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feat(algebra/module/graded_module): define graded module (#14582)
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By imitating the current `graded_algebra`, this pr builds `graded_module` over some `graded algebra`

Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser @eric-wieser 

- [x] depends on: #14626
- [x] depends on: #15654

Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
jjaassoonn and eric-wieser committed Jan 27, 2023
1 parent a11f910 commit 59cdeb0
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135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/graded_mul_action.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Jujian Zhang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jujian Zhang, Eric Wieser
import algebra.graded_monoid

# Additively-graded multiplicative action structures
This module provides a set of heterogeneous typeclasses for defining a multiplicative structure
over the sigma type `graded_monoid A` such that `(•) : A i → M j → M (i + j)`; that is to say, `A`
has an additively-graded multiplicative action on `M`. The typeclasses are:
* `graded_monoid.ghas_smul A M`
* `graded_monoid.gmul_action A M`
With the `sigma_graded` locale open, these respectively imbue:
* `has_smul (graded_monoid A) (graded_monoid M)`
* `mul_action (graded_monoid A) (graded_monoid M)`
For now, these typeclasses are primarily used in the construction of `direct_sum.gmodule.module` and
the rest of that file.
## Internally graded multiplicative actions
In addition to the above typeclasses, in the most frequent case when `A` is an indexed collection of
`set_like` subobjects (such as `add_submonoid`s, `add_subgroup`s, or `submodule`s), this file
provides the `Prop` typeclasses:
* `set_like.has_graded_smul A M` (which provides the obvious `graded_monoid.ghas_smul A` instance)
which provides the API lemma
* `set_like.graded_smul_mem_graded`
Note that there is no need for `set_like.graded_mul_action` or similar, as all the information it
would contain is already supplied by `has_graded_smul` when the objects within `A` and `M` have
a `mul_action` instance.
## tags
graded action

set_option old_structure_cmd true

variables {ι : Type*}

namespace graded_monoid

/-! ### Typeclasses -/
section defs

variables (A : ι → Type*) (M : ι → Type*)

/-- A graded version of `has_smul`. Scalar multiplication combines grades additively, i.e.
if `a ∈ A i` and `m ∈ M j`, then `a • b` must be in `M (i + j)`-/
class ghas_smul [has_add ι] :=
(smul {i j} : A i → M j → M (i + j))

/-- A graded version of `has_mul.to_has_smul` -/
instance ghas_mul.to_ghas_smul [has_add ι] [ghas_mul A] : ghas_smul A A :=
{ smul := λ _ _, ghas_mul.mul }

instance ghas_smul.to_has_smul [has_add ι] [ghas_smul A M] :
has_smul (graded_monoid A) (graded_monoid M) :=
⟨λ (x : graded_monoid A) (y : graded_monoid M), ⟨_, ghas_smul.smul x.snd y.snd⟩⟩

lemma mk_smul_mk [has_add ι] [ghas_smul A M] {i j} (a : A i) (b : M j) :
mk i a • mk j b = mk (i + j) (ghas_smul.smul a b) :=

/-- A graded version of `mul_action`. -/
class gmul_action [add_monoid ι] [gmonoid A] extends ghas_smul A M :=
(one_smul (b : graded_monoid M) : (1 : graded_monoid A) • b = b)
(mul_smul (a a' : graded_monoid A) (b : graded_monoid M) : (a * a') • b = a • a' • b)

/-- The graded version of `monoid.to_mul_action`. -/
instance gmonoid.to_gmul_action [add_monoid ι] [gmonoid A] :
gmul_action A A :=
{ one_smul := gmonoid.one_mul,
mul_smul := gmonoid.mul_assoc,
..ghas_mul.to_ghas_smul _ }

instance gmul_action.to_mul_action [add_monoid ι] [gmonoid A] [gmul_action A M] :
mul_action (graded_monoid A) (graded_monoid M) :=
{ one_smul := gmul_action.one_smul,
mul_smul := gmul_action.mul_smul }

end defs

end graded_monoid

/-! ### Shorthands for creating instance of the above typeclasses for collections of subobjects -/

section subobjects

variables {R : Type*}

/-- A version of `graded_monoid.ghas_smul` for internally graded objects. -/
class set_like.has_graded_smul {S R N M : Type*} [set_like S R] [set_like N M]
[has_smul R M] [has_add ι] (A : ι → S) (B : ι → N) : Prop :=
(smul_mem : ∀ ⦃i j : ι⦄ {ai bj}, ai ∈ A i → bj ∈ B j → ai • bj ∈ B (i + j))

instance set_like.ghas_smul {S R N M : Type*} [set_like S R] [set_like N M]
[has_smul R M] [has_add ι] (A : ι → S) (B : ι → N) [set_like.has_graded_smul A B] :
graded_monoid.ghas_smul (λ i, A i) (λ i, B i) :=
{ smul := λ i j a b, ⟨(a : R) • b, set_like.has_graded_smul.smul_mem a.2 b.2⟩ }

@[simp] lemma set_like.coe_ghas_smul {S R N M : Type*} [set_like S R] [set_like N M]
[has_smul R M] [has_add ι] (A : ι → S) (B : ι → N) [set_like.has_graded_smul A B]
{i j : ι} (x : A i) (y : B j) :
(@graded_monoid.ghas_smul.smul ι (λ i, A i) (λ i, B i) _ _ i j x y : M) = ((x : R) • y) :=

/-- Internally graded version of `has_mul.to_has_smul`. -/
instance set_like.has_graded_mul.to_has_graded_smul [add_monoid ι] [monoid R]
{S : Type*} [set_like S R] (A : ι → S) [set_like.graded_monoid A] :
set_like.has_graded_smul A A :=
{ smul_mem := λ i j ai bj hi hj, set_like.graded_monoid.mul_mem hi hj, }

end subobjects

section homogeneous_elements

variables {S R N M : Type*} [set_like S R] [set_like N M]

lemma set_like.is_homogeneous.graded_smul [has_add ι] [has_smul R M] {A : ι → S} {B : ι → N}
[set_like.has_graded_smul A B] {a : R} {b : M} :
set_like.is_homogeneous A a → set_like.is_homogeneous B b → set_like.is_homogeneous B (a • b)
| ⟨i, hi⟩ ⟨j, hj⟩ := ⟨i + j, set_like.has_graded_smul.smul_mem hi hj⟩

end homogeneous_elements
230 changes: 230 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/module/graded_module.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Jujian Zhang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jujian Zhang

import ring_theory.graded_algebra.basic
import algebra.graded_mul_action
import algebra.direct_sum.decomposition
import algebra.module.big_operators

# Graded Module
Given an `R`-algebra `A` graded by `𝓐`, a graded `A`-module `M` is expressed as
`direct_sum.decomposition 𝓜` and `set_like.has_graded_smul 𝓐 𝓜`.
Then `⨁ i, 𝓜 i` is an `A`-module and is isomorphic to `M`.
## Tags
graded module


open_locale direct_sum

variables {ι : Type*} (A : ι → Type*) (M : ι → Type*)

namespace direct_sum
open graded_monoid

/-- A graded version of `distrib_mul_action`. -/
class gdistrib_mul_action [add_monoid ι] [gmonoid A] [Π i, add_monoid (M i)]
extends gmul_action A M :=
(smul_add {i j} (a : A i) (b c : M j) : smul a (b + c) = smul a b + smul a c)
(smul_zero {i j} (a : A i) : smul a (0 : M j) = 0)

/-- A graded version of `module`. -/
class gmodule [add_monoid ι] [Π i, add_monoid (A i)] [Π i, add_monoid (M i)]
[gmonoid A] extends gdistrib_mul_action A M :=
(add_smul {i j} (a a' : A i) (b : M j) : smul (a + a') b = smul a b + smul a' b)
(zero_smul {i j} (b : M j) : smul (0 : A i) b = 0)

/-- A graded version of `semiring.to_module`. -/
instance gsemiring.to_gmodule [decidable_eq ι] [add_monoid ι]
[Π (i : ι), add_comm_monoid (A i)] [gsemiring A] :
gmodule A A :=
{ smul_add := λ _ _, gsemiring.mul_add,
smul_zero := λ i j, gsemiring.mul_zero,
add_smul := λ i j, gsemiring.add_mul,
zero_smul := λ i j, gsemiring.zero_mul,
..gmonoid.to_gmul_action A }

variables [add_monoid ι] [Π (i : ι), add_comm_monoid (A i)] [Π i, add_comm_monoid (M i)]

/-- The piecewise multiplication from the `has_mul` instance, as a bundled homomorphism. -/
@[simps] def gsmul_hom [gmonoid A] [gmodule A M] {i j} :
A i →+ M j →+ M (i + j) :=
{ to_fun := λ a,
{ to_fun := λ b, ghas_smul.smul a b,
map_zero' := gdistrib_mul_action.smul_zero _,
map_add' := gdistrib_mul_action.smul_add _ },
map_zero' := add_monoid_hom.ext $ λ a, gmodule.zero_smul a,
map_add' := λ a₁ a₂, add_monoid_hom.ext $ λ b, gmodule.add_smul _ _ _}

namespace gmodule

/-- For graded monoid `A` and a graded module `M` over `A`. `gmodule.smul_add_monoid_hom` is the
`⨁ᵢ Aᵢ`-scalar multiplication on `⨁ᵢ Mᵢ` induced by `gsmul_hom`. -/
def smul_add_monoid_hom
[decidable_eq ι] [gmonoid A] [gmodule A M] :
(⨁ i, A i) →+ (⨁ i, M i) →+ (⨁ i, M i) :=
to_add_monoid $ λ i, add_monoid_hom.flip $
to_add_monoid $ λ j, add_monoid_hom.flip $
(of M _).comp_hom.comp $ gsmul_hom A M


open graded_monoid direct_sum gmodule

instance [decidable_eq ι] [gmonoid A] [gmodule A M] :
has_smul (⨁ i, A i) (⨁ i, M i) :=
{ smul := λ x y, smul_add_monoid_hom A M x y }

@[simp] lemma smul_def [decidable_eq ι] [gmonoid A] [gmodule A M]
(x : ⨁ i, A i) (y : ⨁ i, M i) : x • y = smul_add_monoid_hom _ _ x y := rfl

@[simp] lemma smul_add_monoid_hom_apply_of_of [decidable_eq ι] [gmonoid A] [gmodule A M]
{i j} (x : A i) (y : M j) :
smul_add_monoid_hom A M (direct_sum.of A i x) (of M j y) =
of M (i + j) (ghas_smul.smul x y) :=
by simp [smul_add_monoid_hom]

@[simp] lemma of_smul_of [decidable_eq ι] [gmonoid A] [gmodule A M]
{i j} (x : A i) (y : M j) :
direct_sum.of A i x • of M j y = of M (i + j) (ghas_smul.smul x y) :=
smul_add_monoid_hom_apply_of_of _ _ _ _

open add_monoid_hom

-- Almost identical to the proof of `direct_sum.one_mul`
private lemma one_smul [decidable_eq ι] [gmonoid A] [gmodule A M] (x : ⨁ i, M i) :
(1 : ⨁ i, A i) • x = x :=
suffices smul_add_monoid_hom A M 1 = (⨁ i, M i),
from add_monoid_hom.congr_fun this x,
apply direct_sum.add_hom_ext, intros i xi,
rw smul_add_monoid_hom_apply_of_of,
exact direct_sum.of_eq_of_graded_monoid_eq (one_smul (graded_monoid A) $ i xi),

-- Almost identical to the proof of `direct_sum.mul_assoc`
private lemma mul_smul [decidable_eq ι] [gsemiring A] [gmodule A M]
(a b : ⨁ i, A i) (c : ⨁ i, M i) : (a * b) • c = a • (b • c) :=
suffices (smul_add_monoid_hom A M).comp_hom.comp (direct_sum.mul_hom A)
-- `λ a b c, (a * b) • c` as a bundled hom
= (add_monoid_hom.comp_hom add_monoid_hom.flip_hom $
(smul_add_monoid_hom A M).flip.comp_hom.comp $ smul_add_monoid_hom A M).flip,
-- `λ a b c, a • (b • c)` as a bundled hom
from add_monoid_hom.congr_fun (add_monoid_hom.congr_fun (add_monoid_hom.congr_fun this a) b) c,
ext ai ax bi bx ci cx : 6,
dsimp only [coe_comp, function.comp_app, comp_hom_apply_apply, flip_apply, flip_hom_apply],
rw [smul_add_monoid_hom_apply_of_of, smul_add_monoid_hom_apply_of_of,
direct_sum.mul_hom_of_of, smul_add_monoid_hom_apply_of_of],
exact direct_sum.of_eq_of_graded_monoid_eq
(mul_smul ( ai ax) ( bi bx) ( ci cx)),

/-- The `module` derived from `gmodule A M`. -/
instance module [decidable_eq ι] [gsemiring A] [gmodule A M] :
module (⨁ i, A i) (⨁ i, M i) :=
{ smul := (•),
one_smul := one_smul _ _,
mul_smul := mul_smul _ _,
smul_add := λ r, (smul_add_monoid_hom A M r).map_add,
smul_zero := λ r, (smul_add_monoid_hom A M r).map_zero,
add_smul := λ r s x, by simp only [smul_def, map_add, add_monoid_hom.add_apply],
zero_smul := λ x, by simp only [smul_def, map_zero, add_monoid_hom.zero_apply] }


end gmodule

end direct_sum


open_locale direct_sum big_operators

variables {ι R A M σ σ' : Type*}
variables [add_monoid ι] [comm_semiring R] [semiring A] [algebra R A]
variables (𝓐 : ι → σ') [set_like σ' A]
variables (𝓜 : ι → σ)

namespace set_like

include σ' A σ M

instance gmul_action [add_monoid M] [distrib_mul_action A M]
[set_like σ M] [set_like.graded_monoid 𝓐] [set_like.has_graded_smul 𝓐 𝓜] :
graded_monoid.gmul_action (λ i, 𝓐 i) (λ i, 𝓜 i) :=
{ one_smul := λ ⟨i, m⟩, sigma.subtype_ext (zero_add _) (one_smul _ _),
mul_smul := λ ⟨i, a⟩ ⟨j, a'⟩ ⟨k, b⟩, sigma.subtype_ext (add_assoc _ _ _) (mul_smul _ _ _),
..set_like.ghas_smul 𝓐 𝓜 }

instance gdistrib_mul_action [add_monoid M] [distrib_mul_action A M]
[set_like σ M] [add_submonoid_class σ M] [set_like.graded_monoid 𝓐]
[set_like.has_graded_smul 𝓐 𝓜] :
direct_sum.gdistrib_mul_action (λ i, 𝓐 i) (λ i, 𝓜 i) :=
{ smul_add := λ i j a b c, subtype.ext $ smul_add _ _ _,
smul_zero := λ i j a, subtype.ext $ smul_zero _,
..set_like.gmul_action 𝓐 𝓜 }

variables [add_comm_monoid M] [module A M] [set_like σ M] [add_submonoid_class σ' A]
[add_submonoid_class σ M] [set_like.graded_monoid 𝓐] [set_like.has_graded_smul 𝓐 𝓜]

/-- `[set_like.graded_monoid 𝓐] [set_like.has_graded_smul 𝓐 𝓜]` is the internal version of graded
module, the internal version can be translated into the external version `gmodule`. -/
instance gmodule : direct_sum.gmodule (λ i, 𝓐 i) (λ i, 𝓜 i) :=
{ smul := λ i j x y, ⟨(x : A) • (y : M), set_like.has_graded_smul.smul_mem x.2 y.2⟩,
add_smul := λ i j a a' b, subtype.ext $ add_smul _ _ _,
zero_smul := λ i j b, subtype.ext $ zero_smul _ _,
..set_like.gdistrib_mul_action 𝓐 𝓜}

end set_like

namespace graded_module

include σ' A σ M

variables [add_comm_monoid M] [module A M] [set_like σ M] [add_submonoid_class σ' A]
[add_submonoid_class σ M] [set_like.graded_monoid 𝓐] [set_like.has_graded_smul 𝓐 𝓜]

The smul multiplication of `A` on `⨁ i, 𝓜 i` from `(⨁ i, 𝓐 i) →+ (⨁ i, 𝓜 i) →+ ⨁ i, 𝓜 i`
turns `⨁ i, 𝓜 i` into an `A`-module
def is_module [decidable_eq ι] [graded_ring 𝓐] :
module A (⨁ i, 𝓜 i) :=
{ smul := λ a b, direct_sum.decompose 𝓐 a • b,
.. module.comp_hom _ (direct_sum.decompose_ring_equiv 𝓐 : A ≃+* ⨁ i, 𝓐 i).to_ring_hom }

local attribute [instance] graded_module.is_module

`⨁ i, 𝓜 i` and `M` are isomorphic as `A`-modules.
"The internal version" and "the external version" are isomorphism as `A`-modules.
def linear_equiv [decidable_eq ι] [graded_ring 𝓐]
[direct_sum.decomposition 𝓜] :
M ≃ₗ[A] ⨁ i, 𝓜 i :=
{ to_fun := direct_sum.decompose_add_equiv 𝓜,
map_smul' := λ x y, begin
rw [← direct_sum.sum_support_decompose 𝓐 x, map_sum, finset.sum_smul, map_sum,
finset.sum_smul, finset.sum_congr rfl (λ i hi, _)],
rw [ring_hom.id_apply, ← direct_sum.sum_support_decompose 𝓜 y, map_sum, finset.smul_sum,
map_sum, finset.smul_sum, finset.sum_congr rfl (λ j hj, _)],
simp only [(•), direct_sum.decompose_add_equiv_apply, direct_sum.decompose_coe,
convert direct_sum.decompose_coe 𝓜 _,
.. direct_sum.decompose_add_equiv 𝓜 }

end graded_module

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