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work on proxy: wrap sample code around editor
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joneugster committed Mar 6, 2025
1 parent 30f987a commit 9bd2c19
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Showing 3 changed files with 118 additions and 30 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion client/src/components/editor/Editor.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ export function Editor() {
// let infoProvider = _leanMonaco.infoProvider.editorApi

console.warn('gameId', gameId)
await leanMonacoEditor.start(editorRef.current!, `/${worldId}/L_${levelId}.lean`, code)
await leanMonacoEditor.start(editorRef.current!, `/${gameId}/${worldId}/L_${levelId}.lean`, code)

Expand Down
27 changes: 19 additions & 8 deletions server/GameServerExe.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import GameServerExe.Rpc
import GameServer
import GameServerExe.Message
import Lake.CLI.Main

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,17 +57,27 @@ unsafe def main : List String → IO UInt32 := fun args => do
let o_lean : IO.FS.Stream := .ofHandle leanProcess.stdout
-- let e_lean : IO.FS.Stream := .ofHandle leanProcess.stderr

while true do
/- redirect message from the client to the server -/
-- Test: import game info from `Game`'s env
initSearchPath (← findSysroot)
unsafe Lean.withImportModules #[`TestGame] {} (trustLevel := 1024)
fun env => Prod.fst <$> Core.CoreM.toIO
( ctx := { fileName := "<CoreM>", fileMap := default })
(s := { env := env }) do

let msgI : JsonRpc.Message := GameServer.forwardMessage (← i.readLspMessage)
i_lean.writeLspMessage msgI
-- get the game from the Env
let game ← GameServer.getCurGame
debug_msg s!"cwd: {(← IO.currentDir)}"

let msgO : JsonRpc.Message := GameServer.returnMessage (← o_lean.readLspMessage)
o.writeLspMessage msgO
while true do
/- redirect message from the client to the server -/
let msgI : JsonRpc.Message ← GameServer.forwardMessage (← i.readLspMessage)
i_lean.writeLspMessage msgI

-- let msgE : JsonRpc.Message ← e_lean.readLspMessage
-- e.writeLspMessage msgE
let msgO : JsonRpc.Message ← GameServer.returnMessage (← o_lean.readLspMessage)
o.writeLspMessage msgO

-- let msgE : JsonRpc.Message ← e_lean.readLspMessage
-- e.writeLspMessage msgE

IO.Process.exit 0
catch err =>
Expand Down
119 changes: 98 additions & 21 deletions server/GameServerExe/Message.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,107 @@
import Lean

-- TODO: The only reason we import `Commands` is so that it gets built to on `lake build`
-- should we have a different solution?
import GameServer.Layer.Extension

set_option linter.unusedVariables false

namespace GameServer

open Lean

def createDebugNotification (msg : String) : JsonRpc.Message :=
let params : Json.Structured := .arr #[msg] -- TODO: didn't know how to create a `.obj`
.notification "lean4game/debug" params

Send debug messages as `lean4game/debug` RPC notification.
Can be used to print debug messages from within `GameServerExe` to the server console.
Currently they are ignored by the frontend, but in dev mode they
appear as `DEBUG:` message in the server's shell (see `relay/index.mjs`)
def _root_.debug_msg (msg : String) : IO Unit := do
let o ← IO.getStdout
o.writeLspMessage (createDebugNotification msg)

def getLevelIdFromUri (game : Game) (uri : String) : LevelId :=
let components := uri.split ("\\/_.".contains ·)
match components.reverse with
| "lean" :: lvl :: "L" :: worldId :: gameId ::_ =>
{ game :=,
world := .mkSimple worldId,
level := lvl.toNat! }
| _ => panic! s!"[GameServer] ERROR: bad URI '{uri}'"

Takes the JSON of an element of `contentChanges` in the rpc notif. `textDocument/didChange`
and applies the `shift` to all ranges.
def shiftRange (shift : Nat → Nat) (change : Json) : Json := do
let mut range := change.getObjValD "range"
let mut start := range.getObjValD "start"
let mut «end» := range.getObjValD "end"
let .ok startLine := start.getObjValAs? Nat "line"
| panic! "[GameServer] unhandled"
let .ok endLine := end.getObjValAs? Nat "line"
| panic! "[GameServer] unhandled"
start := start.setObjValAs! "line" (shift startLine)
«end» := «end».setObjValAs! "line" (shift endLine)
range := range.setObjVal! "start" start
range := range.setObjVal! "end" «end»
change.setObjVal! "range" range

/-- Redirect message from the client to the Lean server. -/
def forwardMessage (msg : JsonRpc.Message) : JsonRpc.Message := do
def forwardMessage (msg : JsonRpc.Message) : CoreM JsonRpc.Message := do
let game ← GameServer.getCurGame
match msg with
| .notification "initialized" params? =>
return msg
| .notification method@("textDocument/didOpen") none =>
debug_msg s!"BUG: I thought receiving 'textDocument/didOpen' without params was impossible"
IO.Process.exit 2
| .notification method@("textDocument/didOpen") (some params') =>
let mut params : Json := ToJson.toJson params'
let textDocument := params.getObjValD "textDocument"
let .ok content := textDocument.getObjValAs? String "text"
| panic! s!"[GameServer]: ERROR: received didOpen notification with invalid parameters!"
let .ok uri := textDocument.getObjValAs? String "uri"
| panic! s!"[GameServer]: ERROR: received didOpen notification with invalid parameters!"

-- URI example: `file:///mygame/DemoWorld1/L_1.lean`
-- TODO: is this also true on Windows?

let levelId := getLevelIdFromUri game uri
debug_msg s!"[GameServer] `didOpen` {levelId}"
let some level ← getLevel? levelId
| panic! "[GameServer] Level not found"

let template := s!"example : True := by\n{content}\ndone"

params := params.setObjVal! "textDocument" (textDocument.setObjVal! "text" template)
let .ok paramsStructured := Json.toStructured? params
| panic! "[GameServer] unhandled"

return .notification method paramsStructured
-- textDocument/didChange

| .notification method@("textDocument/didChange") (some params') =>
let mut params : Json := ToJson.toJson params'
let textDocument := params.getObjValD "textDocument"
let .ok contentChanges := (params.getObjValD "contentChanges").getArr?
| panic! "[GameServer] unhandled"

let contentChangeNew : Json := .arr <| (shiftRange (·+1))

params := params.setObjVal! "contentChanges" contentChangeNew
let .ok paramsStructured := Json.toStructured? params
| panic! "[GameServer] unhandled"
debug_msg s!"{params}"
return .notification method paramsStructured

| .request id method params? =>
debug_msg s!"TODO client request {method} not implemented!"

monaco requests to modify:
Expand All @@ -33,36 +122,24 @@ def forwardMessage (msg : JsonRpc.Message) : JsonRpc.Message := do
return msg
| .notification method params? =>
debug_msg s!"TODO client notification {method} not implemented!"
return msg
| .response id result =>
return msg
| .responseError id code message data? =>
return msg

/-- Redirect message from the Lean server back to the client. -/
def returnMessage (msg : JsonRpc.Message) : JsonRpc.Message := do
def returnMessage (msg : JsonRpc.Message) : CoreM JsonRpc.Message := do
let game ← GameServer.getCurGame
match msg with
| .request id method params? =>
debug_msg s!"TODO server request {method} not implemented!"
return msg
| .notification method params? =>
debug_msg s!"TODO server notification {method} not implemented!"
return msg
| .response id result =>
return msg
| .responseError id code message data? =>
return msg

def createDebugNotification (msg : String) : JsonRpc.Message :=
let params : Json.Structured := .arr #[msg] -- TODO: didn't know how to create a `.obj`
.notification "lean4game/debug" params

Send debug messages as `lean4game/debug` RPC notification.
Can be used to print debug messages from within `GameServerExe` to the server console.
Currently they are ignored by the frontend, but in dev mode they
appear as `DEBUG:` message in the server's shell (see `relay/index.mjs`)
def _root_.debug_msg (msg : String) : IO Unit := do
let o ← IO.getStdout
o.writeLspMessage (createDebugNotification msg)

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