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feat(analysis/convex/cone): add `inner_dual_cone_of_inner_dual_cone_e…
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…q_self` for nonempty, closed, convex cones (#15637)

We add the following results about convex cones:
- instance `has_zero`
- `inner_dual_cone_zero`
- `inner_dual_cone_univ`
- `pointed_of_nonempty_of_is_closed`
- `hyperplane_separation_of_nonempty_of_is_closed_of_nmem`
- `inner_dual_cone_of_inner_dual_cone_eq_self`

- Stephen P. Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe. Convex Optimization. Cambridge University Press.
  ISBN 978-0-521-83378-3. available at
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apurvnakade committed Aug 25, 2022
1 parent bd12701 commit 42d6407
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Showing 2 changed files with 137 additions and 2 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions docs/references.bib
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -322,6 +322,15 @@ @Book{ bourbaki1987
url = {}

@book{ boydVandenberghe2004,
author = {Stephen P. Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe},
title = {Convex Optimization},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
year = {2004},
isbn = {978-0-521-83378-3},
url = {}

@Book{ cabreragarciarodriguezpalacios2014,
author = {Miguel {Cabrera Garc\'{\i}a} and \'Angel {Rodr\'{\i}guez
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1885,6 +1894,12 @@ @book{ weidmann_linear
pages = {xiii+402},

@misc{ welzl_garter,
author = {Emo Welzl and Bernd G\"{a}rtner},
title = {Cone Programming},
url = {}

@TechReport{ zaanen1966,
author = {Zaanen, A. C.},
title = {Lectures on "Riesz Spaces"},
Expand Down
124 changes: 122 additions & 2 deletions src/analysis/convex/cone.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yury Kudryashov, Frédéric Dupuis
import analysis.convex.hull
import analysis.inner_product_space.basic
import analysis.inner_product_space.projection

# Convex cones
Expand All @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ images (``) and preimages (`convex_cone.comap`) under linear maps
We define pointed, blunt, flat and salient cones, and prove the correspondence between
convex cones and ordered modules.
We also define `convex.to_cone` to be the minimal cone that includes a given convex set.
We define `convex.to_cone` to be the minimal cone that includes a given convex set.
We define `set.inner_dual_cone` to be the cone consisting of all points `y` such that for
all points `x` in a given set `0 ≤ ⟪ x, y ⟫`.
Expand All @@ -36,13 +36,27 @@ We prove two extension theorems:
then `f` can be extended to the whole space to a linear map `g` such that `g x ≤ N x`
for all `x`
We prove the following theorems:
* `convex_cone.hyperplane_separation_of_nonempty_of_is_closed_of_nmem`:
This variant of the
[hyperplane separation theorem](
states that given a nonempty, closed, convex cone `K` in a complete, real inner product space `H`
and a point `b` disjoint from it, there is a vector `y` which separates `b` from `K` in the sense
that for all points `x` in `K`, `0 ≤ ⟪x, y⟫_ℝ` and `⟪y, b⟫_ℝ < 0`. This is also a geometric
interpretation of the
[Farkas lemma](
* `convex_cone.inner_dual_cone_of_inner_dual_cone_eq_self`:
The `inner_dual_cone` of the `inner_dual_cone` of a nonempty, closed, convex cone is itself.
## Implementation notes
While `convex 𝕜` is a predicate on sets, `convex_cone 𝕜 E` is a bundled convex cone.
## References
* [Stephen P. Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe, *Convex Optimization*][boydVandenberghe2004]
* [Emo Welzl and Bernd Gärtner, *Cone Programming*][welzl_garter]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,6 +355,18 @@ def to_ordered_add_comm_group (h₁ : S.pointed) (h₂ : S.salient) : add_comm_group E, by apply_instance }

end add_comm_group

section module
variables [add_comm_monoid E] [module 𝕜 E]

instance : has_zero (convex_cone 𝕜 E) := ⟨⟨0, λ _ _, by simp, λ _, by simp⟩⟩

@[simp] lemma mem_zero (x : E) : x ∈ (0 : convex_cone 𝕜 E) ↔ x = 0 := iff.rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_zero : ((0 : convex_cone 𝕜 E) : set E) = 0 := rfl

lemma pointed_zero : (0 : convex_cone 𝕜 E).pointed := by rw [pointed, mem_zero]

end module
end ordered_semiring

/-! ### Positive cone of an ordered module -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -647,6 +673,19 @@ def set.inner_dual_cone (s : set H) : convex_cone ℝ H :=
@[simp] lemma inner_dual_cone_empty : (∅ : set H).inner_dual_cone = ⊤ :=
eq_top_iff.mpr $ λ x hy y, false.elim

/-- Dual cone of the convex cone {0} is the total space. -/
@[simp] lemma inner_dual_cone_zero : (0 : set H).inner_dual_cone = ⊤ :=
eq_top_iff.mpr $ λ x hy y (hy : y = 0), hy.symm ▸

/-- Dual cone of the total space is the convex cone {0}. -/
@[simp] lemma inner_dual_cone_univ : (univ : set H).inner_dual_cone = 0 :=
suffices : ∀ x : H, x ∈ (univ : set H).inner_dual_cone → x = 0,
{ apply set_like.coe_injective,
exact eq_singleton_iff_unique_mem.mpr ⟨λ x hx,, this⟩ },
exact λ x hx, by simpa [←real_inner_self_nonpos] using hx (-x) (mem_univ _),

lemma inner_dual_cone_le_inner_dual_cone (h : t ⊆ s) :
s.inner_dual_cone ≤ t.inner_dual_cone :=
λ y hy x hx, hy x (h hx)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -706,4 +745,85 @@ begin
exact is_closed_Ici.preimage (by continuity),

lemma convex_cone.pointed_of_nonempty_of_is_closed (K : convex_cone ℝ H)
(ne : (K : set H).nonempty) (hc : is_closed (K : set H)) : K.pointed :=
obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ := ne,
let f : ℝ → H := (• x),

-- f (0, ∞) is a subset of K
have fI : f '' set.Ioi 0 ⊆ (K : set H),
{ rintro _ ⟨_, h, rfl⟩,
exact K.smul_mem (set.mem_Ioi.1 h) hx },

-- closure of f (0, ∞) is a subset of K
have clf : closure (f '' set.Ioi 0) ⊆ (K : set H) := hc.closure_subset_iff.2 fI,

-- f is continuous at 0 from the right
have fc : continuous_within_at f (set.Ioi (0 : ℝ)) 0 :=
(continuous_id.smul continuous_const).continuous_within_at,

-- 0 belongs to the closure of the f (0, ∞)
have mem₀ := fc.mem_closure_image (by rw [closure_Ioi (0 : ℝ), mem_Ici]),

-- as 0 ∈ closure f (0, ∞) and closure f (0, ∞) ⊆ K, 0 ∈ K.
have f₀ : f 0 = 0 := zero_smul ℝ x,
simpa only [f₀, convex_cone.pointed, ← set_like.mem_coe] using mem_of_subset_of_mem clf mem₀,

section complete_space
variables [complete_space H]

/-- This is a stronger version of the Hahn-Banach separation theorem for closed convex cones. This
is also the geometric interpretation of Farkas' lemma. -/
theorem convex_cone.hyperplane_separation_of_nonempty_of_is_closed_of_nmem (K : convex_cone ℝ H)
(ne : (K : set H).nonempty) (hc : is_closed (K : set H)) {b : H} (disj : b ∉ K) :
∃ (y : H), (∀ x : H, x ∈ K → 0 ≤ ⟪x, y⟫_ℝ) ∧ ⟪y, b⟫_ℝ < 0 :=
-- let `z` be the point in `K` closest to `b`
obtain ⟨z, hzK, infi⟩ := exists_norm_eq_infi_of_complete_convex ne hc.is_complete K.convex b,

-- for any `w` in `K`, we have `⟪b - z, w - z⟫_ℝ ≤ 0`
have hinner := (norm_eq_infi_iff_real_inner_le_zero K.convex hzK).1 infi,

-- set `y := z - b`
use z - b,

{ -- the rest of the proof is a straightforward calculation
rintros x hxK,
specialize hinner _ (K.add_mem hxK hzK),
rwa [add_sub_cancel, real_inner_comm, ← neg_nonneg, neg_eq_neg_one_mul,
← real_inner_smul_right, neg_smul, one_smul, neg_sub] at hinner },
{ -- as `K` is closed and non-empty, it is pointed
have hinner₀ := hinner 0 (K.pointed_of_nonempty_of_is_closed ne hc),

-- the rest of the proof is a straightforward calculation
rw [zero_sub, inner_neg_right, right.neg_nonpos_iff] at hinner₀,
have hbz : b - z ≠ 0 := by { rw sub_ne_zero, contrapose! hzK, rwa ← hzK },
rw [← neg_zero, lt_neg, ← neg_one_mul, ← real_inner_smul_left, smul_sub, neg_smul, one_smul,
neg_smul, neg_sub_neg, one_smul],
calc 0 < ⟪b - z, b - z⟫_ℝ : lt_of_not_le ((iff.not real_inner_self_nonpos).2 hbz)
... = ⟪b - z, b - z⟫_ℝ + 0 : (add_zero _).symm
... ≤ ⟪b - z, b - z⟫_ℝ + ⟪b - z, z⟫_ℝ : add_le_add hinner₀
... = ⟪b - z, b - z + z⟫_ℝ : inner_add_right.symm
... = ⟪b - z, b⟫_ℝ : by rw sub_add_cancel },

/-- The inner dual of inner dual of a non-empty, closed convex cone is itself. -/
theorem convex_cone.inner_dual_cone_of_inner_dual_cone_eq_self (K : convex_cone ℝ H)
(ne : (K : set H).nonempty) (hc : is_closed (K : set H)) :
((K : set H).inner_dual_cone : set H).inner_dual_cone = K :=
ext x,
{ rw [mem_inner_dual_cone, ← set_like.mem_coe],
exact K.hyperplane_separation_of_nonempty_of_is_closed_of_nmem ne hc },
{ rintro hxK y h,
specialize h x hxK,
rwa real_inner_comm },

end complete_space
end dual

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