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feat(ring_theory/localization/away) : Add num_denom section (#18830)
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Added a section `num_denom`: the main result is the lemma `exists_reduced_fraction` that shows that every non-zero element `b` in a `localization.away x` of a UFM can be written in a unique way as `b=x^n * a` with `n : ℤ` and `a` not divisible by `x`.

Co-authored-by: Vierkantor <[email protected]>
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faenuccio and Vierkantor committed May 4, 2023
1 parent 26ae6f6 commit 570e9f4
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Showing 2 changed files with 162 additions and 8 deletions.
142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/localization/away.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import ring_theory.localization.basic
* `is_localization.away (x : R) S` expresses that `S` is a localization away from `x`, as an
abbreviation of `is_localization (submonoid.powers x) S`
* `exists_reduced_fraction (hb : b ≠ 0)` produces a reduced fraction of the form `b = a * x^n` for
some `n : ℤ` and some `a : R` that is not divisible by `x`.
## Implementation notes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,3 +196,143 @@ lemma is_localization.away.finite_presentation (r : R) {S} [comm_ring S] [algebr
[is_localization.away r S] : algebra.finite_presentation R S :=
(adjoin_root.finite_presentation _).equiv $ (localization.away_equiv_adjoin r).symm.trans $
is_localization.alg_equiv (submonoid.powers r) _ _

section num_denom

open multiplicity unique_factorization_monoid is_localization

variable (x : R)

variables (B : Type*) [comm_ring B] [algebra R B] [is_localization.away x B]

/-- `self_zpow x (m : ℤ)` is `x ^ m` as an element of the localization away from `x`. -/
noncomputable def self_zpow (m : ℤ) : B :=
if hm : 0 ≤ m
then algebra_map _ _ x ^ m.nat_abs
else mk' _ (1 : R) (submonoid.pow x m.nat_abs)

lemma self_zpow_of_nonneg {n : ℤ} (hn : 0 ≤ n) : self_zpow x B n =
algebra_map R B x ^ n.nat_abs :=
dif_pos hn

@[simp] lemma self_zpow_coe_nat (d : ℕ) : self_zpow x B d = (algebra_map R B x)^d :=
self_zpow_of_nonneg _ _ (int.coe_nat_nonneg d)

@[simp] lemma self_zpow_zero : self_zpow x B 0 = 1 :=
by simp [self_zpow_of_nonneg _ _ le_rfl]

lemma self_zpow_of_neg {n : ℤ} (hn : n < 0) :
self_zpow x B n = mk' _ (1 : R) (submonoid.pow x n.nat_abs) :=
dif_neg hn.not_le

lemma self_zpow_of_nonpos {n : ℤ} (hn : n ≤ 0) :
self_zpow x B n = mk' _ (1 : R) (submonoid.pow x n.nat_abs) :=
by_cases hn0 : n = 0,
{ simp [hn0, self_zpow_zero, submonoid.pow_apply] },
{ simp [self_zpow_of_neg _ _ (lt_of_le_of_ne hn hn0)] }

@[simp] lemma self_zpow_neg_coe_nat (d : ℕ) :
self_zpow x B (-d) = mk' _ (1 : R) (submonoid.pow x d) :=
by simp [self_zpow_of_nonpos _ _ (neg_nonpos.mpr (int.coe_nat_nonneg d))]

@[simp] lemma self_zpow_sub_cast_nat {n m : ℕ} :
self_zpow x B (n - m) = mk' _ (x ^ n) (submonoid.pow x m) :=
by_cases h : m ≤ n,
{ rw [is_localization.eq_mk'_iff_mul_eq, submonoid.pow_apply, subtype.coe_mk,
← int.coe_nat_sub h, self_zpow_coe_nat, ← map_pow, ← map_mul, ← pow_add,
nat.sub_add_cancel h] },
{ rw [← neg_sub, ← int.coe_nat_sub (le_of_not_le h), self_zpow_neg_coe_nat,'_eq_iff_eq],
simp [submonoid.pow_apply, ← pow_add, nat.sub_add_cancel (le_of_not_le h)] }

@[simp] lemma self_zpow_add {n m : ℤ} :
self_zpow x B (n + m) = self_zpow x B n * self_zpow x B m :=
cases le_or_lt 0 n with hn hn; cases le_or_lt 0 m with hm hm,
{ rw [self_zpow_of_nonneg _ _ hn, self_zpow_of_nonneg _ _ hm,
self_zpow_of_nonneg _ _ (add_nonneg hn hm), int.nat_abs_add_nonneg hn hm, pow_add] },
{ have : n + m = n.nat_abs - m.nat_abs,
{ rw [int.nat_abs_of_nonneg hn, int.of_nat_nat_abs_of_nonpos hm.le, sub_neg_eq_add] },
rw [self_zpow_of_nonneg _ _ hn, self_zpow_of_neg _ _ hm,
this, self_zpow_sub_cast_nat,'_eq_mul_mk'_one, map_pow] },
{ have : n + m = m.nat_abs - n.nat_abs,
{ rw [int.nat_abs_of_nonneg hm, int.of_nat_nat_abs_of_nonpos hn.le, sub_neg_eq_add, add_comm] },
rw [self_zpow_of_nonneg _ _ hm, self_zpow_of_neg _ _ hn,
this, self_zpow_sub_cast_nat,'_eq_mul_mk'_one, map_pow, mul_comm] },
{ rw [self_zpow_of_neg _ _ hn, self_zpow_of_neg _ _ hm, self_zpow_of_neg _ _ (add_neg hn hm),
int.nat_abs_add_neg hn hm, ← mk'_mul, one_mul],
simp [pow_add] },

lemma self_zpow_mul_neg (d : ℤ) : self_zpow x B d * self_zpow x B (-d) = 1 :=
by_cases hd : d ≤ 0,
{ erw [self_zpow_of_nonpos x B hd, self_zpow_of_nonneg, ← map_pow, int.nat_abs_neg,'_spec, map_one],
apply nonneg_of_neg_nonpos,
rwa [neg_neg]},
{ erw [self_zpow_of_nonneg x B (le_of_not_le hd), self_zpow_of_nonpos, ← map_pow, int.nat_abs_neg,'_spec' R _ (submonoid.powers x) B _ _ _ 1 (submonoid.pow x d.nat_abs),
refine nonpos_of_neg_nonneg (le_of_lt _),
rwa [neg_neg, ← not_le] },

lemma self_zpow_neg_mul (d : ℤ) : self_zpow x B (-d) * self_zpow x B d = 1 :=
by rw [mul_comm, self_zpow_mul_neg x B d]

lemma self_zpow_pow_sub (a : R) (b : B) (m d : ℤ) :
(self_zpow x B (m - d)) * mk' B a (1 : submonoid.powers x) = b ↔
(self_zpow x B m) * mk' B a (1 : submonoid.powers x) = (self_zpow x B d) * b :=
rw [sub_eq_add_neg, self_zpow_add, mul_assoc, mul_comm _ (mk' B a 1), ← mul_assoc],
{ intro h,
have := congr_arg (λ s : B, s * self_zpow x B d) h,
simp only at this,
rwa [mul_assoc, mul_assoc, self_zpow_neg_mul, mul_one, mul_comm b _] at this},
{ intro h,
have := congr_arg (λ s : B, s * self_zpow x B (-d)) h,
simp only at this,
rwa [mul_comm _ b, mul_assoc b _ _, self_zpow_mul_neg, mul_one] at this}

variables [is_domain R] [normalization_monoid R] [unique_factorization_monoid R]

theorem exists_reduced_fraction' {b : B} (hb : b ≠ 0) (hx : irreducible x) :
∃ (a : R) (n : ℤ), ¬ x ∣ a ∧
self_zpow x B n * algebra_map R B a = b :=
obtain ⟨⟨a₀, y⟩, H⟩ := surj (submonoid.powers x) b,
obtain ⟨d, hy⟩ := (submonoid.mem_powers_iff y.1 x).mp y.2,
have ha₀ : a₀ ≠ 0,
{ haveI := @is_domain_of_le_non_zero_divisors B _ R _ _ _ (submonoid.powers x) _
(powers_le_non_zero_divisors_of_no_zero_divisors hx.ne_zero),
simp only [map_zero, ← subtype.val_eq_coe, ← hy, map_pow] at H,
apply ((injective_iff_map_eq_zero' (algebra_map R B)).mp _ a₀),
rw ← H,
apply mul_ne_zero hb (pow_ne_zero _ _),
exact is_localization.to_map_ne_zero_of_mem_non_zero_divisors B
(powers_le_non_zero_divisors_of_no_zero_divisors (hx.ne_zero))
(mem_non_zero_divisors_iff_ne_zero.mpr hx.ne_zero),
exact is_localization.injective B (powers_le_non_zero_divisors_of_no_zero_divisors
(hx.ne_zero)) },
simp only [← subtype.val_eq_coe, ← hy] at H,
obtain ⟨m, a, hyp1, hyp2⟩ := max_power_factor ha₀ hx,
refine ⟨a, m-d, _⟩,
rw [← mk'_one B, self_zpow_pow_sub, self_zpow_coe_nat, self_zpow_coe_nat, ← map_pow _ _ d,
mul_comm _ b, H, hyp2, map_mul, map_pow _ _ m],
exact ⟨hyp1, (congr_arg _ ('_one _ _))⟩,

end num_denom
28 changes: 20 additions & 8 deletions src/ring_theory/unique_factorization_domain.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -863,12 +863,12 @@ lemma pow_eq_pow_iff {a : R} (ha0 : a ≠ 0) (ha1 : ¬ is_unit a) {i j : ℕ} :
(pow_right_injective ha0 ha1).eq_iff

section multiplicity
variables [nontrivial R] [normalization_monoid R] [decidable_eq R]
variables [nontrivial R] [normalization_monoid R]
variables [dec_dvd : decidable_rel (has_dvd.dvd : R → R → Prop)]
open multiplicity multiset

include dec_dvd
lemma le_multiplicity_iff_replicate_le_normalized_factors {a b : R} {n : ℕ}
lemma le_multiplicity_iff_replicate_le_normalized_factors [decidable_eq R] {a b : R} {n : ℕ}
(ha : irreducible a) (hb : b ≠ 0) :
↑n ≤ multiplicity a b ↔ replicate n (normalize a) ≤ normalized_factors b :=
Expand All @@ -894,8 +894,8 @@ the normalized factor occurs in the `normalized_factors`.
See also `count_normalized_factors_eq` which expands the definition of `multiplicity`
to produce a specification for `count (normalized_factors _) _`..
lemma multiplicity_eq_count_normalized_factors {a b : R} (ha : irreducible a) (hb : b ≠ 0) :
multiplicity a b = (normalized_factors b).count (normalize a) :=
lemma multiplicity_eq_count_normalized_factors [decidable_eq R] {a b : R} (ha : irreducible a)
(hb : b ≠ 0) : multiplicity a b = (normalized_factors b).count (normalize a) :=
apply le_antisymm,
{ apply part_enat.le_of_lt_add_one,
Expand All @@ -912,8 +912,8 @@ the number of times it divides `x`.
See also `multiplicity_eq_count_normalized_factors` if `n` is given by `multiplicity p x`.
lemma count_normalized_factors_eq {p x : R} (hp : irreducible p) (hnorm : normalize p = p) {n : ℕ}
(hle : p^n ∣ x) (hlt : ¬ (p^(n+1) ∣ x)) :
lemma count_normalized_factors_eq [decidable_eq R] {p x : R} (hp : irreducible p)
(hnorm : normalize p = p) {n : ℕ} (hle : p^n ∣ x) (hlt : ¬ (p^(n+1) ∣ x)) :
(normalized_factors x).count p = n :=
letI : decidable_rel ((∣) : R → R → Prop) := λ _ _, classical.prop_decidable _,
Expand All @@ -931,8 +931,8 @@ the number of times it divides `x`. This is a slightly more general version of
See also `multiplicity_eq_count_normalized_factors` if `n` is given by `multiplicity p x`.
lemma count_normalized_factors_eq' {p x : R} (hp : p = 0 ∨ irreducible p) (hnorm : normalize p = p)
{n : ℕ} (hle : p^n ∣ x) (hlt : ¬ (p^(n+1) ∣ x)) :
lemma count_normalized_factors_eq' [decidable_eq R] {p x : R} (hp : p = 0 ∨ irreducible p)
(hnorm : normalize p = p) {n : ℕ} (hle : p^n ∣ x) (hlt : ¬ (p^(n+1) ∣ x)) :
(normalized_factors x).count p = n :=
rcases hp with rfl|hp,
Expand All @@ -943,6 +943,18 @@ begin
{ exact count_normalized_factors_eq hp hnorm hle hlt }

lemma max_power_factor {a₀ : R} {x : R} (h : a₀ ≠ 0) (hx : irreducible x) :
∃ n : ℕ, ∃ a : R, ¬ x ∣ a ∧ a₀ = x ^ n * a :=
let n := (normalized_factors a₀).count (normalize x),
obtain ⟨a, ha1, ha2⟩ := (@exists_eq_pow_mul_and_not_dvd R _ _ x a₀
( (part_enat.ne_top_iff.mpr _))),
simp_rw [← (multiplicity_eq_count_normalized_factors hx h).symm] at ha1,
use [n, a, ha2, ha1],
use [n, (multiplicity_eq_count_normalized_factors hx h)],

end multiplicity

section multiplicative
Expand Down

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