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Co-authored-by: leanprover-community-mathlib4-bot <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <[email protected]>
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3 people authored Jan 4, 2025
1 parent e8dc5fc commit 8ce422e
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Showing 11 changed files with 39 additions and 207 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Batteries.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ import Batteries.Tactic.ShowUnused
import Batteries.Tactic.SqueezeScope
import Batteries.Tactic.Trans
import Batteries.Tactic.Unreachable
import Batteries.Tactic.Where
import Batteries.Util.Cache
import Batteries.Util.ExtendedBinder
import Batteries.Util.LibraryNote
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4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions Batteries/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ where
((l.toList.drop i).indexOf? a).map (·+i) = (indexOfAux l a i).map Fin.val := by
rw [indexOfAux]
if h : i < l.size then
rw [List.drop_eq_getElem_cons h, ←getElem_eq_getElem_toList, List.indexOf?_cons]
rw [List.drop_eq_getElem_cons h, getElem_toList, List.indexOf?_cons]
if h' : l[i] == a then
simp [h, h']
Expand All @@ -76,8 +76,6 @@ theorem size_set! (a : Array α) (i v) : (a.set! i v).size = a.size := by simp

/-! ### mem -/

theorem mem_singleton : a ∈ #[b] ↔ a = b := by simp

/-! ### insertAt -/

@[simp] private theorem size_insertIdx_loop (as : Array α) (i : Nat) (j : Fin as.size) :
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions Batteries/Data/Char.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ import Batteries.Tactic.Alias
theorem Char.le_antisymm_iff {x y : Char} : x = y ↔ x ≤ y ∧ y ≤ x :=
Char.ext_iff.trans UInt32.le_antisymm_iff

theorem Char.le_antisymm {x y : Char} (h1 : x ≤ y) (h2 : y ≤ x) : x = y :=
Char.le_antisymm_iff.2 ⟨h1, h2⟩

instance : Batteries.LawfulOrd Char := .compareOfLessAndEq
(fun _ => Nat.lt_irrefl _) Nat.lt_trans Nat.not_lt Char.le_antisymm

Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions Batteries/Data/HashMap/WF.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ theorem toList_update (self : Buckets α β) (i d h) :
theorem exists_of_update (self : Buckets α β) (i d h) :
∃ l₁ l₂, self.1.toList = l₁ ++ self.1[i] :: l₂ ∧ List.length l₁ = i.toNat ∧
(self.update i d h).1.toList = l₁ ++ d :: l₂ := by
simp only [Array.length_toList, Array.ugetElem_eq_getElem, Array.getElem_eq_getElem_toList]
simp only [Array.length_toList, Array.ugetElem_eq_getElem, Array.getElem_toList]
exact List.exists_of_set h

theorem update_update (self : Buckets α β) (i d d' h h') :
Expand All @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ theorem' [BEq α] [Hashable α] (h) : ( n h : Buckets α β).WF
refine ⟨fun _ h => ?_, fun i h => ?_⟩
· simp only [, mkArray, List.mem_replicate, ne_eq] at h
simp [h, List.Pairwise.nil]
· simp [, empty', mkArray, Array.getElem_eq_getElem_toList, AssocList.All]
· simp [, empty', Array.getElem_toList, AssocList.All]

theorem WF.update [BEq α] [Hashable α] {buckets : Buckets α β} {i d h} (H : buckets.WF)
(h₁ : ∀ [PartialEquivBEq α] [LawfulHashable α],
Expand All @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ theorem WF.update [BEq α] [Hashable α] {buckets : Buckets α β} {i d h} (H :
| .inl hl => H.1 _ hl
| .inr rfl => h₁ (H.1 _ (Array.getElem_mem_toList ..))
· revert hp
simp only [Array.getElem_eq_getElem_toList, toList_update, List.getElem_set,
simp only [Array.getElem_toList, toList_update, List.getElem_set,
Array.length_toList, update_size]
split <;> intro hp
· next eq => exact eq ▸ h₂ (H.2 _ _) _ hp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ where
List.length_nil, Nat.sum_append, List.sum_cons, Nat.zero_add, Array.length_toList]
rw [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_assoc]; congr 1
(conv => rhs; rw [Nat.add_left_comm]); congr 1
rw [Array.getElem_eq_getElem_toList]
rw [Array.getElem_toList]
have := @reinsertAux_size α β _; simp [Buckets.size] at this
induction source[i].toList generalizing target <;> simp [*, Nat.succ_add]; rfl
· next H =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ where
· match List.mem_or_eq_of_mem_set hl with
| .inl hl => exact hs₁ _ hl
| .inr e => exact e ▸ .nil
· simp only [Array.length_toList, Array.size_set, Array.getElem_eq_getElem_toList,
· simp only [Array.length_toList, Array.size_set, Array.getElem_toList,
Array.toList_set, List.getElem_set]
· nofun
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ theorem WF.filterMap {α β γ} {f : α → β → Option γ} [BEq α] [Hashable
have := H.out.2.1 _ h
rw [← List.pairwise_map (R := (¬ · == ·))] at this ⊢
exact this.sublist (H3 l.toList)
· simp only [Array.size_mk, List.length_map, Array.length_toList, Array.getElem_eq_getElem_toList,
· simp only [Array.size_toArray, List.length_map, Array.length_toList, Array.getElem_toList,
List.getElem_map] at h ⊢
have := H.out.2.2 _ h
simp only [AssocList.All, List.toList_toAssocList, List.mem_reverse, List.mem_filterMap,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Batteries/Data/PairingHeap.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ theorem Heap.size_merge_node (le) (a₁ : α) (c₁ s₁ : Heap α) (a₂ : α)
theorem Heap.size_merge (le) {s₁ s₂ : Heap α} (h₁ : s₁.NoSibling) (h₂ : s₂.NoSibling) :
(merge le s₁ s₂).size = s₁.size + s₂.size := by
match h₁, h₂ with
| .nil, .nil | .nil, .node _ _ | .node _ _, .nil => simp [size]
| .nil, .nil | .nil, .node _ _ | .node _ _, .nil => simp [merge, size]
| .node _ _, .node _ _ => unfold merge; dsimp; split <;> simp_arith [size]

theorem Heap.size_combine (le) (s : Heap α) :
Expand Down
106 changes: 15 additions & 91 deletions Batteries/Data/Range/Lemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,100 +8,24 @@ import Batteries.Data.List.Lemmas

namespace Std.Range

/-- The number of elements contained in a `Std.Range`. -/
def numElems (r : Range) : Nat :=
if r.step = 0 then
-- This is a very weird choice, but it is chosen to coincide with the `forIn` impl
if r.stop ≤ r.start then 0 else r.stop
(r.stop - r.start + r.step - 1) / r.step
@[deprecated size (since := "2024-12-19")] alias numElems := size

theorem numElems_stop_le_start : ∀ r : Range, r.stop ≤ r.start → r.numElems = 0
| ⟨start, stop, step⟩, h => by
simp [numElems]; split <;> simp_all
apply Nat.div_eq_of_lt; simp [Nat.sub_eq_zero_of_le h]
exact Nat.pred_lt ‹_›
theorem size_stop_le_start : ∀ r : Range, r.stop ≤ r.start → r.size = 0
| ⟨start, stop, step, _⟩, h => by
simp_all [size, Nat.div_eq_zero_iff_lt]

theorem numElems_step_1 (start stop) : numElems ⟨start, stop, 1⟩ = stop - start := by
simp [numElems]
@[deprecated size_stop_le_start (since := "2024-12-19")]
alias numElems_stop_le_start := size_stop_le_start

private theorem numElems_le_iff {start stop step i} (hstep : 0 < step) :
(stop - start + step - 1) / step ≤ i ↔ stop ≤ start + step * i :=
calc (stop - start + step - 1) / step ≤ i
_ ↔ stop - start + step - 1 < step * i + step := by
rw [← Nat.lt_succ (n := i), Nat.div_lt_iff_lt_mul hstep, Nat.mul_comm, ← Nat.mul_succ]
_ ↔ stop - start + step - 1 < step * i + 1 + (step - 1) := by
rw [Nat.add_right_comm, Nat.add_assoc, Nat.sub_add_cancel hstep]
_ ↔ stop ≤ start + step * i := by
rw [Nat.add_sub_assoc hstep, Nat.add_lt_add_iff_right, Nat.lt_succ,
theorem size_step_1 (start stop) : size ⟨start, stop, 1, by decide⟩ = stop - start := by
simp [size]

theorem mem_range'_elems (r : Range) (h : x ∈ List.range' r.start r.numElems r.step) : x ∈ r := by
obtain ⟨i, h', rfl⟩ := List.mem_range'.1 h
refine ⟨Nat.le_add_right .., ?_⟩
unfold numElems at h'; split at h'
· split at h' <;> [cases h'; simp_all]
· next step0 =>
refine Nat.not_le.1 fun h =>
Nat.not_le.2 h' <| (numElems_le_iff (Nat.pos_of_ne_zero step0)).2 h
@[deprecated size_step_1 (since := "2024-12-19")]
alias numElems_step_1 := size_step_1

theorem forIn'_eq_forIn_range' [Monad m] (r : Std.Range)
(init : β) (f : (a : Nat) → a ∈ r → β → m (ForInStep β)) :
forIn' r init f =
((List.range' r.start r.numElems r.step).pmap fun _ => mem_range'_elems r)
init (fun ⟨a, h⟩ => f a h) := by
let ⟨start, stop, step⟩ := r
let L := List.range' start (numElems ⟨start, stop, step⟩) step
let f' : { a // start ≤ a ∧ a < stop } → _ := fun ⟨a, h⟩ => f a h
suffices ∀ H, forIn' [start:stop:step] init f = forIn (L.pmap H) init f' from this _
intro H; dsimp only [forIn', Range.forIn']
if h : start < stop then
simp only [numElems, Nat.not_le.2 h, ↓reduceIte, L]; split
· subst step
suffices ∀ n H init,
forIn'.loop start stop 0 f n start (Nat.le_refl _) init =
forIn ((List.range' start n 0).pmap H) init f' from this _ ..
intro n; induction n with
(intro H init
unfold forIn'.loop
simp only [↓reduceDIte, Nat.add_zero, List.pmap, List.forIn_cons, List.forIn_nil, h])
| succ n ih => simp [ih (List.forall_mem_cons.1 H).2]; rfl
· next step0 =>
have hstep := Nat.pos_of_ne_zero step0
suffices ∀ fuel l i hle H, l ≤ fuel →
(∀ j, stop ≤ i + step * j ↔ l ≤ j) → ∀ init,
forIn'.loop start stop step f fuel i hle init =
forIn ((List.range' i l step).pmap H) init f' by
refine this _ _ _ _ _
((numElems_le_iff hstep).2 (Nat.le_trans ?_ (Nat.le_add_left ..)))
(fun _ => (numElems_le_iff hstep).symm) _
conv => lhs; rw [← Nat.one_mul stop]
exact Nat.mul_le_mul_right stop hstep
intro fuel; induction fuel with intro l i hle H h1 h2 init
| zero => simp [forIn'.loop, Nat.le_zero.1 h1]
| succ fuel ih =>
cases l with
| zero => rw [forIn'.loop]; simp [Nat.not_lt.2 <| by simpa using (h2 0).2 (Nat.le_refl _)]
| succ l =>
have ih := ih _ _ (Nat.le_trans hle (Nat.le_add_right ..))
(List.forall_mem_cons.1 H).2 (Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h1) fun i => by
rw [Nat.add_right_comm, Nat.add_assoc, ← Nat.mul_succ, h2, Nat.succ_le_succ_iff]
have := h2 0
simp only [Nat.mul_zero, Nat.add_zero, Nat.le_zero_eq, Nat.add_one_ne_zero, iff_false,
Nat.not_le] at this
rw [forIn'.loop]
simp only [this, ↓reduceDIte, ih, List.pmap, List.forIn_cons]
simp only [numElems_stop_le_start ⟨start, stop, step⟩ (Nat.not_lt.1 h), List.range'_zero,
List.pmap, List.forIn_nil, L]
cases stop <;> unfold forIn'.loop <;> simp [List.forIn', h]
@[deprecated mem_of_mem_range' (since := "2024-12-19")]
alias mem_range'_elems := mem_of_mem_range'

theorem forIn_eq_forIn_range' [Monad m] (r : Std.Range)
(init : β) (f : Nat → β → m (ForInStep β)) :
forIn r init f = forIn (List.range' r.start r.numElems r.step) init f := by
refine Eq.trans ?_ <| (forIn'_eq_forIn_range' r init (fun x _ => f x)).trans ?_
· simp [forIn, forIn']
· suffices ∀ L H, forIn (List.pmap L H) init (f ·.1) = forIn L init f from this _ ..
intro L; induction L generalizing init <;> intro H <;> simp [*]
@[deprecated forIn'_eq_forIn'_range' (since := "2024-12-19")]
alias forIn'_eq_forIn_range' := forIn'_eq_forIn'_range'
20 changes: 8 additions & 12 deletions Batteries/Data/String/Lemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,13 +14,9 @@ namespace String
-- TODO(kmill): add `@[ext]` attribute to `String.ext` in core.
attribute [ext (iff := false)] ext

theorem lt_trans {s₁ s₂ s₃ : String} : s₁ < s₂ → s₂ < s₃ → s₁ < s₃ :=
List.lt_trans (α := Char) Nat.lt_trans
(fun h1 h2 => Nat.not_lt.2 <| Nat.le_trans (Nat.not_lt.1 h2) (Nat.not_lt.1 h1))

theorem lt_antisymm {s₁ s₂ : String} (h₁ : ¬s₁ < s₂) (h₂ : ¬s₂ < s₁) : s₁ = s₂ :=
ext <| List.lt_antisymm (α := Char)
(fun h1 h2 => Char.le_antisymm (Nat.not_lt.1 h2) (Nat.not_lt.1 h1)) h₁ h₂
theorem lt_antisymm {s₁ s₂ : String} (h₁ : ¬s₁ < s₂) (h₂ : ¬s₂ < s₁) : s₁ = s₂ := by
simp at h₁ h₂
exact String.le_antisymm h₂ h₁

instance : Batteries.TransOrd String := .compareOfLessAndEq
String.lt_irrefl String.lt_trans String.lt_antisymm
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,7 +149,7 @@ theorem utf8GetAux_of_valid (cs cs' : List Char) {i p : Nat} (hp : i + utf8Len c
| [], [] => rfl
| [], c::cs' => simp [← hp, utf8GetAux]
| c::cs, cs' =>
simp only [utf8GetAux, List.append_eq, Char.reduceDefault, ↓Char.isValue]
simp only [List.cons_append, utf8GetAux, Char.reduceDefault]
rw [if_neg]
case hnc => simp only [← hp, utf8Len_cons, Pos.ext_iff]; exact ne_self_add_add_utf8Size
refine utf8GetAux_of_valid cs cs' ?_
Expand All @@ -172,7 +168,7 @@ theorem utf8GetAux?_of_valid (cs cs' : List Char) {i p : Nat} (hp : i + utf8Len
| [], [] => rfl
| [], c::cs' => simp [← hp, utf8GetAux?]
| c::cs, cs' =>
simp only [utf8GetAux?, List.append_eq]
simp only [List.cons_append, utf8GetAux?]
rw [if_neg]
case hnc => simp only [← hp, Pos.ext_iff]; exact ne_self_add_add_utf8Size
refine utf8GetAux?_of_valid cs cs' ?_
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,7 +220,7 @@ theorem utf8PrevAux_of_valid {cs cs' : List Char} {c : Char} {i p : Nat}
match cs with
| [] => simp [utf8PrevAux, ← hp, Pos.addChar_eq]
| c'::cs =>
simp only [utf8PrevAux, Pos.addChar_eq, ← hp, utf8Len_cons, List.append_eq]
simp only [utf8PrevAux, List.cons_append, utf8Len_cons, ← hp]
rw [if_neg]
case hnc =>
simp only [Pos.ext_iff]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,7 +357,7 @@ theorem extract.go₂_append_left : ∀ (s t : List Char) (i e : Nat),
e = utf8Len s + i → go₂ (s ++ t) ⟨i⟩ ⟨e⟩ = s
| [], t, i, _, rfl => by cases t <;> simp [go₂]
| c :: cs, t, i, _, rfl => by
simp only [go₂, utf8Len_cons, Pos.ext_iff, ne_add_utf8Size_add_self, ↓reduceIte, List.append_eq,
simp only [List.cons_append, utf8Len_cons, go₂, Pos.ext_iff, ne_add_utf8Size_add_self, ↓reduceIte,
Pos.addChar_eq, List.cons.injEq, true_and]
apply go₂_append_left; rw [Nat.add_right_comm, Nat.add_assoc]

Expand All @@ -388,7 +384,7 @@ theorem extract.go₁_append_right : ∀ (s t : List Char) (i b : Nat) (e : Pos)
b = utf8Len s + i → go₁ (s ++ t) ⟨i⟩ ⟨b⟩ e = go₂ t ⟨b⟩ e
| [], t, i, _, e, rfl => by cases t <;> simp [go₁, go₂]
| c :: cs, t, i, _, e, rfl => by
simp only [go₁, utf8Len_cons, Pos.ext_iff, ne_add_utf8Size_add_self, ↓reduceIte, List.append_eq,
simp only [go₁, utf8Len_cons, Pos.ext_iff, ne_add_utf8Size_add_self, ↓reduceIte, List.cons_append,
apply go₁_append_right; rw [Nat.add_right_comm, Nat.add_assoc]

Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions Batteries/Data/UnionFind/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -296,7 +296,6 @@ theorem findAux_s {self : UnionFind} {x : Fin self.size} :
apply dif_pos
exact parent'_lt ..

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem rankD_findAux {self : UnionFind} {x : Fin self.size} :
rankD (findAux self x).s i = self.rank i := by
if h : i < self.size then
Expand All @@ -307,11 +306,10 @@ theorem rankD_findAux {self : UnionFind} {x : Fin self.size} :
split <;>
simp [← rankD_eq, rankD_findAux (x := ⟨_, self.parent'_lt _ x.2⟩), -Array.get_eq_getElem]
simp only [rankD, Array.data_length, Array.get_eq_getElem, rank]
simp only [rankD, Array.length_toList, Array.get_eq_getElem, rank]
rw [dif_neg (by rwa [FindAux.size_eq]), dif_neg h]
termination_by self.rankMax - self.rank x

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem parentD_findAux {self : UnionFind} {x : Fin self.size} :
parentD (findAux self x).s i =
if i = x then self.rootD x else parentD (self.findAux ⟨_, self.parent'_lt _ x.2⟩).s i := by
Expand All @@ -321,7 +319,7 @@ theorem parentD_findAux {self : UnionFind} {x : Fin self.size} :
· next h =>
rw [parentD]; split <;> rename_i h'
· rw [Array.getElem_modify (by simpa using h')]
simp only [Array.data_length, @eq_comm _ i]
simp only [Array.length_toList, @eq_comm _ i]
split <;> simp [← parentD_eq, -Array.get_eq_getElem]
· rw [if_neg (mt (by rintro rfl; simp [FindAux.size_eq]) h')]
rw [parentD, dif_neg]; simpa using h'
Expand Down
83 changes: 0 additions & 83 deletions Batteries/Tactic/Where.lean

This file was deleted.


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