The backend for the Never Bored Learning Frontend.
- Create initial tables...
- FastAPI
- Firebase Authentication and Messaging
- Posthog
- Langchain
- Tavily search
- SQLalchemy
- Pytest
- Alemic
- Stripe
- Change database host to @localhost:5432/never_bored
- Startup script:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
az login
- Change database host to @postgres-db/never_bored
docker network create my_network
docker run --detach --network my_network --name postgres-db -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<xxx> -e POSTGRES_DB=never_bored -p 5434:5432 -d postgres
docker build --tag never-bored-backend .
docker run --detach --network my_network --publish 3100:8000 --env-file .env --name never-bored-backend never-bored-backend
- Tag the FastAPI image for Azure
docker tag never-bored-backend
- Push
docker push
docker images
docker logs
docker ps -a
- Check running and exited containters
docker ps -a
docker stop never-bored-backend
docker rm never-bored-backend
psql --port=5432 --username=myadmin --dbname=postgres sslmode=require
alembic check
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Initial migration"
alembic upgrade head
Changes of table name. These will come out as an add/drop of two different tables, and should be hand-edited into a name change instead.
Changes of column name. Like table name changes, these are detected as a column add/drop pair, which is not at all the same as a name change.
Anonymously named constraints. Give your constraints a name, e.g. UniqueConstraint('col1', 'col2', name="my_name"). See the section The Importance of Naming Constraints for background on how to configure automatic naming schemes for constraints.
Special SQLAlchemy types such as Enum when generated on a backend which doesn’t support ENUM directly - this because the representation of such a type in the non-supporting database, i.e. a CHAR+ CHECK constraint, could be any kind of CHAR+CHECK. For SQLAlchemy to determine that this is actually an ENUM would only be a guess, something that’s generally a bad idea. To implement your own “guessing” function here, use the event to detect when a CHAR (or whatever the target type is) is reflected, and change it to an ENUM (or whatever type is desired) if it is known that that’s the intent of the type. The can be used within the autogenerate process to intercept and un-attach unwanted CHECK constraints.
Autogenerate can’t currently, but will eventually detect:
Some free-standing constraint additions and removals may not be supported, including PRIMARY KEY, EXCLUDE, CHECK; these are not necessarily implemented within the autogenerate detection system and also may not be supported by the supporting SQLAlchemy dialect.
Sequence additions, removals - not yet implemented.
stripe listen --forward-to --skip-verify
uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 443 --ssl-keyfile=certs/key.pem --ssl-certfile=certs/cert.pem
On macOS:
- Open the Keychain Access application.
- Go to File > Import Items and import the cert.pem file in System Keychain.
- Find the certificate in the list, right-click on it, and select Get Info.
- Expand the Trust section and select Always Trust for When using this certificate.