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eric-wieser committed Dec 10, 2022
1 parent d29ba61 commit 0a4fdb2
Showing 1 changed file with 143 additions and 42 deletions.
185 changes: 143 additions & 42 deletions src/ring_theory/congruence.lean
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Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,17 @@ additive monoids.
Most of the time you likely want to use the `ideal.quotient` API that is built on top of this.
TODO: use this for `ring_quot` too.
## Main Definitions
* `ring_con R`: the type of congruence relations respecting `+` and `*`.
* `ring_con_gen r`: the inductively defined smallest ring congruence relation containing a given binary
* use this for `ring_quot` too.
* copy across more API from `con` and `add_con`

Expand All @@ -28,6 +38,24 @@ structure ring_con (R : Type*) [has_add R] [has_mul R] extends setoid R :=

variables {R : Type*}

/-- The inductively defined smallest ring congruence relation containing a given binary
relation. -/
inductive ring_con_gen.rel [has_add R] [has_mul R] (r : R → R → Prop) : R → R → Prop
| of : Π x y, r x y → ring_con_gen.rel x y
| refl : Π x, ring_con_gen.rel x x
| symm : Π x y, ring_con_gen.rel x y → ring_con_gen.rel y x
| trans : Π x y z, ring_con_gen.rel x y → ring_con_gen.rel y z → ring_con_gen.rel x z
| add : Π w x y z, ring_con_gen.rel w x → ring_con_gen.rel y z → ring_con_gen.rel (w + y) (x + z)
| mul : Π w x y z, ring_con_gen.rel w x → ring_con_gen.rel y z → ring_con_gen.rel (w * y) (x * z)

/-- The inductively defined smallest ring congruence relation containing a given binary
relation. -/
def ring_con_gen [has_add R] [has_mul R] (r : R → R → Prop) : ring_con R :=
{ r := ring_con_gen.rel r,
iseqv := ⟨ring_con_gen.rel.refl, ring_con_gen.rel.symm, ring_con_gen.rel.trans⟩,
add' := ring_con_gen.rel.add,
mul' := ring_con_gen.rel.mul }

namespace ring_con

section basic
Expand All @@ -39,38 +67,127 @@ def to_add_con : add_con R := { ..c }
/-- Every `ring_con` is also a `con` -/
def to_con : con R := { ..c }

/-- Defining the quotient by a congruence relation of a type with a multiplication. -/
/-- A coercion from a congruence relation to its underlying binary relation. -/
instance : has_coe_to_fun (ring_con R) (λ _, R → R → Prop) := ⟨λ c, λ x y, @setoid.r _ c.to_setoid x y⟩

@[simp] lemma rel_eq_coe : c.r = c := rfl

/-- Congruence relations are reflexive. -/
protected lemma refl (x) : c x x := c.to_setoid.refl' x

/-- Congruence relations are symmetric. -/
protected lemma symm {x y} : c x y → c y x := λ h, c.to_setoid.symm' h

/-- Congruence relations are transitive. -/
protected lemma trans {x y z} : c x y → c y z → c x z := λ h, c.to_setoid.trans' h

/-- Additive congruence relations preserve addition. -/
protected lemma add {w x y z} : c w x → c y z → c (w + y) (x + z) := λ h1 h2, c.add' h1 h2

/-- Multiplicative congruence relations preserve multiplication. -/
protected lemma mul {w x y z} : c w x → c y z → c (w * y) (x * z) := λ h1 h2, c.mul' h1 h2

@[simp] lemma rel_mk {s : setoid R} {ha hm a b} : s ha hm a b ↔ setoid.r a b := iff.rfl

instance : inhabited (ring_con R) := ⟨ring_con_gen empty_relation⟩

end basic

section quotient

section basic
variables [has_add R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R)
/-- Defining the quotient by a congruence relation of a type with addition and multiplication. -/
protected def quotient := quotient $ c.to_setoid

instance : has_add c.quotient := c.to_add_con.has_add
instance : has_mul c.quotient := c.to_con.has_mul
/-- Coercion from a type with addition and multiplication to its quotient by a congruence relation.
See Note [use has_coe_t]. -/
instance : has_coe_t R c.quotient := ⟨ _ c.to_setoid⟩

/-- The quotient by a decidable congruence relation has decidable equality. -/
-- Lower the priority since it unifies with any quotient type.
@[priority 500] instance [d : ∀ a b, decidable (c a b)] : decidable_eq c.quotient :=
@quotient.decidable_eq R c.to_setoid d

@[simp] lemma quot_mk_eq_coe (x : R) : c x = (x : c.quotient) := rfl

/-- Two elements are related by a congruence relation `c` iff they are represented by the same
element of the quotient by `c`. -/
@[simp] protected lemma eq {a b : R} : (a : c.quotient) = b ↔ c a b := quotient.eq'

end basic

/-! ### Basic notation
The basic algebraic notation, `0`, `1`, `+`, `*`, `-`, `^`, descend naturally under the quotient
section data

instance [add_zero_class R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R) :
has_zero c.quotient := c.to_add_con^.quotient.has_zero
instance [has_add R] [mul_one_class R] (c : ring_con R) :
has_one c.quotient := c.to_con^.quotient.has_one
instance [add_group R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R) :
has_neg c.quotient := c.to_add_con^.has_neg
instance [add_group R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R) :
has_sub c.quotient := c.to_add_con^.has_sub
instance has_nsmul [add_monoid R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R) :
has_smul ℕ c.quotient := c.to_add_con^.quotient.has_nsmul
instance has_zsmul [add_group R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R) :
has_smul ℤ c.quotient := c.to_add_con^.quotient.has_zsmul
instance [has_add R] [monoid R] (c : ring_con R) :
has_pow c.quotient ℕ := c.to_con^.nat.has_pow

instance [add_monoid_with_one R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R) : has_nat_cast c.quotient :=
⟨λ n,' n⟩
instance [add_group_with_one R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R) : has_int_cast c.quotient :=
⟨λ n,' n⟩
section add_mul
variables [has_add R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R)
instance : has_add c.quotient := c.to_add_con.has_add
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_add (x y : R) : (↑(x + y) : c.quotient) = ↑x + ↑y := rfl
instance : has_mul c.quotient := c.to_con.has_mul
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_mul (x y : R) : (↑(x * y) : c.quotient) = ↑x * ↑y := rfl
end add_mul

section zero
variables [add_zero_class R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R)
instance : has_zero c.quotient := c.to_add_con^.quotient.has_zero
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_zero : (↑(0 : R) : c.quotient) = 0 := rfl
end zero

section one
variables [has_add R] [mul_one_class R] (c : ring_con R)
instance : has_one c.quotient := c.to_con^.quotient.has_one
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_one : (↑(1 : R) : c.quotient) = 1 := rfl
end one

section neg_sub_zsmul
variables [add_group R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R)
instance : has_neg c.quotient := c.to_add_con^.has_neg
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_neg (x : R) : (↑(-x) : c.quotient) = -x := rfl
instance : has_sub c.quotient := c.to_add_con^.has_sub
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_sub (x y : R) : (↑(x - y) : c.quotient) = x - y := rfl
instance has_zsmul : has_smul ℤ c.quotient := c.to_add_con^.quotient.has_zsmul
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_zsmul (z : ℤ) (x : R) : (↑(z • x) : c.quotient) = z • x := rfl
end neg_sub_zsmul

section nsmul
variables [add_monoid R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R)
instance has_nsmul : has_smul ℕ c.quotient := c.to_add_con^.quotient.has_nsmul
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_nsmul (n : ℕ) (x : R) : (↑(n • x) : c.quotient) = n • x := rfl
end nsmul

section pow
variables [has_add R] [monoid R] (c : ring_con R)
instance : has_pow c.quotient ℕ := c.to_con^.nat.has_pow
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_pow (x : R) (n : ℕ) : (↑(x ^ n) : c.quotient) = x ^ n := rfl
end pow

section nat_cast
variables [add_monoid_with_one R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R)
instance : has_nat_cast c.quotient := ⟨λ n, ↑(n : R)⟩
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_nat_cast (n : ℕ) : (↑(n : R) : c.quotient) = n := rfl
end nat_cast

section int_cast
variables [add_group_with_one R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R)
instance : has_int_cast c.quotient := ⟨λ z, ↑(z : R)⟩
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_int_cast (n : ℕ) : (↑(n : R) : c.quotient) = n := rfl
end int_cast

instance [inhabited R] [has_add R] [has_mul R] (c : ring_con R) : inhabited c.quotient :=
⟨↑(default : R)⟩

end data

/-! ### Algebraic structure
The operations above on the quotient by `c : ring_con R` preseverse the algebraic structure of `R`.

section algebraic

instance [non_unital_non_assoc_semiring R] (c : ring_con R) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,29 +243,13 @@ function.surjective.comm_ring _ quotient.surjective_quotient_mk'
rfl rfl (λ _ _, rfl) (λ _ _, rfl) (λ _, rfl) (λ _ _, rfl) (λ _ _, rfl) (λ _ _, rfl) (λ _ _, rfl)
(λ _, rfl) (λ _, rfl)

end algebraic

/-- The natural homomorphism from a ring to its quotient by a congruence relation. -/
def mk' [non_assoc_semiring R] (c : ring_con R) : R →+* c.quotient :=
{ to_fun :=', map_zero' := rfl, map_one' := rfl,
map_add' := λ _ _, rfl, map_mul' := λ _ _, rfl }

end algebraic
end quotient

end ring_con

/-- The inductively defined smallest ring congruence relation containing a given binary
relation. -/
inductive ring_con_gen.rel [has_add R] [has_mul R] (r : R → R → Prop) : R → R → Prop
| of : Π x y, r x y → ring_con_gen.rel x y
| refl : Π x, ring_con_gen.rel x x
| symm : Π x y, ring_con_gen.rel x y → ring_con_gen.rel y x
| trans : Π x y z, ring_con_gen.rel x y → ring_con_gen.rel y z → ring_con_gen.rel x z
| add : Π w x y z, ring_con_gen.rel w x → ring_con_gen.rel y z → ring_con_gen.rel (w + y) (x + z)
| mul : Π w x y z, ring_con_gen.rel w x → ring_con_gen.rel y z → ring_con_gen.rel (w * y) (x * z)

/-- The inductively defined smallest ring congruence relation containing a given binary
relation. -/
def ring_con_gen [has_add R] [has_mul R] (r : R → R → Prop) : ring_con R :=
{ r := ring_con_gen.rel r,
iseqv := ⟨ring_con_gen.rel.refl, ring_con_gen.rel.symm, ring_con_gen.rel.trans⟩,
add' := ring_con_gen.rel.add,
mul' := ring_con_gen.rel.mul }

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