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feat(topology/instances): add_circle = interval with ends identified (#…
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loefflerd committed Dec 18, 2022
1 parent bfc28c4 commit 04206af
Showing 1 changed file with 159 additions and 25 deletions.
184 changes: 159 additions & 25 deletions src/topology/instances/add_circle.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,14 +19,19 @@ We define the additive circle `add_circle p` as the quotient `𝕜 ⧸ (ℤ ∙
See also `circle` and `real.angle`. For the normed group structure on `add_circle`, see
`add_circle.normed_add_comm_group` in a later file.
## Main definitions:
## Main definitions and results:
* `add_circle`: the additive circle `𝕜 ⧸ (ℤ ∙ p)` for some period `p : 𝕜`
* `unit_add_circle`: the special case `ℝ ⧸ ℤ`
* `add_circle.equiv_add_circle`: the rescaling equivalence `add_circle p ≃+ add_circle q`
* `add_circle.equiv_Ico`: the natural equivalence `add_circle p ≃ Ico 0 p`
* `add_circle.equiv_Ico`: the natural equivalence `add_circle p ≃ Ico a (a + p)`
* `add_circle.add_order_of_div_of_gcd_eq_one`: rational points have finite order
* `add_circle.exists_gcd_eq_one_of_is_of_fin_add_order`: finite-order points are rational
* `add_circle.homeo_Icc_quot`: the natural topological equivalence between `add_circle p` and
`Icc a (a + p)` with its endpoints identified.
* `add_circle.lift_Ico_continuous`: if `f : ℝ → B` is continuous, and `f a = f (a + p)` for
some `a`, then there is a continuous function `add_circle p → B` which agrees with `f` on
`Icc a (a + p)`.
## Implementation notes:
Expand All @@ -43,9 +48,9 @@ the rational circle `add_circle (1 : ℚ)`, and so we set things up more general

noncomputable theory

open set add_subgroup topological_space
open set function add_subgroup topological_space

variables {𝕜 : Type*}
variables {𝕜 : Type*} {B : Type*}

/-- The "additive circle": `𝕜 ⧸ (ℤ ∙ p)`. See also `circle` and `real.angle`. -/
@[derive [add_comm_group, topological_space, topological_add_group, inhabited, has_coe_t 𝕜],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,31 +85,62 @@ begin
{ exact ⟨(n : ℤ), by simp⟩, },

@[simp] lemma coe_add_period (x : 𝕜) : (((x + p) : 𝕜) : add_circle p) = x :=
rw [quotient_add_group.coe_add, ←eq_sub_iff_add_eq', sub_self, quotient_add_group.eq_zero_iff],
exact mem_zmultiples p,

@[continuity, nolint unused_arguments] protected lemma continuous_mk' :
continuous (' (zmultiples p) : 𝕜 → add_circle p) :=

variables [hp : fact (0 < p)]
include hp

variables [archimedean 𝕜]
variables (a : 𝕜) [archimedean 𝕜]

/-- The natural equivalence between `add_circle p` and the half-open interval `[a, a + p)`. -/
def equiv_Ico : add_circle p ≃ Ico a (a + p) := quotient_add_group.equiv_Ico_mod a hp.out

/-- Given a function on `[a, a + p)`, lift it to `add_circle p`. -/
def lift_Ico (f : 𝕜 → B) : add_circle p → B := restrict _ f ∘ add_circle.equiv_Ico p a

variables {p a}

lemma coe_eq_coe_iff_of_mem_Ico {x y : 𝕜}
(hx : x ∈ Ico a (a + p)) (hy : y ∈ Ico a (a + p)) : (x : add_circle p) = y ↔ x = y :=
refine ⟨λ h, _, by tauto⟩,
suffices : (⟨x, hx⟩ : Ico a (a + p)) = ⟨y, hy⟩, by exact this,
apply_fun equiv_Ico p a at h,
rw [←(equiv_Ico p a).right_inv ⟨x, hx⟩, ←(equiv_Ico p a).right_inv ⟨y, hy⟩],
exact h

lemma lift_Ico_coe_apply {f : 𝕜 → B} {x : 𝕜} (hx : x ∈ Ico a (a + p)) : lift_Ico p a f ↑x = f x :=
have : (equiv_Ico p a) x = ⟨x, hx⟩,
{ rw equiv.apply_eq_iff_eq_symm_apply,
refl, },
rw [lift_Ico, comp_apply, this],

/-- The natural equivalence between `add_circle p` and the half-open interval `[0, p)`. -/
def equiv_Ico : add_circle p ≃ Ico 0 p :=
(quotient_add_group.equiv_Ico_mod 0 hp.out).trans $ equiv.set.of_eq $ by rw zero_add
variables (p a)

@[continuity] lemma continuous_equiv_Ico_symm : continuous (equiv_Ico p).symm :=
@[continuity] lemma continuous_equiv_Ico_symm : continuous (equiv_Ico p a).symm :=
continuous_quotient_mk.comp continuous_subtype_coe

/-- The image of the closed-open interval `[0, p)` under the quotient map `𝕜 → add_circle p` is the
entire space. -/
@[simp] lemma coe_image_Ico_eq : (coe : 𝕜 → add_circle p) '' Ico 0 p = univ :=
by { rw image_eq_range, exact (equiv_Ico p).symm.range_eq_univ }
/-- The image of the closed-open interval `[a, a + p)` under the quotient map `𝕜 → add_circle p` is
the entire space. -/
@[simp] lemma coe_image_Ico_eq : (coe : 𝕜 → add_circle p) '' Ico a (a + p) = univ :=
by { rw image_eq_range, exact (equiv_Ico p a).symm.range_eq_univ }

/-- The image of the closed interval `[0, p]` under the quotient map `𝕜 → add_circle p` is the
entire space. -/
@[simp] lemma coe_image_Icc_eq : (coe : 𝕜 → add_circle p) '' Icc 0 p = univ :=
eq_top_mono (image_subset _ Ico_subset_Icc_self) $ coe_image_Ico_eq _
@[simp] lemma coe_image_Icc_eq : (coe : 𝕜 → add_circle p) '' Icc a (a + p) = univ :=
eq_top_mono (image_subset _ Ico_subset_Icc_self) $ coe_image_Ico_eq _ _

end linear_ordered_add_comm_group

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,19 +169,19 @@ section floor_ring
variables [floor_ring 𝕜]

@[simp] lemma coe_equiv_Ico_mk_apply (x : 𝕜) :
(equiv_Ico p $ x : 𝕜) = int.fract (x / p) * p :=
(equiv_Ico p 0 $ x : 𝕜) = int.fract (x / p) * p :=
to_Ico_mod_eq_fract_mul _ x

instance : divisible_by (add_circle p) ℤ :=
{ div := λ x n, (↑(((n : 𝕜)⁻¹) * (equiv_Ico p x : 𝕜)) : add_circle p),
{ div := λ x n, (↑(((n : 𝕜)⁻¹) * (equiv_Ico p 0 x : 𝕜)) : add_circle p),
div_zero := λ x,
by simp only [algebra_map.coe_zero, quotient_add_group.coe_zero, inv_zero, zero_mul],
div_cancel := λ n x hn,
replace hn : (n : 𝕜) ≠ 0, { norm_cast, assumption, },
change n •' _ ((n : 𝕜)⁻¹ * ↑(equiv_Ico p x)) = x,
change n •' _ ((n : 𝕜)⁻¹ * ↑(equiv_Ico p 0 x)) = x,
rw [← map_zsmul, ← smul_mul_assoc, zsmul_eq_mul, mul_inv_cancel hn, one_mul],
exact (equiv_Ico p).symm_apply_apply x,
exact (equiv_Ico p 0).symm_apply_apply x,
end, }

end floor_ring
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,11 +260,11 @@ begin
change ∃ m, gcd m n = 1 ∧ m < n ∧ ↑((↑m / ↑n) * p) = u,
have hn : 0 < n := add_order_of_pos' h,
have hn₀ : (n : 𝕜) ≠ 0, { norm_cast, exact ne_of_gt hn, },
let x := (equiv_Ico p u : 𝕜),
have hxu : (x : add_circle p) = u := (equiv_Ico p).symm_apply_apply u,
let x := (equiv_Ico p 0 u : 𝕜),
have hxu : (x : add_circle p) = u := (equiv_Ico p 0).symm_apply_apply u,
have hx₀ : 0 < (add_order_of (x : add_circle p)), { rw ← hxu at h, exact add_order_of_pos' h, },
have hx₁ : 0 < x,
{ refine lt_of_le_of_ne (equiv_Ico p u).2.1 _,
{ refine lt_of_le_of_ne (equiv_Ico p 0 u).2.1 _,
contrapose! hu,
rw [← hxu, ← hu, quotient_add_group.coe_zero], },
obtain ⟨m, hm : m • p = add_order_of ↑x • x⟩ := (coe_eq_zero_of_pos_iff p hp.out
Expand All @@ -239,8 +275,9 @@ begin
refine ⟨m, (_ : gcd m n = 1), (_ : m < n), hux⟩,
{ have := gcd_mul_add_order_of_div_eq p m hn,
rwa [hux, nat.mul_left_eq_self_iff hn] at this, },
{ have : n • x < n • p := smul_lt_smul_of_pos (equiv_Ico p u).2.2 hn,
rwa [nsmul_eq_mul, nsmul_eq_mul, ← hm, mul_lt_mul_right hp.out, nat.cast_lt] at this, },
{ have : n • x < n • p := smul_lt_smul_of_pos _ hn,
rwa [nsmul_eq_mul, nsmul_eq_mul, ← hm, mul_lt_mul_right hp.out, nat.cast_lt] at this,
simpa [zero_add] using (equiv_Ico p 0 u).2.2, },

end finite_order_points
Expand All @@ -252,7 +289,7 @@ variables (p : ℝ)
/-- The "additive circle" `ℝ ⧸ (ℤ ∙ p)` is compact. -/
instance compact_space [fact (0 < p)] : compact_space $ add_circle p :=
rw [← is_compact_univ_iff, ← coe_image_Icc_eq p],
rw [← is_compact_univ_iff, ← coe_image_Icc_eq p 0],
exact is_compact_Icc.image (add_circle.continuous_mk' p),

Expand All @@ -279,3 +316,100 @@ local attribute [instance] fact_zero_lt_one
/-- The unit circle `ℝ ⧸ ℤ`. -/
@[derive [compact_space, normal_space, second_countable_topology]]
abbreviation unit_add_circle := add_circle (1 : ℝ)

section identify_Icc_ends
/-! This section proves that for any `a`, the natural map from `[a, a + p] ⊂ ℝ` to `add_circle p`
gives an identification of `add_circle p`, as a topological space, with the quotient of `[a, a + p]`
by the equivalence relation identifying the endpoints. -/

namespace add_circle

section linear_ordered_add_comm_group

variables [linear_ordered_add_comm_group 𝕜] [topological_space 𝕜] [order_topology 𝕜]
(p a : 𝕜) [hp : fact (0 < p)]

include hp

local notation `𝕋` := add_circle p

/-- The relation identifying the endpoints of `Icc a (a + p)`. -/
inductive endpoint_ident : Icc a (a + p) → Icc a (a + p) → Prop
| mk : endpoint_ident
⟨a, left_mem_Icc.mpr $ le_add_of_nonneg_right hp.out.le⟩
⟨a + p, right_mem_Icc.mpr $ le_add_of_nonneg_right hp.out.le⟩

variables [archimedean 𝕜]

/-- The equivalence between `add_circle p` and the quotient of `[a, a + p]` by the relation
identifying the endpoints. -/
def equiv_Icc_quot : 𝕋 ≃ quot (endpoint_ident p a) :=
{ to_fun := λ x, _ $ id Ico_subset_Icc_self (equiv_Ico _ _ x),
inv_fun := λ x, quot.lift_on x coe $ by { rintro _ _ ⟨_⟩, exact (coe_add_period p a).symm },
left_inv := (equiv_Ico p a).symm_apply_apply,
right_inv := quot.ind $ by
{ rintro ⟨x, hx⟩,
have := _,
rcases ne_or_eq x (a + p) with h | rfl,
{ revert x, exact this },
{ rw ← quot.sound, exact this _ _ (lt_add_of_pos_right a hp.out).ne },
intros x hx h,
congr, ext1,
apply congr_arg subtype.val ((equiv_Ico p a).right_inv ⟨x, hx.1, hx.2.lt_of_ne h⟩) } }

end linear_ordered_add_comm_group

section real

variables {p a : ℝ} [hp : fact (0 < p)]
include hp

local notation `𝕋` := add_circle p

/- doesn't work if inlined in `homeo_of_equiv_compact_to_t2` -- why? -/
private lemma continuous_equiv_Icc_quot_symm : continuous (equiv_Icc_quot p a).symm :=
continuous_quot_lift _ $ (add_circle.continuous_mk' p).comp continuous_subtype_coe

/-- The natural map from `[a, a + p] ⊂ ℝ` with endpoints identified to `ℝ / ℤ • p`, as a
homeomorphism of topological spaces. -/
def homeo_Icc_quot : 𝕋 ≃ₜ quot (endpoint_ident p a) :=
(continuous.homeo_of_equiv_compact_to_t2 continuous_equiv_Icc_quot_symm).symm

/-! We now show that a continuous function on `[a, a + p]` satisfying `f a = f (a + p)` is
the pullback of a continuous function on `unit_add_circle`. -/

lemma eq_of_end_ident {f : ℝ → B} (hf : f a = f (a + p)) (x y : Icc a (a + p)) :
endpoint_ident p a x y → f x = f y := by { rintro ⟨_⟩, exact hf }

lemma lift_Ico_eq_lift_Icc {f : ℝ → B} (h : f a = f (a + p)) :
lift_Ico p a f = (quot.lift (restrict (Icc a $ a + p) f) $ eq_of_end_ident h)
∘ equiv_Icc_quot p a :=
funext (λ x, by refl)

lemma lift_Ico_continuous [topological_space B] {f : ℝ → B} (hf : f a = f (a + p))
(hc : continuous_on f $ Icc a (a + p)) : continuous (lift_Ico p a f) :=
rw lift_Ico_eq_lift_Icc hf,
refine continuous.comp _ homeo_Icc_quot.continuous_to_fun,
exact continuous_coinduced_dom.mpr ( hc),

end real

section zero_based

variables {p : ℝ} [hp : fact (0 < p)]
include hp

lemma lift_Ico_zero_coe_apply {f : ℝ → B} {x : ℝ} (hx : x ∈ Ico 0 p) :
lift_Ico p 0 f ↑x = f x := lift_Ico_coe_apply (by rwa zero_add)

lemma lift_Ico_zero_continuous [topological_space B] {f : ℝ → B}
(hf : f 0 = f p) (hc : continuous_on f $ Icc 0 p) : continuous (lift_Ico p 0 f) :=
lift_Ico_continuous (by rwa zero_add : f 0 = f (0 + p)) (by rwa zero_add)

end zero_based

end add_circle

end identify_Icc_ends

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