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fix(tactic/linarith): instantiate metavariables in linarith (#19233)
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This probably isn't exhaustive, but catches the really trivial case.

This doesn't appear to need forward-porting.
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eric-wieser committed Jul 16, 2023
1 parent 31b269b commit 016138c
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Showing 6 changed files with 28 additions and 19 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/tactic/linarith/datatypes.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -369,13 +369,13 @@ Typically `R` and `R'` will be the same, except when `c = 0`, in which case `R'`
If `c = 1`, `h'` is the same as `h` -- specifically, it does *not* change the type to `1*t R 0`.
meta def mk_single_comp_zero_pf (c : ℕ) (h : expr) : tactic (ineq × expr) :=
do tp ← infer_type h,
do tp ← infer_type h >>= instantiate_mvars,
some (iq, e) ← return $ parse_into_comp_and_expr tp,
if c = 0 then
do e' ← mk_app ``zero_mul [e], return (ineq.eq, e')
else if c = 1 then return (iq, h)
do tp ← (prod.snd <$> (infer_type h >>= get_rel_sides)) >>= infer_type,
do tp ← (prod.snd <$> (infer_type h >>= instantiate_mvars >>= get_rel_sides)) >>= infer_type,
c ← tp.of_nat c,
cpos ← to_expr ``(%%c > 0),
(_, ex) ← solve_aux cpos `[norm_num, done],
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/tactic/linarith/frontend.lean
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Expand Up @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ newly introduced local constant.
Otherwise returns `none`.
meta def apply_contr_lemma : tactic (option (expr × expr)) :=
do t ← target,
do t ← target >>= instantiate_mvars,
match get_contr_lemma_name_and_type t with
| some (nm, tp) :=
do refine ((expr.const nm []) pexpr.mk_placeholder), v ← intro1, return $ some (tp, v)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ to only those that are comparisons over the type `restr_type`.
meta def filter_hyps_to_type (restr_type : expr) (hyps : list expr) : tactic (list expr) :=
hyps.mfilter $ λ h, do
ht ← infer_type h,
ht ← infer_type h >>= instantiate_mvars,
match get_contr_lemma_name_and_type ht with
| some (_, htype) := succeeds $ unify htype restr_type
| none := return ff
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ expressions.
meta def tactic.linarith (reduce_semi : bool) (only_on : bool) (hyps : list pexpr)
(cfg : linarith_config := {}) : tactic unit :=
focus1 $
do t ← target,
do t ← target >>= instantiate_mvars,
-- if the target is an equality, we run `linarith` twice, to prove ≤ and ≥.
if t.is_eq.is_some then
linarith_trace "target is an equality: splitting" >>
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/tactic/linarith/parsing.lean
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Expand Up @@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ It also returns the largest variable index that appears in comparisons in `c`.
meta def linear_forms_and_max_var (red : transparency) (pfs : list expr) :
tactic (list comp × ℕ) :=
do pftps ← pfs.mmap infer_type,
(l, _, map) ← to_comp_fold red [] pftps mk_rb_map,
do pftps ← pfs.mmap (λ e, infer_type e >>= instantiate_mvars),
(l, _, map) ← to_comp_fold red [] pftps mk_rb_map,
return (l, map.size - 1)

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18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/tactic/linarith/preprocessing.lean
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Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ private meta def rearr_comp_aux : expr → expr → tactic expr
and turns it into a proof of a comparison `_ R 0`, where `R ∈ {=, ≤, <}`.
meta def rearr_comp (e : expr) : tactic expr :=
infer_type e >>= rearr_comp_aux e
infer_type e >>= instantiate_mvars >>= rearr_comp_aux e

/-- If `e` is of the form `((n : ℕ) : ℤ)`, `is_nat_int_coe e` returns `n : ℕ`. -/
meta def is_nat_int_coe : expr → option expr
Expand All @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ If `pf` is a proof of a strict inequality `(a : ℤ) < b`,
and similarly if `pf` proves a negated weak inequality.
meta def mk_non_strict_int_pf_of_strict_int_pf (pf : expr) : tactic expr :=
do tp ← infer_type pf,
do tp ← infer_type pf >>= instantiate_mvars,
match tp with
| `(%%a < %%b) := to_expr ``(int.add_one_le_iff.mpr %%pf)
| `(%%a > %%b) := to_expr ``(int.add_one_le_iff.mpr %%pf)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Removes any expressions that are not proofs of inequalities, equalities, or nega
meta def filter_comparisons : preprocessor :=
{ name := "filter terms that are not proofs of comparisons",
transform := λ h,
(do tp ← infer_type h,
(do tp ← infer_type h >>= instantiate_mvars,
is_prop tp >>= guardb,
guardb (filter_comparisons_aux tp),
return [h])
Expand All @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ For example, a proof of `¬ a < b` will become a proof of `a ≥ b`.
meta def remove_negations : preprocessor :=
{ name := "replace negations of comparisons",
transform := λ h,
do tp ← infer_type h,
do tp ← infer_type h >>= instantiate_mvars,
match tp with
| `(¬ %%p) := singleton <$> rem_neg h p
| _ := return [h]
Expand All @@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ meta def nat_to_int : global_preprocessor :=
-- we lock the tactic state here because a `simplify` call inside of
-- `zify_proof` corrupts the tactic state when run under `io.run_tactic`.
do l ← lock_tactic_state $ l.mmap $ λ h,
infer_type h >>= guardb ∘ is_nat_prop >> zify_proof [] h <|> return h,
infer_type h >>= instantiate_mvars >>= guardb ∘ is_nat_prop >> zify_proof [] h <|> return h,
nonnegs ← l.mfoldl (λ (es : expr_set) h, do
(a, b) ← infer_type h >>= get_rel_sides,
(a, b) ← infer_type h >>= instantiate_mvars >>= get_rel_sides,
return $ (es.insert_list (get_nat_comps a)).insert_list (get_nat_comps b)) mk_rb_set,
(++) l <$> nonnegs.to_list.mmap mk_coe_nat_nonneg_prf }

Expand All @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ into a proof of `t1 ≤ t2 + 1`. -/
meta def strengthen_strict_int : preprocessor :=
{ name := "strengthen strict inequalities over int",
transform := λ h,
do tp ← infer_type h,
do tp ← infer_type h >>= instantiate_mvars,
guardb (is_strict_int_prop tp) >> singleton <$> mk_non_strict_int_pf_of_strict_int_pf h
<|> return [h] }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ it tries to scale `t` to cancel out division by numerals.
meta def cancel_denoms : preprocessor :=
{ name := "cancel denominators",
transform := λ pf,
(do some (_, lhs) ← parse_into_comp_and_expr <$> infer_type pf,
(do some (_, lhs) ← parse_into_comp_and_expr <$> (infer_type pf >>= instantiate_mvars),
guardb $ lhs.contains_constant (= `has_div.div),
singleton <$> normalize_denominators_in_lhs pf lhs)
<|> return [pf] }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ This produces `2^n` branches when there are `n` such hypotheses in the input.
meta def remove_ne_aux : list expr → tactic (list branch) :=
λ hs,
(do e ← hs.mfind (λ e : expr, do e ← infer_type e, guard $ e.is_ne.is_some),
(do e ← hs.mfind (λ e : expr, do e ← infer_type e >>= instantiate_mvars, guard $ e.is_ne.is_some),
[(_, ng1), (_, ng2)] ← to_expr ``(or.elim (lt_or_gt_of_ne %%e)) >>= apply,
let do_goal : expr → tactic (list branch) := λ g,
do set_goals [g],
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/tactic/linarith/verification.lean
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Expand Up @@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ meta def mk_lt_zero_pf : list (expr × ℕ) → tactic expr

/-- If `prf` is a proof of `t R s`, `term_of_ineq_prf prf` returns `t`. -/
meta def term_of_ineq_prf (prf : expr) : tactic expr :=
prod.fst <$> (infer_type prf >>= get_rel_sides)
prod.fst <$> (infer_type prf >>= instantiate_mvars >>= get_rel_sides)

/-- If `prf` is a proof of `t R s`, `ineq_prf_tp prf` returns the type of `t`. -/
meta def ineq_prf_tp (prf : expr) : tactic expr :=
term_of_ineq_prf prf >>= infer_type
term_of_ineq_prf prf >>= infer_type >>= instantiate_mvars

`mk_neg_one_lt_zero_pf tp` returns a proof of `-1 < 0`,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ proof, it adds a proof of `-t = 0` to the list.
meta def add_neg_eq_pfs : list expr → tactic (list expr)
| [] := return []
| (h::t) :=
do some (iq, tp) ← parse_into_comp_and_expr <$> infer_type h,
do some (iq, tp) ← parse_into_comp_and_expr <$> (infer_type h >>= instantiate_mvars),
match iq with
| ineq.eq := do nep ← mk_neg_eq_zero_pf h, tl ← add_neg_eq_pfs t, return $ h::nep::tl
| _ := list.cons h <$> add_neg_eq_pfs t
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions test/linarith.lean
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@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
import tactic.linarith

example : ∀ (y : ℕ), y ≤ 37 → y < 40 :=
refine λ y hy, _,
-- The type of `hy` is a (solved but not instantiated) metavariable
do { tactic.get_local `hy >>= tactic.infer_type >>= guardb ∘ expr.is_mvar },
-- But linarith should still work

example {α : Type} (_inst : Π (a : Prop), decidable a)
[linear_ordered_field α]
{a b c : α}
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