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Co-authored-by: Kim Morrison <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: leanprover-community-mathlib4-bot <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Matthew Ballard <[email protected]>
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4 people authored Feb 3, 2025
1 parent 01006c9 commit 512d7fa
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Showing 18 changed files with 150 additions and 398 deletions.
23 changes: 0 additions & 23 deletions Batteries/Classes/Order.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,29 +5,6 @@ Authors: Mario Carneiro
import Batteries.Tactic.SeqFocus

/-! ## Ordering -/

namespace Ordering

@[simp] theorem swap_swap {o : Ordering} : o.swap.swap = o := by cases o <;> rfl

@[simp] theorem swap_inj {o₁ o₂ : Ordering} : o₁.swap = o₂.swap ↔ o₁ = o₂ :=
fun h => by simpa using congrArg swap h, congrArg _⟩

theorem swap_then (o₁ o₂ : Ordering) : (o₁.then o₂).swap = o₁.swap.then o₂.swap := by
cases o₁ <;> rfl

theorem then_eq_lt {o₁ o₂ : Ordering} : o₁.then o₂ = lt ↔ o₁ = lt ∨ o₁ = eq ∧ o₂ = lt := by
cases o₁ <;> cases o₂ <;> decide

theorem then_eq_eq {o₁ o₂ : Ordering} : o₁.then o₂ = eq ↔ o₁ = eq ∧ o₂ = eq := by
cases o₁ <;> simp [«then»]

theorem then_eq_gt {o₁ o₂ : Ordering} : o₁.then o₂ = gt ↔ o₁ = gt ∨ o₁ = eq ∧ o₂ = gt := by
cases o₁ <;> cases o₂ <;> decide

end Ordering

namespace Batteries

/-- `TotalBLE le` asserts that `le` has a total order, that is, `le a b ∨ le b a`. -/
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37 changes: 11 additions & 26 deletions Batteries/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -26,13 +26,6 @@ theorem forIn_eq_forIn_toList [Monad m]
@[deprecated (since := "2024-09-09")] alias data_zipWith := toList_zipWith
@[deprecated (since := "2024-08-13")] alias zipWith_eq_zipWith_data := data_zipWith

/-! ### filter -/

theorem size_filter_le (p : α → Bool) (l : Array α) :
(l.filter p).size ≤ l.size := by
simp only [← length_toList, toList_filter]
apply List.length_filter_le

/-! ### flatten -/

@[deprecated (since := "2024-09-09")] alias data_join := toList_flatten
Expand All @@ -41,30 +34,22 @@ theorem size_filter_le (p : α → Bool) (l : Array α) :

/-! ### indexOf? -/

theorem indexOf?_toList [BEq α] {a : α} {l : Array α} :
l.toList.indexOf? a = (l.indexOf? a).map Fin.val := by
simpa using aux l 0
aux (l : Array α) (i : Nat) :
((l.toList.drop i).indexOf? a).map (·+i) = (indexOfAux l a i).map Fin.val := by
rw [indexOfAux]
if h : i < l.size then
rw [List.drop_eq_getElem_cons h, getElem_toList, List.indexOf?_cons]
if h' : l[i] == a then
simp [h, h']
simp [h, h', ←aux l (i+1), Function.comp_def, ←Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_right_comm]
have h' : l.size ≤ i := Nat.le_of_not_lt h
simp [h, List.drop_of_length_le h', List.indexOf?]
termination_by l.size - i
open List

theorem idxOf?_toList [BEq α] {a : α} {l : Array α} :
l.toList.idxOf? a = l.idxOf? a := by
rcases l with ⟨l⟩

/-! ### erase -/

@[deprecated (since := "2025-02-03")] alias eraseP_toArray := List.eraseP_toArray
@[deprecated (since := "2025-02-03")] alias erase_toArray := List.erase_toArray

@[simp] theorem toList_erase [BEq α] (l : Array α) (a : α) :
(l.erase a).toList = l.toList.erase a := by
simp only [erase, ← List.eraseIdx_indexOf_eq_erase, List.indexOf_eq_indexOf?, length_toList]
cases h : l.indexOf? a <;> simp [Array.indexOf?_toList, List.eraseIdx_of_length_le, *]
rcases l with ⟨l⟩

@[simp] theorem size_eraseIdxIfInBounds (a : Array α) (i : Nat) :
(a.eraseIdxIfInBounds i).size = if i < a.size then a.size-1 else a.size := by
Expand Down
81 changes: 70 additions & 11 deletions Batteries/Data/Array/Monadic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Mario Carneiro, Gabriel Ebner
import Batteries.Classes.SatisfiesM
import Batteries.Util.ProofWanted

# Results about monadic operations on `Array`, in terms of `SatisfiesM`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,6 +60,13 @@ theorem size_mapM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (f : α → m β) (as : Array α) :
SatisfiesM (fun arr => arr.size = as.size) (Array.mapM f as) :=
(SatisfiesM_mapM' _ _ (fun _ _ => True) (fun _ => .trivial)).imp (·.1)

proof_wanted size_mapIdxM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (as : Array α) (f : Nat → α → m β) :
SatisfiesM (fun arr => arr.size = as.size) (Array.mapIdxM f as)

proof_wanted size_mapFinIdxM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m]
(as : Array α) (f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < as.size) → m β) :
SatisfiesM (fun arr => arr.size = as.size) (Array.mapFinIdxM as f)

theorem SatisfiesM_anyM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (p : α → m Bool) (as : Array α) (start stop)
(hstart : start ≤ min stop as.size) (tru : Prop) (fal : Nat → Prop) (h0 : fal start)
(hp : ∀ i : Fin as.size, i.1 < stop → fal i.1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,39 +133,90 @@ theorem SatisfiesM_foldrM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m]
simp [foldrM]; split; {exact go _ h0}
· next h => exact .pure (Nat.eq_zero_of_not_pos h ▸ h0)

theorem SatisfiesM_mapFinIdxM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (as : Array α) (f : Fin as.size → α → m β)
theorem SatisfiesM_mapFinIdxM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (as : Array α)
(f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < as.size) → m β)
(motive : Nat → Prop) (h0 : motive 0)
(p : Fin as.size → β → Prop)
(hs : ∀ i, motive i.1 → SatisfiesM (p i · ∧ motive (i + 1)) (f i as[i])) :
(p : (i : Nat) → β → (h : i < as.size)Prop)
(hs : ∀ i h, motive i → SatisfiesM (p i · h ∧ motive (i + 1)) (f i as[i] h)) :
(fun arr => motive as.size ∧ ∃ eq : arr.size = as.size, ∀ i h, p ⟨i, h⟩ arr[i])
(fun arr => motive as.size ∧ ∃ eq : arr.size = as.size, ∀ i h, p i arr[i] h)
(Array.mapFinIdxM as f) := by
let rec go {bs i j h} (h₁ : j = bs.size) (h₂ : ∀ i h h', p ⟨i, h⟩ bs[i]) (hm : motive j) :
let rec go {bs i j h} (h₁ : j = bs.size) (h₂ : ∀ i h h', p i bs[i] h) (hm : motive j) :
(fun arr => motive as.size ∧ ∃ eq : arr.size = as.size, ∀ i h, p ⟨i, h⟩ arr[i])
(fun arr => motive as.size ∧ ∃ eq : arr.size = as.size, ∀ i h, p i arr[i] h)
( as f i j h bs) := by
induction i generalizing j bs with simp []
| zero =>
have := (Nat.zero_add _).symm.trans h
exact .pure ⟨this ▸ hm, h₁ ▸ this, fun _ _ => h₂ ..⟩
| succ i ih =>
refine (hs _ (by exact hm)).bind fun b hb => ih (by simp [h₁]) (fun i hi hi' => ?_) hb.2
refine (hs _ _ (by exact hm)).bind fun b hb => ih (by simp [h₁]) (fun i hi hi' => ?_) hb.2
simp at hi'; simp [getElem_push]; split
· next h => exact h₂ _ _ h
· next h => cases h₁.symm ▸ (Nat.le_or_eq_of_le_succ hi').resolve_left h; exact hb.1
simp [mapFinIdxM]; exact go rfl nofun h0

theorem SatisfiesM_mapIdxM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (as : Array α) (f : Nat → α → m β)
(motive : Nat → Prop) (h0 : motive 0)
(p : Fin as.size → β → Prop)
(hs : ∀ i, motive i.1 → SatisfiesM (p i · ∧ motive (i + 1)) (f i as[i])) :
(p : (i : Nat) → β → (h : i < as.size)Prop)
(hs : ∀ i h, motive i → SatisfiesM (p i · h ∧ motive (i + 1)) (f i as[i])) :
(fun arr => motive as.size ∧ ∃ eq : arr.size = as.size, ∀ i h, p ⟨i, h⟩ arr[i])
(fun arr => motive as.size ∧ ∃ eq : arr.size = as.size, ∀ i h, p i arr[i] h)
(as.mapIdxM f) :=
SatisfiesM_mapFinIdxM as (fun i => f i) motive h0 p hs
SatisfiesM_mapFinIdxM as (fun i a _ => f i a) motive h0 p hs

theorem size_modifyM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (a : Array α) (i : Nat) (f : α → m α) :
SatisfiesM (·.size = a.size) (a.modifyM i f) := by
unfold modifyM; split
· exact .bind_pre <| .of_true fun _ => .pure <| by simp only [size_set]
· exact .pure rfl

end Array

namespace List

proof_wanted filterM_toArray [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (l : List α) (p : α → m Bool) :
l.toArray.filterM p = toArray <$> l.filterM p

proof_wanted filterRevM_toArray [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (l : List α) (p : α → m Bool) :
l.toArray.filterRevM p = toArray <$> l.filterRevM p

proof_wanted filterMapM_toArray [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (l : List α) (f : α → m (Option β)) :
l.toArray.filterMapM f = toArray <$> l.filterMapM f

proof_wanted flatMapM_toArray [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (l : List α) (f : α → m (Array β)) :
l.toArray.flatMapM f = toArray <$> l.flatMapM (fun a => toList <$> f a)

proof_wanted mapFinIdxM_toArray [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (l : List α)
(f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < l.length) → m β) :
l.toArray.mapFinIdxM f = toArray <$> l.mapFinIdxM (fun i a h => f i a (by simpa using h))

proof_wanted mapIdxM_toArray [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (l : List α)
(f : Nat → α → m β) :
l.toArray.mapIdxM f = toArray <$> l.mapIdxM f

end List

namespace Array

proof_wanted toList_filterM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (a : Array α) (p : α → m Bool) :
toList <$> a.filterM p = a.toList.filterM p

proof_wanted toList_filterRevM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (a : Array α) (p : α → m Bool) :
toList <$> a.filterRevM p = a.toList.filterRevM p

proof_wanted toList_filterMapM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (a : Array α) (f : α → m (Option β)) :
toList <$> a.filterMapM f = a.toList.filterMapM f

proof_wanted toList_flatMapM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (a : Array α) (f : α → m (Array β)) :
toList <$> a.flatMapM f = a.toList.flatMapM (fun a => toList <$> f a)

proof_wanted toList_mapFinIdxM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (l : Array α)
(f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < l.size) → m β) :
toList <$> l.mapFinIdxM f = l.toList.mapFinIdxM (fun i a h => f i a (by simpa using h))

proof_wanted toList_mapIdxM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (l : Array α)
(f : Nat → α → m β) :
toList <$> l.mapIdxM f = l.toList.mapIdxM f

end Array
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Batteries/Data/ByteArray.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ theorem get_push_lt (a : ByteArray) (x : UInt8) (i : Nat) (h : i < a.size) :
Array.size_set ..

@[simp] theorem get_set_eq (a : ByteArray) (i : Fin a.size) (v : UInt8) : (a.set i v)[i.val] = v :=
Array.get_set_eq ..
Array.getElem_set_self _ _ _ _ (eq := rfl) _

theorem get_set_ne (a : ByteArray) (i : Fin a.size) (v : UInt8) (hj : j < a.size) (h : i.val ≠ j) :
(a.set i v)[j]'(a.size_set .. ▸ hj) = a[j] :=
Expand All @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ theorem set_set (a : ByteArray) (i : Fin a.size) (v v' : UInt8) :

@[simp] theorem data_append (a b : ByteArray) : (a ++ b).data = ++ := by
rw [←append_eq]; simp [ByteArray.append, size]
rw [Array.extract_empty_of_stop_le_start (h:=Nat.le_add_right ..), Array.append_nil]
rw [Array.extract_empty_of_stop_le_start (h:=Nat.le_add_right ..), Array.append_empty]
@[deprecated (since := "2024-08-13")] alias append_data := data_append

theorem size_append (a b : ByteArray) : (a ++ b).size = a.size + b.size := by
Expand Down
9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions Batteries/Data/List/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -32,15 +32,6 @@ open Option Nat
| [] => none
| a :: l => some (a, l)

/-- Monadic variant of `mapIdx`. -/
@[inline] def mapIdxM {m : Type v → Type w} [Monad m]
(as : List α) (f : Nat → α → m β) : m (List β) := go as #[] where
/-- Auxiliary for `mapIdxM`:
`mapIdxM.go as f acc = acc.toList ++ [← f acc.size a₀, ← f (acc.size + 1) a₁, ...]` -/
@[specialize] go : List α → Array β → m (List β)
| [], acc => pure acc.toList
| a :: as, acc => do go as (acc.push (← f acc.size a))

`after p xs` is the suffix of `xs` after the first element that satisfies
`p`, not including that element.
Expand Down
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions Batteries/Data/List/Lemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -448,20 +448,23 @@ theorem indexesOf_cons [BEq α] : (x :: xs : List α).indexesOf y =
bif x == y then 0 :: (xs.indexesOf y).map (· + 1) else (xs.indexesOf y).map (· + 1) := by
simp [indexesOf, findIdxs_cons]

@[simp] theorem eraseIdx_indexOf_eq_erase [BEq α] (a : α) (l : List α) :
l.eraseIdx (l.indexOf a) = l.erase a := by
@[simp] theorem eraseIdx_idxOf_eq_erase [BEq α] (a : α) (l : List α) :
l.eraseIdx (l.idxOf a) = l.erase a := by
induction l with
| nil => rfl
| cons x xs ih =>
rw [List.erase, indexOf_cons]
rw [List.erase, idxOf_cons]
cases x == a <;> simp [ih]

theorem indexOf_mem_indexesOf [BEq α] [LawfulBEq α] {xs : List α} (m : x ∈ xs) :
xs.indexOf x ∈ xs.indexesOf x := by
@[deprecated (since := "2025-01-30")]
alias eraseIdx_indexOf_eq_erase := eraseIdx_idxOf_eq_erase

theorem idxOf_mem_indexesOf [BEq α] [LawfulBEq α] {xs : List α} (m : x ∈ xs) :
xs.idxOf x ∈ xs.indexesOf x := by
induction xs with
| nil => simp_all
| cons h t ih =>
simp [indexOf_cons, indexesOf_cons, cond_eq_if]
simp [idxOf_cons, indexesOf_cons, cond_eq_if]
split <;> rename_i w
· apply mem_cons_self
· cases m
Expand All @@ -470,18 +473,15 @@ theorem indexOf_mem_indexesOf [BEq α] [LawfulBEq α] {xs : List α} (m : x ∈
specialize ih m

@[simp] theorem indexOf?_nil [BEq α] : ([] : List α).indexOf? x = none := rfl
theorem indexOf?_cons [BEq α] :
(x :: xs : List α).indexOf? y = if x == y then some 0 else (xs.indexOf? y).map Nat.succ := by
simp [indexOf?]
@[deprecated (since := "2025-01-30")]
alias indexOf_mem_indexesOf := idxOf_mem_indexesOf

theorem indexOf?_eq_none_iff [BEq α] {a : α} {l : List α} :
l.indexOf? a = none ↔ ∀ x ∈ l, ¬x == a := by
simp [indexOf?, findIdx?_eq_none_iff]
theorem idxOf_eq_idxOf? [BEq α] (a : α) (l : List α) :
l.idxOf a = (match l.idxOf? a with | some i => i | none => l.length) := by
simp [idxOf, idxOf?, findIdx_eq_findIdx?]

theorem indexOf_eq_indexOf? [BEq α] (a : α) (l : List α) :
l.indexOf a = (match l.indexOf? a with | some i => i | none => l.length) := by
simp [indexOf, indexOf?, findIdx_eq_findIdx?]
@[deprecated (since := "2025-01-30")]
alias indexOf_eq_indexOf? := idxOf_eq_idxOf?

/-! ### insertP -/

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ theorem dropInfix?_go_eq_some_iff [BEq α] {i l acc p s : List α} :
unfold dropInfix?.go
· simp only [isEmpty_eq_true, ite_none_right_eq_some, some.injEq,, nil_eq,
append_assoc, append_eq_nil, ge_iff_le, and_imp]
append_assoc, append_eq_nil_iff, ge_iff_le, and_imp]
· rintro ⟨rfl, rfl, rfl⟩
Expand Down
34 changes: 1 addition & 33 deletions Batteries/Data/List/Perm.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -275,20 +275,6 @@ theorem Subperm.cons_left {l₁ l₂ : List α} (h : l₁ <+~ l₂) (x : α) (hx
refine h y ?_
simpa [hy'] using hy

theorem perm_insertIdx {α} (x : α) (l : List α) {n} (h : n ≤ l.length) :
insertIdx n x l ~ x :: l := by
induction l generalizing n with
| nil =>
cases n with
| zero => rfl
| succ => cases h
| cons _ _ ih =>
cases n with
| zero => simp [insertIdx]
| succ =>
simp only [insertIdx, modifyTailIdx]
refine .trans (.cons _ (ih (Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h))) (.swap ..)

@[deprecated (since := "2024-10-21")] alias perm_insertNth := perm_insertIdx

theorem Perm.union_right {l₁ l₂ : List α} (t₁ : List α) (h : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₁ ∪ t₁ ~ l₂ ∪ t₁ := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -334,22 +320,4 @@ theorem perm_insertP (p : α → Bool) (a l) : insertP p a l ~ a :: l := by
theorem Perm.insertP (p : α → Bool) (a) (h : l₁ ~ l₂) : insertP p a l₁ ~ insertP p a l₂ :=
Perm.trans (perm_insertP ..) <| Perm.trans (Perm.cons _ h) <| Perm.symm (perm_insertP ..)

theorem perm_merge (s : α → α → Bool) (l r) : merge l r s ~ l ++ r := by
match l, r with
| [], r => simp
| l, [] => simp
| a::l, b::r =>
rw [cons_merge_cons]
· apply Perm.trans ((perm_cons a).mpr (perm_merge s l (b::r)))
simp [cons_append]
· apply Perm.trans ((perm_cons b).mpr (perm_merge s (a::l) r))
simp [cons_append]
apply Perm.trans (Perm.swap ..)
apply Perm.cons
apply perm_cons_append_cons
exact Perm.rfl

theorem Perm.merge (s₁ s₂ : α → α → Bool) (hl : l₁ ~ l₂) (hr : r₁ ~ r₂) :
merge l₁ r₁ s₁ ~ merge l₂ r₂ s₂ :=
Perm.trans (perm_merge ..) <| Perm.trans (Perm.append hl hr) <| Perm.symm (perm_merge ..)
@[deprecated (since := "2025-01-04")] alias perm_merge := merge_perm_append
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Batteries/Data/RBMap/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ theorem size_eq {t : RBNode α} : t.size = t.toList.length := by
@[simp] theorem Any_reverse {t : RBNode α} : t.reverse.Any p ↔ t.Any p := by simp [Any_def]

@[simp] theorem memP_reverse {t : RBNode α} : MemP cut t.reverse ↔ MemP (cut · |>.swap) t := by
simp [MemP]; apply Iff.of_eq; congr; funext x; rw [← Ordering.swap_inj]; rfl
simp [MemP]

theorem Mem_reverse [@OrientedCmp α cmp] {t : RBNode α} :
Mem cmp x t.reverse ↔ Mem (flip cmp) x t := by
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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions Batteries/Data/String/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -429,9 +429,11 @@ theorem splitAux_of_valid (p l m r acc) :
extract_of_valid l m (c :: r)⟩ :
_ ∧ _ ∧ _),
List.splitOnP.go, List.reverse_reverse]
· simpa [Nat.add_assoc] using splitAux_of_valid p (l++m++[c]) [] r (⟨m⟩::acc)
· simpa [Nat.add_assoc] using splitAux_of_valid p l (m++[c]) r acc
split <;> rename_i h
· simp_all only [List.head?_cons, Option.getD_some]
simpa [Nat.add_assoc] using splitAux_of_valid p (l++m++[c]) [] r (⟨m⟩::acc)
· simp_all only [List.head?_cons, Option.getD_some]
simpa [Nat.add_assoc] using splitAux_of_valid p l (m++[c]) r acc

theorem split_of_valid (s p) : split s p = (List.splitOnP p s.1).map mk := by
simpa [split] using splitAux_of_valid p [] [] s.1 []
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Batteries/Data/Vector.lean
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@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
import Batteries.Data.Vector.Basic
import Batteries.Data.Vector.Lemmas
import Batteries.Data.Vector.Monadic
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions Batteries/Data/Vector/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ namespace Vector

@[deprecated (since := "2024-11-24")] alias swapAtN := swapAt

@[deprecated (since := "2024-10-22")] alias shrink := take

@[deprecated (since := "2024-11-20")] alias eraseIdxN := eraseIdx

/-- Use `#v[]` instead. -/
Expand Down

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