Welcome to my portfolio! Here you’ll find a showcase of my projects, skills, and contributions.
Hello! I'm David McCullough, a Full-stack developer with award-winning leadership experience and proven excellence in team management. Recently completed intensive full-stack development certification from University of Kansas, with expertise in React, TypeScript, Node.js, and PostgreSQL. Previously achieved top 2% performance ranking among 150+ locations as a restaurant manager, demonstrating exceptional problem-solving and systematic thinking. Key achievements include:
- Architected and deployed full-stack applications using React, TypeScript, and MongoDB
- Developed scalable backend systems using Node.js/Express with RESTful APIs and GraphQL
- Led multiple locations to top 3% performance ranking among 300+ stores nationally
- Mentored 4 team members to management positions while maintaining top-tier retention rates
Here are some of the tools and technologies I work with:
- Frontend: React, TypeScript, JavaScript (ES6+), HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Responsive Design, Vite
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, RESTful APIs, GraphQL, JWT Authentication
- Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Sequelize ORM, Mongoose
- Testing & Tools: Cypress Testing, Git, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Insomnia
- Deployment: Render, Netlify, GitHub Pages
- Methodologies: Agile/Scrum, Test-Driven Development, MVC Architecture
- Leadership: Team Management, Process Optimization, Mentoring, Data-Driven Decision Making
Feel free to reach out to me for collaboration or if you have any questions!
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidmc1387/
- Portfolio Website: https://davidmcc.netlify.app/
Thanks for visiting my portfolio!