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… in category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement.pseudo_pullback (#13387)

Borceux claims that the pseudoelement constructed in `category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement.pseudo_pullback` is unique. We show here that this claim is false.
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riccardobrasca committed Apr 12, 2022
1 parent 73ec5b2 commit 4b45a71
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129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions counterexamples/pseudoelement.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Riccardo Brasca. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Riccardo Brasca

import category_theory.abelian.pseudoelements

# Pseudoelements and pullbacks
Borceux claims in Proposition 1.9.5 that the pseudoelement constructed in
`category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement.pseudo_pullback` is unique. We show here that this claim is
false. This means in particular that we cannot have an extensionality principle for pullbacks in
terms of pseudoelements.
## Implementation details
The construction, suggested in, is the following.
We work in the category of `Module ℤ` and we consider the special case of `ℚ ⊞ ℚ` (that is the
pullback over the terminal object). We consider the pseudoelements associated to `x : ℚ ⟶ ℚ ⊞ ℚ`
given by `t ↦ (t, 2 * t)` and `y : ℚ ⟶ ℚ ⊞ ℚ` given by `t ↦ (t, t)`.
## Main results
* `category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement.exist_ne_and_fst_eq_fst_and_snd_eq_snd` : there are two
pseudoelements `x y : ℚ ⊞ ℚ` such that `x ≠ y`, `biprod.fst x = biprod.fst y` and
`biprod.snd x = biprod.snd y`.
## References
* [F. Borceux, *Handbook of Categorical Algebra 2*][borceux-vol2]

open category_theory.abelian category_theory category_theory.limits Module linear_map

noncomputable theory

namespace category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement

/-- `x` is given by `t ↦ (t, 2 * t)`. -/
def x : over ((of ℤ ℚ) ⊞ (of ℤ ℚ)) :=
exact biprod.lift (of_hom id) (of_hom (2 * id)),

/-- `y` is given by `t ↦ (t, t)`. -/
def y : over ((of ℤ ℚ) ⊞ (of ℤ ℚ)) :=
exact biprod.lift (of_hom id) (of_hom id),

/-- `biprod.fst ≫ x` is pseudoequal to `biprod.fst y`. -/
lemma fst_x_pseudo_eq_fst_y : pseudo_equal _ (app biprod.fst x) (app biprod.fst y) :=
refine ⟨of ℤ ℚ, (of_hom id), (of_hom id), (of ℤ ℚ), _, _⟩,
{ exact (Module.epi_iff_surjective _).2 (λ a, ⟨(a : ℚ), by simp⟩) },
{ dsimp [x, y],
simp }

/-- `biprod.snd ≫ x` is pseudoequal to `biprod.snd y`. -/
lemma snd_x_pseudo_eq_snd_y : pseudo_equal _
(app biprod.snd x) (app biprod.snd y) :=
refine ⟨of ℤ ℚ, (of_hom id), 2 • (of_hom id), (of ℤ ℚ), _, _⟩,
{ refine (Module.epi_iff_surjective _).2 (λ a, ⟨(a/2 : ℚ), _⟩),
simp only [two_smul, add_apply, of_hom_apply, id_coe, id.def],
convert add_halves' _,
change char_zero ℚ,
apply_instance },
{ dsimp [x, y],
exact concrete_category.hom_ext _ _ (λ a, by simpa) }

/-- `x` is not pseudoequal to `y`. -/
lemma x_not_pseudo_eq : ¬(pseudo_equal _ x y) :=
intro h,
replace h := Module.eq_range_of_pseudoequal h,
dsimp [x, y] at h,
let φ := (biprod.lift (of_hom (id : ℚ →ₗ[ℤ] ℚ)) (of_hom (2 * id))),
have mem_range := mem_range_self φ (1 : ℚ),
rw h at mem_range,
obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := mem_range,
rw [← Module.id_apply (φ (1 : ℚ)), ←, ← linear_map.comp_apply, ← comp_def,
preadditive.comp_add] at ha,
let π₁ := (biprod.fst : (of ℤ ℚ) ⊞ (of ℤ ℚ) ⟶ _),
have ha₁ := congr_arg π₁ ha,
simp only [← linear_map.comp_apply, ← comp_def] at ha₁,
simp only [biprod.lift_fst, of_hom_apply, id_coe, id.def, preadditive.add_comp, category.assoc,
biprod.inl_fst, category.comp_id, biprod.inr_fst, limits.comp_zero, add_zero] at ha₁,
let π₂ := (biprod.snd : (of ℤ ℚ) ⊞ (of ℤ ℚ) ⟶ _),
have ha₂ := congr_arg π₂ ha,
simp only [← linear_map.comp_apply, ← comp_def] at ha₂,
have : (2 : ℚ →ₗ[ℤ] ℚ) 1 = 1 + 1 := rfl,
simp only [ha₁, this, biprod.lift_snd, of_hom_apply, id_coe, id.def, preadditive.add_comp,
category.assoc, biprod.inl_snd, limits.comp_zero, biprod.inr_snd, category.comp_id, zero_add,
mul_apply, self_eq_add_left] at ha₂,
exact @one_ne_zero ℚ _ _ ha₂,

local attribute [instance] pseudoelement.setoid

open_locale pseudoelement

/-- `biprod.fst ⟦x⟧ = biprod.fst ⟦y⟧`. -/
lemma fst_mk_x_eq_fst_mk_y : (biprod.fst : (of ℤ ℚ) ⊞ (of ℤ ℚ) ⟶ _) ⟦x⟧ =
(biprod.fst : (of ℤ ℚ) ⊞ (of ℤ ℚ) ⟶ _) ⟦y⟧ :=
by simpa only [abelian.pseudoelement.pseudo_apply_mk, quotient.eq] using fst_x_pseudo_eq_fst_y

/-- `biprod.snd ⟦x⟧ = biprod.snd ⟦y⟧`. -/
lemma snd_mk_x_eq_snd_mk_y : (biprod.snd : (of ℤ ℚ) ⊞ (of ℤ ℚ) ⟶ _) ⟦x⟧ =
(biprod.snd : (of ℤ ℚ) ⊞ (of ℤ ℚ) ⟶ _) ⟦y⟧ :=
by simpa only [abelian.pseudoelement.pseudo_apply_mk, quotient.eq] using snd_x_pseudo_eq_snd_y

/-- `⟦x⟧ ≠ ⟦y⟧`. -/
lemma mk_x_ne_mk_y : ⟦x⟧ ≠ ⟦y⟧ :=
λ h, x_not_pseudo_eq $ quotient.eq.1 h

/-- There are two pseudoelements `x y : ℚ ⊞ ℚ` such that `x ≠ y`, `biprod.fst x = biprod.fst y` and
`biprod.snd x = biprod.snd y`. -/
lemma exist_ne_and_fst_eq_fst_and_snd_eq_snd : ∃ x y : (of ℤ ℚ) ⊞ (of ℤ ℚ),
x ≠ y ∧
(biprod.fst : (of ℤ ℚ) ⊞ (of ℤ ℚ) ⟶ _) x = (biprod.fst : (of ℤ ℚ) ⊞ (of ℤ ℚ) ⟶ _) y ∧
(biprod.snd : (of ℤ ℚ) ⊞ (of ℤ ℚ) ⟶ _) x = (biprod.snd : (of ℤ ℚ) ⊞ (of ℤ ℚ) ⟶ _) y:=
⟨⟦x⟧, ⟦y⟧, mk_x_ne_mk_y, fst_mk_x_eq_fst_mk_y, snd_mk_x_eq_snd_mk_y⟩

end category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement
30 changes: 28 additions & 2 deletions src/category_theory/abelian/pseudoelements.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Markus Himmel
import category_theory.abelian.exact
import category_theory.over
import algebra.category.Module.abelian

# Pseudoelements in abelian categories
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,8 +400,8 @@ variable [limits.has_pullbacks C]
/-- If `f : P ⟶ R` and `g : Q ⟶ R` are morphisms and `p : P` and `q : Q` are pseudoelements such
that `f p = g q`, then there is some `s : pullback f g` such that `fst s = p` and `snd s = q`.
Remark: Borceux claims that `s` is unique. I was unable to transform his proof sketch into
a pen-and-paper proof of this fact, so naturally I was not able to formalize the proof. -/
Remark: Borceux claims that `s` is unique, but this is false. See
`counterexamples/pseudoelement` for details. -/
theorem pseudo_pullback {P Q R : C} {f : P ⟶ R} {g : Q ⟶ R} {p : P} {q : Q} : f p = g q →
∃ s, (pullback.fst : pullback f g ⟶ P) s = p ∧ (pullback.snd : pullback f g ⟶ Q) s = q :=
quotient.induction_on₂ p q $ λ x y h,
Expand All @@ -414,5 +415,30 @@ begin
quotient.sound ⟨Z, 𝟙 Z, b, by apply_instance, eb, by rwa category.id_comp⟩⟩⟩

section module

local attribute [-instance] hom_to_fun

/-- In the category `Module R`, if `x` and `y` are pseudoequal, then the range of the associated
morphisms is the same. -/
lemma Module.eq_range_of_pseudoequal {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] {G : Module R} {x y : over G}
(h : pseudo_equal G x y) : x.hom.range = y.hom.range :=
obtain ⟨P, p, q, hp, hq, H⟩ := h,
refine submodule.ext (λ a, ⟨λ ha, _, λ ha, _⟩),
{ obtain ⟨a', ha'⟩ := ha,
obtain ⟨a'', ha''⟩ := (Module.epi_iff_surjective p).1 hp a',
refine ⟨q a'', _⟩,
rw [← linear_map.comp_apply, ← Module.comp_def, ← H, Module.comp_def, linear_map.comp_apply,
ha'', ha'] },
{ obtain ⟨a', ha'⟩ := ha,
obtain ⟨a'', ha''⟩ := (Module.epi_iff_surjective q).1 hq a',
refine ⟨p a'', _⟩,
rw [← linear_map.comp_apply, ← Module.comp_def, H, Module.comp_def, linear_map.comp_apply,
ha'', ha'] }

end module

end pseudoelement
end category_theory.abelian

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