!" with exponent {power}",
let lc_fmt : format := "linear_combination " ++ format.nest 2 ( expr_string ++ lc_exp),
done <|>
fail!"polyrith found the following certificate, but it failed to close the goal:\n{lc_fmt}",
return $ "linear_combination " ++ format.nest 2 ( expr_string)
return lc_fmt

/-- Tactic for the special case when no hypotheses are available. -/
meta def no_hypotheses_case : tactic (option format) :=
Expand Down
38 changes: 35 additions & 3 deletions test/polyrith.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,10 +98,13 @@ end tactic
## SageCell communcation tests

-- set_option trace.polyrith true

example (x y : ℚ) (h1 : x*y + 2*x = 1) (h2 : x = y) :
x*y = -2*y + 1 :=
test_sage_output "{\"data\":[\"(poly.const 1/1)\",\"(poly.const -2/1)\"],\"success\":true}",
-- test_sage_output "{\"data\":[\"(poly.const 1/1)\",\"(poly.const -2/1)\"],\"success\":true}",
linear_combination h1 - 2 * h2

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -436,10 +439,39 @@ by test_polyrith
"linear_combination h1 - h2"

-- We comment the following tests so that we don't overwhelm the SageCell API.

/- ### Cases with powers -/

example (x y z : ℚ) (h : x = y) (h2 : x * y = 0) : x + y*z = 0 :=
by test_polyrith
"{\"data\":{\"coeffs\":[\"(poly.add (poly.neg (poly.mul (poly.var 1) (poly.pow (poly.var 2) 2))) (poly.var 0))\",\"(poly.add (poly.add (poly.pow (poly.var 2) 2) (poly.mul (poly.const 2/1) (poly.var 2))) (poly.const 1/1))\"],\"power\":2},\"success\":true}"
"[(var0 - var1), ((var0 * var1) - 0)]",
"((var0 + (var1 * var2)) - 0)"]
"linear_combination (-(y * z ^ 2) + x) * h + (z ^ 2 + 2 * z + 1) * h2 with exponent 2"

example (K : Type) (h_this : 3 - 1 = 2)
[field K]
[char_zero K]
{x y z : K}
(h₂ : y ^ 3 + x * (3 * z ^ 2) = 0)
(h₁ : x ^ 3 + z * (3 * y ^ 2) = 0)
(h₀ : y * (3 * x ^ 2) + z ^ 3 = 0)
(h : x ^ 3 * y + y ^ 3 * z + z ^ 3 * x = 0) :
x = 0 :=
by test_polyrith
"{\"data\":{\"coeffs\":[\"(poly.mul (poly.mul (poly.const 2/7) (poly.var 1)) (poly.pow (poly.var 2) 2))\",\"(poly.sub (poly.pow (poly.var 0) 3) (poly.mul (poly.mul (poly.const 1/7) (poly.pow (poly.var 1) 2)) (poly.var 2)))\",\"(poly.neg (poly.mul (poly.mul (poly.var 0) (poly.var 1)) (poly.var 2)))\",\"(poly.mul (poly.mul (poly.const 1/7) (poly.var 1)) (poly.var 2))\"],\"power\":6},\"success\":true}"
"[(((var1 ^ 3) + (var0 * (3 * (var2 ^ 2)))) - 0), (((var0 ^ 3) + (var2 * (3 * (var1 ^ 2)))) - 0), (((var1 * (3 * (var0 ^ 2))) + (var2 ^ 3)) - 0), (((((var0 ^ 3) * var1) + ((var1 ^ 3) * var2)) + ((var2 ^ 3) * var0)) - 0)]",
"(var0 - 0)"]
"linear_combination 2 / 7 * y * z ^ 2 * h₂ + (x ^ 3 - 1 / 7 * y ^ 2 * z) * h₁ - x * y * z * h₀ + 1 / 7 * y *
z * h with exponent 6"

-- We comment the following tests so that we don't overwhelm the SageCell API.

Expand Down

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