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feat: add String.splitOn_of_valid
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Add `String.splitOnAux_of_valid` and `String.splitOn_of_valid`.
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chabulhwi committed Apr 17, 2024
1 parent c05a943 commit 75b032f
Showing 1 changed file with 153 additions and 4 deletions.
157 changes: 153 additions & 4 deletions Std/Data/String/Lemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Bulhwi Cha, Mario Carneiro
import Std.Data.Char
import Std.Data.Nat.Lemmas
import Std.Data.List.Lemmas
import Std.Data.List.SplitOnList
import Std.Data.String.Basic
import Std.Tactic.Lint.Misc
import Std.Logic
import Std.Tactic.SeqFocus

@[simp] theorem Char.length_toString (c : Char) : c.toString.length = 1 := rfl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +72,9 @@ private theorem ne_self_add_add_csize : i ≠ i + (n + csize c) :=
@[simp] theorem utf8Len_eq_zero : utf8Len l = 0 ↔ l = [] := by
cases l <;> simp [Nat.ne_of_gt add_csize_pos]

theorem utf8Len_pos : 0 < utf8Len l ↔ l ≠ [] := by
cases l <;> simp [add_csize_pos]

open List
theorem utf8Len_le_of_sublist : ∀ {cs₁ cs₂}, cs₁ <+ cs₂ → utf8Len cs₁ ≤ utf8Len cs₂
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -478,7 +480,154 @@ theorem splitAux_of_valid (p l m r acc) :
theorem split_of_valid (s p) : split s p = (List.splitOnP p s.1).map mk := by
simpa [split] using splitAux_of_valid p [] [] s.1 []

-- TODO: splitOn
NOTE: When the latest Lean toolchain has the fixed versions of `splitOnAux` and `splitOn`, remove
this section and replace `splitOnAux'` and `splitOn'` with `splitOnAux` and `splitOn`, respectively.

Auxiliary for `splitOn`. Preconditions:
* `sep` is not empty
* `b <= i` are indexes into `s`
* `j` is an index into `sep`, and not at the end
It represents the state where we have currently parsed some split parts into `r` (in reverse order),
`b` is the beginning of the string / the end of the previous match of `sep`, and the first `j` bytes
of `sep` match the bytes `i-j .. i` of `s`.
def splitOnAux' (s sep : String) (b : Pos) (i : Pos) (j : Pos) (r : List String) : List String :=
if s.atEnd i then
let r := (s.extract b i)::r
if s.get i == sep.get j then
let i := i
let j := j
if sep.atEnd j then
splitOnAux' s sep i i 0 (s.extract b (i - j)::r)
splitOnAux' s sep b i j r
splitOnAux' s sep b ( (i - j)) 0 r
termination_by (s.endPos.1 - (i - j).1, sep.endPos.1 - j.1)
all_goals simp_wf
rename_i h _ _
left; exact Nat.sub_lt_sub_left
(Nat.lt_of_le_of_lt (Nat.sub_le ..) (Nat.gt_of_not_le (mt decide_eq_true h)))
(Nat.lt_of_le_of_lt (Nat.sub_le ..) (lt_next s _))
rename_i i₀ j₀ _ eq h'
repeat rw [← Pos.sub_byteIdx]
rw [show ( i₀ - j₀).1 = (i₀ - j₀).1 by
show (_ + csize _) - (_ + csize _) = _
rw [(beq_iff_eq ..).1 eq, Nat.add_sub_add_right]; rfl]
right; exact Nat.sub_lt_sub_left
(Nat.lt_of_le_of_lt (Nat.le_add_right ..) (Nat.gt_of_not_le (mt decide_eq_true h')))
(lt_next sep _)
rename_i h _
left; exact Nat.sub_lt_sub_left
(Nat.lt_of_le_of_lt (Nat.sub_le ..) (Nat.gt_of_not_le (mt decide_eq_true h)))
(lt_next s _)

Splits a string `s` on occurrences of the separator `sep`. When `sep` is empty, it returns `[s]`;
when `sep` occurs in overlapping patterns, the first match is taken. There will always be exactly
`n+1` elements in the returned list if there were `n` nonoverlapping matches of `sep` in the string.
The default separator is `" "`. The separators are not included in the returned substrings.
"here is some text ".splitOn = ["here", "is", "some", "text", ""]
"here is some text ".splitOn "some" = ["here is ", " text "]
"here is some text ".splitOn "" = ["here is some text "]
"ababacabac".splitOn "aba" = ["", "bac", "c"]
def splitOn' (s : String) (sep : String := " ") : List String :=
if sep == "" then [s] else splitOnAux' s sep 0 0 0 []


theorem splitOnAux_of_valid (sep₁ sep₂ l m r acc) (h : sep₂ ≠ []) :
splitOnAux' ⟨l ++ m ++ sep₁ ++ r⟩ ⟨sep₁ ++ sep₂⟩ ⟨utf8Len l⟩ ⟨utf8Len (l ++ m ++ sep₁)⟩
⟨utf8Len sep₁⟩ acc =
acc.reverse ++ (List.modifyHead (m ++ ·) <| List.splitOnListAux r sep₁ sep₂ h).map mk := by
obtain ⟨c₂, sep₂, rfl⟩ := sep₂.exists_cons_of_ne_nil h
rw [splitOnAux', List.splitOnListAux]
simp only [List.append_assoc, utf8Len_append, atEnd_iff, endPos_eq, Pos.mk_le_mk,
Nat.add_le_add_iff_left, Nat.add_right_le_self, utf8Len_eq_zero, by simpa only
[List.append_assoc, utf8Len_append] using (⟨get_of_valid (l++m++sep₁) r, next_of_valid
(l++m++sep₁) (r.headD default) r, extract_of_valid l (m++sep₁) r⟩ : _∧_∧_), List.reverse_cons,
get_of_valid, List.headD_cons, beq_iff_eq, next, Pos.addChar_eq, utf8Len_cons,
Nat.add_left_le_self, Pos.sub_eq, dite_eq_ite]
· simp
· next hls =>
obtain ⟨cᵣ, r, rfl⟩ := r.exists_cons_of_ne_nil hls
simp only [List.headD_cons, List.head_cons, List.tail_cons, false_or]
· next hc =>
subst c₂
rw [← Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_sub_cancel, Nat.add_assoc]
· subst sep₂
have ih := by simpa only [List.append_assoc, List.append_nil, List.singleton_append,
List.nil_append, utf8Len_append, utf8Len_cons, utf8Len_nil, Nat.zero_add, Pos.mk_zero,
List.reverse_cons, ← Function.id_def, List.modifyHead_id] using (splitOnAux_of_valid []
(sep₁++[cᵣ]) (l++m++sep₁++[cᵣ]) [] r (⟨m⟩::acc) (by simp))
simp [by simpa using extract_of_valid l m (sep₁++cᵣ::r), ih]
· next hsp₂ =>
simpa using splitOnAux_of_valid (sep₁++[cᵣ]) sep₂ l m r acc hsp₂
· next hc =>
have hget := by simpa only [List.append_assoc, utf8Len_append]
using get_of_valid (l++m) (sep₁++cᵣ::r)
have ih := by simpa only [List.append_assoc, List.append_nil, List.singleton_append,
List.nil_append, utf8Len_append, utf8Len_cons, utf8Len_nil, Nat.zero_add, Pos.mk_zero,
List.head_cons_tail (sep₁++cᵣ::r) (by simp)] using (splitOnAux_of_valid [] (sep₁++c₂::sep₂)
l (m++[(sep₁++cᵣ::r).head (by simp)]) (sep₁++cᵣ::r).tail acc (by simp))
rw [Nat.add_sub_assoc, Nat.add_sub_cancel, hget, List.headD_eq_head (sep₁++cᵣ::r) (by simp),
Nat.add_assoc, ih, List.append_cancel_left_eq, List.modifyHead_modifyHead,
Function.comp_def]; clear hget ih
apply Nat.le_add_left
termination_by (utf8Len sep₁ + utf8Len r, utf8Len sep₂)
all_goals simp_wf
· rename_i _₀ _₁ _sep₂ _₃ _₄ _₅ _₆ _₇ _₈ _r _₁₀ _₁₁ _₁₂ _₁₃ _₁₄ _ _₁₆ _₁₇ _₁₈ _ _ _ _
clear _₀ _₁ _₃ _₄ _₅ _₆ _₇ _₈ _₁₀ _₁₁ _₁₂ _₁₃ _₁₄ _₁₆ _₁₇ _₁₈
subst _r _sep₂ c₂ sep₂
rw [utf8Len_cons]
utf8Len r < utf8Len r + csize cᵣ := Pos.lt_addChar ..
_ ≤ utf8Len sep₁ + (utf8Len r + csize cᵣ) := Nat.le_add_left ..
· rename_i _₀ _₁ _sep₂ _₃ _₄ _₅ _₆ _₇ _₈ _r _₁₀ _₁₁ _₁₂ _₁₃ _₁₄ _ _₁₆ _₁₇ _₁₈ _ _ _
clear _₀ _₁ _₃ _₄ _₅ _₆ _₇ _₈ _₁₀ _₁₁ _₁₂ _₁₃ _₁₄ _₁₆ _₁₇ _₁₈
subst _r _sep₂ c₂
repeat rw [utf8Len_cons]
rw [Nat.add_right_comm, Nat.add_assoc]
apply Pos.lt_addChar
· rename_i _₀ _₁ _sep₂ _₃ _₄ _₅ _₆ _₇ _₈ _r _₁₀ _₁₁ _₁₂ _₁₃ _₁₄ _ _₁₆ _₁₇ _ _
clear _₀ _₁ _₃ _₄ _₅ _₆ _₇ _₈ _₁₀ _₁₁ _₁₂ _₁₃ _₁₄ _₁₆ _₁₇
subst _r _sep₂
conv => rhs; rw [← utf8Len_append, ← List.head_cons_tail (sep₁++cᵣ::r) (by simp), utf8Len_cons]
apply Pos.lt_addChar

theorem splitOn_of_valid (s sep) : splitOn' s sep = (List.splitOnList s.1 sep.1).map mk := by
simp only [splitOn', beq_iff_eq]
split <;> rename_i hsp
· simp [hsp, List.splitOnList]
· have aux := by simpa only [List.append_nil, List.nil_append, utf8Len_nil, Pos.mk_zero,
List.reverse_nil, ← Function.id_def, List.modifyHead_id] using
splitOnAux_of_valid [] sep.1 [] [] s.1 [] (hsp ∘ ext)
rw [aux]; clear aux
apply congrArg
simp [List.splitOnListAux_eq_splitOnList_append_append]

@[simp] theorem toString_toSubstring (s : String) : s.toSubstring.toString = s :=
extract_zero_endPos _
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