Test harness for KRL rulesets
usage: ./krl-test.pl [-h?] -c config_file.yml
-h|? : this (help) message -c file : configuration file -v : vebose, print diagnostic messges -d : pring details accompanying diagnostics.
example: ./krl-test.pl -c test_AWS.yml -vd
The test harness uses a test configuration YAML file to know what tests to run. The test config file looks like this:
# [email protected]/for_testing
eci: 07E6569E-6CE9-11E3-81D7-05AA87B7806A
rules_engine: kibdev.kobj.net
desc: "AWS Module Test"
domain: test
type: store_item
foo: bar
- b503129x1.prod
The eci is a channel to a pico where the test rulesets, the rulesets to be tested, and the test module ruleset have been installed. The rules engine will default to kibdev
if not specified.
Each test is in a structure with a name that starts with test_
. And structure with a name with that prefix will be run. In this case, there’s just one, the event test:store_item
You can add attributes as shown.
If a rids array is present the event will be raised for those rids rather than generally to all installed rulesets.
If a configuration file is not specified, the file test_config.yml in the current directory will be used.
- Getopt::Std
- Data::Dumper
- Kinetic::Raise // included
If you want to use the Kinetc::Raise library that is included, you will need to add the following line to your .profile (/bin/sh) file so that the program can find the library:
PERL5LIB=<path to test_harness directory>; export PERL5LIB