FEHM Version 3.3.0 December 2015
The major changes in the FEHM application from V3.2.0 to this release V3.3.0 are: enhancements related to multi-phase flow physics in salt, updates to stress capabilities, and modifications to improve the performance of FEHM simulations such as air-water-heat physics module. (Refer to Appendix V3.3.0 in the User Manual). Enhancements to this release include:
New salt simulation capabilities such as the ability to run salt simulations with combinations of water vapor formulations, initialization of grid blocks to saturation temperature at total fluid pressure or total fluid pressure at saturation temperature, improved numerical performance with temporal averaging of porosities permeabilities.
Enhancements to air-water-heat physics module with the "ngas" keyword that improve performance of FEHM when simulating the drying out of rock.
Enhancement to stress capabilities include new rock failure model that applies Mohr-coulomb failure criteria to an ensemble of fractures with variable orientations.
macro "bodyforce" adds flexibility for specifying body forces so user can apply body force on each node.
macro "cont" has new keyword "heatflux" which prints the x,y,z heat flux vector (W/m2) analogous to the velocity vector.
macro "boun" has new keyword "fxa" for handling the boundary conditions for air-water-heat physics.
Known code bugs fixed:
- Modification to dvacalc.f to fix a bug in setting the limits of dva.
- diagnostics.f: Fixed array accessing error that stopped code on some platforms.
- Code change to exponential.f to avoid NaN problem.
- write_avs_node_con.f: Fixed contour output problems for vapor species, and array out of bound problems.
There are No known bugs in this V3.3.0 release
The platforms compiled for FEHM V3.3.0 release are:
Linux Ubuntu (64-bit): compiled with gfortran 4.8.2
Linux RedHat 5 (64-bit): compiled with gfortran 4.5.1
MAC OSX (Mavericks 10.9): compiled with gfortran 4.9.0
PC Windows (32-bit and 64-bit): compiled with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2011