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Grafana mixins

This repository contains mixins that I use to generate dashboards and alerts which are used on my Grafana instance. All of the mixins use Grafonnet for the dashboard generation.

The mixins can be added to a dashboard repository using jsonnet-bundler and the command jb install

Each mixin exposes a grafanaDashboards object with the generated dashboards. There are currently no alerts or rules exposed via the prometheusAlerts and prometheusRules objects.

Available mixins

Mixin Description Requirements
Bind Bind overview dashboard providing various information from the Bind exporter The bind-mixin uses metrics provided by the bind_exporter
Blackbox Exporter Blackbox exporter dashboard providing various information from the Blackbox Exporter The blackbox-exporter-mixin uses metrics provided by the blackbox_exporter
Docker Docker overview dashboard providing various information from cAdvisor The docker-mixin uses metrics provided by cAdvisor
SMART SMART overview dashboard providing various information from the text collector The smart-mixin uses metrics provided by the text collector
SNMP SNMP dashboard providing various information from the SNMP exporter The snmp-mixin uses metrics provided by the snmp_exporter

Generating mixins

The make generate-mixin command can be used to generate the dashboard JSON without adding the mixin to a dashboard jsonnet repository. It has a MIXIN_FILE variable which should be set to the mixin that you want to generate the dashboards for. The dashboardw will be output into the gen directory.