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add file containing the Weierstrass M-test
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CBirkbeck committed Sep 3, 2021
1 parent 5e27f50 commit 34761ea
Showing 1 changed file with 134 additions and 0 deletions.
134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/Weierstrass_M_test.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
import order.filter.archimedean
import data.complex.basic
import topology.instances.nnreal
import analysis.complex.basic
import order.filter.at_top_bot
universes u v w

# The Weierstrass M-test
This file proves the theorem known as the Weierstrass M-test which gives conditions for a
series to be absolutely and uniformly convergent.

noncomputable theory

open complex metric open_locale big_operators nnreal classical filter topological_space

variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v}

lemma summable_if_complex_abs_summable {f : α → ℂ} :
summable (λ x, complex.abs (f x)) → summable f :=
intro h,
apply summable_of_norm_bounded (λ x, complex.abs (f x)) h,
intro i,
unfold norm,
exact complete_of_proper,

lemma M_test_summable (F : ℕ → α → ℂ) (M : ℕ → ℝ)
(h1 : ∀ (n : ℕ), ∀ (a : α), (complex.abs (F n a)) ≤ (M n))
(h2 : summable M) : (∀ (a : α), summable (λ (n : ℕ), F n a)) :=
intro a,
apply summable_if_complex_abs_summable,
have c1 : ∀ (n : ℕ), 0 ≤ (complex.abs (F n a)), by {intro n, apply complex.abs_nonneg (F n a),},
have H1 : ∀ (n : ℕ), (complex.abs (F n a)) ≤ (M n), by {simp only [h1, forall_const]},
apply summable_of_nonneg_of_le c1 H1,
exact h2,

lemma sum_sub_tsum_nat_add {f : ℕ → ℂ} (k : ℕ) (h : summable f) :
∑' i, f i - (∑ i in finset.range k, f i) = (∑' i, f (i + k)) :=
have:= sum_add_tsum_nat_add k h,
exact sub_eq_of_eq_add' (eq.symm this),

lemma abs_tsum (f : ℕ → ℂ) (h : summable (λ (i : ℕ), ∥ f i ∥ )) :
complex.abs (∑'(i : ℕ), f i ) ≤ (∑' (i : ℕ), complex.abs (f i)) :=
rw ← complex.norm_eq_abs,
simp_rw ← complex.norm_eq_abs,
apply norm_tsum_le_tsum_norm,
exact h,

lemma M_test_uniform [nonempty α] (F : ℕ → α → ℂ) (M : ℕ → ℝ)
(h1 : ∀ (n : ℕ), ∀ (a : α), (complex.abs (F n a)) ≤ (M n))
(h2 : summable M) :
tendsto_uniformly (λ (n : ℕ), (λ (a : α), ∑ i in (finset.range n), F i a))
( (λ (a : α), ∑' (n : ℕ), F n a)) filter.at_top :=
have Mpos: ∀ (n : ℕ), 0 ≤ M n ,
by {intro n,
have := h1 n,
have t1 : ∀ (a : α), 0 ≤ complex.abs(F n a), by {intro a, apply complex.abs_nonneg,},
apply le_trans (t1 _) (this _),
have ne := exists_true_iff_nonempty.2 _inst_1,
use classical.some ne,},
rw metric.tendsto_uniformly_iff,
intros ε hε,
have hS := M_test_summable F M h1 h2,
simp only [filter.eventually_at_top, gt_iff_lt, ge_iff_le] at *,
have H := summable_iff_vanishing_norm.1 h2 ε hε,
simp only at H,
have HU : ∃ (a : ℕ), ∀ (b : ℕ), a ≤ b → ∥ ∑' i, M (i+b) ∥ < ε,
by { have HC := tendsto_sum_nat_add M,
simp [tendsto_iff_dist_tendsto_zero] at HC,
simp only [dist_zero_right, norm_norm] at HC,
simp_rw metric.tendsto_nhds at HC,
simp only [filter.eventually_at_top, gt_iff_lt, ge_iff_le, dist_zero_right, norm_norm] at HC,
exact HC ε hε,},
have c1 : ∀ (a : α) (n : ℕ), 0 ≤ (complex.abs (F n a)),
by {intros a n, apply complex.abs_nonneg (F n a),},
have H1 : ∀ (a : α) (n : ℕ), complex.abs (F n a) ≤ (M n), by {simp [h1]},
have B1 : ∀ (a : α), ∑' (n : ℕ), complex.abs(F n a) ≤ ∑' (n : ℕ), M n,
by { intro a,
apply tsum_le_tsum,
simp only [h1, forall_const],
apply summable_of_nonneg_of_le (c1 a) (H1 a) h2,
exact h2,},
have S1 : ∀ (a : α), summable (λ (i : ℕ), complex.abs (F i a)),
by {intro a, apply summable_of_nonneg_of_le (c1 a) (H1 a) h2,},
have BU : ∃ (a : ℕ), ∀ (b : ℕ), a ≤ b → ∀ (r : α), ∑' i, complex.abs (F (i+b) r) < ε,
by {cases HU,
use HU_w,
intros b hb,
intro r,
have : ∑' i, complex.abs (F (i+b) r) ≤ ∥ ∑' i, M (i+b) ∥,
by { have r1 : ∥ ∑' i, M (i+b) ∥=∑' i, M (i+b),
by {apply real.norm_of_nonneg,
apply tsum_nonneg,
simp only [Mpos, forall_const],},
rw r1,
apply tsum_le_tsum,
simp only [h1, forall_const],
apply (summable_nat_add_iff b).2 (S1 r),
apply (summable_nat_add_iff b).2 h2,},
cases H,
cases h2,
dsimp at *,
have hut := HU_h b hb, exact gt_of_gt_of_ge (HU_h b hb) this,},
have H2 : ∀ (a : α) (k : ℕ),
∑' (n : ℕ), F n a - ∑ (i : ℕ) in finset.range k, F i a = ∑' (n : ℕ), F (n+k) a,
by {intros a k,
apply sum_sub_tsum_nat_add k,
exact hS a,},
simp_rw dist_eq_norm,
simp_rw H2,
simp only [norm_eq_abs] at *,
cases BU,
use BU_w,
intros b hb r,
have BUC := BU_h b hb r,
let G := (λ (i : ℕ), F (i) r),
have f_um := abs_tsum (λ (i : ℕ), F (i+b) r) _,
exact gt_of_gt_of_ge BUC f_um,
have f_sum := (S1 r),
apply (summable_nat_add_iff b).2 f_sum,

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