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chore(ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic): split file (#19077)
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`ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic` is almost 1000 lines long and it can be nicely split.

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riccardobrasca committed May 24, 2023
1 parent bc91ed7 commit 5bfbcca
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Showing 8 changed files with 442 additions and 372 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion archive/100-theorems-list/37_solution_of_cubic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Jeoff Lee
import tactic.linear_combination
import ring_theory.roots_of_unity
import ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic.basic
import ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic.roots

# The Solution of a Cubic
Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/number_theory/cyclotomic/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2021 Riccardo Brasca. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Riccardo Brasca
import ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic.basic
import ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic.roots
import number_theory.number_field.basic
import field_theory.galois

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,7 +374,8 @@ begin
map_cyclotomic, mem_roots (cyclotomic_ne_zero n B)] at hx,
simp only [mem_singleton_iff, exists_eq_left, mem_set_of_eq],
rw is_root_of_unity_iff n.pos,
exact ⟨n, nat.mem_divisors_self n n.ne_zero, hx⟩ },
exact ⟨n, nat.mem_divisors_self n n.ne_zero, hx⟩,
all_goals { apply_instance } },
{ simp only [mem_singleton_iff, exists_eq_left, mem_set_of_eq] at hx,
obtain ⟨i, hin, rfl⟩ := hζ.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one hx n.pos,
refine set_like.mem_coe.2 (subalgebra.pow_mem _ (subset_adjoin _) _),
Expand All @@ -393,7 +394,8 @@ begin
rw is_root_of_unity_iff n.pos,
refine ⟨n, nat.mem_divisors_self n n.ne_zero, _⟩,
rwa [finset.mem_coe, multiset.mem_to_finset,
map_cyclotomic, mem_roots $ cyclotomic_ne_zero n B] at hx },
map_cyclotomic, mem_roots $ cyclotomic_ne_zero n B] at hx,
all_goals { apply_instance } },
{ simp only [mem_singleton_iff, exists_eq_left, mem_set_of_eq] at hx,
simpa only [hx, multiset.mem_to_finset, finset.mem_coe, map_cyclotomic,
mem_roots (cyclotomic_ne_zero n B)] using hζ.is_root_cyclotomic n.pos }
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/number_theory/cyclotomic/primitive_roots.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import number_theory.cyclotomic.basic
import ring_theory.adjoin.power_basis
import ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic.eval
import ring_theory.norm
import ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic.expand

# Primitive roots in cyclotomic fields
Expand Down
370 changes: 4 additions & 366 deletions src/ring_theory/polynomial/cyclotomic/basic.lean

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ring_theory/polynomial/cyclotomic/eval.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Eric Rodriguez

import ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic.basic
import ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic.roots
import tactic.by_contra
import topology.algebra.polynomial
import number_theory.padics.padic_val
Expand Down
186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/polynomial/cyclotomic/expand.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Riccardo Brasca. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Riccardo Brasca

import ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic.roots

# Cyclotomic polynomials and `expand`.
We gather results relating cyclotomic polynomials and `expand`.
## Main results
* `polynomial.cyclotomic_expand_eq_cyclotomic_mul` : If `p` is a prime such that `¬ p ∣ n`, then
`expand R p (cyclotomic n R) = (cyclotomic (n * p) R) * (cyclotomic n R)`.
* `polynomial.cyclotomic_expand_eq_cyclotomic` : If `p` is a prime such that `p ∣ n`, then
`expand R p (cyclotomic n R) = cyclotomic (p * n) R`.
* `polynomial.cyclotomic_mul_prime_eq_pow_of_not_dvd` : If `R` is of characteristic `p` and
`¬p ∣ n`, then `cyclotomic (n * p) R = (cyclotomic n R) ^ (p - 1)`.
* `polynomial.cyclotomic_mul_prime_dvd_eq_pow` : If `R` is of characteristic `p` and `p ∣ n`, then
`cyclotomic (n * p) R = (cyclotomic n R) ^ p`.
* `polynomial.cyclotomic_mul_prime_pow_eq` : If `R` is of characteristic `p` and `¬p ∣ m`, then
`cyclotomic (p ^ k * m) R = (cyclotomic m R) ^ (p ^ k - p ^ (k - 1))`.
* `polynomial.cyclotomic_mul_prime_pow_eq` : If `R` is of characteristic `p` and `¬p ∣ m`, then
`cyclotomic (p ^ k * m) R = (cyclotomic m R) ^ (p ^ k - p ^ (k - 1))`.

namespace polynomial

/-- If `p` is a prime such that `¬ p ∣ n`, then
`expand R p (cyclotomic n R) = (cyclotomic (n * p) R) * (cyclotomic n R)`. -/
@[simp] lemma cyclotomic_expand_eq_cyclotomic_mul {p n : ℕ} (hp : p) (hdiv : ¬p ∣ n)
(R : Type*) [comm_ring R] :
expand R p (cyclotomic n R) = (cyclotomic (n * p) R) * (cyclotomic n R) :=
rcases nat.eq_zero_or_pos n with rfl | hnpos,
{ simp },
haveI := ne_zero.of_pos hnpos,
suffices : expand ℤ p (cyclotomic n ℤ) = (cyclotomic (n * p) ℤ) * (cyclotomic n ℤ),
{ rw [← map_cyclotomic_int, ← map_expand, this, polynomial.map_mul, map_cyclotomic_int] },
refine eq_of_monic_of_dvd_of_nat_degree_le ((cyclotomic.monic _ _).mul
(cyclotomic.monic _ _)) ((cyclotomic.monic n ℤ).expand hp.pos) _ _,
{ refine ( _ _ (is_primitive.mul
(cyclotomic.is_primitive (n * p) ℤ) (cyclotomic.is_primitive n ℤ))
((cyclotomic.monic n ℤ).expand hp.pos).is_primitive).2 _,
rw [polynomial.map_mul, map_cyclotomic_int, map_cyclotomic_int, map_expand, map_cyclotomic_int],
refine is_coprime.mul_dvd (cyclotomic.is_coprime_rat (λ h, _)) _ _,
{ replace h : n * p = n * 1 := by simp [h],
exact hp (mul_left_cancel₀' h) },
{ have hpos : 0 < n * p := mul_pos hnpos hp.pos,
have hprim := complex.is_primitive_root_exp _',
rw [cyclotomic_eq_minpoly_rat hprim hpos],
refine @minpoly.dvd ℚ ℂ _ _ algebra_rat _ _ _,
rw [aeval_def, ← eval_map, map_expand, map_cyclotomic, expand_eval, ← is_root.def,
convert is_primitive_root.pow_of_dvd hprim hp.ne_zero (dvd_mul_left p n),
rw [nat.mul_div_cancel _ ( hp)] },
{ have hprim := complex.is_primitive_root_exp _,
rw [cyclotomic_eq_minpoly_rat hprim hnpos],
refine @minpoly.dvd ℚ ℂ _ _ algebra_rat _ _ _,
rw [aeval_def, ← eval_map, map_expand, expand_eval, ← is_root.def,
← cyclotomic_eq_minpoly_rat hprim hnpos, map_cyclotomic, is_root_cyclotomic_iff],
exact is_primitive_root.pow_of_prime hprim hp hdiv,} },
{ rw [nat_degree_expand, nat_degree_cyclotomic, nat_degree_mul (cyclotomic_ne_zero _ ℤ)
(cyclotomic_ne_zero _ ℤ), nat_degree_cyclotomic, nat_degree_cyclotomic, mul_comm n,
nat.totient_mul (( hp).2 hdiv),
nat.totient_prime hp, mul_comm (p - 1), ← nat.mul_succ, nat.sub_one,
nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos hp.pos] }

/-- If `p` is a prime such that `p ∣ n`, then
`expand R p (cyclotomic n R) = cyclotomic (p * n) R`. -/
@[simp] lemma cyclotomic_expand_eq_cyclotomic {p n : ℕ} (hp : p) (hdiv : p ∣ n)
(R : Type*) [comm_ring R] : expand R p (cyclotomic n R) = cyclotomic (n * p) R :=
rcases n.eq_zero_or_pos with rfl | hzero,
{ simp },
haveI := ne_zero.of_pos hzero,
suffices : expand ℤ p (cyclotomic n ℤ) = cyclotomic (n * p) ℤ,
{ rw [← map_cyclotomic_int, ← map_expand, this, map_cyclotomic_int] },
refine eq_of_monic_of_dvd_of_nat_degree_le (cyclotomic.monic _ _)
((cyclotomic.monic n ℤ).expand hp.pos) _ _,
{ have hpos := nat.mul_pos hzero hp.pos,
have hprim := complex.is_primitive_root_exp _,
rw [cyclotomic_eq_minpoly hprim hpos],
refine minpoly.is_integrally_closed_dvd (hprim.is_integral hpos) _,
rw [aeval_def, ← eval_map, map_expand, map_cyclotomic, expand_eval,
← is_root.def, is_root_cyclotomic_iff],
{ convert is_primitive_root.pow_of_dvd hprim hp.ne_zero (dvd_mul_left p n),
rw [nat.mul_div_cancel _ hp.pos] } },
{ rw [nat_degree_expand, nat_degree_cyclotomic, nat_degree_cyclotomic, mul_comm n,
nat.totient_mul_of_prime_of_dvd hp hdiv, mul_comm] }

/-- If the `p ^ n`th cyclotomic polynomial is irreducible, so is the `p ^ m`th, for `m ≤ n`. -/
lemma cyclotomic_irreducible_pow_of_irreducible_pow {p : ℕ} (hp : p)
{R} [comm_ring R] [is_domain R] {n m : ℕ} (hmn : m ≤ n)
(h : irreducible (cyclotomic (p ^ n) R)) : irreducible (cyclotomic (p ^ m) R) :=
{ rcases m.eq_zero_or_pos with rfl | hm,
{ simpa using irreducible_X_sub_C (1 : R) },
obtain ⟨k, rfl⟩ := nat.exists_eq_add_of_le hmn,
induction k with k hk },
{ simpa using h },
have : m + k ≠ 0 := (add_pos_of_pos_of_nonneg hm k.zero_le).ne',
rw [nat.add_succ, pow_succ', ←cyclotomic_expand_eq_cyclotomic hp $ dvd_pow_self p this] at h,
exact hk (by linarith) (of_irreducible_expand hp.ne_zero h)

/-- If `irreducible (cyclotomic (p ^ n) R)` then `irreducible (cyclotomic p R).` -/
lemma cyclotomic_irreducible_of_irreducible_pow {p : ℕ} (hp : p) {R} [comm_ring R]
[is_domain R] {n : ℕ} (hn : n ≠ 0) (h : irreducible (cyclotomic (p ^ n) R)) :
irreducible (cyclotomic p R) :=
pow_one p ▸ cyclotomic_irreducible_pow_of_irreducible_pow hp hn.bot_lt h

section char_p

/-- If `R` is of characteristic `p` and `¬p ∣ n`, then
`cyclotomic (n * p) R = (cyclotomic n R) ^ (p - 1)`. -/
lemma cyclotomic_mul_prime_eq_pow_of_not_dvd (R : Type*) {p n : ℕ} [hp : fact ( p)]
[ring R] [char_p R p] (hn : ¬p ∣ n) : cyclotomic (n * p) R = (cyclotomic n R) ^ (p - 1) :=
suffices : cyclotomic (n * p) (zmod p) = (cyclotomic n (zmod p)) ^ (p - 1),
{ rw [← map_cyclotomic _ (algebra_map (zmod p) R), ← map_cyclotomic _ (algebra_map (zmod p) R),
this, polynomial.map_pow] },
apply mul_right_injective₀ (cyclotomic_ne_zero n $ zmod p),
rw [←pow_succ, tsub_add_cancel_of_le hp.out.one_lt.le, mul_comm, ← zmod.expand_card],
nth_rewrite 2 [← map_cyclotomic_int],
rw [← map_expand, cyclotomic_expand_eq_cyclotomic_mul hp.out hn, polynomial.map_mul,
map_cyclotomic, map_cyclotomic]

/-- If `R` is of characteristic `p` and `p ∣ n`, then
`cyclotomic (n * p) R = (cyclotomic n R) ^ p`. -/
lemma cyclotomic_mul_prime_dvd_eq_pow (R : Type*) {p n : ℕ} [hp : fact ( p)] [ring R]
[char_p R p] (hn : p ∣ n) : cyclotomic (n * p) R = (cyclotomic n R) ^ p :=
suffices : cyclotomic (n * p) (zmod p) = (cyclotomic n (zmod p)) ^ p,
{ rw [← map_cyclotomic _ (algebra_map (zmod p) R), ← map_cyclotomic _ (algebra_map (zmod p) R),
this, polynomial.map_pow] },
rw [← zmod.expand_card, ← map_cyclotomic_int n, ← map_expand, cyclotomic_expand_eq_cyclotomic
hp.out hn, map_cyclotomic, mul_comm]

/-- If `R` is of characteristic `p` and `¬p ∣ m`, then
`cyclotomic (p ^ k * m) R = (cyclotomic m R) ^ (p ^ k - p ^ (k - 1))`. -/
lemma cyclotomic_mul_prime_pow_eq (R : Type*) {p m : ℕ} [fact ( p)]
[ring R] [char_p R p] (hm : ¬p ∣ m) :
∀ {k}, 0 < k → cyclotomic (p ^ k * m) R = (cyclotomic m R) ^ (p ^ k - p ^ (k - 1))
| 1 _ := by rw [pow_one, nat.sub_self, pow_zero, mul_comm,
cyclotomic_mul_prime_eq_pow_of_not_dvd R hm]
| (a + 2) _ :=
have hdiv : p ∣ p ^ a.succ * m := ⟨p ^ a * m, by rw [← mul_assoc, pow_succ]⟩,
rw [pow_succ, mul_assoc, mul_comm, cyclotomic_mul_prime_dvd_eq_pow R hdiv,
cyclotomic_mul_prime_pow_eq a.succ_pos, ← pow_mul],
congr' 1,
simp only [tsub_zero, nat.succ_sub_succ_eq_sub],
rw [nat.mul_sub_right_distrib, mul_comm, pow_succ']

/-- If `R` is of characteristic `p` and `¬p ∣ m`, then `ζ` is a root of `cyclotomic (p ^ k * m) R`
if and only if it is a primitive `m`-th root of unity. -/
lemma is_root_cyclotomic_prime_pow_mul_iff_of_char_p {m k p : ℕ} {R : Type*} [comm_ring R]
[is_domain R] [hp : fact ( p)] [hchar : char_p R p] {μ : R} [ne_zero (m : R)] :
(polynomial.cyclotomic (p ^ k * m) R).is_root μ ↔ is_primitive_root μ m :=
rcases k.eq_zero_or_pos with rfl | hk,
{ rw [pow_zero, one_mul, is_root_cyclotomic_iff] },
refine ⟨λ h, _, λ h, _⟩,
{ rw [is_root.def, cyclotomic_mul_prime_pow_eq R (ne_zero.not_char_dvd R p m) hk, eval_pow] at h,
replace h := pow_eq_zero h,
rwa [← is_root.def, is_root_cyclotomic_iff] at h },
{ rw [← is_root_cyclotomic_iff, is_root.def] at h,
rw [cyclotomic_mul_prime_pow_eq R (ne_zero.not_char_dvd R p m) hk,
is_root.def, eval_pow, h, zero_pow],
simp only [tsub_pos_iff_lt],
apply pow_strict_mono_right hp.out.one_lt (nat.pred_lt') }

end char_p

end polynomial

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